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Практическое занятие 12

Читайте также:
  1. А) Как подготовиться и провести занятие по общественно-государственной подготовке
  2. Абонемент на 12 посещений 2 800 руб. вместо 3 500 руб. - одно занятие 233 руб.
  3. Аудиторное занятие
  4. Всего лишь бесполезное занятие?
  5. Г. Пааше и Э. Ласпейреса, их практическое применение
  7. Диаров А.А.Контроллинг. Учебно-практическое пособие. – М.,МГУТУ, 2004

Passive Voice


1 Open the brackets, write sentences in Present Simple Passive Voice.

1 The window (wash) by my sister every Saturday.

2 The flowers (buy) by my friend at this shop.

3 The file (create) by students.

4 Many new machines (invent) by Russian engineers.

5 The text (translate) in the library.

6 The story (tell) by the man very often.

7 These pictures (drew) by my young sister.


2 Open the brackets, write sentences in Past Simple Passive Voice.

1 This equipment (sell) by our businessmen at the supermarket.

2 The works (do) at this workshop.

3 The engine (test) by the workers last week.

4 The first house (build) at this settlement.

5 Russian songs (sing) all over the world.

6 Terms of payment (discuss) by our businessman.

7 Cables (send) to foreign firms by the secretary.


3 There are mistakes in using Passive Voice. Find them.

1 The first telephone line were opened in 1915.

2 Graham Bell was invite to the conference.

3 The new transmitters was set in Bell’s room.

4 New computers is created by engineers.

5 The letter will be write by my sister.

6 Foreign films was shown at the English lessons.

7 New branches of industry was developed in our country.


4 Write sentences in Future Simple.

1 New scientific films are created in Ekaterinburg.

2 Computers are used very widely in every day life.

3 Many subjects are taught in our Institute.

4 The engine is tested at this plant by practical engineers.

5 The new project is developed by my friend.

6 The cars are bought at this auto shop.

7 Many questions are asked at the lessons.


5 Read and translate the following sentences, take attention to Passive Voice.

1 Компьютеры широко используются в повседневной жизни.

2 Новый проект был разработан моим другом.

3 Кабели прокладываются под землей.

4 Голос передается на расстоянии.

5 Первая телефонная линия была открыта в 1915.

6 Новые научные фильмы создаются в Екатеринбурге.

7 Новые технические специальности будут преподаваться в институте связи и информатики.


6 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 The story was/were told by my old uncle.

2 The books have/has been written by this famous writer.

3 The articles will be write/written at our institute.

4 This new counting machine is/are used at our office.

5 The song is/was being sung at the concert.

6 Terms of payment was/were discussed by businessmen.

7 New products of our firm have/has widely used in many countries.


7 Open the brackets, write sentences in Present Continuous Passive Voice.

1 The picture (show) at the exhibition in our institute.

2 Signals (send) by means of electromagnetic waves.

3 Many new laboratories (open) at the institute of communication and computer science.

4 The doors of our institute (open) for capable young people.

5 Computers (use) in every day life of this firm.

6 The engines (test) at the workshops of this plant.

7 Questions (ask) by our specialists about this problem.


8 Translate sentences in Present Continuous Passive Voice.

1 Кабели защищаются рабочими от коррозии.

2 Речь передается на большие расстояния.

3 Звуковая энергия превращается в электромагнитные волны.

4 Это устройство используется для воспроизведения звука.

5 Телефоны широко используются в повседневной жизни.

6 Много новых лабораторий открывается в институте связи и информатики.

7 Двери нашего института открыты для способных молодых людей.


9 Translate questions into Russian.

1 What equipment is used at this workshop?

2 Where was the first telephone invented?

3 What parts of the telephone are connected together?

4 What wires were protected from corrosion?

5 When was the radio invented?

6 What machines have been created by Russian specialists?

7 What subjects will have been learned by our students?


10 Write sentences in Present Perfect Passive Voice.

1 Транзистор был изобретен в 1948.

2 Полупроводниковые детекторы были использованы в радиотехнике.

3 Температура в проводах понизилась.

4 Несколько металлов было использовано в этом устройстве.

5 Новые лаборатории были открыты в нашем институте.

6 Электротехникум связи был преобразован в колледж связи и информатики.

7 Много специалистов было подготовлено нашим институтом за эти годы.


11 Write sentences in Past Perfect Passive Voice.

1 The picture (show) at the exhibition in our institute by 5 o’clock.

2 Signals (send) by means of electromagnetic waves after the director came.

3 Many new laboratories (open) at the institute of communication and computer science.

4 The doors of our institute (open) by 8 p.m.

5 The engines (test) at the workshops by 7 o’clock.

6 Questions (ask) by our specialists before the conference started.


12 Find the correct sentences:

1 Computers are used in our life.

2 Computers are use in our life.

3 Computers is used in our life.


13 Find the correct sentences:

1 The telephone line was build in our city.

2 The telephone line was built in our city.

3 The telephone line were built in our city.


14 Find the correct sentences:

1 Radio waves are being received by this device.

2 Radio waves is being received by this device.

3 Radio waves are being receive by this device.


15 Find the correct sentences:

1 The engine will tested at the workshop.

2 The engine will be tested at the workshop.

3 The engine will test at the workshop.


16 Find the correct sentences:

1 The telephone has been invented by Al. Bell.

2 The telephone have been invented by Al. Bell.

3 The telephone has invented by Al. Bell.


17 Find the correct sentences:

1 Signals has been transmitted by electromagnetic waves.

2 Signals have been transmit by electromagnetic waves.

3 Signals have been transmitted by electromagnetic waves.


18 Find the correct sentences:

1 Foreign films had been shown at the lessons.

2 Foreign films had be shown at the lessons.

3 Foreign films had been show at the lessons.


19 Find the correct sentences:

1 The examinations are take by our students.

2 The examinations are taken by our students.

3 The examinations is taken by our students.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 97 | Нарушение авторских прав

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