Читайте также:
Control of the home work (in pairs):
a. What diseases of the respiratory tract do you know? What are the main symptoms? What is the cause of lobar pneumonia? What can a doctor reveal on auscultation and percussion? What does specific treatment consist of?
b. Grammar exercises.
5.2. Основные понятия и положения темы:
Transmission is the passing of a communicable disease. The transmission of microorganisms directly from one person to another occurs by one or more of the following means:
droplet contact – coughing or sneezing on another person;
direct physical contact – touching an infected person, including sexual contact;
indirect physical contact – usually by touching soil contamination or a contaminated surface;
airborne transmission – if the microorganism can remain in the air for long periods;
fecal-oral transmission – usually from contaminated food or water sources.
Disease can be directly transmitted in two ways:
Horizontal disease transmission – from one individual to another in the same generation (peers in the same age group). Horizontal transmission can occur by either direct contact (licking, touching, biting), or indirect contact air – cough or sneeze.
Vertical disease transmission – passing a disease causing agent vertically from parent to offspring, such as perinatal transmission.
Transmission can also be indirect, via another organism, either a vector (e.g. a mosquito) or an intermediate host (e.g. tapeworm in pigs can be transmitted to humans who ingest improperly cooked pork).
Лексико-грамматический материал:
а) Введение лексики по теме «Инфекционные заболевания», выполнение упражнений (см. Приложение 2);
в) Сложное подлежащее (см. Приложение 1).
5.3. Самостоятельная работа по теме:
a) Работа с текстом “Infectious diseases” (см.Приложение 3) – чтение, перевод;
в) выписывание ключевых слов, виды инфекций, стадии заболевания, характерные симптомы.
5.4. Итоговый контроль знаний:
a. Answer the questions:
What are the infecting agents (disease-producing germs) of infectious diseases?
What infectious diseases do you know?
How can a person catch a disease?
What preventive measures do you know?
What stages of disease do medical experts distinguish?
Have you ever been ill with any infectious disease?
What symptoms did you have?
- решение ситуационных задач:
a) You are present at the lecture on the infectious diseases. Ask your lecturer some questions about types of infection and sources of contamination.
Use the following words and word combinations: to get/become infected; a carrier of an infecting agent; to be inoculated against …; to have a direct contact with a sick infected person; to avoid contacts with …; to isolate; to carry out prophylactic disinfection; to do wet cleaning; wipe … using disinfectant solution.
b. Find and correct mistakes:
![]() | a. was always and still is one of the most common and fatal diseases of the tropics. |
![]() | b..is characterized by persisting temperature which varies slightly during the night. |
![]() | c. in children, the weak and the aged is influenced more favourably by warm, moist air. |
![]() | d. who had injured his right arm and had several deep wounds on it was injected 1 500 units of antitetanic serum. |
-тестовые задания по теме:
а) Point out a wrong word or a group of words in the following sentences:
1. Measles, scarlet fever, plague, chickenpox are diseases of children.
2. Mumps, tuberculosis, hepatitis, smallpox are caused by a virus.
3. Vaccination is made against plague, malaria, influenza and whooping-cough.
4. Chill, fever, eruption, nosebleed are common symptoms of infectious diseases.
5. A sick person, clothes, boiled water and contaminated milk may be a source of infection.
b) Choose the right variant:
1. Infectious diseases …. to others by direct or indirect contact.
a. are communicated b. are recognized c. are contagious
2. With the use of … many acute childhood infections have been successfully combated.
a. germ b. vaccine c. offspring
3. The causative agent of measles … through respiratory tract during sneezing.
a. prevent b. suspects c. penetrates
4. Grippe is highly … and rapidly spreading disease.
a. infections b. capable c. communicable
5. Immunity may be natural and ….
a. reliable b.respiratory c. acquired
6. Домашнее задание для уяснения темы занятия:
Text “Influenza”. Reading, translation, learning the new words
(см. Приложение 4)
7. Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС:
“Complications of infectious diseases”.
8. Рекомендованная литература по теме занятия:
- основная:
1. | Сборник текстов для чтения по английскому языку: Учебное пособие для студентов 2-го курса специальности 060101 «Лечебное дело»/сост. О. А. Гаврилюк, З.М. Миронова. | Красноярск: типография КрасГМА | |
2. | Английский язык: Марковина И.Ю. Грамматический практикум для фармацевтов. Учебное пособие. | М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа | |
3. | Сборник текстов для чтения по английскому языку: Учебное пособие для студентов 2-го курса специальности 060103 «Педиатрия»/сост.О.А. Гаврилюк, Л.Н. Дорофеева. | Красноярск: типография КрасГМА |
- дополнительная:
1. | Английский язык: Марковина И.Ю. Грамматический практикум для фармацевтов. Рабочая тетрадь. | М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа | |
2. | Новый русско-английский медицинский словарь 26437 терминов и 1070 аббревиатур. | М.: ABBY Press |
-электронные ресурсы:
1. | Lingvo 12 [электронный ресурс]: словарь.- М.: ООО «Аби Софтвер», 2005. – 1 электронный оптический диск (СD). |
2. | ИБС КрасГМУ |
3. | БД Ebsco |
4. | [электронный ресурс]: http://infections.consultantive.com/home; |
5. | [электронный ресурс]: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/mrsa/ds00735; |
Приложение 1
Complex Subject (Сложное подлежащее)
Эта конструкция состоит из существительного или местоимения в И.п.
и инфинитива. Переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением.
He is said to know six languages. Говорят, что он знает шесть языков.
He was said to know six languages. Говорили, что он знает шесть языков.
He is said to have gone to London. Говорят, что он уехал в Лондон.
He was said to have gone to London. Говорили, что он уехал в Лондон.
Обратите внимание, что сказуемое выражено глаголом в Passive Voice
Следующая таблица поможет вам переводить предложения, содержащие
Complex Subject.
Не was said to work a lot. Говорили, что он много работает
... was said to ____ Говорили, что ____.
...was seen to ____ Видели, что ____.
...was heard to ____ Слышали, что ____.
...was supposed to ____ Предполагали, что ____.
...was believed to ____ Полагали, что ____.
...was expected to ____ Ожидали, что ____.
...was reported to ____ Сообщали, что ____.
...was considered to ____ Считали, что ____.
...was thought to ____ Думали, что ____.
...was found to ____ Обнаружили, что ____.
...was announced to ____ Объявили, что ____.
...was known to ____. Было известно, что ____.
1. The new manager is said to work 12 hours a day.
2. The free market economy is said to be more flexible.
3. Three people are reported to have been injured in the explosion.
4. The strike is expected to end soon.
5. The train was supposed to arrive at 7 o'clock but it was half an hour late.
6. Many people are reported to be homeless after the floods.
7. The building is reported to have been damaged by fire.
8. The company is said to be losing a lot of money.
1. A small firm is likely to be specialising in one product.
2.The larger firm is more likely to be able to employ buyers who are experienced
in buying particular products.
3. Price reductions are most likely to occur.
4. Price is likely to be held stable.
5. Each of these different machines is likely to have a different capacity.
1. The aim of convertibility proved difficult to achieve.
2. The management seems to be moving in the right direction.
3. The two sides appear to have solved the problem.
4. Since that time the market share of these larger companies does not seem to have increased.
Ex 1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.
1. Many books are known to be published in our country every year. 2. You are supposed to graduate in four years. 3. Radium is said to be very radioactive. 4. This device was known to have been designed in that laboratory. 5. His invention is considered to be of great importance. 6. The sun is known to represent a mass of compressed gases. 7. The new rocket is reported to go into operation next year. 8. This type of rocket is supposed to have many advantages. 9. For a long time the atom was thought to be indivisible. 10. The helium atom was found to have two electrons. 11. I did not know what I was expected to say to that, so I said nothing. 12. He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists. 13. He is said to be a good translator. 14. Roberta was known to be an honest and hardworking girl. 15. Clyde was expected to arrive at the weekend. 16. The number of the unemployed is reported to be increasing with every year. 17. Many new textbooks are expected to be published soon. 18. The Moscow Underground is said to be the finest in the world. 19. The diamond content of the mines in Western Yakutia is said to be in no way inferior to that of the world-famous South African mines. 20. That power station is known to be situated on the Angara River. 21. These devices are considered to be very effective.
Ex.2. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное подлежащее.
• E.g. We heard that a car stopped outside the door. A car was heard to stop outside the door.
It is believed that the poem was written by Byron. The poem is believed to have been written by Byron.
1. People consider the climate there to be very healthful. 2. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were arriving next week. 3. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 4. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 5. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown soldier. 6. It is supposed that the playwright is working at a new comedy. 7. It is reported that the flood has caused much damage to the crops. 8. It was supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 9. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for the liver. 10. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. 11. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer. 12. It was reported that five ships were missing after the battle.
Приложение 2
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