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Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Historical experience shows that the survivals of capitalism in the minds of people persist over a long period after the establishment of a socialist

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  2. I. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на пе­ревод неличных форм глагола и их функцию.
  3. II. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на пере­вод страдательного залога и сослагательного наклонения.
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  7. Болевой синдром при стабильной стенокардии напряжения характеризуется рядом признаков. К имеющим наибольшее клиническое значение относят следующие.

1. Historical experience shows that the survivals of capitalism in the minds of people persist over a long period after the establishment of a socialist system.

2. Leninism teaches, and experience confirms, that the ruling classes never re­linquish power voluntarily.

3. The meeting considers that the implementation of the program for gen­eral and complete disarmament put forward by the Soviet Union would be of histori­cal importance for the destinies of mankind.

4. The unprecedented destructive power of modern means of warfare de­mands that the main actions of anti-war and peace-loving forces should be di­rected towards preventing war.

5. The peoples of the countries that have won state independence are working to abolish the grim aftermaths of colonial rule.

6. The urgent task of national rebirth facing the countries that have shaken off the colonial yoke cannot be effectively accomplished unless a determined struggle is waged against imperialism and the remnants of feudalism by all the patriotic forces of the nations.

7. "We hope that this lobby will be as large as any that has ever taken place," said Mr B. The lobby, he said, would be followed by a meeting at Central Hall, Westminster, with international leaders.

8. The democratic and peace forces today have no task more pressing than that of safeguarding humanity against a global thermonuclear disaster.

9. But for all that, England has always been part of Europe and her history is in­separable from that of the Continent.

10. The time is not far off when socialism's share of world production will be greater than that of capitalism.

11. The masses begin to see that the best way to abolish age-old backwardness and improve their living standard is that of non-capitalist development.

12. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said today that the Turkish Government re­garded the problem of Cyprus and that of Turks living in Greece and Greeks living in Istanbul as part of the same problem.

13. Stressing that the salaries were not as high as those paid "in certain sec­tions of industry," Deputy Leader of the House said that the Power Minister had referred to the possibility of a review of salaries in other nationalized industries.

14. The report notes that the Socialist countries' share, of world trade has risen from 27 to 37 per cent since 1955. In the past four years the average growth rate of industry in the socialist countries has been almost three times that in the capitalist countries.

15. For the few that have ruled modern Japan the political struggle that really counted was that carried on among themselves for wealth and power.

16. The superiority of the forces of socialism over those of imperialism, of the forces of peace over those of war, is becoming ever more marked in the world arena.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-12; просмотров: 146 | Нарушение авторских прав

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