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  7. Болевой синдром при стабильной стенокардии напряжения характеризуется рядом признаков. К имеющим наибольшее клиническое значение относят следующие.

1. What is required is organization especially of the agricultural sector.

2. What we want to see is a solution reached through discussion and negotiation.

3. What is needed is to join in a determined, all-out campaign for a new policy.

4. What will be contested is his claim that Great Britain is critically overpopulated.

5. What Britain needs is a world market, not a closed European market with special opening for the U. S. A.

6. What has most infuriated the Opposition is that the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations only on Thursday was vehemently defending the decision of the Government not to let the Commonwealth Governments have the full text.

7. Strict secrecy was being observed among Ministers about their real attitude. What has been made clear beyond any shadow of doubt is their intention to avoid anything which will lead to the slightest conflict with South Africa.

8. Whether the Prime Minister will be successful in his plea for an early improvement in world payment arrangements is rather doubtful.

9. Whether Japan is a party to this collision is not evident.

10. It means that Britain is going to have a further period of balance of payments deficit, lasting for quite some time to get through. Whether Britain can do it without renewed pressure on the pound is the problem which faces the Government.

11. The question now is whether the Government can now start making the right tactical decisions — and whether it can create a rescue-operation for the economy out of the crisis.

12. He takes for granted that everyone in Britain is in favor of joining the Common Market, and that the only point at issue is on what terms Britain enters.

13. What is important is whether a country's resources are fully and effectively utilized and developed by and for its people.

14. But this does not mean we are overpopulated. What it means is that there is something basically wrong with the system, for which only a fundamental change to Socialism can provide a permanent cure.

15. The overseas trade position has therefore remained much better than last year. What is not certain is whether the improvement is continuing sufficiently fast.

16. The "freedom" the directors want is freedom to exploit the labor of the millions of working people, freedom to take over more and more firms, freedom to make huge profits and capital gains and freedom to spend them in luxury living.

17. Since winning independence, they have forged fresh links born of the similarity of the problems they face in safeguarding their hard-won freedom, and of their peoples' efforts to throw off the blight of* poverty and ignorance.

18. The big debate the country was promised before a decision was taken has not materialized.

19. Regretting that some works gave a one-sided and superficial picture of our history and modern life, the Central Committee message said the Soviet public required high artistic standards and a clear class stand from creative artists.

20. A message from the Communist Party's Central Committee said Soviet literature was a true chronicle of heroic times, actively joining the struggle to win a new society.

21. At the 964th meeting, when consideration of the draft resolution was resumed, the sponsors submitted a revised text of their draft resolution which differed from the preceding text mainly in that the paragraph proposed by Nepal was accepted.

22. A glimpse behind the board room curtain into the ways by which the managerial men get their money made up is given in a survey published today.

23. Everything shows that what the country needs is a Budget which drastically cuts military spending and the export of capital.

24. And it is argued that the risk that Britain runs in exposing her hand, is well worth taking considering the importance to British industry of the negotiations as a whole.

25. It is now accepted that E.F.T.A[17] members should try individually to make what arrangements with the Common Market suit their separate needs, though at the same time each is expected to inform and consult the others fully about action taken.

26. They say what they are doing adds no new dangers to what they have been up to all along.

27. It is more than doubtful whether the British Premier achieved more in Paris than a patronizing assurance that France will make no trouble for the pound.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-12; просмотров: 122 | Нарушение авторских прав

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