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Vocabulary. to devote – посвятити

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  1. Active Vocabulary
  2. Active Vocabulary
  3. B. Reading and Vocabulary
  4. Vocabulary
  5. Vocabulary
  6. Vocabulary
  7. Vocabulary


to devote – посвятити

outstanding – видатний

chestnut tree – каштани

to catch one’s eye – привернути погляд

an enterprise – підприємство

a mine – шахта

sight – вид, видовище

to bloom – цвісти

gladdening the eyes – радіючи очі

printing house – видавництво

primer – буквар

virgin – діва

array of options – великий вибір

seeker – шукач


Питання для самоконтролю:

1. What city is called “The Mother of All Russian Cities”?

2. Is Kyiv culture or science center?

3. What city of Ukraine is most famous for coal industry?

4. What did Canadian Ukrainians of the town of Ontario present to Donetsk?

5. What city offers all the necessary components for successful tourism?

6. Where can the tourists see Uspensky Sobor?

7. What is the former capital of Ukraine?

8. When and where was the first book in Ukraine printed?

Контрольні завдання до самостійної роботи № 31


I рівень

I. Знайдіть еквівалентні слова:

1. to offer а) шукач

2. sight б) підприємство

3. church в) шахта

4. seeker г) цвісти

5. to devote д) пропонувати

6. discovery е) церков

7. mine є) тренувати, вчити

8. enterprise ж) видовище

9. to train з) посвятити

10. to bloom і) відкриття


II. Поставте знак “+”, якщо ви згодні та “-”, якщо не згодні з наступними твердженнями:

1. Uspensky Sobor is Kyiv’s main church.

2. Odessa is the city of nightlife.

3. Lviv is the former capital of Ukraine.

4. Mashing-building is the leading industrial branch in Donetsk.

5. We can say that Lviv is the historical and cultural center of Ukraine.


II рівень

III. Дайте художній переклад наступним реченням:

1. Donetsk is an important scientific and cultural center. Specialists in different professions are being trained at a number of institutes and at Donetsk National University.

2. More than perhaps any other city in Ukraine, Odessa offers all the necessary components for successful tourism – beaches, shopping, restaurants and sights. The good news is that right to the train station there is the Privoz, Odessa’s legendary marketplace.


IV. Дайте відповідь на наступні запитання:

1. What cultural places is Kyiv famous for?

2. What branch of industry is Donetsk famous for?

3. Why did Lviv receiv such name?

4. What persons is Uspensky Sobor dedicated to?

5. Where is Franko Drama Theatre situated?


III рівень

V. Якби під час літньої відпустки до вас звернулись іноземні туристи з проханням запропонувати найбільш красиве, цікаве та славетне місто України, щоб саме ви їм розповіли та яке місто запропонували б відвідати?



Caмостійнa робота № 32


Тема: Мова

Основні питання, що розглядаються:

1. Розвиток українського спорту.

2. Види спорту, якими пишається Україна.

3. Відомі українські команди, спортсмени.



1. Пестрякова Н.В. 111 английских разговорных тем: Для старшеклассников и абитуриентов. – Х.: Торсинг,1999.-288 с.

2. Ельбрехт О.М., Ельбрехт В.В.Focus on Ukraine. English Student’s Book.- Х.:Веста: Вид-во «Ранок», 2006. – 72 с.


Студент повинен знати:

4. Відомих українських спортсменів та команди.

5. Розвиток українського спорту до оголошення незалежності України та після.

6. Лeксичний мінімум.


Студент повинен вміти:

Poзпoвiсти та oxapaктepизyвати розвиток українського спорту.


Since ancient times Ukrainians were skilful archers, horse­men and wrestlers. In the late XIX century European sports and games were introduced here; football and wrestling be­came the most popular.

Kyiv's famous soccer team «Dynamo» won the European Cup Holder's Cup twice, in 1975 and 1985. Oleg Blokhin and Ihor Bielanov were named Europe's best soccer players.

The «Spartak» handball team from Kyiv, led by Senior Coach Ihor Turchyn, has won 13 European Champion's Cups. Zinayida Turchyna and Larysa Karlova were named best pla­yers in the World and European Championships several times.

The Ukrainian school of gymnastics is recognized the world over. Its representatives — Iryna Deriuhina, Oleksandra Tymoshenko, Oksana Skaldina and others — have won World and European Championships. Larysa Latynina has the lon­gest history of records in the Olympic Games: 18 medals, including 9 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze.

Valeriy Borzov, the famous sprinter, won 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals at the 20th'and 21st Olympic Games. Serhiy Bubka, eight times world champion and Olympic cham­pion in thepole vault holds 35 world records. He has been named World's Best Athlete.

Having justproclaimed its independence, Ukraine sent the national team to the 1992 Olympic Games, where young figure skater Oksana Baiul won the first gold medal for inde­pendent Ukraine.

At the 26th Olympic Games in Atlanta Ukrainian ath­letes won 9 gold medals, plusa score of silver and bronze. The names of the winners have become known the world over:all-around Olympic champion in gymnastics Lilia Podkopaieva; Olympic champion in women's free-style gymnastics Katya Serebrianska; Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Viacheslav Oliynyk; Olympic champion inweight-lifting Tymur Taimazov; Olympic champion in boxing Volodymyr Klichko; Olympic cham­pions yachtsmen Yevhen Braslavets' and Ihor Matvienko; Olympic champion intrack-and-field athletics Inesa Kravets' and others.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 163 | Нарушение авторских прав

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