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Якби в житті вам випав би шанс укласти будь-яку форму бізнесу, яку саме форму ви обрали б товариство чи корпорацію. Поясніть свій вибір.

Читайте также:
  1. Excel. Технология работы с формулами на примере обработки экзаменационной ведомости
  2. q]3:1:Проекция тягового сопротивления на ось Х определяется из формулы
  3. Y. Напишіть про будь-яку молодіжну організацію вашого міста, її призначення.
  4. Абсолютные и относительные ссылки. Копирование формул
  5. Базовая формула и следствия
  6. Биосинтез гема. (формулы, ферменты) и его регуляция.
  7. Бюджет розвитку МБ, джерела його формування та напрямки використання.



Самостійна робота № 25


Тема: Система освіти в Україні.

Основні питання, що розглядаються:

1. Система середньої освіти України.

2. Система вищої освіти України.

3. Реформи середньої освіти України.



1 Куриленко Ю.В. 400 тем з англійської мови для школярів, абітурієнтів, студентів та викладачів. – Донецьк: ООО ПКФ “БАО”, 2003. – 608 с.

2 Брук О.С. Ukrainian Studies./ “English Learner’s Digest” “Дайджест для тих, хто вивчає англійську”/№9 (80), травень 1999 р., с.4


Студент повинен знати:

1 Основні принципи середньої та вищої освіти України;

2 Основні наслідки реформи середньої освіти України;

3 Лексичний мінімум.


Студент повинен вміти:

Розповісти про систему освіти в Україні та висловити свою точку зору щодо цього питання.





Ukraine has got rather developed system of education. General secondary education is free and compulsory. The secondary school must secure a uniform level of knowledge necessary for each student.

Secondary education in Ukraine begins at 10 years. Pupils up to the age of 16 should follow a broad curriculum including Mathematics, Science, native and foreign languages, humanities such as: History, Physics, and Chemistry.

There are some types of secondary schools in Ukraine. They are maintained schools and private schools. Lyceums and gymnasiums are supported from public funds and there is only 4 or 5 % of voluntary schools and schools for national minority, where pupils are thought in their mother language. The Ukrainian pupils at the age of 15 pass final examinations in 3 or 4 subjects and get the Certificate of Incomplete Secondary Education. Then they receive further education at vocational schools, where they get secondary and special education. The eleventh-formers also9 pass final examinations in 5 or 6 subjects and get General Certificate of Secondary Education. They may go to the Technical Schools to receive the profession (the term of education here varies from 1 to 2 years) or enter the higher educational establishments within the 5 or 6-year educational term.

In most schools in Ukraine the school year falls into 4 terms, quarters as we call them. But sometimes the academic year is divided into 6 semesters, which lasts 6 weeks each with a break of 1 week between semesters.

Higher education is provided by institution of higher learning: universities, academies and institutes. At each institute or university there is a post-graduate course with post-graduates working for their scientific degrees.

There are many scientific, educational and academic centers in Ukraine Kyiv with its famous National University named after T. Shevchenko, Polytechnic University, and Kyivo-Mohylyanska Academy, which resumed its work in 1991. There are three faculties in the Academy now: the humanities, social and national sciences. Lviv is the leading scientific and cultural center of Western Ukraine. It has a number of research institutes of high level.

Kharkiv University has 10 faculties: mechanics-mathematics, physics, physics-technology, radio-physics, chemistry, biology, economics, history, philology and foreign languages. Ukraine numbers a total of 1.5 million college and university students. Graduates of the Ukrainian institution of higher learning become famous writers, prominent diplomats, economists, chemists, mathematicians and others.

Two years ago some reforms were made in the field of education. Since that time the studying in Ukrainian language became compulsory. The old 5-points system of evaluation of children’s knowledge was replaced by the modern 12-points system. The new school uniform was also introduced. But these uniforms are rather expensive and many parents can’t afford themselves to buy it.

In Ukraine as like as in other countries there are some rewards and prices for the best pupils, such as medals and official documents.



Питання для самоконтролю:

1 General secondary education is free, isn’t it?

2 What does curriculum of secondary education include?

3 When do pupils receive the Certificate of Incomplete Secondary Education?

4 When do pupils receive the General Certificate of Secondary Education?

5 What is higher education provided by?

6 What is the leading scientific center of Western Ukraine?

7 How many faculties are there in Kharkiv University?

8 What reforms were made in education in Ukraine?


Контрольні завдання до самостійної роботи № 25


І рівень

І. Знайдіть еквівалентні слова:

1. education а дослідницький інститут

2. curriculum б заклад

3. chemistry в обов’язковий

4. term г освіта

5. establishment д аспірант

6. post-graduate е навчальний план

7. degree є грамота

8. research institute ж хімія

9. compulsory з термін

10. official document і ступінь


ІІ. Поставте знак “+”, якщо ви згодні та знак “-”, якщо не згодні з наступними твердженнями:

1. Secondary education in Ukraine begins at 10 years.

2. Secondary education in Ukraine is not free and compulsory.

3. At the age of 15 pupils get General Certificate of Secondary Education.

4. In most schools in Ukraine the academic year fall into 4 terms – quarters.

5. There is a post-graduate course at each school.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 135 | Нарушение авторских прав

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