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4. What was the ecological disaster that befell Ukraine?

5. What were the consequences of this disaster?


Самостійна робота № 31



Тема: Великі міста України.

Основні питання, що розглядаються:

1. Київ – столиця України.

2. Харків – колишня столиця України.

3. Донецьк, Дніпропетровьк – промислові центри України.

4. Історичний центр України.

5. Одеса – головний порт України.



1. 400 тем з англійської мови для школярів, абітурієнтів, студентів та викладачів/Уклад. Ю.В. Куреленко. – Донецьк: ООО ПКФ “БАО”, 2003.

2. English texts for listening and reproduction. Збірник текстів для аудіювання в 5 – 11 класах загальноосвітніх шкіл/ Упоряд. Л.Б.Крамаренко. – Харків: Веста: Видавництво “Ранок”, 2003

3. Збірник текстів про Україну (частина 2): навчальний посібник/ Уклад.С.В.Гапонова. – К.,1996.

4. Сівуріна О.А. Journey the streets of Odessa (Екскурсія вулицями Одеси)/English learner’s digest (Дайджест для тих, хто вивчає англійську) №7, квітень, 1997. – стор.4


Студент повинен знати:

1. Великі міста України, зокрема сучасну та минулу столицю країни.

2. Індустріальні та історичні центри України.

3. Одеса – найпривабливіше місто України.

4. Лексичний мінімум.


Студент повинен вміти:

Розповісти про великі міста України та їх культурну та історичну цінність.





Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It was called “The Mother of All Russian Cities”.

Kyiv is the largest center of national culture. A lot of concert-halls, fifteen museums, palaces of culture, film studios, the circus make Kyiv a large cultural center in Ukraine. The Kyiv Shevchenko Opera and Ballet House, the Kyiv Franko Drama Theatre are well-known all over the world. Museum of Books and Book Printing, museums devoted1 to dramatic and film art, memorial museums devoted to outstanding2 personalities are situated in Kyiv.

Kyiv is also one of the biggest scientific centers. The Ukraine Academy of Sciences and many research institutes are famous for its discoveries.

Kyiv is famous for its beauty, for its wonderful broad avenues, lots of chestnut trees3 and flowers all over the city.

Here we must mentioned the former capital of Ukraine, that is Kharkiv. It is a very big city in Ukraine, it’s not very old about 350 years old and more than a million people live here. There is the largest square in the world, second after the square of Rio de Janeiro. In the main street of the city, Sumska Street, there is the Opera and Ballet Theatre. Besides there are a lot of other theaters, cinemas and museums. If once you decide to visit Kharkiv you won’t be disappointed as there is something to catch your eyes4.

None argue that the industrial centers of Ukraine are Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk. Nowadays Donetsk is the large industrial center of our country. Such branches of industry as building metallurgy and coal are highly developed there. There are a lot of industrial enterprises5 in Donetsk. Coal industry is the leading branch of industry. There are 24 mines6 here. Donetsk is an important scientific and cultural center. Specialists in different professions are being trained at a number of institutes and at Donetsk National University.

In the center of Donetsk we can see main historical sights7 of Donetsk. They are the Memorial Complex of the Civil War, some hotels, Drama Theatre and Opera House. The monument to Taras Shevchenko was presented by Canadian Ukrainians of the town Ontario.

Donetsk is also famous for its roses which bloom8 from early summer till late autumn gladdening the eyes9 of dwellers and guests of the city.

Dnipropetrovsk stands on the Dnipro River. The city was founded more than 300 years ago. The Zaporizhian Republic, Zaporizhska Sich, was situated on the territory of the modern city. Dnipropetrovsk is the second great industrial centre of Ukraine. It plays a big role in the economic life of the country. There are many different factories and great plants in the city. They produce metal and steel, machines and tractors, televisions and refrigerators, clothes and shoes, food and sweets, and many other things. Space rockets are made in Dnepropetrovsk too.

Another big city of Ukraine is Lviv. It is a political, economic, industrial and cultural center of Ukraine. The city was founded in the XII century. The famous Halicia-Volynian Prince Danylo founded the town and named it after his son Leo (Lev). At the beginning of the XV century there was a running-water system in Lviv and the first printing house10 in Ukraine the first book in Ukraine was printed in this printing house in 1574. It was the Ukrainian Primer11

The center of Lviv is very beautiful with old houses, monuments, churches and narrow streets. The old town center is one of the best in Europe. Lviv is rich in musical and artistic traditions. There are theatres, museums, art galleries, a conservatory and art schools.

More than perhaps any other city in Ukraine, Odessa offers all the necessary components for successful tourism – beaches, shopping, restaurants and sights. The good news is that right next to the train station there is the Privoz, Odessa’s legendary marketplace. Uspensky Sobor is Odessa’s main church. It is noteworthy for having two floors. The basement is dedicated to St. Nicholas and the top for the Virgin12 Mary. Odessa also offers an array of options13 for seekers14 of nightlife. There are various discos and casinos in the city but many cafes and bars stay open until 2 or 3 a.m.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 226 | Нарушение авторских прав

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