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Define the underlined nouns as count, uncount, singular, plural or collective. Translate them into Russian paying attention to singular-plural correspondences.

Читайте также:
  1. Adjectives Nouns
  2. Card 2. Translate from Russian into English.
  3. Check the sentences that use the underlined parts correctly.
  4. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.
  5. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.
  6. Classification of Nouns
  7. Complete the word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.


Section I. "There VS": Meaning and Function

Translate the sen­tences into Russian paying attention to the verbs you can use. What meaning do they have in common?

1. Once there was a beautiful princess called Alice.

2. In Queen Victoria's time there were no aeroplanes.

3. There's something strange about this picture.

4. There are no children in the house.

5. There is another exit at the back.

6. There are some curious creatures in this world.

7. There are high winds sometimes.

8. Right in front of the house there is a swimming pool.

9. There is a small round table in the corner.

10.There was a new cushion on one of the settees.

11. There’s always washing on the line.

12. There were pieces of the plane everywhere.

13. There are wolves in these mountains.

14. There are no flowers by the stream.

15. There is a ferry to the mainland every Friday.

16. In 1989 there was an earthquake in San Francisco.

17. There will be a debate in Parliament next Tuesday.

18. There is a wedding in the church.

19. There was a strange atmosphere in that place.

20. There is a definite warning in this letter.


Distribute the sub­jects between the categories set in the table below. What conclusion does the resulting picture suggest?

1. There's some rice and some apples.

2. There is no smoke without fire.

3. There were raindrops on the car.

4. There are two tides every day.

5. There has been little change.

6. There is a stop ahead.

7. Is there a swimming pool or a sauna?

8. There is no date here.

9. There was blood on his coat.

10. There were few visitors to our house.

11. There are working dogs, pet dogs and show dogs.

12. Do you think there is a difference?

13. There were no clues at the scene of the crime.

14. There is gold under the ground.

15. Is there any room in your street for parking?

16. There isn't very much time.

17. There are a few eggs and a little meat.

18. There weren't any girls in the class.

19. There's white sugar and brown sugar.

20. There isn't any milk in the fridge.

21. There are advantages and disadvantages.

22. There is a great deal of dishonesty in advertising.

23. There's a message for you.

24. There was quite a downpour last night.

25. There is research to be done!

  Count nouns Uncount nouns
  Singular Plural  
Articles (including Ø)      
Other determiners      

Section II. "There VS": Grammar

Subject = Noun


Articles with count "event" nouns and uncount "substance" nouns

Translate the sen­tences into English. Analyze the use of articles.

1. В церкви идет венчание.

2. На четвертом этаже пожар.

3. В дверь стучат. = Стук в дверь.

4. По телевизору идет эстрадное представление.

5. Через день ходит («есть») паром на континент.

6. Завтра есть рейсы на Вену?

7. На дорогах будут пробки («задержки»)

8. Кажется, сегодня вечером собрание?

9. Насколько я помню, в 7. 30 (по телевизору) викто­рина.

10. Я уверен, произойдет ссора.

11. Будет ли официальный прием?

12. В парламенте состоятся большие дебаты.

13. Последнее время происходит много ограблений.

14. Немало войн бывало между двумя странами.

15. Только что произошло убийство.

16. Произошел несчастный случай.

17. Летом прошлого года в Англии состоялись всеоб­щие выборы.

18. Вчера на факультете был вечер.

19. В штате Индиана на карнавале был устроен кон­курс едоков.

20. В течение ночи несколько раз объявляли тревогу.

21. В баре произошла потасовка.

22. Здесь вчера произошла автомобильная авария,

23. Произошла утечка газа.

24. Отключилось электричество.

25. Наступило молчание.


Use of singular, plural and collective nouns


Define the underlined nouns as count, uncount, singular, plural or collective. Translate them into Russian paying attention to singular-plural correspondences.



1. She went to the shop and bought some fruit: apples, pears and bananas.

2. They always buy the very best and freshest fruit and vegetables.

3. Oranges, bananas and grapes are fruit.

4. Fruit is eaten either raw or cooked.



1. Grapes are dried to make raisins.
2. Strawberries are usually eaten as a dessert with cream.

3. The currants were at their best, clusters of black hanging from the branches.

4. You can use gooseberries to make pies and pud­dings.

5. She served us sliced beef with carrots and pota­toes.

6. He's digging up potatoes in the vegetable garden.

7. He likes mashed potatoes with his stew.

8. Carrots are very cheap — it's good for you to eat carrots.

9. We've got lots of cabbages in the garden.
10. There's a packet of frozen peas.

11. We eat radishes raw in salads.

12. These are onions and tomatoes from our garden.


1. Money doesn't always bring happiness.

2. He doesn't usually carry much money on him.

3. He lost all his money when his business failed.

4. How much cash do you have?

5. You're paying in cash, aren't you?

6. She heard the bad news on the radio.

7. The latest news about our son was a letter a month ago.

8. News travels fast.

9. I've got some good news for you.

10. The NY police are world famous.

11. The police were called.



Definite and indefinite numbers


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