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Для обеспечения эффективной исследовательской работы лаборатория должна иметь штат опытных работников и современное оборудование.

Читайте также:
  1. Fidelio Front Office - система автоматизации работы службы приема и размещения гостей.
  2. FILTER – задает один из трех режимов работы ручкам FREQ и RESON
  4. II. В области научно-исследовательской деятельности
  5. II. Методика работы
  6. II. Методика работы.
  7. II. Методика работы.

a) For ensure effective research work the laboratory must have a staff of experienced workers and up-to-date facilities.

b) Effective research work ensured, the laboratory must have a staff of experienced workers and up-to-date facilities.

c) Having ensured effective research work the laboratory must have a staff of experienced workers and up-to-date facilities.

d) To ensure effective research work the laboratory must have a staff of experienced workers and up-to-date facilities.

V. Choose the correct translation.

12 Healing can't have produced this effect.

a) Нагревание может не привести к такому результату.

b) Не может быть, чтобы нагревание привело к такому результату.

c) Нагревание не привело к такому результату.

d) Результатом было не нагревание.


I. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form

The broken part... when the mechanic came over.

a) was already replaced.

b) had already replaced.

c) already replaced.

d) had been already replaced.

2. The doctor … as soon as the accident happened.

a) sent for.

b) had sent for

c) was sent for.

d) was sending for.

II. Choose the proper sentence in the Reported Speech for the given sentence in the Direct. Speech _______________________________________

3 «I'm not wasting my time.» Sue said

a) Sue said that I am not wasting my time.

b) Sue said that she was not wasting her time.

c) Sue said that she didn't waste her time.

d) Sue said that she is not wasting her time

A.«Did you study hard for the exam?» she wondered.

a) She wondered did I study hard for the exam.

b) She wondered did you study hard for the exam.

c) She wondered if I had studied hard for the exam.

d) She wondered had I studied hard for the exam.

III. Choose the correct translation of the non-finite forms

A technology improving the quality of rubber was worked out by the scientists of our country.

a) улучшая.

b) улучшит.

c) улучшающая,

d) улучшила,

6. I don't enjoy writing letters.

a) пишущий,

b) писать.

c) написав.

d) при написании.

This is a problem to be solved as soon as possible.

a) решили.

b) решенная.

c) которую надо решить.

d) решаемая.

IV. Choose the correct translation:

Натуральный каучук становится мягким при нагревании и твердый при охлаждении.

a) Natural rubber becomes soft when heating and hard when cooling.

b) Natural rubber becomes soft lo have been healed and hard to have been cooled.

c) Natural rubber becomes soft having been heating and hard having been cooling

d) Natural rubber becomes soft when heated and hard when cooled.

Редактирование этой книги займет некоторое время.

a) The process of editing this book will take some time.

b) The process of having edited this book will take some time.

c) The process of being edited this book will take some lime.

d) Having edited this book the process will take some time.

Мы собрались для обсуждения наших планов.

a) We assembled for discuss our plans

b) We assembled and discussed our plans.

c) We assembled to discuss our plans.

d) We assembled discussing our plans.

Ты холостяк, и у тебя нет семьи, о которой нужно заботиться.

a) Your are a bachelor with no family taking care of.

b) You are a bachelor with no family to take care of.

c) You are a bachelor with no family to have taken care of.

d) You are a bachelor to have no family taking care of

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 112 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Which - подлежащее which - дополнение | V. ТРИ ТИПА УСЛОВНЫХ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ | IV. Особые случаи | Формы инфинитива | V. Choose the proper translation. | VII. Choose the proper question tag. | При принятии решения следует учитывать все возможные факторы. | Он не хотел уходить не повидав Фрэнсиса. | Бонду потребовался бы денежный заем для захвата Лонро. | For reception of desirable properties by means of special software products we analyze the received results. |
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Для получения желаемых свойств металла металлурги изготавливают из него сплавы, добавляя небольшое количество других металлов.| V Choose the coned translation.

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