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Being a teenager isn't easy

The age between 13 and 19 is considered to be one of the best periods in people's life. This is the time when person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Grown-ups remember it with excitement and tenderness. Maybe it is because teenagers have fewer responsibilities than adults: they don’t need to go to work, to think about how to provide their families and to solve many other serious problems that their parents face every day. However, the grown-up world has some stability instead, and the world of teenagers is full of doubts in themselves and their future.

Being a teenager is falling in love too fast, and too hard, talking for hours on the phone to your best friends, being talked about and talking about others. It’s being guilty when you’re innocent, it’s standing out and fitting in. It’s when you have a million questions that will never be answered. It is the time to make decisions, and even if you made a mistake, it’s never too late to make a fresh start. Being a teenager isn’t something you can really describe, unless you’re living it at the time. You are young, full of energy, you feel like you are invincible, totally carefree and becoming free and more independent. In my opinion, it is a great chapter of life when you can just enjoy your life and do all that you want to.

On the other hand, being a teenager is also hard. During this stage, a person undergoes certain transformations. It involves physical, emotional, mental and psychological changes. Of course, it causes a lot of problems. The problem number one of most of the young people is the problem of fathers and sons. All young people want to be independent, they want their parents to listen to their opinion, not to interfere in their private life. Some parents neglect their children, because they cant’ find a common language with each other. Choosing a career is a problem too. One thing that makes it so difficult is the responsibility you have to take on – it is widely known that your future life depends on the choice made early in life when your personal experience is not so great. Sometimes you may even be not quite certain about the field of knowledge you are interested in. The second reason is that to make this choice you have to get some idea of the labour market and job opportunities. Third, there are parents who usually have their own idea of your future career and, in many cases, try to make their child choose the career path they prefer.

Another fundamental problem young people face today is unemployment. Young people today have certain needs and aspirations. Because of universal downturn in the economy combined with technology when particular jobs and drills are made obsolete, many youths today are experiencing problems in obtaining jobs. Unemployment means financial worries, frustration and discouragement. To solve the problem, young people should strive for higher education. Teenagers also get self-conscious about their looks and misunderstanding. I am worried about all these problems too. I often ask myself, “What do other people think about me? What does the future hold for me? Am I going to be happy?” Unfortunately, I will never get the answers.

One of the main aspects of being a teenager is going to school. As for me, I enjoy it as I’ve always liked the process of studying. Although exams often are difficult, there is always such a wonderful feeling after you passed them! Also I study at amazing school with awesome teachers and pleasant students, so going to school is a real pleasure. I have never faced situations when somebody from our school teased or bullied another student, I think this says a lot about people in our gymnasium.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 172 | Нарушение авторских прав

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