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Put the paragraphs in the right order.

Читайте также:
  1. A dream in the hands of the right person is a winner every time
  2. A) The advertisement in A-column has been mixed and, to arrange them in the right sequence, consult the advertisement in B-coIumn.
  3. A. Starting Off on the Right Foot
  4. All rights reserved.
  5. And put your foot right in it that night of the party, and now you have got to
  6. Arrange these phrases Jose uses at the beginning of the negotiation in the correct order.
  7. B. Read the text and see whether you were right. Get prepared to discuss the text in detail.

El Al Boeing 747 crashed All 291 people aboard
into Amsterdam apartment stricken TWA Tristar es-
blocks cape inferno

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

Here are the answers to some questions. Work out the questions.

EL AL Boeing 747

1) In a working-class district of the Dutch capital tonight.

2) 15 minutes after take-off.

3) From Schipol Airport.

4) Two nine-story buildings.

5) Immigrants from Suriname and the Antilles.

6) At 6:21p.m.

7) A fire in the jet' s engines.

8) Yes, he did. But the loss of at least one of the engines caused him to lose control of the plane.

TWA Tristar

1) Shortly after 5:30p.m.

2) The aircraft lurch violently to one side.

3) Apparantly because of a reptured fuel line.

4) Into the runway barrier.

5) Yes,they did. Leading the passengers to the two escape chutes behind the cockpit.

6) In less than two minutes.

7) 67 people.

There are three different pronunciation of the -ed in the regular past tenses.

/d/ travelled /t/ watched /id/ wanted

Put these past tenses from the articles on the right lines below according to the pronunciation of -ed.

crashed demolished radioed

reported tried caused

inhabited filled skidded





Here are the past tense forms of 7 irregular verbs from the articles. Write the base forms.

______________ put _____________ felt ______________ left _____________ went ______________ began _____________ were ______________ lost

Find the examples of Participle I and Participle II in the articles and explain the difference. Use them in sentences of your own.

Read the articles again and find the words to the following definitions.

1) Sudden change of weight to

one side, sudden roll or pitch _______________________

2) to come to nothing; cancel; stop

e.g. because of mechanical trouble _______________________

3) on fire _______________________

4) break or burst _______________________

5) move or slip sideways _______________________

6) canvas tunnel by which passengers

leave an aircraft in an emergency _______________________

Role-play game. You are reporters of a newspaper. Take an interview of one of passengers from TWA Flight 843.

Role-play game. You are an observer of TV news. Speak about EL AL Boeing 747 Amsterdam crash.

Translate into English.

Он делал попытки развернуться и возвратиться в аэропорт.

Но отказ двигателя явился причиной того, что пилот потерял управление воздушным судном.

Он доложил о пожаре второго двигателя.

Бортпроводники провели пассажиров к надувным трапам за кабиной экипажа.

Реактивный лайнер с большой скоростью врезался в аэродромную аварийную тормозную установку на ВПП и, пробуксовав, остановился.

Пассажиры почувствовали сильный крен ВС в одну сторону.

Плотный дым заполнил пассажирский салон.

ВС потерпело катастрофу и упало в рабочем квартале голландской столицы.

Израильский пилот доложил о пожаре в одном из реактивных двигателей.

Удар (падение ВС) разрушил два девятиэтажных здания.

По оценкам количество жертв составило от 150 до 200 человек.

67 человек получили незначительные ушибы в авиационном происшествии.

Here are 12 words that appeared in Unit 16 and the explanation to them. Find the words according to their explanation.

CAREFUL! Two words are not used!


rupture dense apparently
minor crash apartment
abort ablaze escape chute
lurch escape demolish

a) thick;

b) break of burst;

c) sudden change of weight to one side, sudden roll or pitch;

d) obviously; as it seems;

e) smaller; less serious; less important;

f) American word for ‘flat’;

g) on fire;

h) destroy; pull or knock down (a building, etc.);

i) get free; keep free or safe from; avoid;

j) canvas tunnel by which passengers leave an aircraft in an emergency.


tarmac impact blazing
stricken inferno crash
abort inhabit violently
skid estimate immigrant

move or slip sideways;

hitting of one object against another;

place or situation like hell, especially in being full of horror and confusion;

person who has come to live permanently in a foreign country;

live in (sth); occupy;

area on an airfield surfaced with material for surfacing roads, etc, consisting of broken stone mixed with tar;

affected by sth unpleasant (e.g. illness, grief);

severely or extremely;

come to nothing; cancel; stop (e.g. because of mechanical trouble);

have a collision.


ablaze [E7bleiz] в огне, в пламени у вогнi, в полум'ї
abort [E7bO:t] прерывать (полет) переривати (політ)
Antilles [Xn'tili:z] Антильские острова Антильські острови
apartment blocks [E7pa:tmEnt 7blOks] многоквартирный дом багатоквартирний будинок
apparantly [E7pXrEntli] по-видимому, вероятно мабуть, ймовірно
blazing [7bleiziN] горящий той, що горить
crash [krXS] потерпеть катастрофу, разбиться при падении потерпіти катастрофу, розбитися при падiннi
demolish [di7mOliS] разрушать, сносить (здание) руйнувати, зносити (будівлю)
dense [dens] плотный щільний
EL AL Israeli national airlines  
escape [is7keip] избежать (опасности), спастись уникнути (небезпеки), врятуватись
escape chut [is7keip7Su:t] надувной аварийный трап (для эвакуации пассажиров) надувний аварійний трап (для евакуації пасажирiв)
estimate [7estimit] оценка оцінка
fuel line [7fjuEl7lain] топливопровод паливопровід
impact [7impXkt] удар, толчок удар, поштовх
inferno [in7fE:nou] итал. ад італ. пекло
inhabit [in7hXbit] жить, обитать, населять жити, населяти
Lockheed L 1011 Tri Star an aircraft type  
lurch [lE:tS] крен (судна) крен (судна), нахил
minor [7mainE] незначительный незначний
rupture [7rVptSE] прорывать, порывать проривати, рвати
runway barrier [7rVnwei7bXriE] аэродромная аварий- ная тормозная уста- новка на ВПП аеродромна аварiйна гальмiвна установка на ЗПС
tarmac [7ta:mXk] предангарная бетонированная площадка передангарний бетонований майданчик
TWA Trans World Airlines  
Schipol Airport international airport in Amsterdam  
skid [skid] испытывать боковое скольжение, буксовать вiдчувати бокове ковзання, буксувати
stricken [7strikEn] пораженный ушкоджений
Suriname [6suEri7nXm] Суринам Сурінам
violently [7vaiElEntli] сильно сильно



U N I T 17

Learning points: Reading comprehension: EL AL blames Boeing for Amsterdam crash

Review points: Past Simple Tense and Present Perfect Tense - ing forms of the verbs

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 213 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: KEYS TO EXERCISES | Answer the questions to the story. | FLYING - THEN AND NOW | Translate into English. | Look at the picture, listen to the tape and repeat the words. | Translate into English. | Listen to the transmissions and define the type of emergency. | TRANS AMERICA TWO | Match English and Russian equivalents. | Use the word combinations of Exercise 5 in the sentences of your own. |
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Speak about the accident on the M27 motorway.| Read the article from Flight International.

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