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Jigsaw Activity: Jigsaw Reading

Читайте также:
  1. Additional reading
  3. After Reading Activities
  4. After reading tasks
  5. After reading tasks.
  6. After-reading activities.
  7. After-reading activities.


Overview of Jigsaw Activities: Students will work on separate parts all related to a similar task and will then come together with these separate parts and share information in order to learn together. This can be a great way to learn since the students are actually learning themselves as they teach each other. The information is more likely to be internalized this way. When students teach each other it demonstrates they “get it”. It is also a method of improving communication and social skills. Students are also more likely to complete the assignments with the pressure of being responsible for contributing their unique part which is essential to the whole groups understanding.


Ш Materials: depends on task students are to puzzle together.


Ш Goal: to decrease overall work by each student doing a smaller part and bringing this portion to the larger group to share while collectively learning and teaching one another. Information will be remembered longer term as it is taught to others


Ш Procedure

1. Put students into groups

2. Assign parts each student will be individually responsible for

3. State when students expected to come back to the larger group to teach and share their assigned portion

4. Students will work independently on task

5. Students will present their assigned information to the group as a whole (teacher may assign a special order to do so or leave it up to the group members to decide on their own)

6. Students will be expected to take notes and ask questions during each lesson taught by their peers

7. This information can then be summarized to the entire class if assigned tasks varied between groups


Ш Variations

Ш Time needed will depend on task length

Example: Each student is assigned a section of the readings and will join in a small group to share and teach the information read and learned to all other group members. The whole reading will be understood completely but each being responsible for smaller portions rather than the work in its entirety.


Jigsaw Activity: Line Dance Jigsaw (Janzen, 2005)


Ш Materials: music (personal choice)


Ш Goals: to encourage spontaneous communication between students; to create a dance routine by breaking it up into small chunks and then combining the chunks together.

Ш Procedure:

1. Select, as a larger group, a melody or song to play during the dance routine.

2. Identify its rhythm/beat to figure out the time count (for example, you may find that the music allows for actions done in fours).

3. Break up the classroom in 5-9 groups.

4. Each group is responsible for creating and arranging a series of dance moves; each individual must come up with at least one dance move.

5. When each member has figured out her/his move, s/he must teach that move to the entire group (this should be done verbally and with the actual dance moves; e.g. “Clap your hands to the rhythm 4 times” or “Take 4 steps to the left”).

6. The group must then decide how to arrange the moves into a sequence.

7. Each group performs its dance move sequence and teaches it to the other groups (again both verbally and physically).

8. The class then arranges the 5-9 sequences into a complete dance routine.

9. Turn up the stereo and have fun!

Ш Variations:

1. Write a song or story based on a particular theme.

2. For the song, one group writes the chorus, another group writes the 1st verse, another the 2nd verse, and so on.

3. For the story, provide the first and last sentences to the class and have each student write a sentence in an arranged order.

4. Use music representative of the language’s culture.

Ш Time: Dance Jigsaw = 20-30 min; Song: 30 min; Story = 20-30 min.




Questioning Activity: Famous Artists (Boggle's World, 2002b)


Overview of Questioning Activities: Gives students a chance to think critically and communicate responses to each other. This method creates dialogue which improves social skills in the target language. This technique will increases motivation and participation since all students are directly involved in the activity process and completion. Some guidance may be necessary but room for spontaneous dialogue as questions and answers vary. Confidence in the language will improve as students engage in this question- answer type model.


Ш Materials: handouts: Famous Artists Sheets A and B (see example)


Ш Goals: to encourage communication between two students; to highlight famous artists and their work. Uses the past tense, active and passive voice.


Ш Procedure:

1. Put students in groups of two.

2. One student has Sheet A while the other has Sheet B. (each worksheet has a dialogue to guide the students along in their conversation).

3. Both students have all the titles of the works of art, but are missing information about certain pieces. Student A has whatever information that Student B is missing, and vice versa.

4. Student A asks a question to Student B in order to gain information that Sheet A is missing.

e.g. Student A: Who sculpted “The Thinker”?

5. Student B answers in a complete sentence and then asks Student A for information that Sheet B is missing.

e.g. Student B: Rodin sculpted “The Thinker”. What was David sculpted from?

6. Students converse back and forth until their sheets are filled in.

Ш Variations:

1. Handout Sheets A and B without the dialogue guide provided at the top so that the students must create their own sentences.

2. Use artwork that is created by artists from a particular culture e.g. Spain / Lat. America – Dalн, Picasso, Rivera, Kahlo

3. Use a music or film theme instead of a painting/sculpture theme.

Ш Time: 10 minutes



Famous Artists B Sheet


Use this dialogue to talk about famous works of art:


Who painted/sculpted _____? It was painted/sculpted by _____?
When was it painted/sculpted ____? It was painted sculpted in ______?
What was it painted with/sculpted from? It was painted with/sculpted from ________?
Let me get this straight: It was painted/sculpted by ____ in ______with/from _________. That’s right/correct.


Name: Sunflowers Artist: Date: Materials: Name: The Thinker Artist: Rodin Date: 1882 Materials: Bronze Name: The Ox Artist: Date: Materials:
Name: The Scream Artist: Munch Date: 1893 Materials: Oil Paints Name: David Artist: Date: Materials: Name: Mona Lisa Artist: Da Vinci Date: 1503-1506 Materials: Oil
Name: Guernica Artist: Date: Materials: Name: Mobius Strip Artist: Escher Date: 1963 Materials: Woodcut


Famous Artists A Sheet


Use this dialogue to talk about famous works of art:

Who painted/sculpted _____? It was painted/sculpted by _____?
When was it painted/sculpted ____? It was painted sculpted in ______?
What was it painted with/sculpted from? It was painted with/sculpted from ________?
Let me get this straight: It was painted by ________ in _________ with/from _________. That’s right/correct.


Name: Sunflowers Artist: Van Gogh Date: 1889 Materials: Oil Paints Name: The Thinker Artist: Date: Materials: Name: The Ox Artist: Joong-sup Lee Date: In the 1950s Materials: Oil paints
Name: The Scream Artist: Date: Materials: Name: David Artist: Michelangelo Date: 1501-1504 Materials: Marble Name: Mona Lisa Artist: Date: Materials:
Name: Guernica Artist: Picasso Date: 1937 Materials: Oil Paints Name: Mobius Strip Artist: Date: Materials:


Questioning Activity: What did John Do?? (Mohamed, year unknown)


Ш Materials: List of activities John did and on which days (daily schedule)


Ш Goal: to get students asking and answering questions in target language


Ш Procedure

1. Pair off students

2. Give one student John’s daily schedule for Mon, Wed, Fri

3. Give other student John’s schedule for Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun

4. Get students to ask each other questions about John’s activities

(What did John do at 10am?)

5. Students willengage in this question answer exchange until time is up


Ш Variations

1. Use students’ class schedules.

2. Use cultural events.

3. Use easy verbs for beginners.


Ш Time: depends on time available, may do as long as desired


8:00 Wake up   Wake up   Wake up    
9:00 Breakfast   Breakfast   Breakfast    
10:00 Go to school   Go to school   Go to school    
11:00 English Class   Social Studies Class   English Class    
12:00 Lunch   Lunch   Lunch    
13:00 Math Class   Break / Spare   Math Class    
14:00 Break / Spare   Phys Ed Class   Break / Spare    
15:00 Science Class   Science Class   Social Studies Class    
16:00 Go home   Visit Grandma   Basketball Game    
17:00 Eat dinner   Eat dinner at Grandma's   Goes for victory dinner with team    
18:00 Read a book   Go home   Friday Night Bowling Club    
19:00 Do homework   Do homework      
20:00 Tai Chi Class   Tai Chi Class   Goes to a friend's for a sleepover    
21:00 Go for a walk   Go for tea      
22:00 Meditating   Meditating      
23:00 Go to bed   Go to bed   Go to bed    



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