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Questioning Activity: 20 questions

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  6. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
  7. A Write the questions for the answers below.


Ш Materials: Pictures or names of person, place or thing on cue cards


Ш Goal: to get students thinking critically and interacting in the target language


Ш Procedure

1. Pair off students

2. Give students cue cards with pictures or words of people, places or things.

3. Tell students what categories the pictures are from (as a clue).

4. One student asks and the other answers until the correct answer is given and then they switch roles

Ш Variations

1. Use yes/no questions only

2. Kinaesthetic: students circulate with unknown words on their backs and ask each other


3. Use verbs.


Ш Time: depends on time available


Questioning Activity: Survey (Bilash, 2006)


Ш Materials: list of questions prepared by teacher or students


Ш Goal: to get students speaking and thinking in target language


Ш Procedure

1. Give students prepared questionnaire or get students to prepare their own

2. Students will walk around the room and ask one another their questions

3. Students may then be asked to present people interviewed to entire class or smaller group


Ш Variations

1. Intermediate students may use info to write a story


Ш Time



Annenberg Media. (2005). Teaching Foreign Languages K-12. Taken from

http://www.learner.org/channel/libraries/tfl/key_terms.html January 10, 2006.


Basturkmen, H. (1994). Using Learners’ Writing for Oral Information-Gap Activities. Taken


http://exchanges.state.gov/forum/vols/vol32//no1/p50.htm January 10, 2006.


Bilash, O. (2006). In class discussion, January 10, 2006.


Boggle’s World. (2002a). ESL information gap exercises: Haunted house information gap.

Retrieved January 10, 2005 from http://bogglesworld.com/information_gap.htm.


Boggle’s World. (2002b). ESL information gap exercises: Famous artists. Retrieved January 10, 2005 from http://bogglesworld.com/information_gap.htm.


ESLgold.com. (2002). Information Gap. Retrieved January 10, 2006 from



Harris V., & Roselman L. (year unknown). Tu parles: Communicative activities in French. Waterloo: The Resource Centre.


Janzen, C. (2005). Correspondent at Queen Elizabeth High School (Edmonton, AB) during IPT



Mohamed, J. (year unknown). Jeff Mohamed’s TEFL Classroom Clinic: General Methodology &

Terminology; Information Gaps In English Teaching. Retrieved January 10, 2006 from www.geocities/bayinnaung/progexinfogap.html.


Raptou, V. (2001). Using Information Gap Activities in the Second Langauge Classroom.

Retrienved January 10, 2006 from www.caslt.org/Print/gapp.htm


REEP. (2003). Information Gap. Retrieved January 10, 2006 from



Reschny, J. (2004). Repertoire of Second Language Monitor Program experience at

Polyvalente de Black Lake, Thetford Mines, QC.



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