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Practice in communication

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A. Defining Interpersonal Communication
  3. Advertising and Marketing Communications personal statement
  4. Aviation Communication
  5. B) Downward Communication
  6. C Be prepared to break off overlong e-mail communications.
  7. C) Communication


*2.4.1. Прочитайте и выучите:


1 I'd like you to meet...

2. Have you met...?

3. Let me introduce (myself) you to...


1. Hallo,...

2. How do you do?


1. (I'm) pleased to meet you...

2.4.2. Представьте (познакомьте):

1. a close friend/to your mother;

2. yourself/to a new colleague;

3. your teacher/to a friend.

2.4.3. Смотрите, слушайте и затем инсценируйте диалог.

Meeting people to the sound of loud music and cheerful voices...

PAUL And this is Jane.

ROBERT Hullo, Joan.

JANE Jane (she laughs, correcting him). Hullo, Robert. Pleased to meet you.

PAUL Look who's arrived! John, nice to see you. Let me introduce you to some friends. These are Jane and Robert.

JOHN Hullo. I'm very pleased to meet you.

JANE Nice to meet you too.


PAUL Oh, hullo, Mr. Martin. May I introduce you to some friends? Jane Spense, Robert Anderson,

John Allwright. This is Mr. Martin, my bank manager.

Mr. MARTIN: How d'you do? I'm very pleased to meet you.


ROBERT Nice to meet you. Enjoying yourself?

JOHN Mr. MARTIN Very much. The music's rather loud though, isn't it? I couldn't quite catch your names. Did Paul say your name was... er... er...? (Even louder music)

2.4.4. Вы пригласили следующих людей на обед. Они никогда до этого не встречались. Познакомьте всех присутствующих.

1. your parents;

2. your new boy/girl-friend;

3. his/her brother;

4. a neighbour (Miss Snow);

5. a colleague (Steve King).

General understanding

2.5.1. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его и выполнить предложенные упражнения.

The man who escaped

(Episode 2)

1. It is six o'clock on a very cold winter evening. People are in their living-rooms and watch the news on television or listen to it on the radio. There is one very important piece of news this evening. It is this.

«In the West of England this evening, hundreds of policemen are looking for a man who escaped from Princeville Prison early this morning. The man's name is Edward Coke. He is 30 years old, six feet tall, and has black hair and blue eyes. He is in a dark blue prison uniform. The police do not think he can stay free very long. It is only a few degrees above zero and it is snowing».

2. The radio is on in an expensive pub in Soho, in the centre of London. Most of the people there are not very interested in the news programme, but one man is. His name is Eric Masters. He is about 45 and is in very expensive clothes. He looks very afraid of something. There is another man standing next to him in the bar. Masters asks him a question.

«Did they say the man's name was Coke?»

«Yes, that's right. Coke... Edward Coke. Why? Do you know him?»


«Do you know him?»

«No... no, I don't know him... I just wanted to know the man's name, that's all».

3. In another part of London, a young detective is standing in the office of his chief at Scotland Yard. The young detective's name is Richard Baxter.

«You knew Coke, didn't you, Baxter?»

«Yes, sir. I arrested him four years ago».

«Yes, I know that, Baxter. That's why I give you this order, now. Find Coke again! You must find him imme­diately!»

2.5.2. Выберите правильный вариант. Не пользуйтесь текстом.

1. This man has...

a) white hair and brown eyes;

b) black hair and blue eyes;

c) grey hair and blue eyes.

2. The temperature is...

a) a few degrees above zero;

b) zero;

c) a few degrees below zero.

3. Eric Masters...

a) is looking very pleased;

b) is in a hurry;

c) is looking very afraid.

4. Baxter's chief gives him the order to arrest Coke because...

a) he arrested him 2 years ago;

b) he didn't arrest him 4 years ago;

c) he arrested him 4 years ago.

2.5.3. Ответьте на вопросы преподавателя. (Книги закрыты.)

1. What do people do on a cold winter evening?

2. What is the description of Edward Coke given in the news?

3. Why do the police think he can't stay free very long?

4. How does Eric Masters look like?

5. Why is Richard Baxter given an order to arrest Coke?

Scanning practice

2.6.1. Прочитайте вопросы. Вам нужно ответить на них после прочтения текста

1. What did the man hear?

2. What did the man think?

3. What did the man at the station say?

2.6.2. Начинайте просматривать текст. Не забудьте отметить время начала и конца работы.

Not a robber

A young man was going from the railway station. It was a dark night and there was nobody in the street. He was walking as fast as he could when suddenly he heard that somebody was following him. The faster he went, the faster the man behind him followed him. The man decided to turn into a side-street. After some time he looked back and saw that the other man was still following him. «That man behind me wants to rob me», thought the first man and seeing a high wall around a garden jumped over it. The other man jumped over the wall too. Now he was quite sure that this man was a robber, but he couldn't under­stand why the robber was not in a hurry to attack him.

The man didn't know what to do. Then he turned round and said: «What do you want? Why are you following me?»

«I'm going to Mr. White and the man at the station told me to go after you because Mr. White lives next door to you. Excuse me please but will you have some more jumping tonight or will you go straight home?»

(195 words)

2.6.3. Ответьте на вопросы в п. 2.6.1. (Книги закрыты.)

Listening practice

2.7.1. Прочитайте следующие вопросы. Вам нужно будет ответить на них после прослушивания текста.

1. Who's Tom?

2. Who's with Тоm?

3. What colour is Mrs. Turner's blouse?

4. What colour is Tom's jacket?

5. What colour are Mary's shoes?

6. What colour are Jimmy's shorts?

7. What colour are Ethel's jeans?

2.7.2. Прослушайте диалог.

2.7.3. Ответьте на вопросы в п. 2.7.1.

2.7.4. Просмотрите список слов. Они помогут вам понять следующий текст:

patient — пациент

nurse — медсестра

downtown — в центре

hate — ненавидеть

boring — скучный

mail — почта

2.7.5. Прослушайте текст. Будьте готовы изложить его содержание на русском языке.

2.7.6. Передайте содержание текста по-русски.

Time for fun

2.8.1. Прочитайте шутки. Попытайтесь пересказать их. Вы можете сделать это на русском языке.

Distrust in Lawyers

«Have you got a lawyer?» asked the judge a young man brought before him. «No, your honour», was the answer.

«Well, don't you think you had better have one?» asked the judge.

«No, your honour», answered the young man. «I don't need one. I'm going to tell the truth».

distrust — недоверие

Court Talk

«Are you the defendant?» asked the judge.

«No, your honour», was the reply. «I have done nothing to be called names. I've got a lawyer who does the defending».

«Then who are you?»

«I'm the gentleman who stole the chicken».

defendant — обвиняемый

stole — украл

to call names — обзывать

? *2.8.2. Отгадайте 5 слов и напишите их по вертикали. Дополните слово по горизонтали и вы получите название месяца.

1. The singer sings a...

2. «Hamlet» is a... by Shakespear.

3. You can hear with them.

4. Another word for ship.

5. A ball can do it.


Фонетика: sound [e]

Словообразование: суффиксы существительного -man, -ian; суффикс прила­гательного - able.

Грамматика: настоящее время Simple Present; аль­тернативные вопросы; разделительные вопросы; оборот there is/are, произ­водные от местоимений some, any, no; возвратные местоимения

Текст: «Where do they live?»

Sound right

3.1.1. Слушайте, смотрите, повторяйте за диктором;

men pet better tell

said best bedding bell

end neck merry fell

gem left any sell

ebb pence many well

bread breath ready text

Thames meant question else

3.1.2. Слушайте, смотрите, повторяйте:

1. Well said.

2. Get better.

3. Ted'11 get wet.

4. The engine went dead.

5. Nell's never felt better.

6. Meg's getting very deaf.

7. Len said he never slept well.

8. Success went to Ned's head.

9. I expect Bell spends a pretty penny on dress.

10. Deb expects to get ready next Wednesday.

3.1.3. Слушайте, смотрите. Обратите внимание на различие между [I] в слове bin и [e] в слове Ben.


— Ben?

— Yes, Betty?

— Did you empty the bin?

— Yes, I did empty the bin.

— Did you send the letters?

— Umm.

— And did you finish the fence?

— I did everything, Betty... everything.

— But did you remember to...?

— Good night, Betty.


— You are getting thinner every minute.

— I'm slimming.

— I don't think slimming is a very good idea.

— But it isn't a very god idea to get heavy, is it?

— Who's heavy?

— Well, you are getting a bit thick round the middle.

3.1.4. Слушайте, смотрите, повторяйте. Обращайте внимание на интонацию.

3.1.5. Прочитайте диалоги в парах.

*3.1.6. Постарайтесь прочитать скороговорку как можно быстрее:

The net is neat.

This is a neat net.

Ned has not a neat net.

net — сеть

neat — аккуратный

3.2. Word-building:

(-man); (-ian); (-able)

3.2.1. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов:

pressman, taximan, Scotsman, Congressman, jury­man, milkman, barman, policeman, railwayman, watchman, chairman, sportsman.

3.2.2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. In what country do Dutchmen live?

2. Whom do we call a yes-man?

3. Do you know the meaning of the word «sand­wich-man»?

4. Is your father a party-man?

5. What does a chairman do?

6. Where does a salesman work?

7. Who is the best Russian sportsman of the year?

3.2.3. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. A technician is a specialist in...

2. A vegetarian is one who lives on...

3. A veterinarian is one who treats...

4. A parliamentarian is a member of...

5. An academician is a member of...

3.2.4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What do we call people who live in Bulgaria (Albania, Nigeria, Panama, California, Asia, Siberia)?

2. In what part of Europe do the Hungarians (Italians, Norwegians) live?

3.2.5. Перефразируйте словосочетания, используя прилагательные с суффиксом -able.

Model: 1. that can be prevented — preventable.

2. that can be drunk — drinkable.

that can be checked; that can be pronounced; that can be understood; that can be broken; that

can be controlled; that can be washed, that can be questioned.

3.2.6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What breakable things are there on your table?

2. Is your handwriting readable?

3. When is the weather most changeable?

4. Is it desirable for you to have two days off a week?

5. In what cases is it justifiable to miss classes?

6. Have you got a portable radio?

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Читайте в этой же книге: Meet my friends | Practice in communication | Pete is preparing for the seminar | Full understanding | Believe it or not, but... | Full understanding | Full understanding | The man who escaped | Word-building | Presence of mind |
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