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The man who escaped

Читайте также:
  1. Put Out an APB— Frank Abagnale Has Escaped!

(Episode 11)

1. Kate was what the Americans call 'a cool character'; nothing seemed to surprise her very much. Perhaps this was because she was an actress. She played small parts in films and on television. She didn't hesitate even for a second when Coke said he wanted her help to find the real spies. «All right», she said. «I'll start right now. Wait here!» «What do you mean? Where are you going?» Coke asked. «You'll find out when I come back. I'll have to get some things now!» Before Coke could answer, she was gone.

2. Not very far away, Baxter was still sitting in the Chief Inspector's Office. He was still looking at Masters's photograph. «What's so interesting about him? Why do you want me to follow him?» he asked. «A few days ago, quite by accident we learned a few things about him. Coke might... be innocent after all. It's only a possibility. We want to see what Masters does if Coke contacts him, the Chief Inspector answered. Baxter was even more sur­prised now. «I don't understand, sir. What do you think Masters might do?» he said. «Masters might try to kill him if he's really afraid of him». «But surely that's dangerous, sir. I mean, if Coke is innocent. Masters might kill him... and if he isn't innocent, we're letting him go free. After all. Coke might kill Masters... or someone else!» The Chief Inspector looked very serious. «That's a chance we'll have to take, Baxter!» he said.

3. Time passed very slowly for Coke that morning and afternoon. It was evening before Kate came back. She was carrying a large bundle and a lot of other things. «Here. Try these things on», she said. She unwrapped the bundle quickly and showed him a suit, shoes and shirt. There was also a coat with an expensive fur collar, the sort million­aires wear in films. «I'll have to change my appearance more than this!» he said. «Of course you will», she answered. «And I've got just the things you'll need!» First Kate dyed Coke's hair grey. Then she used some theatrical make-up to give him a much older face. Finally she put a pair of dark glasses on him, gave him a white walking-stick and led him to a mirror. He was surprised when he saw himself. An old blind man stared back at him. «And now, Kate said, you'll have to do far more than simply look like an old blind man. You'll have to walk, talk and act like one, too!» For the next hour she taught him exactly how to do that. «You learn fast. We can go now», she said finally.

4. They were walking towards a taxi-rank. «Now just tell me where we're going!» Kate said. «To a pub in Soho called «The Green Rider». Masters used to go there a lot», Coke answered. «You mean you think he's one of the spies?» «I don't know, but he didn't tell the truth at the trial. Why else should he lie?» Coke said. They got to Soho half an hour later. The streets were brightly-lit. There were people, pubs, restaurants, cinemas and strip­tease clubs everywhere. They walked on until Coke suddenly gripped Kate's arm very hard. «This is the place. Take me in!» he said. They went into the crowded, noisy room.

11.5.2. Choose the correct answer. Don't use the text.

1. The Chief Inspector wanted to see...

a) if Masters kills Coke;

b) if Coke is innocent;

c) what Masters does if Coke contacts him.

2. Kate taught Coke because...

a) he didn't look like an old man:

b) she wanted him to act like a blind man;

c) she was a good actress.

3. Coke thought that Masters was a spy be­cause

a) he used to go to «The Green Rider»:

b) he was afraid of him;

c) he didn't tell the truth at the trial.

11.5.3. Answer the teacher's questions. (Books closed.)

1. What was Kate?

2. What did the Chief Inspector want to see?

3. Why was the Chief Inspector's plan danger­ous?

4. What did Kate bring in the evening?

5. What did Kate do to Coke's hair and face?

6. Whom did Coke see in the mirror?

7. What did Kate teach Coke to do?

8. Where and why were they walking?

9. What made Coke think Masters was one of the spies?

11.5.4. Give the contents of the extract in 4 sentences.

Scanning practice

11.6.1. Read the questions. Be sure you've got them well in mind.

1. What was the verdict for the students?

2. When was the diplomat kidnapped?

3. What did the prosecution say about him?

11.6.2. Start scanning the text. Don't fail to note your time.

Two students convicted of diplomat's murder

Two students who took part in the killing in February last year of an Indian diplomat, Mr. Ravindra Mhatre, were convicted of murder at Birmingham Crown Court.

Mohammed Riaz, aged 23, a student, of Jarrom Street, Leicester, and Abdul Raja, aged 21, a student, of rue de la Butte, Blauchet, Paris, both Kashmiris, were convicted on a majority verdict of eleven to one.

They were remanded in custody for sentencing with four others who have admitted taking part in the kidnap­ping plot.

The court heard how Mr. Mhatre, the assistant com­missioner at the Indian High Commission in Birmingham, was kidnapped as he returned to his home in Bartley Green, on the outskirts of city.

He was held prisoner in Birmingham for three days before being driven to a lane in Leicestershire, where he was shot three times at point-blank range.

Mr. Igor Judge, QC, for the prosecution, said: «This happened to a man with no known enemies. It happened to a man who had never caused offence to the defendants or any of those involved in the problems thousands of miles away».

(The Times) (190 words)

11.6.3. Answer the questions in 11.6.1. (Books closed.)

Listening practice

11.7.1. Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text.

1. Why was everybody afraid in the saloon?

2. Who hurried to the saloon?

3. Who fired first?

4. What did two cowboys do?

11.7.2. Listen to the dialogue.

11.7.3. Answer the questions in 11.7.1.

11.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text.

on average — в среднем

currently — в настоящее время

regard — рассматривать

relatively — относительно

expect — ожидать

11.7.5. Listen to the story. Be ready to give the contents of it in Russian.

11.7.6. Tell the contents of the story in Russian as close to the text as possible.

Time for fun

11.8.1. Read and translate the following jokes.

1. A man was accused of stealing a pair of trousers. After a long examination he was acquitted, because the evidence against him was not sufficiently strong. He stayed, however, in the dock after his aquital had been pronounced. The lawyer who had defended him, observ­ing that he didn't go away, informed him that he was free to go wherever he wanted. The man shook his head slightly, but remained. By this time the court was nearly empty. Again his lawyer told him that he could go. «I can't go till all the witnesses against me have left the court», said the man. «And why may that be?» asked the lawyer. «Because of the stolen trousers, sir. I've got them on».

2. A barber went to a lawyer for advice. «What shall I do», he asked «to a boy who threw a stone in one of my windows and broke a pane?» «You may make his father pay for it», answered the lawyer. «Then», said the barber, «I want six shillings from you, sir, for it was your son who did it». «And if you hand me over four shillings», said the lawyer, «we shall be quits, for my fee is half a pound».

? *11.8.2. How many pounds of earth can you take out of a hole which is one foot square and one foot deep?

? *11.8.3. Can you read the address?


Фонетика: sounds [s], [T]

Словообразование: отрицательный префикс un-

Грамматика: пассивный залог

Текст: «Jane's letter» (cont.)

Sound right

12.1.1. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the difference in pronounciation of the sounds [s] and [T]: [s] as in sink, [T] as in think.


A. It's not safe.

B. Of course, it's safe.

A. I think, it'll sink. It's only made of thin cloth.

B. It's not cloth, it's plastic. And it's not thin, it's thick.

A. Well, even thick plastic can burst.

B. It's quite safe. The man said so.

A. And anyway, sailing makes me sick.


A. Now, look at this, sir — this marvellous seventeenth century mirror. It's a thing both of beauty and of worth.

B. Yes,butd'youthink...

A. Oh, I think you'll like the price too, sir.

B. Mmm. Perhaps so. But to me it seems quite worthless.

A. Oh — you can have complete faith in it?

B. Yes — but can you see your face in it?

12.1.2. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intona­tion.

12.1.3. Read the dialogues in pairs.

12.1.4. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference in pronunciation of the sounds [T] and [t]: [9] as in three, [t] as in tree.


A. I think I shall plant two or three of these trees.

B. Mmm. Two or three trees would be nice. Where do you think you'll plant them?

A. On both sides of the path, I think.

B. And when the trees are tall...

A. I shall be a hundred and thirty.


A. I'm taking mathematics and theology.

B. And who teaches you math?

A. Mr. Theodore.

B. But I thought Mr. Theodore taught theology.

A. He taught theology last term. But the math teacher left and now Mr. Theodore will be taking us for maths.

B. Well, who's taking you for theology now?

A. Mrs. Theodore.

B. I didn't know Mrs. Theodore had studied theology.

A. That is how she met Mr. Theodore.

12.1.5. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

12.1.6. Read the dialogues in pairs.

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