General Table Service
For Specialty Restaurants, associates shall be trained to:
1. Serve and clear all food items, plates, etc. without using a tray; all beverage items, glassware, coffee cups, etc. must be removed on a tray.
- Serve and clear all beverages from the right side with the right hand.
- Serve/bus all plated food from the left, except when seating configuration will not permit, i.e. when serving booths or whenever guest might be inconvenienced.
- With booth seating, the server shall always excuse him/herself for reaching (“Pardon me for reaching.”). Use the right hand to serve guests on the left side of the booth. Use the left hand to serve the guests on the right side of the booth (hand furthest away from the guest being served.)
- Serve bread and butter from the left, if from platter.
- Present food from the right side with the right hand.
- Pass dressings from the left.
- Pass/present food, which is served from a platter from the left (French service, when applicable).
- Place plates from the right with the right hand.
- Clear tables from the left with the left hand.
- Use right hand when placing items from the right.
- Use left hand when placing items from the left.
- As a general rule, never reach in front of a guest or across one guest to serve another.
- Always use pivot points.
- Always use a serviette when holding plates. Serviettes should be folded and unobtrusive.
- Properly place the plate down with the entrйe directly in front of the guest. The Server/Wait Staff should place meat at 5 pm (5 o’clock position) and then turn the plate to 6 pm (6 o’clock position). When serving meat, position the fat away from the guest.
- When large serving dishes are used, present them from the left side, holding them with the left hand and transferring the food with the right hand, using serving fork and serving spoon, onto the plate. When the associate uses a tray, they shall place heavy items in the center for the more balance.
- To lift large trays, the associates shall bend the knees and lift the weight with the legs.
- Balance large trays by lifting onto the shoulder and letting the tray rest on the shoulder and palm of the hand.
- Never lift glasses or cups when pouring beverages. Splash guard at all water and coffee service. Following European etiquette, the only glasses that are lifted for service shall be beer and champagne.
(Splash guard is a serviette folded into fours and held between the guest and beverage.)
- Continuously replace soiled ashtrays with clean ones by inverting clean ashtray onto soiled one to avoid flying ashes. Ashtrays are replaced when a maximum of two cigarette butts appear. Ashtrays should be replaced as soon as one cigarette butt appears.
- Serve ice water or mineral water on request, and continuously refill water goblet (pour ice water), iced tea and coffee, using a napkin as a splash board.
- Always keep the table neat by picking up cracker wrappers, excess cocktail napkins, or stir sticks; wipe table top clean of spills (where no tablecloth) or cover spills with napkin (where tablecloth). If spill is intrusive, offer guest relocation.
- After the main course, use crumber or a folded napkin with plate and clear crumbs from table into a B&B plate. When crumbing table, the associate shall use a crumber, making slow, right-to-left movements, and shall crumb into butter plate
- Every time a guest leaves the table, refold napkins.
Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 122 | Нарушение авторских прав
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