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Question mark

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A new study looks at the relationship between media use and mental health, but does not answer a big question.
  6. A part ces ennuis, je n'étais pas trop malheureux. Toute la question, encore une fois, était de tuer le temps.
  7. A part ces ennuis, je n'étais pas trop malheureux. Toute la question, encore une fois, était de tuer le temps.



الترقيم هو تحويل أول حرف من بعض الكلمات من حرف صغير إلى حرف كبير

هيا بنا نعرف الكلمات التي يجب أن تبدأ بحرف كبير:

أولاً: استعمال حرف كبير في بداية الكلمة Capitalization

(1) أول كلمة في الجملة (بداية الجملة).

(2) أسماء الناس مثل Ali – Heba – Dina – Mona

(4) أسماء المدن مثل Cairo – Giza

(5) أيام الأسبوع مثل Saturday – Sunday – Monday ------

(6) الشهور January – February – March ------

(7) اللغات مثل Arabic – English ------

(8)الجنسيات مثل Egyptian - American -----

(9)أسماء الدول مثل Egypt - France -------

(10)الالقاب مثل Mr - Mrs --------


ثانياً: استخدام الفاصلة(Comma):

1- تستخدم الفاصلة (,) لفصل صفتين. ويجوز استخدام كلمة (and) بدلاً من الفاصلة.

· He is a strong, healthy man.

· He is a strong and healthy man.


Full stop

Question mark

سادساً: نستخدم (') apostrophe للاختصار


Punctuate the following sentences:


1 – mona and fatma like arabic


2 – heba has english on tuesday

........................................................ …………………............

3 – i am nabil, i m ten years old


4 – how old re you hazem


5 – i don t go to school on saturday



@ Test on unit (1)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: How................... are you?

Mona: I'm.......................


3-Read and match A with B:

  lion How old  
  are you? He is  
  my brother. Who is  
  she? Bye-  


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-I ('m - 's - 're) nine.

2-She 's my (father - sister - brother).

3-How old are (he -she - you)?

4-Bye! (See- Look -How) you tomorrow.

5- Who (am - is -are) she?


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

pjmu amj threom rhtboer kajtec
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

ahmed and heba live in minia



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

Jana is five years old.

@ Test on the Unit 2


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: Yay! My birthday is ….....………. Monday.



3-Read and match A with B:

  is running. Yay! My birthday  
  it isn't. He is  
  my brother. She  
  is on Monday. No,  


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-I play football (on – in –under) Sunday.

2-No, it (isn't – am not – aren't).

3-Heba is (sleep – sleeps – sleeping).

4-(Who- What – How) is she?

5-I (am – is -are) eating.


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

edar latk obtro mbal der
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

i m ahmed



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

He is playing football.

@ Test on unit (3)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: This............. for you.

Mona:.......................... birthday.


3-Read and match A with B:

  birthday. We're  
  playing. This is  
  is my sister. She  
  she? Happy  
  for you.    


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-We ('m - 's - 're) singing.

2-He 's my (mother - sister - brother).

3- (They -She - He) are playing.

4-This is (four- for -flower) you.

5- You are (sleep - sleeps -sleeping).


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

nisg ucp othsu eeuqn xof
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ……………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

ahmed is playing tennis with sally



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

They are singing.

@ Model Test (1)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: How................... are you?

Mona: I'm....................


3-Read and match A with B:

  on Friday. Is today  
  are shouting. See you  
  Monday? My birthday is  
  tomorrow. They  


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-Mona (isn't – am –aren't) Shouting.

2- (When – Who– What) is she? -She is a girl.

3-We are (sleep – sleeps – sleeping).

4-I'm (hen- ten – pen) years old.

5-This is (for – four - on) you.


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

eahtfr lge ucp ckajte nur
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

ahmed and mona go to cinema on friday



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

We are good students.

@ Model Test (2)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: Yay! My birthday is ….....………. Monday.



3-Read and match A with B:

  running. Who is  
  tomorrow. This is  
  for you. You're  
  she? I'm ten  
  years old.    


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-My birthday is (on – in –under) Sunday.

2-How (long – old– tall) are you? - I'm ten.

3-Heba is (sing – sings – singing).

4-We (aren't- is – am) sleeping.

5-She is my (brother – sister- father).


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

eelsp aerd wlak mhtero maj
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

does ahmed live in minia



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

He is my grandfather.

@ Model Test (3)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: Who is …………………………?

Mona: He is my........................


3-Read and match A with B:

  eating. She's  
  a jacket. Bye-  
  my mother. This is  
  is on Monday. I'm  


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-I play football (on – in –under) Sunday.

2-No, it (isn't – am not – aren't).

3-Thank (he - you - she).

4-(Who- What – How) is she? -She's my mother

5-I (am – is- are) eating.


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

elesp labm rawd eequn tressi
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

we re live in cairo



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

He is playing football.

@ Model Test (4)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: This is ….....………. you.



3-Read and match A with B:

  welcome. How old  
  my mother. Happy  
  are you? She is  
  is on Monday. You're  


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-He ('m – 's –'re) my grandfather.

2-Marwa is (draw – draws– drawing).

3- (He– We– She) are crying.

4-How old are (they – she – you)? –I'm nine.

5-I (am – is are) singing.


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

eckjat adcyn aklw dukc oyugtr
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

no it's tuesday



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

Thank you very much.

@ Test on unit (4)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: May I ………………………… to Dina, please?

Mona: Sure. ……………………. on.


3-Read and match A with B:

  he doing? Sure.  
  birthday. No  
  problem. This is  
  Hold on. Happy  
  a train.    


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-Sure. Hold (on - in - out).

2- (Are - Is - Am) today Monday?

3- (They -She - He) are studying English.

4-What's(you- they -he) doing?

5- What (am – is – are) you doing?


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

aet uydst kace lawk rtina
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

may i speak to heba, please



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

They are taking a shower.

@ Test on the Unit 5


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: Where ……………….. you from?

Mona: I 'm....................... France.


3-Read and match A with B:

  France. What time  
  it? is You speak  
  my brother She is  
  English very well. I'm from  
  my sister.    


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-It's four (clock – o'clock –hour).

2-(Where- Who – How) are you from?

3-I'm (for – under – from) France.

4-(Who- What – How) is she?.

5-I (am – is are) singing.


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

eefd lcnea vefi dsee tfyif
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

amr likes english



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

It's five o'clock.

@ Test on the Unit 6



A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: Where.................... you live?

Mona: I live....................... Minia.


3-Read and match A with B:

  too. These  
  my father. He is  
  see you tomorrow. Where do  
  you live? Me,  
  are flowers.    


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-Those (am – is –are) books.

2-I like the (sun – pen– green) colour.

3-That is (a tree – flowers – apples).

4-Thank (he - you - she).

5-I live (on – in - of) Cairo.


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

ghtir ltghi drie eipp nein
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

oh really Me, too



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

These are green trees.

@ Model Test (1)



A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: How................... are you?

Mona: I'm....................


3-Read and match A with B:

  welcome. Where do you live?  
  She's my mother. See you  
  I live in Minia. You're  
  tomorrow. Who's she?  


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-She (is – am –are) my sister.

2-My birthday is (in –on– of) Friday.

3-What's she (do – does – doing)?

4-These (are- is – am) flowers.

5-This is (for – four - on) you.


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

ivfe abtbir tea nisg tej
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

ali and maher live in minia



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

They are watching TV.

@ Model Test (2)



A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: What time is........................?

Mona: It's....................... o'clock.


3-Read and match A with B:

  I'm ten. Oh.You speak  
  English very well. This is  
  for you. How old are you?  
  my father. He's  
  years old.    


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-We (am – is –are) laughing.

2-What's (they – you– he) doing?

3-Heba is (sing – sings – singing).

4-That (are - is - am) a red flower.

5-She is my (brother – sister- father).


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

gel aerd rayn upc maj
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

does ahmed live in minia



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

He is my brother.

@ Model Test (3)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: Where ………………… you live?

Mona: I live....................... Minia.


3-Read and match A with B:

  She? Happy  
  jacket. Bye-  
  Minia. Who is  
  birhday. I'm from  


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1-How old are (he – you –they)? - I'm ten.

2-No, it (isn't – am not – aren't).

3- (He - You - She) are crying.

4-(Who- What – How) is she? -She's my mother

5-What (am – is are) they doing?


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the words:

elesp nria rade ckdu tressi
........... .......... .............. ............ ...........


6-Look and write a sentence under each picture:

…………………………. ………………………….


7- Punctuate the following sentence:

we re live in cairo



8-Copy the following in good handwriting:

He is playing football.

@ Model Test (4)


A) Listening

1-Listen and number the pictures:

(.......) (.......) (......) (.......) (......)


2-Listen and fill in the gaps:

Ahmed: Hello. May I speak................. Ahmed, Please?



3-Read and match A with B:

  Hold on. They are  
  so much. Sure.  
  studying English. Thank you  
  France. I'm from  


4-Choose the correct word(s) between brackets:

1- (See – Eat –look) you tomorrow.

2-Maha is (draw – draws– drawing).

3- (He– We– I) are shouting.

4-Who is (they – she – you)? –She's a girl.

5-I (am – is- are) singing.


5- Look at the pictures and unscramble the wo

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