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To worry, to harass, to plague, to pester, to tease

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  1. PURE-Ent.] PURE - 난 아직도 널(I still love you) Teaser_2013
  2. Some elves tease them and laugh at them, and most of all at their beards.


Worry – (Etymology: Old English wyrgan; related to Old Frisian wergia to kill, Old High German wurgen (German (er)würgen to strangle), Old Norse virgill, urga rope) to disturb the peace of mind of; bother (don’t worry me with trivialities) (набридати, чіплятися / надоедать; докучать, донимать, приставать, беспокоиться, волноваться, беспокоить, волновать; болеть, беспокоить; разрывать, раздирать (особенно о собаках или волках)), stresses incessant (постоянный) attacking or goading (подстрекать) and an intentionor sometimes an effect of driving the victim to desperationor defeat (pursue a policy of worrying the enemy, worryhim out till he gives his consent, brother shouldnot war with brother, and worry and devour (уничтожать) each other; to worry over trifles – беспокоиться по пустякам; enough/nothing to worry about; stop worrying; to worry yourself sick/to death; worry about / over smb., smth.; to worry smb. with smth.; not to worry = it does not matter – это не имеет значения)


Harass – (Etymology: from French harasser, variant of Old French harer to set a dog on, of Germanic origin; compare Old High German harēn to cry out) to trouble, torment, or confuse by continual persistent attacks, questions, etc. (турбувати, непокоїти / беспокоить, волновать, изводить, тревожить, надоедать, утомлять, изнурять, изматывать, причинять беспокойство (телефонными звонками и пр.); приставать, преследовать, назойливо ухаживать, докучать сексуальными домогательствами), usually implies persecution, especially continued petty (мелкий) persecutions, or burdensome demands or exactions (требование) that drive one to distraction or exhaust one's nervous or mental power (it is good for boys and girls to know that their father can be harassed by worries and their mother worn out by a multiplicity of details; to be sexually harassed – быть жертвой сексуальных домогательств)


Plague – (Etymology: from Late Latin plāga pestilence, from Latin: a blow; related to Greek plēgē a stroke, Latin plangere to strike) (надокучати; набридати; турбувати, засмучувати; завдавати болю; турбувати, непокоїти, тривожити / изводить, мучить, доводить; мешать, надоедать, досаждать, беспокоить; приходить, нападать; заполонять, свирепствовать; зачумлять, насылать (чуму, бедствие, проклятие)) to afflict or harass, implies an affliction (горе) or infliction (страдание) comparable to that of a devastating epidemic disease and even with greatly weakened implications tends to suggest a tormentor and an agonized or suffering victim (to plague the life out of smb. – замучить кого-л. полностью, до невозможности; довести до ручки; Why am I always plagued with bad luck? — Да что же мне всегда так не везёт? She is plagued by poor health. — Её всё время мучают болезни. The thought of suicide plagued her. — Мысль о самоубийстве неотступно преследовала её. the gods are just, and of our pleasant vices (порок) make instruments to plague us; the kind of unhappy phrase that could plague a candidate right down to the wire; misfortune plagued the plotters at every turn; sb. with sth. – преследовать, поражать кого-либо чем-либо, изводить, изматывать; to be plagued by doubts/jealousy – быть измученным сомнениями/завистью, ревностью; to plague smb. with questions/ requests for money – изводить кого-либо вопросами/просьбами дать денег)


Pester – (Etymology: from Old French empestrer to hobble (a horse), from Vulgar Latin impāstōriāre (unattested) to use a hobble, from pāstōria (unattested) a hobble, from Latin pāstōrius relating to a herdsman, from pastor herdsman) to annoy or nag (чіплятися, прискіпуватися, "гризти", зводити, бурчати / докучать, надоедать, донимать, допекать) continually(надокучати, набридати, дошкуляти), implies the power to annoy past endurance (as by numbers or by repetition of attacks suggestive of the discomforts of an infestation (инвазия) of vermin (вредители) (заполнять, заполонять, наводнять, наполнять))(John pestered his parents with questions. — Джон докучал своим родителям вопросами. She's been pestering the life out of me over the telephone. — Она изводит меня своими звонками. pester the authorities with complaints)


Tease – (Etymology: Old English tæsan; related to Old High German zeisan to pick) to vex (someone) maliciously (злонамеренно) or playfully, esp. by ridicule (1) дражнити 2) набридати, надокучати; випрошувати) may imply repeated attempts to break down resistance by successive appeals (просьба) or importunities (надоедливость) or it may imply an attempt to provoke or upset by raillery (насмешки) or tormenting (дразнить; поддразнивать; выпрашивать, домогаться; флиртовать) (He is not soon provoked, however teased. — Сколько его ни дразни, его трудно вывести из себя. The children were teasing to be taken to the circus. to tease about, with smth.; to be just/only teasing)


Complete the sentences with to worry, to harass, to plague, to pester, to tease:

1. Ants __________ the picnickers. 2. Beggars __________ him for money. 3. Do stop __________ me with all these questions. 4. Don’t get upset, I was only __________. 5. Don’t take what she said seriously – she was only __________. 6. Don’t __________ the driver with unnecessary requests. 7. He complained of being racially __________. 8. He told the photographers to stop __________ him. 9. His friends used to __________ him about his tatty clothes. 10. His stomach __________ him. 11. She had been sexually __________ at work. 12. She was __________ with arthritis. 13. Stop __________ the cat (e.g. by pulling its tail). 14. Stop __________ about money – we’ll manage something. 15. The aid convoys were continually __________ by guerrillas. 16. The farmer said my dog had been __________ his sheep. 17. The fields are __________ with locusts. 18. The horses were __________ by flies. 19. The island is __________ with adders. 20. They __________ her mercilessly with remarks about her weight. 21. This bridge has been __________ with accidents ever since it was built. 22. We’ve missed the train, but not to __________, there’ll be another one in 10 minutes.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 91 | Нарушение авторских прав

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