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Bothersome, irritating, troublesome, harassing, tormenting, nagging, vexatious


BOTHERSOME – надоедливый, докучливый, назойливый; беспокойный, неугомонный
IRRITATING -раздражающий, вызывающий раздражение, зудящий: It's irritating to see them waste so much time. I found her extremely irritating – У меня она вызвала крайнее раздражение an irritating habit –противная привычка an irritating cough / rash – раздражающий кашель/зудящая сыпь
TROUBLESOME - причиняющий беспокойство; трудный; беспокойный; мучительный; беспокойный, недисциплинированный; назойливый troublesome neighbourhood — неудобное, опасное соседство a troublesome cough –мучительный кашель/ child –беспокойный ребенок/ problem –серьезная, опасная проблема
TORMENTING - мучительный
NAGGING 1) ворчливый, вечно недовольный, сердитый, ноющий: a nagging voice –ноющий, ворчливый голос   2) ноющий, беспокоящий nagging pain / doubt –ноющая боль/мучительные сомнения
VEXATIOUS - 1) раздражающий, досаждающий; досадный, неприятный, огорчительный vexatious to smb. —раздражающий кого-л.   2) беспокойный; беспокоящий: vexatious and capricious infant — беспокойный и капризный ребёнок vexatious life — беспокойная жизнь   3) неудобный, обременительный 4) совершённый с намерением досадить vexatious lawsuit — недобросовестно возбуждённое дело

Complete the quotations:

1. “... like anyone else who does not have a soul, you cannot stand anyone who has too much of one. Too much soul! That is __________, is it not? So, it is called a sickness: the eggheads are justified and happy.” (Albert Camus) 2. “... there is nothing more __________ to a feminist than the average "Woman's Page" of a newspaper, with its out-dated assumption that all women have a common trade interest in the household arts, and a common leisure interest in clothes and the doings of "high society." Women's interests to-day are as wide as the world.” (Crystal Eastman) 3. Are we not also married to conscience which we would love to get rid of often enough since it is more __________ than a man or a woman ever could become? (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe) 4. It is always so pleasant to be generous, though very __________ to pay debts. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) 5. Of all the cants which are canted in this canting world, – though the cant of hypocrites may be the worst, – the cant of criticism is the most __________! (Laurence Sterne) 6. The dangers of mass culture are much easier to define than the ideals. The foremost one, which may negate all the ideals, is an overpowering narcotic effect, relaxing the tired mind and tranquilizing the anxious. Genuine art is demanding and difficult, often unpleasant, __________ at the mind and stretching the nerves taut. So much of mass culture envelops the audience in a warm bath, making no demands except that we all glow with pleasure and comfort. It is this that may negate the range of possibility (the bath is warmer at the shallow end), keep taste static or even deteriorate it a little, muffle the few critical and ironic sounds being made. That premature cultural critic Homer knew all about this effect, at various times calling it Lotus Eaters, Calypso, Circe, and the Sirens, and he just barely got our hero through intact. (Stanley Edgar Hyman)


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 134 | Нарушение авторских прав

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