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Cheerful, glad, happy, light-hearted, joyful, joyous

Читайте также:
  1. Парфюмированный спрей для тела Miss Happy, 75 мл.


CHEERFUL – радостный, весёлый; живой, энергичный, неунывающий; делающий что-л. охотно, с радостью, с желанием; вызывающий радость; рассеивающий сумрак, яркий; снимающий тревогу suggests a strong and, often, a spontaneous flow of good spirits either as a result of feeling glad or happy or as a result of an equable disposition or of a naturally sanguine (оптимистичный) temperament cheerful obedience — добровольная покорность sunny cheerful room — солнечная комната cheerful colours — яркие краски
GLAD(usually used predicatively)– довольный; рад, доволен, счастлив   may be used in opposition to sorry to convey polite conventional expressions of pleasure or gratification; it may also be used in opposition to sad, and then connotes actual delight and a lift of spirits and sometimes elation   glad to hear it — рад это слышать He was glad to turn away from the stages. — Он был рад расстаться со сценой. I'm so glad about that. — Я так рад этому.
HAPPY – cчастливый, довольный, весёлый   may also be used in polite conventional phrases in which its content can hardly be distinguished from that of glad. In more meaningful use, however, it distinctively implies a sense of contentment and well-being or a realization either of one's good fortune or of the fulfillment of one's desires   happy face — счастливое лицо happy smile — счастливая улыбка I'm very happy for you. — Я так рад за тебя. I am happy in my work / job. — Я доволен свой работой. I've never felt happier in my life. — Никогда в жизни я не был так счастлив. I am not quite happy about / with your idea. — Я не в восторге от вашей идеи.
LIGHT(-)HEARTED – беззаботный, беспечный, весёлый, радостный stresses freedom from care, worry, and discontent. Since it also implies high spirits, vivacity, or gaiety, it commonly suggests in addition youth or an easygoing and somewhat volatile (изменчивый) temperament  
Joyful and joyous imply keen gladness or happiness with resulting elation; they are often used as though they were equivalent terms. However, joyful usually suggests a mood or an emotional reaction to an event or situation, and it implies rejoicing (веселье, ликование). Joyous, on the other hand, applies more to something which by its nature or character is filled with joy or is a cause of joy.     JOYFUL – радостный, счастливый; довольный; приносящий радость   We are so joyful about that! — Мы так рады этому! a joyful look – веселый вид a joyful occasion – радостный повод   JOYOUS – радостный, счастливый; довольный; приносящий радость   joyous laughter – веселый смех She could now enjoy the joyous prospect of being reunited with him again. – Теперь она могла насладиться радостной перспективой воссоединиться с ним снова.


Complete the sentences:

1. He whistles as he goes, __________ wretch, cold and yet cheerful. 2. He will never be __________ until he finds work which utilizes all his talents. 3. Her boss was entirely __________ about the situation. 4. I am __________ to hear of your recovery. 5. I shall be __________ to have the opportunity to meet you. 6. In the day of prosperity be __________. 7. Money won’t make you __________. 8. Suicidal thoughts... could not enter the __________, sanguine, courageous scheme of life, which was in part natural to her and in part slowly built up. 9. That __________ serenity we think belongs to a better world than this. 10. Time went by as we drank and talked in a world that was rosy, __________, and full of fellow-ship and peace on earth. 11. Wine that maketh __________ the heart of man.


CHEERLESS – гнетущий, мрачный, подавленный, угрюмый, унылый, безрадостный   Cheerless stresses absence of anything cheering and is less explicit than but as forceful as the others in suggesting a pervasive disheartening joylessness or hopelessness   he would like to have done with life and its vanity altogether... so cheerless and dreary the prospect seemed to him a dark and cheerless room – темная и мрачная комната a damp and cheerless December afternoon – сырой и безрадостный декабрьский вечер  
GLOOMY   implies imperfect illumination owing to causes that interfere seriously with the radiation of light (as dense clouds or the heavy shade of many closely set trees): in addition, it often connotes pervading cheerlessness   the day was especially gloomy for June the gloomiest part of the forest the room was gloomy and depressing with only a dim light from a small candle their gloomy pathway tended upward, so that, through a crevice, a little daylight glimmered down upon them   1) тёмный, мрачный gloomy weather — тёмная, мрачная погода Be careful, the staircase is a little gloomy. — Будь осторожен, лестница не очень хорошо освещается.   2) угрюмый, печальный; удручающий; приводящий в уныние, наводящий тоску gloomy landscape — угрюмый пейзаж gloomy silence — гнетущая тишина gloomy prophecies — мрачные прогнозы Analysts are persistently too gloomy about / over the economic growth prospects of this country. — Аналитики по-прежнему с пессимизмом смотрят на перспективы экономического роста этой страны.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 170 | Нарушение авторских прав

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