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Language Development

Читайте также:
  2. A. Useful Language
  3. ACS functional diagram development
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Additional Language Exercises
  6. Aim: develop sts’ speaking for fluency with the functional language on the topic Dates.
  7. Aim: develop sts’ speaking for fluency with the functional language on the topic.

1 Look at the various means of transport and try to guess which was invented first. Which do you think is the most recent invention? Why?

steam train modern bicycle hot-air balloon aeroplane steamboat

Now read the following paragraph and see if your guesses were right.

Over the last two hundred years, means of transport have changed and developed a great deal. Oddly enough, the first successful development was in air travel when, in 1783, the French Montgolfier brothers launched the hot-air balloon. Twenty years later, in England, the steamboat and steam train made their first successful trips. Nearly 40 years later the first version of the modern bicycle was introduced, and in 1903 the first successful aeroplane flight was made by the Wright brothers of Ohio, USA.


Which of these means of transport are still in use? How have they changed?


2. a. Look at the following and say which are used in the air, on land, and in/on water.

b. Match the nouns with the verbs in the middle column.


submarine, hang-glider, aeroplane, car, ship, helicopter, hot-air balloon, motorcycle, coach, raft, canoe, ferry, bicycle, lorry, hovercraft, train, bus, taxi steer drive ride fly paddle 3 Circle the odd word out. aeroplane: seatbelt, wing, deckchair, cockpit car: windscreen, boot, brake, anchor bicycle: pedal, saddle, exhaust pipe, chain train: buffet car, track, handlebars, luggage rack ship: deck, bonnet, bridge, cabin


4 Decide which of the following words are connected with: a) planes, b) ships, c) trains and d) buses. Some words can be used more than once.

locomotive, mast, runway, harbour, driver, flight attendant, carriage, life-jackets, dashboard, platform, co-pilot, engine room, radar, boarding pass, purser, number plate, wagon, horn, level crossing, compartment, rear vieiw mirror


5. Read these announcements and guess the missing words. Then, listen to the tape and fill in the gaps. Where would you hear each announcement? Finally, close your books and say as many words as you can remember related to each announcement.

A." Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is your purser speaking. On behalf of our 1) ……. and crew I would like to welcome you all 2) …….. the M.S. Jubilee. We wish you a pleasant and comfortable 3) ………... As passengers on the 4) ……… can see, we are now lifting the anchor and shall be leaving the 5) ……… immediately. Passengers are reminded, for security reasons, that at 17.30 we shall be holding a life saving drill. Your 6) ……….. can be found in the bottom of your wardrobes. The number of your muster station is on the back of your 7) ……… door."


B "On behalf of the 1) …………. Welcome aboard TWA flight 801 from New York to Los Angeles. As we prepare for 2) ……… we would like to remind you to place any hand luggage in the overhead 3) ………….. Make sure your seat is in the upright position and please fasten your 4) …………. Before our departure members of the crew will demonstrate the aircraft's safety 5) ………… and procedures. When our cruising altitude has been reached, the crew will serve refreshments and a light snack. We wish you a pleasant 6) ………..


C "1) …………. three for all passengers travelling to Rugby, Stafford and Crewe. Those with 2) ……..for Manchester and the North should change at Crewe 3) ………….. First class compartments are situated in the first two 4) ………... A buffet car is available for those wishing to buy refreshments during the journey."

6. Fill in the correct word from the list.

trip route voyage tour flight journey travel  


1 It's a good Idea to take breaks during a ………… especially if you're driving a long way.

2 My daughter is going on a school ……… next week.

3 The ……… from London to New York takes about eight hours.

4 I felt seasick during the ………..

5 Do you prefer to …………… by car or train?

6 My parents have just come back from a …………. of Scotland.

7 I had to take a different …………….. to work this morning, due to roadworks.


7 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words from the list:

ignition gear brake seatbelt accelerator pedal dashboard clutch pedal rear view mirror


The first time I drove after passing my driving test, I was deter­mined to get everything right. I got into the car, turned the key in the 1) ……….. and put my foot on the 2) ………….. while changing into first 3) ………….. Slowly I pressed down on the 4) ………………… and pulled out into the road. Driving along, I remembered to look at the petrol gauge on the 5) ……….. to make sure I had enough petrol. Suddenly, a flashing light in the 6) ………….. caught my eye. There was a police car behind indicating that I should pull over, so I gently pressed on the 7) …………. and stopped. Winding down the window, I asked the policeman what was wrong - I had thought I was doing so well! His answer was very embarrassing- "You've forgotten to put on your 8) …………………. sir!"


8 Listen to the following dialogues and fill in the missing words. Then, with a partner, act out similar dialogues.


A: I'd like a ticket for the next train to York, please.

B: 1) …………. or return?

A: A return please.

B: What date will you be returning?

A: On the 18th of January. Could you tell me if that's a 2) ………. train?

B: I'm afraid you have to 3) ………….. at Doncaster.

A: Which 4) …………………. does it leave from?

B: Six.

A: And how much is the 5) ……………….?

B: That'll be £35.50, please,

A: Here you are...

A: Good morning. Could I have your 1) ………… and ticket, please?

B: Here you are.

A: Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking?

B Non-smoking please. Could I have a window 2) ………..?

A: Let me check if there is one available. Ah yes, there is. Do you have any 3) ………….?

B: Just this suitcase.

A: Fine. Here's your boarding 4) …………. You'll be departing from 5) …………….. 16. Have a nice flight

B: Thank you very much.

9. Look at the three pictures showing different means of transport and read the list of adjectives below. Then, make sentences using the following expressions at least once as in the examples:

more... than, not as... as, less... than, as... as, the most/least...

environmentally friendly, fast, comfortable, safe, economical, stressful, reliable, expensive, convement, etc.


e.g. The Irani is faster than the car or bus, and it is the most environmentally friendly means of transport.

The train is not as fast as the car.

Travelling by lrain is less expensive than travelling by car

The car is the least environmentally friendly of the train


10. The following diagram illustrates the popularity of the various types of transport that people use to commute. Look at the diagram and fill in the gaps with words from the list.




large proportion of



1 The ……………. of people prefer to commute by train.

2 A ……………….people take the bus to work.

3 Fifteen ………………… of people drive to work.

4 A ……….. of people cycle to work.

11. Listen to the short dialogues and tick (/) the information you hear in the boxes provided.

Look at the table above and give reasons why people use these types of transport to commute. Then write sentences as in the example. You can use your own ideas as well.

e.g. Although buses can be crowded and unreliable a large majority of people commute by bus because buses are cheap.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 578 | Нарушение авторских прав

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