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To breathe down someone’s neck; to take on board; to go like a bomb; to bad-mouth; to keep a careful watch on sth; to milk; to take a brand downmarket.

Читайте также:
  1. Addition, I see a Chinese coin hanging from your watch-chain, the matter
  2. Aibileen shakes her head, then nods. Then shakes it again. We watch her and wait.
  3. Airdeallachalert, watchful, aireachattentive, aireachtбlachperceptive, beo gastaon the ball, crнonnaastute, cъramach
  5. BRANDY NIGHTINGALE, первый раз на сцене
  6. Breakfast, next morning. Herr Stroh, more sober than before, stood watching
  7. C Looked niceand looked carefully



Exercise 1. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.

1. brand-stretching a) briefly and concisely

2. to take a brand down market b) to consider and accept (an idea, plan, etc.)

3. ad hoc c) to watch someone closely; supervise someone’s

work; behavior in order to criticize

4. to milk d) to go very well

5. to keep a careful watch on sth e) to discredit

6. to bad-mouth (v); mud-slinging (n) f) to gain profit


7. blow-by-blow account g) to observe thoroughly

8. bottleneck h) an account describing all events in the order in

which they happened

9. to go like a bomb i) special, established for some purpose

10. to take on board j) to sell premium brands cheaper

11. in a nutshell k) extension of a popular brands recognition and

reputation on a new type of product

12. to breathe down someone’s neck l) position when business activity is slowed down

because one section cannot cope with the amount of work


Exercise 2. Study the following examples to try and understand the underlined idioms in context. Translate them into Russian.

1. Brand-stretching can help a new product break into a difficult market and enhance the core brand’s value.

2. More perilous still are attempts to milk additional sales from premium brands by taking

them downmarket.

3. Points of policy are declared ad hoc.

4. A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.

5. US officials have been keeping a careful watch on the situation.

6. If I hear one roommate bad-mouthing another, I will call her in for a talk.

7. Voters are disillusioned with the mud-slinging campaigns run by many candidates in recent years.

8. She always demanded a blow-by-blow account of what had happened.

9. He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck.

10. Her party went like a bomb.

11. I’m too busy to take this new job on board at the moment.

12. I shall be so glad to get out of this and not have Mason breathing down my neck any more.

13. We don’t need to know the contents of your speech in detail, so can’t you put the main message in a nutshell for us?


Exercise 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom with the same meaning from exercise 1.


1. Advertisers had to observe thoroughly their target audiences.

2. The callous couple gained profit from a hospitable charity to fund a lavish lifestyle.

3. The danger with extension of a popular brand’s recognition and reputation on a new type of product is the damage that can result to the core brand if it is not successful.

4. Established for this purpose, special committee will organize the appeal.

5. Cadillac’s reputation has still not recovered from its effort to sell premium brand cheaper in the early 1980s.

6. The industry stands accused of discrediting rival products and unnecessarily alarming

doctors and patients.

7. I can’t concentrate with you watching me closely in order to criticize.

8. “ Briefly and concisely “, said Charles slowly, “you’re willing to come in with me because

you think my business could be built up”.

9. They have been on sale in some London stores – where Treasureware says they have been

going very well “ – and they are now becoming available in stores around the country.

10. You may have to accept their point of view, but hope that they will consider and accept

some of what you have said.

11. He gave us an account describing all the events in the order in which they had happened

yesterday evening.

12. Managing Director realized they wouldn’t avoid situation when business activity was slowed down because one section couldn’t cope with the amount of work if he didn’t get the sales force moving again.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with one of the following idioms, paying special attention to the form of the verbs.


To breathe down someone’s neck; to take on board; to go like a bomb; to bad-mouth; to keep a careful watch on sth; to milk; to take a brand downmarket.


1. ……… can reduce the product’s snob appeal and put off image-conscious buyers at the top end.

2. I’ll …….. your suggestion about the problem we face. I would ask you to come up with ideas for our future strategy too.

3. He can’t go on with this work unless you stop …….., criticizing every step he makes.

4. His illegal deals were steadily …….. the profits from the business.

5. The income tax officials have been …….. on taxpayers who are not giving accurate information.

6. Now, I should tell you that our most exciting new product ……...We’re expanding fast,I’m happy to say.

7. It’s ethically wrong …….. your competitors even if you categorically disagree with their principles.


Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with one of the following idioms.


Brand-stretching; ad hoc; blow-by-blow account; bottleneck; in a nutshell.


1. Sarah gave me a detailed …….. of the argument with her landlady.

2. And that ……..,Brain, is why I can’t marry you!

3. …….. can be very risky. However, it can be also very lucrative.

4. The Research and Development Manager demanded that an …….. commission should be appointed and the product should be taken off the market.

5. Trafalgar Products can’t avoid …….. if its Production Department doesn’t cope with the amount of work.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.

1. Начав продавать первоклассные марки своих товаров на рынке для покупателей с низкими доходами, компания лишилась большинства прежних клиентов.

2. Для рассмотрения причин и последствий аварии будет создана специальная комиссия.

3. Начальник отдела предупредил, что тот, кто попытается дискредитировать его, будет немедленно уволен.

4. Некоторые недобросовестные граждане пытаются извлекать выгоду (доить) из благотворительных фондов, чтобы вести роскошную жизнь.

5. Начальник отдела сбыта с недоверием отнесся к идее распространенияпопулярной и общепризнанной марки товара на новые, малоизвестные изделия.

6. Маркс и Спенсер продает товары для молодых и пожилых, богатых и людей среднего достатка. Короче говоря, компании удается предугадать, что нужно каждому покупателю.

7. Я не думаю, что творческую работу можно выполнить успешно, если начальник стоит над душой и следит за каждым вашим шагом.

8. Переговоры проходят в конструктивной обстановке. Руководители обеих компаний неотступно следят за их ходом.

9. Микроволновые печи, выпускаемые компанией Тошиба, чрезвычайно популярны в Англии.

10. Мы взяли на вооружение несколько ценных предложений, сделанных нашими партнерами.

11. Генеральный директор попросил предоставить последовательный иподробныйотчет переговоров, проходивших в Вене.

12. То, что транспортный отдел не смог своевременно отгрузить изготовленные изделия, стало помехой для дальнейшей успешной работы всего предприятия.





Exercise 1. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.


1. to brief / draw a picture a)to decide or agree to stop doing sth

2. to take a leaf out of b)to tell others what and how to do

someone’s book c) to explain in detail

3. to open a can of worms d) lacking courage

4. to carry the can e) the latest, most advanced stage in the development

5. to call the shots of sth.

6. to call it a day f) to ask / pay a lot of money for sth.

7. to chew things over g)to tell someone to do what he / she threatens to do

8. chicken and egg situation h) to think about sth. slowly and carefully

9. (being) chicken (adj.) i)to take blame or responsibility for sth.if it goes wrong

10. to call someone’s bluff j)to create a complicated problem; reveal sth.

11. cutting edge undesirable

12. to cost / pay / charge the earth also k)to follow someone’s good example

to cost an arm and a leg l) situation in which it is difficult to tell which one of

the two things was the cause of the other.



Exercise 2. Study the following examples to try and understand the underlined idioms in context. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. No, I won’t support such a risky project this time and end up carrying the can again.

2. He drew a picture of what had happened in Germany fifty years ago.

3. You have opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on students loans and grants.

4. Pete’s working hard at school, but unfortunately I can’t say the same for his sister. I wish she would take a leaf out of Peter’s book.

5. Have you seen John’s new car? It must have cost the earth.

6. Baxter’s the big man right now, but he won’t be calling the shots much longer if he loses the contract with General Dynamics.

7. This ship is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology.

8. We’ve made good progress with painting the kitchen today, so we’ll call it a day and continue tomorrow.

9. Ted keeps threatening to resign if we don’t do things his way. Next time I shall call hisbluff and accept his resignation.

10. I’ll need some time to chew the matter over before I can give you an answer.

11. I’m scared of the dark. I’m a big chicken.

12. It’s a chicken and egg situation. Does the deficiency lead to the eczema or has the eczema led to certain deficiencies.


Exercise 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom from exercise 1 with the same meaning.

1. We’ll have one more drink and stop for this day.

2. The colonel’s temper was beginning to fray. If only I thought, he had told me to do what I had threatened from the start.

3. I was the one who said the British would never stand by and let Trudeau tell others whatand how to do.

4. Replying to the Attorney-General in the Vassal inquiry, Mr. Wallet said, ” I know there was a feeling in the Foreign Office that the Foreign Office were taking blame andresponsibility in this particular case ”.

5. ” That’s a queer house of yours ”, said Mr. Adams. ” It must have cost a large sum ofmoney ”.

6. The new teacher followed his colleague’s example. Instead of teaching anything fresh, he asked the boys to do silent revision.

7. You’ve had long enough to consider the matter slowly and carefully. I want my answer now.

8. Toshiba’s latest microwave oven plant in Plymouth is involved in its most important andexciting developments of modern technology.

9. Why are you so afraid of it, Gregory?

10. It’s impossible to decide which of the two things caused the other one. Did the workers’ poor performance lead to low wages at the factory or low wages led to the low performance.

11. Drug abuse is complicated, unpleasant and difficult issue, which nobody wants to open at sporting events.

12. The manager explained in detail how he used time and analyzed the time log. This analysis helped him to get rid of unproductive, time-wasting activities.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the correct idioms.

1. Amid fears that advancing years and the strain of management were taking a toll on his health, it was widely expected that he would …….. at the end of the season.

2. A great film based on the true story of a bright schoolteacher’s daughter who decides to write a project on her respectable role in the war, and …….. that almost destroys her life and family.

3. American TV pays the money so they ……... There is no boxing without America.

4. ” Non of us expected external market circumstances to continue as long, or be as hard, as they have been ”. Asked whether Mr. Horton was to …….. for this,he said that ” the can remains with the board, there is no intention he should carry it ”.

5. When the City Bank lowered interest rates, all other banks soon ……...

6. Seeing the profits falling and sales decreasing rapidly the manager asked all his deputies to collect in his office and …….. of strategies which might affect the future direction of the enterprise.

7. Before making strategic decisions the supervisor …….. all the options ……., considering the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

8. Now that the students …….. his ……., it remains to be seen what Mr. Lukanov can do.

9. I paid …….. for my car but I am not very happy with it.

10. That new machine should be …….. in machine building industry. It’s the most important scientific invention of the 21st century.

11. He was too cowardly to complain. His friends accused him of being ……...

12. It’s a ……... I don’t know whether I was bad at the sciences because I wasn’t interested in them or not interested in them and therefore not good at them.


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.


1. Магнаты, финансировавшие исследование, считали себя в праве всем распоряжаться.

2. Чувствуя себя чрезмерно усталым, он решил прекратить работу и отправился в казино.

3. Он заплатил уйму денег за этот компьютер в прошлом году, a сегодня он считается устаревшим.

4. Этот портативный компьютер по праву считают новейшим достижением японской компьютерной технологии.

5. В угоду провинциальным властям Ричард хвалил провинцию и говорил, что хотел бы жить там постоянно. Он с ужасом думал о том, что его блеф воспримут всерьез и предложат высокую должность в местной администрации.

6. Генеральный директор потребовал подробно изложить то, как мы видим будущее развитие компании.

7. Следуя примеру западных фирм, наши бизнесмены используют компьютерные сети для рекламы своих товаров.

8. Полагая, что он покупает преуспевающую компанию, мистер Браун не подозревал, что он приобретает большую головную боль.

9. Хоть мистер Росс не был причастен к случившемуся, он вынужден был взят вину иответственность на себя, чтобы сохранить репутацию компании.

10. Так как ему не хватало мужества, он не мог пойти к директору и попросить о повышении зарплаты.

11. Ваше предложение звучит заманчиво, но я бы хотел обдумать и взвесить все не спеша, прежде чем дать согласие.

12. Трудно определить, где причина, а где следствие: преступность – следствие бедности или бедность – следствие преступности.





Exercise 1. Match the following idioms with their corresponding definitions.


1. cut-throat (competition) a) to get ready for action

2. to clear the deck b) to stop taking part in a failing business, firm, etc.

before one loses too much money

3. to cut one’s losses c) work hard at a job

4. to cop out d) to do sth in the easiest or quickest way by paying

no attention to rules using simple methods

5. to cut corners e) to fail to take responsibility of making a difficult

decision or to do what one thinks right

6. to beat someone hands down f) to make a large amount of money suddenly, especially

in business

7. to beaver away g) the one who has ability in many things

8. a win-win situation h) unsuccessful person in a contest

9. also-ran i) to argue for longer than is necessary

about a point which is not very important

10. all-rounder j) a situation of benefit to both parties

11. to make a killing k) to defeat; to beat severely

12. to argue the toss l) fierce, ruinous, tough


Exercise 2. Study the following examples to try and understand the underlined idioms in context. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. The farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from foreign cut-throatcompetition.

2. The morning’s session was described as mainly to present facts and clear the decks.

3. He’s lost a lot on the low dollar exchange rate, but I advised him to cut his losses and exchange the rest of his money, before the dollar drops even further.

4. ” Will you call the board to alert them that I feel I should resign? ” – ” I’ll do it. But I think you’re copping out ”.

5. They had a team of architects beavering away at a scheme for the rehabilitation of District number 6.

6. The whole operation would only take a month or so and you could make the killing of a lifetime.

7. He had done well in job in Accounting, Sales and Production. He’s a real all-rounder.

8. I’m afraid John is one of life’s also-rans.

9. There’s no point arguing the toss now. It has already been decided that John will be sent to represent the company in Tokyo, not you.

10. In this company we don’t cut corners; we produce a high-quality, reliable product.

11. Why don’t you challenge Jeff to a game of tennis? He thinks he can beat you hands down, but I think he’s wrong.

12. He is in a win-win situation. If he wins the tournament, he gets a big bonus, and if he doesn’t, he’s had valuable experience.



Exercise 3. Substitute for the underlined phrase an idiom with the same meaning from exercise 1.

1. He’s a brilliant research chemist, but he does too many things in the easiest way by payingno attention to rules. One day he’ll blow us all up.

2. They are working hard to get everything ready for us.

3. One doesn’t have to look far for instance of fierce competition. Dunkirk is a shining example.

4. This product has almost outlived its lifespan. We should stop taking part in a failingbusiness before we lose too much money and take it off the market at once.

5. I don’t think it is worth getting angry about this. Let’s not argue so long over such a small decision.

6. We have always done badly in French market. In most countries we are among the leaders, but in France we are among unsuccessful people.

7. They gave a much better presentation than us and got the contract. It wasn’t even close, they defeated us.

8. I bought them cheap and sold them for a lot. I really made a large amount of moneysuddenly.

9. When all British women and children, and all non-essential British male civilians were evacuated from Palestine, everything was ready for action.

10. I wanted him to take our complaint to the Managing Director, but he failed to do, just as I feared he would.

11. I class myself as the one who has ability in many things and a team man at heart.

12. The extra earnings available to lenders and the facility provided for borrowers made it a win-win situation.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the correct idioms.

1. My sister …….. when she worked overseas in the oil industry. She bought a mansion and a Ferrari.

2. His parents were life-long atheists, that’s why when his girlfriend suggested getting married in church, he ……...

3. If we’re going to dance, some of you can give me a hand to ……... Carry the small stuff into the hall, and shove the rest out of the center of the room.

4. Clothing stores also face …….. competition from factory outlets.

5. Reliable source informs us that the bank’s second half results will disclose further losses and write-offs of bad debts. As your investment brokers, we have to advise you to consider …….. and selling your shares now, against holding out for an upturn in the future.

6. A common fear voiced by privatization’s critics is that the companies will …….. in order to make money off the contracts.

7. We’ve had a lot of success in that market. There was a lot of competition at first but we …….. all our competitors ……...

8. They spend so much time …….. over inconsequential matters.

9. They used to be a great company but they became self-satisfied and since 1980 they have been among ……...

10. There remains a lot of work today but Harry keeps …….. at it and he’s done a lot of it.

11. John speaks fluent Japanese, Greek and Latin. He is very good at singing and football. He is a real ……...

12. Although we were not given a seven-year contract for work on Europe’s tallest building, we established a lot of useful contracts with companies which later became our customers. So, it was a ……...


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using idioms instead of the phrases underlined.


1. Десять лет он работал не щадя сил, создавая новые аттракционы, отели, офисные здания.

2. Эйснер умел бороться за выгодные контракты, поэтому и на этот раз eму удалось нанести своим конкурентам жестокий удар.

3. Я не думаю, что это повод для разногласий. Давайте не будем спорить по такомунезначительному вопросу.

4. Несмотря на все усилия, мы по-прежнему в числе неудачников на автомобильном рынке.

5. Будучи разносторонним специалистом, он мог справиться с любым вопросом.

6. Пытаясь сохранить доминирующие позиции на рынке, некоторые компании идут напрямик, пренебрегая правилами.

7. Купив акции преуспевающей компании и продав их в два раза дороже спустя месяц, он сорвал огромный куш.

8. В условиях жесточайшей конкуренции продвижение на рынке торговой марки является принципиально важным.

9. Когда скандал стал достоянием общественности, главный бухгалтер ушел отответственности, подав в отставку.

10. К 1975 г. банки были готовы к распространению системы еврочеков.

11. Так как эта модель больше не пользуется спросом у покупателей, самое время прекратить невыгодное дело и снять ее с производства.

12. Финансовый директор заявил, что компания осталась довольна условиями контракта, и назвал контракт взаимовыгодным решением.


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