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VIII. Translate into English using the expressions from the text for the underlined parts.

Читайте также:
  2. A clutch centre holding tool can easily be made using two strips of steel bent over at the ends and bolted together in the middle
  3. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  4. A- Correct the underlined words
  5. A. Read and translate the text.
  6. A. Rewrite the sentences without using the underlined words. Keep the meaning the same.
  7. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.

VI. Classify the adjectives from Ex.V into those with a negative, a positive and a neutral meaning.

VII. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

1. It’s a little daring to team … a plain coat … fancy fur-boots.

2. Plump women can get away … a striped dress as long as the stripes are vertical, but horizontal ones positively ruin … their silhouette.

3. You must have absolutely no eye … colour to ally an orange top … a green suede skirt.

4. A classical evening black dress is a perennial "Must" … women.

5. Much pastry is an enemy … your waistline!

6. Should I decide … a sport or a classical style?

7. A comfortable long-sleeved T-shirt especially appeals … me.

8. Jenny obstinately stuck … her old down-at-heel shoes.

9. The colour of her head gear is extremely flattering … her skin.

10. Choose a fabric that will be suited … your patent leather shoes.

11. Padded shoulders are gradually going … … fashion.

12. Don’t put … that frock! It won’t look right … the party.

13. When going on a trip it’s not advisable to stuff your suitcase … capacity.

14. Cardinal red usually doesn’t suit … red-haired girls.

15. The loose cut is definitely … favour this summer.


VIII. Translate into English using the expressions from the text for the underlined parts.

1. У каждой женщины должно быть несколько юбок, чтобы носить их попеременно.

2. Классический женский костюм подходит для любого случая.

3. У тебя спортивная фигура, поэтому нет необходимости подкладывать плечики.

4. Туфли на высокой платформе (platform shoes) – преходящая мода, а лодочки (pumps) не выходят из моды никогда.

5. Перчатки, лоснящиеся на кончиках пальцев, выглядят неопрятно.

6. Горизонтальные полоски на платье зрительно полнят.

7. Покрывало (cover) было сделано из ворсистой ткани темно-красного цвета.

8. Первый же взгляд в зеркало на себя с близкого расстояния сказал Молли, что шляпка ей не идет.

9. Будьте осторожны, подбирая аксессуары к вашей одежде, босс не любит ярких украшений.

10. Девушка была так красива, что ей сходила с рук даже немодная, поношенная (shabby) одежда.

11. Отец любил удобную одежду и предпочитал свободный покрой, который всегда в моде.

12. Дамская сумка – вечная необходимость для любой женщины, но не нужно набивать ее до отказа.

13. Слишком яркий макияж (make-up) испортил впечатление от элегантного платья.

IX. Correct the following statements:

1. Your wardrobe ought to contain as many articles of dress as possible.

2. Sports wear will look right for almost any occasion.

3. The keynote of all good dress-making is fantasy.

4. Fashion in big coats changes about once a year.

5. You should buy an extra jacket for your skirt.

6. Fancy lines in dress-making don’t date.

7. Suede gloves are better than nylon ones, no matter what.

8. When evaluating one’s looks it is enough to have a close-up look of oneself.

9. Very often chic is lost through the absence of accessories.

10. Shoddy shoes are very economical.

11. Fancy work always adorn a handbag.

12. Plain bags add inches to your silhouette.

13. It’s vital to take your friend along when shopping for clothes.

14. The most expensive clothes are the most successful ones.

15. The combination of loud colours ruin the effect of a model dress.


X. Answer the question:

1. What must one do before buying any new clothes?

2. What kind of suits will look ‘right’ for almost any occasion?

3. What is the keynote of all good dress-making?

4. How often does fashion in big coats usually change?

5. What kind of big coat should one choose? Why?

6. How can one prolong the life of a well-cut jacket?

7. What is a perennial ‘must’ of every woman’s wardrobe?

8. What colours should blondes and brunettes wear? Why?

9. What is the danger in wearing suede gloves?

10. What are the rules of buying a new hat?

11. How can one best appreciate whether a hat is becoming?

12. What can damage a chic appearance?

13. Why should one avoid buying shoddy shoes?

14. How should a woman deal with he handbag? Why?

15. Why should one go to buy new clothes alone?

16. Whom should you ask for advice while buying clothes?

17. What can ruin the effect of a model dress?



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