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Exercise 4. Say if the following statements are true or false.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  3. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  6. Additional Language Exercises
  7. Additional Language Exercises

Definition of Semi-Formal Dress

The fashion term "semi-formal" sounds pretty vague, as though a wide range of attire might fit the description. When choosing semi-formal attire, think of weddings where guests do not necessarily have to wear tuxedos [t⁄\k’sidəus] and ball gowns, which is formal attire, but also should not wear denim and sundresses, which is casual attire. Semi-formal attire is a step down from formal attire, but is more formal than casual attire.

Women can wear dresses, skirts or pant suit s in a formal environment and dress pants and blouses or shirts otherwise. Both sexes should wear polished shoes, and a heel height of 1.5 inches (4 см) is appropriate for women.

The nature of the event, including the time of day, may also help you interpret "semi-formal." An evening wedding, for example, or a gala fundraiser are still rather formal events, so semi-formal attire typically involves darker colors and more formal fabrics. A daytime wedding or event can include lighter colors and fabrics. It's also important to note the season when choosing colors and fabrics: winter demands suits and dresses of appropriate weight and darker colors, while summer can bring out the opposite.

Accessories should be understated. The workplace is not the right environment for big-hoop earrings or ostentatious bracelets, necklaces, rings and other jewelry, or stiletto heels. Piercings and tattoos should be kept hidden if possible while you are at work, especially if you are working directly with customers or clients in a conservative business.

In short, an appropriate business wardrobe should be appropriate to your particular workplace. Exercise 1. Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and phrases. 1.произвести хорошее впечатление на 2. судить по 3. исполнение обязанностей 4. внешность 5. считаться, иметь значение 6. открытый, обнажённый 7. рукав 8. небрежный, повседневный l 8. закрытый носок 9. замызганный, неряшливый 10. кричащий, безвкусный 11. ослаблять 12. наряд, одеяние 13. аккуратный 14. рвать 15. небольшое количество 16. полностью убрать 17. тяжелые, крепкие духи 18. беспокоить, раздражать 19. – безукоризненно причёсанный и одетый, ухоженный 20. полуофициальный 21. весьма неопределённый, неясный 22. описание 23. смокинг 24. бальное платье 25. из джинсовой ткани 26. сарафан 27. женский брючный костюм 28. зд. в других случаях, иначе 29. начищенный 30. высота каблука 31. аксессуары 32. преуменьшать, недосказывать 33. серёжки в виде больших колец 34. показной, хвастливый 35. ожерелье 36. кольца и др. украшения 37. шпильки, гвоздики 38. спрятанный, скрытый 38. ткань, материя.

Exercise 2. Match the similar words.

1. appearance a) disturb

2. performance b) naked, bare, nude

3. revealing c) unclear, uncertain

4. bother d) looks

5. gown e) achievement, skills

6. vague f) regard, respect, estimate

7. count g) form an opinion, estimate

8. judge h) perfect, faultless

9. scents i) dress

10. impeccable j) perfume

Exercise 3. Match the opposites.

1. loosen a) clear

2. understate b) revealing

3. vague c) tasteful

4. hidden d) sloppy

5. ostentatious e) exaggerate, overstate

6. casual f) modest, humble

7. neat g) light

8. gaudy h) unclean, dirty

9. heavy i) strengthen

10. polished j) formal

Exercise 4. Say if the following statements are true or false.

1. If you are judged by your performance in the workplace, your appearance doesn’t count.

2. Be sure that the skirts is a palm higher than your knee and that blouses have sleeves; anything else will be too casual for a corporate office.

3. Shoes should always be closed toe.

4. Many workplaces are strengthening their dress codes and aren’t allowing business casual attire or even blue jeans and T-shirts.

5. Wear perfume, cologne and heavy scents because it can pleaseyour co-workers.

6. Denim and sundresses are formal attire.

7. Stiletto heels are appropriate for women in business environment.

8. The workplace is the right environment for big-hoop earrings or ostentatious bracelets,necklaces,rings and other jewelry.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 98 | Нарушение авторских прав

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