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“2011” “2013” A 70-year-old men has developed prosphetic stomatitis. Apart of this he was found to have an evident lesion of mouth corners. Microscopical examination revealed large ovoid Gram-positive cells. What microorganism is the most likely to be the leading etiological agent of a such lesion?

  1. Neisseria
  2. Staphylococcus
  3. Candida fungi
  4. Corynebacterium
  5. Streptococus


“08” A 3-month-old child had white fur onto the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, tongue and lips. A doctor suspected candidiasis. Which culture medium is material should be seeded at for diagnosis confirmation?

a. Sabouraud’s medium

b. Endo

c. Roux

d. Lowenstein-Jensen

e. Clauberg


“04” A patient has burning sensation in his oral cavity and white fluffy fur on his tongue. Oral moniliasis (thrush) has been diagnosed. Which from given medicine should be used?

a. Tetracycline

b. Nistatine

c. Gentamicin

d. Griseofulvin

e. Amphotericin


“04” 35. A child has admitted to a hospital with dotted whitish and yellowish fur on the mucous membrane of his cheeks, palatine and tongue. Candidosis of the oral cavity of the child is diagnosed. What preparation should be used for treatment?

a. Cifran.

b. Gentamycin.

c. Penicillin sodium salt.

d. Tetracycline hydrochloride.

e. Nystatin



“08” Microscopic investigation of infiltrate removed from the maxillary skin of 30-year-old patient has found next: sites of purulent melting that surrounded with maturating granulation and mature connective tissue, there are sulfur granules (druzen) in the pus. Granules compose of numerous short rod-like elements fixed with one end to homogenous center. Which disease does patient have?

a. Tuberculosis

b. Actynomycosis

c. Syphilis

d. Candidiasis

e. –


Pathogenic fungi: Candida


*07* 147. On the mucous membrane of cheeks and tongue of a child albescent stains were revealed. In the prepared smears Gram-positive oval yeast-like cells are found. What causative agent is this?

A. Corinebacterium diphtheriae.

B. Staphylococci.

C. Fungi of Candida genus,

D. Actinomycetes.

E. Fusobacteria.


*08* Microscopic examination of a Gram-stained scrape from patient’s tongue revealed oval, round elongated chains of dark-violet gemmating cells. What disease can be caused by this causative agent?



Staphylococcal infection


Streptococcal infection


124. The scraping of albescent fur from oral cavity mucous membranes was sent to a laboratory. The material was inoculated onto Sabouraud's medium. Sour cream-like colonies' growth was revealed. Bacterioscopic method has shown short budding strings. What group of infections can we refer this disease to?

A. Mycosis.



D. Mycoplasmosis.



*113. A pediatrician examining a 3-month-old child has noticed that the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and the tongue are covered with dense whitish fur. In the material taken from the site of affection a bacteriologist has revealed yeast. What mycosis will he suspect in this case?

A. Actinomycosis.

B. Favus.

C. Epidermophytia.

D. Candidiasis.



A child was hospitalized to a clinic. On the mucous membrane of cheeks, palate, and tongue there was revealed white and yellowish fur typical of candidiasis. What material should be taken for examination?

A. White exudates (plaques) from different sites of oral cavity.

B. Hair and nails.

C. Blood.

D. Mucus from nasopharynx.




35. Candidosis of the oral cavity of a child is diagnosed. What preparation should be used for treatment?

A. Cifran.

B. Gentamycin.

C.Penicillin sodium salt.

D.Tetracycline hydrochloride.

E. Nystatin.


78. Microscopy of the smear of vaginal discharges of a woman with chronic colpovaginitis revealed round and oval budding cells 3-6 micrometers in size. Name the fungal disease, which can be caused by these microorganisms.

A. Epidermophytium.



D. Microsporia.



26. A pregnant woman complained of itching and genital tracts discharges. Bacterioscopy of vaginal discharges smear showed big Gram-positive oval oblong cells which form pseudomycelium. What is the most plausible causative agent of the disease?

A. Staphylococci.

B.Fungi of Candida genus.

C. Streptococci.


E. Sarcina.


*05*Gram-positive big oval cells with budding chaotically located and elongated cells arranged in chains have been isolated from mucous membrane of a patient, which has been treated with immunosuppressive drugs for a long time. Which causative agent was isolated?







* After long-lasting treatment with antibiotics signs of stomatitis have developed in a patient. There were oval pleomorphic Gram-positive cells that arranged in clusters in smears prepared from mucous membrane of oral cavity. Which from listed later microorganisms might be reason of such appearance?







*03* At microscopy of patient’s hair taken from damaged places there were mycelium fragments, spores, air bubbles and lipid droplets. What fungal disease is such microscopy appearance is typical for?

*Favus (crusted ringworm)





Candida and other fungi

“08” After long durative treatment of female patient with antibiotics there were oval cells with clear differentiated nucleus, some of cells were budding in the smear of vaginal secretion. Which medicines should be used at final diagnosis “candidiasis”?

  1. Antifungal
  2. Antiprotozoan
  3. Antibacterial
  4. Antichlamidial
  5. Antiviral

“04” At microscopic examination of the smear prepared from the patient’s mucous membrane discharge doctor has revealed many large oval gemmating (budding) cells that form pseudomycelium. What microorganism may it be?

  1. *Candida
  2. Staphylococci
  3. Spirochetes
  4. Salmonella
  5. Streptococci


Microscopic examination of a Gram-stained scrape from patient's tongue revealed oval, round,

elongated chains of dark-violet gemmating cells. What disease can be caused by this causative agent?

A Candidosis

B Actinomycosis

C Streptococcic infection

D Staphylococcic infection

E Diphtheria

Examination of a child revealed some whitish spots looking like coagulated milk on the mucous

membrane of his cheeks and tongue. Analysis of smears revealed gram-positive oval yeast-like cells. What causative agents are they?

A Candida

B Staphylococci

C Diphtheria bacillus

D Actinomycetes

E Fusobacteria

LB/ At microscopic examination of the smear stained by Gram doctor has revealed many large oval violet cells that form pseudomycelium. What microorganism may it be?

  1. *fungi of genus Candida
  2. Fungi of genus Mucor
  3. Plasmodium of malaria
  4. Actynomyces
  5. Fungi of genus Penicillum

“2012” LB/ to detect possible contamination of medical preparation with fungi a sample had been inoculated on nutrient medium at with large cream-like colonies grew. What nutrient medium was used at this case?

  1. *Sabouroud
  2. Levenstain-Jensen
  3. Roux
  4. Leffler
  5. Finn-2

“07” during studing a medical herbal mixture a culture in form of black fluffy film grew on the nutrient medium. Examination of specimen smears revealed non-septated myceliumthreads with globular thickenings at the tips. Name this microorganism:

  1. *Mucor
  2. Candida
  3. Aspergilla
  4. Black mold fungus
  5. Ray fungus

b-12 Scraps of the mycelium of a fungus, spores, air bubbles and fat drops were discovered on

microscopy of the patient's hair excluded from the infected areas. For what fungal disease is this microscopic picture characteristic?

A Favus

B Microspory

C Trichophytosis

D Epidermophytosis

E Sporotrichosis


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 210 | Нарушение авторских прав

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