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Vocabulary and grammar exercises. Ex. 1 Choose the correct form and fill in the gaps:

Читайте также:
  3. A. Vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary


Ex. 1 Choose the correct form and fill in the gaps:

1 Putting on airs or acting or trying to be someone other than yourself will place a tremendous ________ on both you and the interviewer.

a) strain b) advantage

c) valediction d) satisfaction

2 Time is a precious commodity, and the minutes taken by a busy executive to bring you up to speed will ________ from valuable interview time.

a) deflect b) protect

c) restrict d) detract

3 If you know you are going to be late because of ________ circumstances, call and give the interviewer the option of having you come ahead or scheduling you for another date.

a) unbelievable b) unforeseen

c) unforgettable d) unachievable

4 A company’s primary ________ during an interview is to learn about your personality and talents.

a) career b) risk

c) objective d) reward

5 If they move up north, it will be easier to attract ________.

a) staff b) works

c) products d) jobs.


Ex. 2 Ask questions on the underlined words:

1 They needed to add a sales representative in the greater New York City area.

2 A lack of common courtesy can cut your tryout short.

3 I will enjoy working with him because he is rather a helpful person.

4 Our company hired Mr Smith as a salesperson.

5 When you are on someone’s playing field, you should make an effort to take the time to treat everyone you meet with respect.


Ex. 3 Fill in the blanks with prepositions and articles:

1 From that day, Dorothy became my top advisor _______ silently interviewing any candidate who came through the door.

2 He was ________ candidate of choice ________ the top marketing position.

3 ________ this criterion ________ my mind, our company

fired him.

4 If he couldn't close ________ deal, he would point the finger ________ others.

5 A man should never be appointed ________ a managerial position if his vision focuses on people’s weaknesses rather than on their strengths.

6 The advantage ________ direct marketing is that it enables us to cut out the middle man.

7 Better ________ last smile than ________ first laughter.

8 One hand washes ________ other.


Ex. 4 Reword the following sentences without changing their meaning. Pay attention to the italicized words:

1 Remember that individuals who are not preconditioned or responsible for hiring can provide excellent, objective input on the character and chemistry of a candidate.

2 His rude behavior destroyed the support of would be customers.

3 He was well-behaved but a bit noisy so he kept us hopping.

4 Personal letters that briefly state your reason foe responding to a blind ad may be just what you need to scare away the advertiser.

5 Ask questions that relate to the job, it’s responsibilities, and how it fits into the overall corporate strategy.


Ex. 5 Scan the Covering letter of an applicant and answer the questions printed below.


Mrs J.M.Norman 116 Elm Road

Personnel Officer Aberdeen

R.G.Electronics PLC WW3 2TY

Bruce Street

Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 8ST

22 August 20___

Dear Mrs Norman,

I would like to apply for this position advertised in Daily Mirror on 20 August for a Personal Assistant to the Sales Director.

As you will see from my C.V., much of the work I do in my present position is that of a P.A. I deal not only with the routine work of a secretary, but also represent the Assistant Director at small meetings and functions, and am delegated to take a number of policy decisions in his absence.

Your advertisement asked for a knowledge of languages. I have kept up my French and learnt German for the past two years at evening classes, and have regularly visited Belgium and Germany wit the Assistant Director, acting as an interpreter and translator for him.

I am also familiar with the latest developments in Information Technology, having just completed a one-month course at the City College.

I am particularly interested in the situation you are offering, as I would like to become more involved with an IT organization. I am quite familiar with many of the software products that R.G.Electronics manufactures for office technology.

As well as my secretarial skills and experience of running a busy office, I am used to working with technicians and other specialized personnel in the field of computers. I have a genuine interest in computer development and the people involved in the profession.

Please let me know if there is any further information you require. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Carol Brice (Ms)





1 What position is Ms Brice applying for?

2 What does the abbreviation P.A. mean?

3 How did she learn about IT?

4 What reason does she give for wanting to join R.G.Electronics?

Which words in the letter correspond to the following:

ask for

everyday duties

continue with

materials used with a computer


take part in






Ex. 6 Read through the C.V. and answer the questions below.




Date of Birth: 14 May 19___

Name: Carol Bruce

Present address: 116 Elm Road





Telephone number: 046 678 9612

Marital status: Single


Education and qualifications:

1985-1990 Mayfield School, Henley Road, Aberdeen WW3 2TY, GCE in English Language, French, History, Geography, Art.

1990-1992 Hilltop Education College,

Kenwood Road, London NW7 3TM

Diploma in Business Studies.


Work experience: Panton Works, 33-36 Baker Street, London W1A 1AA

Oct 1992-Dec 1993 Type of Company:

Retail Chain Stores

Post: Junior Secretary

Responsibilities: Secretarial work including typing; shorthand; correspondence; copying reports and minutes from shorthand notes; tabulating data; filing; answering customers’ calls; mail distribution; and general office duties.


Jan 1994-present National Auto Importers Ltd., Auto House, Silmouth Street, London WC1H 4JG

Type of Company: Car importers

Post: Secretary to Assistant Director

Responsibilities: Dealing with all correspondence; taking minutes at meetings and writing up Assistant Director’s reports; receiving customers and suppliers; dealing with home and overseas enquiries; making decisions on behalf of A.D. in his absence; and representing the company at

various business functions.


Other information: While working I have attended various evening courses for French and German, and have also been on a special Information Technology course at the City College. My interests include tennis, badminton, swimming and reading.

References: Mr L Dobson, Assistant Director, National Auto Importers Ltd., Auto House, Silmouth Street, London WC1H 4JG.

Mrs A. McGonagall, Professor, Business Studies Dept., Hilltop Education College, Kenwood Road, London NW7 3TM.


Current salary: ₤14,00 per year



1 What was Ms Brice’s position at Panton Works?

2 Name her duties at National Auto?

3 Which words in the C.V. correspond to the following:



cataloguing and keeping data

to act for


person who provides somebody with goods

write down a report of what is said at a formal meeting


request for information

curiosity, concern


Ex.7 Write a description of an interesting or unusual job that you know. Explain any difficult words your group mates will find difficult. Present your talk to the class.


Ex. 8 Pair work. Discuss the statements below and find out your partner’s views on the issues:

1 Showing courtesy to individuals not directly involved in the interview is waste of energy.

2 Secretaries are seldom asked for input on job candidates who are through the interview process.

3 If you have had problems in the past with bad credit, it is best to keep this information to yourself.






1 Answer the job and occupation - related questions.

Work in pairs or small groups of three.


1. At what age do people usually begin to work in Ukraine?

2. At what age do people usually retire in Ukraine?

3. At what age would you like to retire?

4. What do you think you will do after you retire?

5. Describe a typical day at your current work?

6. Do women usually work after they get married in Ukraine?

7. Do you ever work overtime?

8. Do you get paid more for overtime work?

9. Do you like your job? Why or why not?

10. Do you think it’s acceptable for women to be in the military? Why or why not?

11. Do you think people over 60 should be made to retire?

12. Do you think women and men should be paid the same for the same job?

13. Do you think women are good bosses?

14. Are women bosses in Ukraine?

15. Do you work at weekends?

16. Have you ever taken any courses that specifically help you with the job you are doing now?

17. How have working conditions changed in recent years?

18. Do you think that working conditions have improved? In what ways?

19. How long do you plan to continue working where you are?

20. How long have you been working at your present job?

21. How many days a week do you work?

22. How many hours a week do you work?

23. How many times have you been promoted? When?

24. Did you get a large pay raise at that time?

25. How old were you when you get your first job?

26. How well do you get along with your boss?

27. If you could own your own business, what would it be?

28. If you had to choose between a satisfying job and a well-paid one, which would you choose?

29. Is it easy to find a job in Ukraine?

30. What are some common occupations in Ukraine?

31. What are some common jobs for men/ for women in Ukraine?

32. What are some jobs that children do?

33. What are some jobs that you think would be boring/fun?

34. What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview?

35. What will you try to do to find a job that you really like?

36. What do your parents do for a living?

37. What influenced your choice of a job?

38. What job do you want to have in five years’ time?

39. What jobs in Ukraine are considered to be good jobs? Why?

40. What three adjectives would describe you as a worker?

41. What would be your dream job? Do you think it would be possible for you to get this job?

42. What is one job you wouldn’t like to do? Why not?

43. Which job are you best at?

44. Who among the people you know has the most interesting job?

45. Would you consider the military as a career choice? Why or why not?

46. Would you consider yourself to be an ambitious person at work?

47. Would you rather work inside or outside? Why?

48. Would you like to do a job that required you to sit at a computer for the rest of your life?

49. Would you like to do the same job for the rest of your life?

50. Would you like a job in which you traveled a lot?

51. Would you describe yourself as a workaholic?


2 Jobs Quiz. Find out by doing this quiz if your job is right for you.

Tick the statements you agree with, add the ticks up and check your scores. Three or four ticks in any category indicate personality characteristics you should account of when choosing a job.

Discuss the results with your partner.


Useful expressions:

In my opinion...

That’s a good idea.

I quite agree.

I’m afraid I see it differently.

Is that really such a good idea?

Don’t you think it would be better to…?

It’s surely far more important to…

We can’t ignore the fact that…


Grammar Focus: modals.


  1. I’d love to do a parachute jump.
  2. I don’t like telling other people what to do.
  3. I prefer spending time on my own rather than in a crowd.
  4. I find it easy to set myself objectives.
  5. I have difficulties making decisions.
  6. I find it difficulty getting to know new people.
  7. Friends sometimes complain that I order them around.
  8. I like to have the advice and support of people more experienced than myself.
  9. I don’t like volunteering opinions in case they are unpopular.
  10. I’d love to travel abroad.
  11. I like to try to find new solutions to old problems.
  12. I would prefer to be team captain than team member.
  13. I get embarrassed easily.
  14. I don’t mind where I go with my friends as long as they are happy.
  15. I like the latest fashions.
  16. I like to be fully responsible for anything that I do.



A 1 7 11 15

B 2 5 9 14

C 3 6 10 13

D 4 8 12 16


A Entrepreneur   You are the adventurous type. You enjoy challenges and taking risks. You could find success in stock market dealing rooms or anywhere you can put your flashes of genius to good use.   B Team worker   You work well with others but dislike having responsibility for other people, preferring to implement other people’s plans rather than your own. You would probably do well in the armed forces or the Civil Service. C Backroom worker   You are a little shy, and find it difficult to mix with new people. You would do well in any behind- the - scenes job where you don’t have to come face to face with strangers every day, such as a researcher or librarian. D Leader   You are confident in your abilities and you prefer to be in charge rather than to take orders. You enjoy having lots of people around you and would do well in a managerial post or any job which involves selling.

What is the job?

Read the descriptions of three jobs and decide what are the titles of these jobs. Give your arguments. What other qualities should these people possess?

Job 1. Most of the day I do routine tasks, but occasionally there’s a crisis or I have to meet a deadline. At certain times of the year I have a very heavy workload but at other times it can be quite light.

Job 2. I start work at my machine at seven o’clock when I’m on the day shift. The job’s very mechanical and repetitive. All I ever think about is knocking off at three. The shift I hate most is the night shift. I start at ten and work all night till six in the morning. The job’s a bit monotonous.

Job 3.I have a glamorous job. The hours are irregular and antisocial, I’m not stuck behind a desk and there’s a lot of variety. The stress levels can be quite high when you know people’s lives depend on you. I feel sorry for people who are stuck in a rut or working in dead-end jobs.


Pair Work “Completing the Sentences with New Ideas”

Procedure: First, work individually completing each sentence then compare the sentences with your partner. Choose whose ideas were the best.


1 The qualifications that are mentioned in a job advertisement___________________________.

2 An interviewer who tries to frighten the candidate,__________________________________.

3 On the other hand, an interview which is too relaxed and friendly_______________________.

4 My friend Nick, who feels very nervous at interviews,________________________________.

5 A handwritten letter 0f application, which many companies prefer to a typed one,_______________________.

6 A CV which gives too much information___________________________________________.

7 Your CV, which you should always send a copy of,__________________________________.

8 Your application for the post, which was mailed on 31 August,_________________________.

9 Unfortunately, the envelope in which your documents were sent________________________.

10 Mrs Ann Ducker, with whom you have been corresponding,__________________________.


Role-play “Applying for a Job”.

Grammar Focus: Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple.

Objective: trying to find jobs (for job applicants), finding appropriate employees (for employers).

Time: 20-30 mins.


Useful Expressions: For the last few years, (not) to meet requirements, The fact is…, to take sb on, to hire, to appoint sb to a job/position/post, be likely to be promoted (to), to apply for a job /post/position, to fill in/out a job application, an interview for a job, to do for a living, fill a vacancy, to have a steady job, a sideline, a line of work/business, full- time/part - time job, to leave/quit a job, absorbing, to find sth fascinating to do, What are your three main strengths? What are your weak points?, to work under pressure, to work long hours.

Procedure: The sheets are distributed among “employees “and “job applicants”. Then the students fill in the sheets about a fictitious person or fictitious job. The employees must hire someone, even if no candidate is ideal. After filling out the sheets, the students start interviewing or being interviewed as many times as possible in the course of the game. When the game is over, the “employers” announce which person they would like to hire and why.


Sheet 1


Job Description


Name of company:_____________________________________

Position offered:___________________ Salary:_____________

Job responsibilities:____________________________________

Qualification required:__________________________________

Experience required:___________________________________


Further comments:_____________________________________



Sheet 2


Curriculum Vitae




Date of birth:________________ _________________


Marital Status:________________________________________

Education and qualifications:____________________________

Work experience

From:_________________ To:________________

From:________________ To:_________________

From:________________ To:_________________






Group work: Here is the some advice that might be given to an inexperienced interviewer. In groups discuss which of the points you agree or disagree with. Give the reasons.

  1. Make sure you are not interrupted or phoned during the interview.
  2. Read the candidate’s CV and application letter before the interview begins.
  3. Ask the candidate to explain why he/she keeps changing jobs.
  4. Make sure you have a clear picture of the scope of the job.
  5. Ask each candidate the same questions.
  6. Decide on a maximum four key qualities required for the job.
  7. Ask the candidate about his political, religious beliefs, race, orientation, age, marriage.
  8. Only trust a candidate who looks you straight in the face.
  9. Trust your first impressions.
  10. Never let the candidate feel relaxed.
  11. Avoid talking too much yourself.
  12. Avoid open questions that can be answered with Yes or No.
  13. Find out the candidate’s opinions on a variety of topics.
  14. Encourage the candidate about the status of the job and terms and conditions.
  15. Interview groups of candidates, rather than one by one.
  16. Tell the candidate when he/she may expect to hear your decision.
  17. Talk 25% and listen 75%.
  18. Have multiple people interview the candidate.
  19. Take notes.
  20. Ask for references that you can check.
  21. Ask about their compensation/benefit needs.
  22. Debrief with all interviewers.


Make notes of the points you would emphasize if a friend of yours were about to attend an interview.

E.g. Don’t smoke Arrive on time etc.

Share your notes with the rest of the class. Make up a common list of advice.


Group Work:Words of Wisdom

Aim: Forming skills in debating, finding arguments for and against

Grammar: Any

Procedure: Form several teams of 4 or 5 students each. Each team chooses a team captain.

Use quotations below for a discussion. The teams decide which position to take - to be either for or against the topic. Then the teams start working separately to prepare for the debate. One team prepares its arguments for the statement, and the other team prepares its arguments against it. During the debate, each student on the team has to present one of the team’s arguments and give reasons that support the team’s position. After both teams present their arguments, the class decides which team has won, i.e. has the best arguments.


Useful expressions:


We want to clarify our position…

We have to decide…

We agree that…

We have reached an important stage…

I’d like to finish there and give the opportunity to reply to this.

But on the contrary…

Why do you say that?

Really? Why not?

I’d like to hand over to my group-mate…, who has something to say about…

I’m afraid we can’t agree to that because…

I don’t think it would be sensible for us to…

Well, because…and another thing,…

I think if you consider our arguments, you’ll see that…

In conclusion, I’d like to say that…


· “People do business with people they like: make a relationship, not just a deal.” Rhonda Abrams


· “Reengineering demands that we hire people to work with us (not for us), as a part of a community of shared aspirations, ideals, and trust. The ability to perform a specific task isn’t enough: today we need people who add value to every process they touch, and who bring values to our company.” James Champy


· “Lack of money is the root of all evil.” George Bernard Shaw


· “From the moment a person starts treating his life as a career, worry is his constant companion. He is afraid that external events beyond his control or his inability to control himself will damage or destroy his career.” Michael Maccoby


· “The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil.” Cicero

· “If imagination is not set to the task of building a creative life, it busies itself with weaving a web of inner fears and doubts blame and excuses.” Laurence G. Boldt


· “When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” Alexander Graham Bell


· “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” Nelson Mandela


· “So much of our time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrospect, that the path of each man’s genius contracts itself to a very few hours.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


· “We demand that big business give the people a square deal; in return we must insist that when any one engaged in big business honestly endeavors to do right, he shall himself be given a square deal.” Theodore Roosevelt


· “It is difficult but not impossible to conduct strictly honest business. what is true is that honesty is incompatible with the amassing of a large fortune ”Mahatma Gandhi


· “British management doesn’t seem to understand the importance of the human factor” Charles, Prince of Wales

Pair Work:

Aim: finding out other people’s problems, asking and answering wh-questions, making apologize.


Student A. You work for D.F.M., a London-based pharmaceuticals company. You are expecting an overseas visitor with an appointment to see your colleague, Rowena Stanton. Ms Stanton has just used her carphone to tell you that there has been an accident on the Motorway - she will be delayed for perhaps an hour.

Explain the problem. Say that another colleague, Karen Pochard, can show the visitor around your laboratories - if he/she would like.

Make small talk - Karen Pochard has not yet arrived either.(but you do not have to tell your visitor this). She should be along in a few minutes.

Offer to help your visitor in various ways.


Student B. You have just arrived at D.F.M., a London-based pharmaceuticals company. You have an appointment to see Rowena Stanton in the Research Department.

You are very busy and have another appointment this afternoon and one in Manchester tomorrow. It would actually suit you to spend some time preparing for these appointments.


· Be prepared to engage in a few minutes’ small talk with the person looking after you.

· You would like to prepare for your meeting this afternoon.

· You would like a recommendation on what would be a nice gift for your partner (male or female) back home.

· You would like to send and receive a confidential fax.


Pair Work: Women in the workplace


Task 1. Make two lists- one of jobs which women now do and which their mothers did not do in the pat. The other list is of jobs which their mothers’ used to do. What difference do you find? Find three reasons why in your opinion the changes have taken place. Discuss.

Group Work:

Task 2. Compare your lists with another pair. What sort of changes have taken place in the relationships between men and women at work? Why do you think the changes have taken place? What further changes would you like to see? Discuss.

Discussion Activity:

Task 3. Here is a list of topics for discussion.

· Should the law be strengthened to protect women’s rights at work?

· Are salaries and wages fairly distributed between men and women at work?

· Is equality of opportunity between women and men something to be aimed for in Ukraine or has it perhaps already been achieved?

Group Work

Step 1. Choose one of the following questions; say what you think, and find out what the others in the group think. Talk about your own experience, or about people you know, if possible.


What job would you most like to do?

What are the names of some of the people with that job?

Do you personally know anyone with that job?

How long do you plan to keep it for?

When do you plan to retire?

What are the work details of that job and your duties will be at that job?

What steps are required from you to become a/ an…?

What do you hope to spiritually gain from that job?

What do you wish to physically gain; what kind of things would you like to buy with your money?

How much money do you need to make to fulfill your dreams and desires?

If money weren’t a problem for you, which job would you prefer to have?

How many years of schooling would you prefer to have?

Which college courses are needed for you to be the very best in your field?

Which college courses are required for your dream job?

What other courses do you need to take so that you can pursue your hobbies and personal interests?

Step 2. Make a list of the subjects that you studied or studying at University, with the ones you think are most useful for your future work at the top and the ones you think are least useful at the bottom. Work in small groups and discuss your lists. Which subjects seem to be more practical and why?


Pair and Group Work: Job Interviews


Procedure: The class is divided into interviewers and applicants whose number should be equal.


Step 1. Interviewers choose jobs for which applicants will be interviewed and inform them about it.

Step 2. Interviewers prepare their questions.

Step 3. Applicants prepare details of their qualifications and experience.

Step 4. Applicants are interviewed in turn.

Step 5. Interviewers form groups of 3, choose the best applicant and write letters to all the applicants.




Write the verb in brackets in the necessary form:

Dear Ms O’Dell,

I… (email) to apply for the position of Team Leader on your summer camps for children in the USA.

I… currently… (study) for my degree in sports science and am going…(complete) my studies next year. However, I would like (spend) my summer holidays… (do) fun but worthwhile.

I am an outgoing, confident person while… (get) on well with everyone. While I… never (work) with children before, I… (have) two nephews I have looked after before.

Please find… (attach) my completed application form for the positions advertised on your website. I am available at any time convenient to you. I look forward… (meet) you to discuss my application.


Write a job advertisement for a job using the words below:

demanding, mundane, hard-working, have drive, determined, well-qualified, decisive, responsible, rewarding, challenging, stressful, work shifts, be thick-skinned, work overtime, work flexitime, work long hours, out of work/in work get down to work


Writing Job Ads.

Procedure: Students write a job ad in groups and then take turns reading their ads to the class.

Time limit: about 20 minutes.

Grammar: Any

Step 1. Students suggest job titles.

Step 2. Students suggest some of the skills and qualities that a person would need for a job like this. Their suggestions should be written on the board.

Step 3. Students work in groups of four or five and choose a suitable job to write an ad for.

Step 4. Groups take turns reading their ads to the class. Other students can ask questions about the jobs.

Step 5. Students decide which job was the most interesting?


Interesting job

Imagine that you are interested in applying for this job. You know that you can get leave of absence from your own company for up to 9 months - or you are not currently employed. Write a letter applying for the job, which you will send to support your application with your CV/résumé. You have already made some notes.



Be challenged by the work. Be awed by the scenery. Be part of Stearns-Roger Division in Denver. Sterns-Roger is a growing division of United Engineers & constructors, one of the nation’s top design/construction firms. Providing a comprehensive range of engineering, design and construction services, we have been a respected company for over 100 years. Experienced professionals can enjoy the beauty and lifestyle options of Colorado - as well as the advancement potential of joining the expanding Stearns-Roger team. Consider the following opportunities: Process Engineers
  • Petrochemical
  • Gas & fluid Systems
  • Gas Plant
  • Flue Gas
  • Refining
All engineering positions require 3 or more years design experience on Heavy Industrial, Petrochemical, Oil, Gas processing, Power, or Hazardous Waste projects. Those interested applicants who meet the above requirements, please send your resume to: Stearns-Roger Division of UE&C, Human Resources Dept., P.O. Box 5888, Denver, CO 80217. We are an equal opportunity employer.   United Engineers & Constructors A Raytheon Company   Stearn-Roger Division  





Pre-reading task. Pair work.

What job would you like to do in the future? Why?

Which is more important, money or job satisfaction?

Would you like to do the same job as your parents? Why? Why not?


Now read the job advertisements. Which job would you rather do? Why?


A Sales Manager We are a top company in the music industry with stores all over the world. Due to new opportunities in Eastern Europe, a new post of Sales Manager: East is being created. We are looking for someone who has worked in sales for at least five years and who has had the chance to manage a team before. The salary starts at €25,000. if you are looking for a challenge and you are prepared to travel frequently to our offices in Eastern Europe, contact us to request an application form. Noise Music LTD., P.O. Box 7, London N1


B GREAT OPPORTUNITY for the right person. Work from home and earn up to €500 per week! Full training is given. This job involves calling carefully chosen clients and telling them about special offers from a number of companies. All expenses are paid by us. Whether you want to work full-time or part-time, this could be the chance you have been looking for. Call our offices on 775-883445 now!   C BABYSITTER WANTED, evenings only. A professional couple are looking for someone to take care of 5-year-old Nathan. This position would suit a teenager or young woman. If Nathan likes you, that’s more important than qualifications and experience. All applicants will be interviewed. Please apply in writing to Dr Conrad, The Elms, Chelmsford. A photograph would be appreciated.


D HELP A GRANNY   The charity Help a Granny, which organizes trips for old people in the local area, has just been given a second mini-bus. Help a Granny is looking for a driver to work two days a week. The successful applicant will hold a clean driving licence and be at least 35 years of age. Please note that this post is voluntary work, although expenses will be paid and the charity covers all insurance and petrol costs. Contact Mrs O’Grady for an application form on Chelmsford 87564.  
E New restaurant in the center of town is now looking for staff. We are an expanding chain of quality restaurants and we have vacancies for chefs. All chefs must hold a safe Cooking Certificate, although previous restaurant work is not necessary. Uniform and full training provided. Apply in writing to bistro Ltd, Pudding Lane, Brighton.     F Speak to the Stars! Have you ever wanted to work in television? Local channel, Fun TV, is looking for researchers. This job involves making phone calls, arranging interviews and finding out any information we need from the internet and local library. Who knows? You might be the person to arrange the next interview with Leonardo DiCaprio or Britney Spears! This could be your chance to start working in the media. Call John on775-84352 and get your career going!


G PROFESSOR OF COMPUTER SCIENCE The National University of Ireland, Maynooth invites applications for appointment to the post of Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science. Established in 1987 the Department has a vibrant team of active researches. The successful candidate will lead the ongoing development of the department in both research and teaching. Applicants should have a proven background of excellence in research, including a substantial record of scholarly publications. They should also have experience of providing leadership in teaching, and in academic administration. Further details of the post may be obtained by writing to the Personnel Officer< National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland (confidential fax + 575-889977). Applications, including a full Curriculum Vitae and details of three referees (including addresses, telephone and fax numbers), should be forwarded to the Personnel Officer, so as to arrive not later than 8th March 2008.    


After-reading tasks

Did you enjoy reading the advertisements? Did you learn anything new? Why/Why not?


Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)


1 Noise Music want the applicant to phone them.

2 The babysitter would be working for a doctor.

3 Help a Granny have two mini-buses to use on trips.

4 Fun TV broadcasts to the whole country.

5 Applicants for a position of a chef do not need any previous restaurant experience.

6 Applicants for the position of Professor of Computer Science should only have a proven background in academic administration.


Read the job advertisements again. To answer the questions choose from the advertisements A-F.

Which job or jobs:

-could definitely be done part-time?

-do you need a qualification for?

-would not suit someone afraid of flying?

-do you not get paid to do?

-do you have to have experience for?

-should be proved be a substantial record of scholarly publications?

-would interest someone who can use a computer?

-would suit a 16-year-old girl in Chelmsford?

Use words or phrases from the advertisements to complete the sentences. The first letter is given to help you.

1 The amount of money you get paid every year is called your s……...

2 An a…… f……is something you fill in when you apply for a job.

3 If a company pays your e……, they pay for taxis, meals, travel, etc.

4 When you write a letter to apply for a job, you apply i…… w…….

5 A person applying for a job is called an a…….

6 Work for which you do for a charity and which you don’t get paid for is called v…… w….

7 The s…… are all the people who work for a company.



Read the first article and answer the questions after it:

Too Old at 30.


I’m contemplating applying for my fifty-first job. It’s been a long time since I wasted stamp money this way. In fact, when I reached the fiftieth without success I decided to abandon job-hunting and got out my pen to scratch a living instead. But there’s another wildly exciting job in the paper today, “salary $12,500-16,250 according to age and experience”. The good news is the pay, the bad news is that damning little phrase “according to age and experience” which means I won’t get the job. It’s not that I have more age than experience. Unfortunately it’s not all related to a single-stand career structure. Journalist, temp, company director, wife and mother, market researcher, and now, at thirty-something, I’m trying to use my university degree in criminology. I’m a victim of the sliding pay-scale. Employers can obtain a fresh 22-year-old graduate to train a lot cheaper than me. Yet I’m the ideal employee: stable, good-humored, child-bearing behind me, looking for a25-plus years of steady pensionable employment. Ageism is everywhere. It’s much more prevalent than sexism in the job market, or that’s how it seems from where I’m standing. Even the BBC is a culprit. Their appointments brochure says:” The BBC’s personnel policies are based on equal opportunities for all…   This applies to… opportunity for training and promotion, irrespective of sex, marital status, creed,color, race or ethnic origin, and the BBC is committed to the development of such equality of opportunity. Traineeships…are available to suitably qualified candidates under the age of 25”. Ageism is lagging behind sexism, racism, and handicappism because even the oppressed seem to accept the discrimination. The public and private sectors are obsessed with attracting young high- flyers. Yet there are many professions that would benefit from the maturity and stability the older entrant can bring. This is recognized by the Probation Service, for example, who welcome experienced adults looking for a second career. The armed services and police, perhaps, could think about strenuous aptitude and fitness tests rather than imposing a blanket upper limit on entrants which is arbitrarily and variously fixed between 28 and 33. The administrative grade of the Civil Service assumes the rot sets in at 32. My own pressing concern is to alleviate my guilt. I loved every minute of my university education, and I’m desperately grateful to the Government for financing me through this at a cost of over $50,000. But unless someone gives me a gob, how can I pay them back in income tax? Jenny Ward


Pair Work Which statements are true or false according to the article.

  1. The writer is over forty years old.
  2. She gave up applying for jobs some time ago.
  3. She has not had much experience of working for a living.
  4. Employers think that someone of her age is too expensive to employ.
  5. She needs a job so that she can support her family.
  6. People don’t get as angry about ageism as about other forms of discrimination.
  7. Employers are looking for bright, ambitious people of any age.
  8. More mature employees would be valuable assets to many professions.
  9. People in their thirties can’t get jobs in government departments.
  10. She wants to “repay” the State for her university education.


Read the second text. Decide what sort of people it’s written for. Which pieces of advice do you find most helpful?


Question: I just got laid off after almost 20 years with the same company. I’m applying for new jobs, but everywhere I go, I’m told I’m overqualified. I’ve been working temp jobs, but I really want to go back into the mainstream. How do I get passed the “overqualified” thing?




Answer: You know the old saying about the Platte River? A mile wide but only six inches deep. That’s what a lot of companies seem to be looking for these days - shallow workers. Well, unlike the Platte, you’ve got depth. Now you’ve got to convince employers that that’s what they want. You’ll be swimming upstream, of course, but if you maneuver artfully, you should be able to dive into a permanent job. The questions below will help you address the “overqualified” issue next time it surfaces.

What do they mean by “overqualified” anyway? Instead of jumping in to defend your experience (and, as a result, seeming defensive) ask your interviewer to explain what he/she means by “overqualified”. Then speak directly to her concerns.

What’s hiding beneath the “O” word? Four issues often lurk beneath the surface when a person’s told he/she is overqualified:

· The company thinks you’ll jump ship when a better offer comes along. Counter that by pointing out your longevity in previous jobs.

· They believe you’ll be more expensive than a younger worker. Counter that by giving specific examples of how you helped cut costs or increase revenues in past jobs.

· They think you will feel the job is beneath your skills. Counter that concern by displaying your humility and enthusiasm. Show them that you’ll be a great member of the team.

· As an old worker they assume you’ll be tougher to fire because of age discrimination laws. Unfortunately since you can’t change when you were born, there isn’t much you can do, just muster all the energy you can to come across as the best possible candidate for the job.

What are they looking for (ideally)? Ask them to describe their dream candidate. Then point by point, show them how your qualifications match up.

What’ll take to convince them? If all else fails, ask bluntly,” What can I do to convince you that I’m the best person for the job?”

It’s tough to be told you’re overqualified when you know you’ll do a darn fine job. But try not to drown in anger and self-pity. Just try these techniques and soon you’ll be back in the current - and laughing all the way to the bank!

Bob Rosner “Working Wounded: Advice That Adds Insight to Injury”.


Group Work Discuss these questions:


  1. What would you do if you were in the same position as the writers?
  2. Do you know someone who is unlucky or unsuccessful in getting jobs?
  3. Can you explain the reasons for their lack of success?
  4. What could they do to improve their chances of success?
  5. How does the Ukrainian law discourage discrimination by employers?





1 List of Business Idioms that you may find helpful during personal contacts:

Get down to business - to get serious about sth.: e.g. Let’s get down to business and decide what alternative is the most sensible for us to follow.


Drum up business - to influence others to buy one’s products or services: e.g. if the furniture store wants to survive this recession, it will have to drum up a lot more business.


Mean business - to be serious about sth.: e.g. let them know you mean business and make them a new offer.


Do a land-office business - to be highly successful to; to do a large amount of business in a very short time.: Since hiring the new cook from Warsaw, the restaurant is doing a land-office business.


Put money on-the-line - to be willing to make a commitment and assume risk: e.g. Richard said he would put his money on-the -line to show his good faith.


In cold cash - direct payment in currency: e.g. I paid for the car in cold cash.


The bottom line - the heart of a matter; the fundamental issue: e.g. The bottom line is if we don’t cut personnel, we’ll go bankrupt.


Bottom out - to reach the lowest point: e.g. The stock market seems to have bottomed out, so I plan to make more investments.


High roller - one who takes high risks or spends large sums of money (refers to rolling dice): e.g. To see big gains, Bill knew he would have to be a high roller.


On a roll - in the midst of a series of successes: e.g. with five of the top TV programs airing on the channel, the station is on a roll and plans to introduce a new hospital drama.


To zero-in on - to focus attention upon a specific item: e.g. if the board doesn’t zero-in on the spiraling production costs, the company is going to have big losses to report.


In-the-red - in debt, owing money: e.g. I heard that Acme is in -the- red 40 million dollars.


A run on - a huge trend to buy or sell a particular production - e.g. after the movie “E.T. - the Extraterrestrial”, there was a run on Reese’s Pieces because that was the candy E.T. ate.


Stand up and be counted - to openly state one’s support for sth.: e.g. If you think the proposal has merit, stand up and be counted!


Stand one’s ground - to stand up for one’s rights or beliefs; resist attack or criticism: e.g. questioned relentlessly by the board members, the company director stood his ground and made no concessions.


To tighten one’s belt - to spend less money; to work with a smaller budget: e.g. since our office budget was dropped 3%, we have to tighten our belts and reduce the number of our programs.


Lean and mean - capable; ready for efficient work: e.g. at the staff meeting the store manager said that we had to get lean and mean were to stay in the competition.


To trim the fat - to eliminate wasteful spending: e.g. one way of dealing with the budget cut is to trim the fat.


To sweep sth under the carpet - to hide or conceal sth which might cause trouble or embarrassment: They should never have tried to sweep that pollution scandal under the carpet.


To draw the line - to refuse to do or to tolerate sth any further; to set a limit: e.g. I don’t mind helping, but I draw the line at doing everything myself.


Round the clock - all the time; day and night: e.g. Chivers is going to damage his health - he’s been working round the clock.


To get a raw deal - to be treated unfairly: e.g. It looks as if Teddy got a raw deal.


To play one’s cards right - to adopt good tactics; to act in the most clever and effective way to achieve sth: e.g. They could get the contract if they play their cards right.


Task. Write a short composition(s) of about 200-300 words describing the pattern of industrial practices in Ukraine. Describe the labour situation, trade union rights, minimum wage, social rights, and so on. Try to use as many of the business idioms printed above as possible.

3 Match professions of these people with the job descriptions:


Ronald McClung-union official Warren True-safety officer Greg Nazzal-director Andy Branch-unskilled worker Robert Hendrix-administrator Katy Freeway-supervisor Robert Lambert- labourer Joan Biggs-executive manager Stephen Ballantine-personnel officer Mary Mills-public relations officer     1 A person who does hard physical work. 2 The person who gives out information to the press for a company. 3 The person who handles applications for vacant posts. 4 The person who represents the workers’ interests in disputes with management in a factory. 5 A person who has a high position in a company and whose job is to make important decisions. 6 The person who makes sure there are no risks of accidents from machinery, etc. 7 A person whose job is to keep an eye on the day-to-day work of other workers. 8 An important person in a company who sits on the Board. 9 A person generally in charge of the day-to-day administration in a company. 10 A person whose job requires no special training.



USEFUL TIPS   Some useful hints to help your application.  
  • Always write in black ink. Application forms are usually photocopied and black photocopies best.
  • You will generally be asked to write in block capitals on a form; take time to practice this form of writing until it is clearly legible. Even block capitals handwriting says a lot about you to a recruitments manager; illegible handwriting will take you straight to the rejection pile, neat and clear handwriting will give you an immediate advantage.
  • If you make a mistake on the form, cross it out neatly or use a proprietary correction fluid. More than six mistakes implies carelessness. If you are prone to making mistakes opt for completing the form in pencil first, then inking it in.
  • You can wordprocess your answers, either if you are a skilled wordprocessor printing them on the form or printing them out on plain paper, then cutting and pasting on to the right place on the application form.
  • Complete the answers to more lengthy questions (such as why you want the job or descriptions of your relevant skills) on another sheet of paper first, then copy the answer on to the form.
  • If you need to use extra sheets of paper to complete your application, always write your name and the post you are applying for at the top of each sheet. do not staple the sheets to the application form: use a paperclip instead as the staple will only be removed for photocopying.
  Here is an example of a completed job application form. POST APPLIED FOR: Print & Design Manager NAME Richard John Jones ADDRESS 47 Oak Street, Southampton S 02 5MM TEL NUMBER (h) 0123456789 (w) 0987654321 EMAIL rjjones@aform.com EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 9 O-levels, including Maths, English language, French and German 3 A-levels: Maths, further Maths and Design (all at grade B) Degree B: B.Sc. Design, Southampton University PROFFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Chartered Institute of designers, post graduate diploma in new media CAREER HISTORY CURRENT OR LAST POST: give details of job title, employer, dates employed, main responsibilities, reason for wishing to leave or leaving. Design & Production Manager, Arco Publicity PLC, London NW1 1992 to 2003 Main Responsibilities: to manage the Design & Production Department, producing all company literature, promotional and presentation media; to work with clients on timely and cost-effective design and production of literature, stationary, newsletters, web media. PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT
1992- Asst Manager England & Son manage department’s daily operations; manage portfolio of clients; assist manager with budgets
1987- Designer Pop Prom literature design; liaising with printers
1983- Freelance Designer self-employed designing for clients
1980- Office Manager Allabout Design Co managing daily operations


IT: Dreamweaver, FrontPage, MS Office (all), email

REASON FOR APPLICATION (continue on separate sheet if necessary)

My main reason for applying for this post is my personal interest in the aims of the charity. Combining this with my experience and skills in managing a Design department gives me a thorough understanding of all the points raised in your job description. (continued on separate sheet)

I confirm that the information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand any attempt to falsify information will invalidate my application and/ or any offer or employment.






Make up application using your own information.





1 Translate the text into English:



Починаючи роботу на новій посаді, треба пам’ятати, що перший місяць випробування - найважливіший. це складний етап, який розкриває основні риси та якості новачка, вирішує його подальшу долю в компанії та формує місце в колективі. Що ж треба робити, аби належно проявити себе, показати всі свої вміння і навички? У трудовому договорі повинен бути зазначений строк Вашого випробування. Як правило, для когось це місяць, а для когось - три. За цей час новий робітник повинен довести роботодавцю, що той не помилився, обравши серед усіх претендентів на посаду саме його. Продемонструвати потрібно не лише професіоналізм, але й особисті якості - Ви повинні сподобатися колективу і керівництву. Під час випробного терміну не можна закривати очі на жодну дрібницю. Будьте уважними до всього побаченого і почутого, до кожного працівника в колективі. Проте не слід забувати і про повагу до себе. Психологи вважають, що випробний термін - це період випробування характеру на міцність.

Спробуйте скористатися такими порадами:

· Для того щоби полегшити період адаптації у новому колективі та з успіхом пройти випробний термін, фахівці рекомендують завести щоденник для складання плану робочого дня і виконання обов’язків. Записувати варто навіть час телефонних розмов або перерви на обід. Можливо, через місяць-два, Вам і не знадобиться занотовувати все так детально, але в перші дні на новому робочому місці це допоможе співвідносити свої обов’язки та можливості. перед тим, як іти ввечері додому, обов’язково занотуйте план на завтра, але краще це зробити упродовж дня.

· Під час випробного періоду не дозволяйте втягувати себе у конфліктні ситуації.

· У разі якщо раптом вийшло щось не так, не впадайте у розпач і не приховуйте помилок. Краще відразу чесно визнати свою невдачу і відшукати варіанти виправлення ситуації.

· Зверніть увагу на те, як прийнято говорити, одягатися, планувати робочий час в офісі, аби відповідати корпоративному стилю.

· Спілкуйтеся з колегами поза роботою. Не потрібно уникати нового товариства. Якщо Вас запрошують на святкування днів народжень, свят, прийміть запрошення, навіть, якщо Вам важко знайти до всіх працівників підхід. У неформальній обстановці Ви зможете дізнатися багато цікавого про компанію і запропонувати свої ідеї.

· Будьте допитливими. Краще з’ясувати всі деталі до того, як список невирішених проблем стане довшим за перелік Ваших обов’язків.

· І наостанок… У будь-якому випадку під час випробного терміну, навіть, якщо Ви відчуваєте, що посада вже Ваша, - перестрахуйтеся. Продовжуйте розглядати запропоновані пропозиції. Особливо це потрібно, якщо робота не відповідає Вашим очікуванням. Пам’ятайте, що випробний період ні в якому разі не повинен перетворитися на “школу виживання”.

(Ж-л “Пані” № 4 (79), 2008р.


2 Translate into English using Conditionals:

1. Якщо Ви шукаєте роботу, то першим кроком до вашого працевлаштування буде складання правильного резюме.

2. Якщо Ви знайшли роботу по оголошенню, намагайтеся уникати занадто професійних термінів під час опису Ваших обов’язків з попереднього місця роботи.

3. Якби він дійсно претендував на посаду менеджера з продажу, він би вчасно відіслав на фірму своє резюме.

4. Справи фірми ідуть вгору, якщо вона починає займатися підбором персоналу і друкує оголошення про роботу.

5. Якщо Ви хочете кардинально змінити сферу Вашої діяльності, Вам не має потреби складати хронологічне резюме.

6. Не вставляйте Вашу фотографію чи графічні об’єкти, якщо Ви відсилаєте резюме по факсу.

7. Якби вона не зробила стільки орфографічних та друкарських помилок в своєму резюме, це так би не роздратувало її потенційного роботодавця і він би прочитав його до кінця!

8. Якщо Вам не відповіли на резюме протягом трьох днів, Ви можете спробувати відіслати його ще раз.

9. Роботодавець вирішить, що Ви не зацікавлені в посаді. якщо Ви відразу не відповіли на його запрошення прийти на інтерв’ю, або його зігнорували, взагалі не з’явившись.

10. Якби всі починали новий день в хорошому настрої і з бажанням працювати, можна було б вирішити багато проблем і уникнути багатьох конфліктів!

11. Якщо завдання не виконано з об’єктивних причин, Вам слід скоригувати його.

12. Якщо виконанню завдання заважатимуть неправильні дії підлеглого, керівник проаналізує їх з ним.

13. Якщо це можливо, ми б хотіли перевірити товари в липні.

14. На Вашому місці, я б насамперед навів би всі довідки (make inquiries).

15. Якби Джейн була більш розсудлива, вона би одягнула діловий костюм, а не джинси на інтерв’ю.

16. Мої університетські викладачі пишалися би мною, якби ви вони тільки побачили, як успішно я керую компанією.

17. Ваші шанси отримати роботу значно підвищаться, якщо Ви знаєте іноземну мову, вмієте працювати з комп’ютером, були на стажуванні.

18. На Вашому місці я не відкладала би (put off) зустрічі з роботодавцем.

19. Якщо Ви погоджуєтеся виконувати цю роботу за власний кошт (at one’s expense), ми негайно розпочнемо обговорення.

20. Якби вони склали контракт сьогодні, ми підписали би його завтра.


3 Translate into English using the Passive Voice in each sentence:

1. Прилюдну критику підлеглого використовують тоді, коли інші методи виявилися безрезультатними.

2. Звіт підлеглого про виконання ним завдання буде здійснений в усній або в письмовій формі.

3. Які мотиваційні чинники можуть бути використані для стимулювання ефективної праці підлеглих?

4. Майже всі технічні спеціальності були представлені на ярмарку вакансій, який нещодавно проходив в Івано-Франківську.

5. Рекламу вважають одним з найважливіших факторів, які сприяють розвиткові торгівлі.

6. Більшість ділових розмов було здійснено по телефону, перш ніж делегація з Канади приїхала до нашого університету.

7. Це питання вже вияснили, чи не так?

8. Сучасний менеджмент зорієнтований на врахування реальних цілей, життєвих цінностей, очікувань і потреб особистості та поєднання їх з цілями організації.

9. Сподіваюсь, що всі його документи будуть передані до відділу кадрів і ретельно перевірені до 10 серпня.

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Vocabulary and grammar exercises| Find and write down the English equivalents of these phrases

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