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Find and write down the English equivalents of these phrases

Читайте также:
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  6. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  7. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

Julie the Operator Lady

Roberto: Oh, look at all this food!

Julie: I’m sorry, I didn’t get that.

Roberto: I’m just… hungry

Julie: Okay.

Roberto: Hi! I am Roberto.

Julie: Hi! I’m Julie!

Roberto: Hi! Nice to meet you. So… What do you do, Julie?

Julie: I do voice recordings for various ['veərɪəs] customer service lines, such as American Airlines, and M track.

Roberto: Wow! I am a CPA, I know, I know, boring, you know.

Julie: That’s right.

Roberto: This time of the year, busy, busy, busy…

Julie: I think you said ‘dizzy, dizzy, dizzy’. Did I get that right?

Roberto: Eh… no, busy.

Julie: I think you said ‘Lizzy’

Roberto: No, busy, busy.

Julie: My mistake! So, Alberto, let me get some information. What do you do for fun?

Roberto: What?... Not much…

Julie: Got it.

Roberto: I like trying new restaurants ['restərɔnt].

Julie: Got it.

Roberto: I… play tennis.

Julie: Got it.

Roberto: And how about you?

Julie: I like travelling to various locations, such as Dallas and New York. Other information may be available [ə'veɪləbl] online.

Roberto: Well, I’ll take a look.

Julie: Also, I’m a shopaholic.

Roberto: What?

Julie: A shopoholic!

Roberto: I… I’m sorry, I do not know what you mean. I mean, my English is not that great.

Julie: Oh, to continue in Spanish, please say ‘Yes’.

Spanish guy: Para continuar en Español, diga ‘Si’.

Julie: Alberto, this is Van, he’s a friend of mine from work.

Translator: ¡Bienvenido!

Roberto: ¡Hola! ¡Hola!

Julie: Will you be having drinks tonight?

Roberto: Sure, thanks.

Julie: Please listen ['lɪs(ə)n] carefully, as the options have changed. Or, if you know the drink you want, you can interrupt me at any time. There’s Morloe, Shardene, various cocktails.

Roberto: I’ll have a gin & tonic, lime, something like that.

Julie: Before I get your drink, let me see if I have that right. That’s one gin & tonic on the rocks with a twist. Did I get that right? Your approximate [ə'prɔksɪmət] wait time is one minute.

Spanish guy: Primero necesito información: ¿Estás llegando o saliendo?

Roberto: Yo.. llegé

Spanish guy: ¡Claro! ¿Necesitas un carrú?

Roberto: Car? No, I have a car!

Spanish guy: Umm… good bye.

Julie: I’ve got your drink!

Roberto: Thank you, Julie! I was wondering ['wʌndə], you think I could get your number?

Julie: Oh, sure! It’s 8005550199

Roberto: Anyway, Julie, would you like to get out of here?

Julie: Oh… your approximate wait time is… zero minutes.



Find and write down the English equivalents of these phrases


Я правильно поняла? -

Поняла -

Как насчет тебя -

Остальная информация доступна онлайн

Позвольте мне узнать некоторую информацию -

Я не знаю что вы имеете в виду -

Это мой друг -

Выбор изменился –

Скажите, правильно ли я все поняла –

Я хотел узнать... -



Short Film “Julie the Operator Lady”

Question time!

1) Where does the situation take place?

2) What does Julie do for a living?

3) What kind of job does Roberto have? Is it an exciting [ɪk'saɪtɪŋ] job? What does he like doing?

4) Why does Julie mishear [mɪs'hɪə] (ослышаться) Roberto’s words several times? For example, she calls him ‘Alberto’ instead of ‘Roberto’.

5) Who does Julie call in order to understand Roberto better?

6) What does she ask Roberto? Which drink does Roberto order?

7) What does Roberto ask Julie to give him? Does she agree?

8) What does Roberto suggest doing after that? How does Julie reply?



Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 268 | Нарушение авторских прав

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