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Introduction то nutrition

Читайте также:
  1. A Introduction
  2. A Introduction
  3. C. A good Introduction 'draws the map' for the journey. For a Persuasive Speech an Introduction consists of
  4. Chapter One : Nutrition
  6. Experimental projects on modernizing the organization of nutrition in institutions of general education

1. Прочитайте и запомните неизвестные вам термины

nutrition [nju: "tri∫әn] - питание

science of nutrition - диететика

digestion [diьʤest∫әn] – пищеварение, усвоение

nutrient ['nju: triәnt] - питательное вещество

carbohydrate ['kɑ: bou'haidre(i)t] - углевод

fat [fᴂt] - жир, сало; полнота, тучность

mineral ['minәrәl] - минерал

vitamin ['v (a) itәmin] - витамин

amino acids ['ᴂmino (u)' ᴂsidz] - аминокислоты

protein ['prouti: n] - протеин, белок

diet ['daiәt] - питание, стол; еда, продукты; диета, пищевой режим

energy ['еnәʤi] - энергия

involuntary [in`volәntәri] - невольный

demand [di'mɑnd] (for smth.) - требование (чего-либо), потребность

malnutrition ['mᴂlnju`tri∫әn] = undernutrition - недоедания

dietary intake -диетичне питания

result [ri'zᴧlt] - следовать; иметь результатом

starvation [stᴂ`vei∫әn] - голод, голодание

anemia [ә`ni: miә] - анемия

obesity [ou'bi: siti] - ожирение; чрезмерная полнота

2. Выучите представленные ниже слова и словосочетания:

food [fu: d] - продукты, питание, пища;

different ['difrәnt] - разный; другой

majority [mᴂ`ʤoriti] - большинство

estimate [`estimeit] - оценивать

value ['vᴂlju:] - ценность; важность

provide [prәьvaid] - обеспечивать; provide meals предоставлять питание

important [îm'po: tәnt] - важный

grow [grou] (grew; grown) - расти;

growth [grouθ] - рост, развитие

maintenance [meintinәns] - содержание, хранение, поддержание

depend [di'pend] (on, upon) - зависеть (от)

supply [sәьplai] - поставлять

produce [prə`dju: s] - производить

movement ['mu: vmәnt] – движение

heat [hi: t] - теплота

absorb [ob'sоb] v абсорбировать; поглощать

3. Прочитайте и переведите представленные ниже слова и словосочетания:

1. different ['difrәnt]: different minerals, different lectures, different situations;

2. important [îm'po:tәnt]: important task, the problem of nitrates is very important;

3. provide [prә'vaid]: to provide meals, my parents usually provide me with money, to provide with education;

4. grow [grou]: he grows quickly, to grow fruits, to grow roses, the olive grows in Italy;

5. depend Idi'pend]: it depends on the situation, prices depend on supply and demand

4. Прочитайте текст. Выпишите из текста предложения: а) безличные; б) имеют оборот there is / there are.

5. Nutrition. Some Definitions

The foods that people eat in other countries are very different from our own. The majority of people grows well and stays healthy when they get enough to eat. There are some ways in which we can estimate the value of any diet. They form a part of the science of nutrition.

It is important to know the principles of this science because our future profession is to plan and provide meals.

But first, there are some terms. The science of nutrition is the study of all processes of growth, maintenance and repair of the living body, which depend upon the digestion of food. Food is any solid or liquid which can supply material from which the body can produce movement, heat or other forms of energy and material for growth, repair and reproduction. The components of foods which have these functions are called nutrients. In foods there are the following types of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Carbohydrates provide the body with energy and may change into body fat. Fats also provide energy but in a more concentrated form and they can form body fat. Proteins provide amino acids for growth and repair. Minerals help to regulate body processes and are used in growth and repair. The living body needs vitamins to regulate its processes.

The diet consists of the foods or mixtures which person eats every day. The health of any person depends upon the absorption of necessary amounts of energy and all the nutrients. Energy is the ability to do work and to keep up body temperature, breathing and other processes.


5. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Поставьте все возможные вопросы с первым предложением. Выпишите существительные и образуйте множество (единственное число).

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