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I am a medical student

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My name is Alexander Smirnov.I am from Ukraine. I am 17 years old. I was born on the 17th of September in Kyiv, a capital of Ukraine. Now I am a first-year student of the Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy". I was working hard during the whole year having extra lessons in Physics, Biology, and Ukrainian because the competition was very high, and it was difficult to win it.

We study Anatomy

So, I care for medicine and I am going to be a doctor. Medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good specialist. A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine. He must love people and have a kind heart. One of the prominent therapeutists professor Konchalovsky considers that a person may be a poor writer, he may be a bad painter or an actor but a person cannot and must not be a bad doctor.

As for my family it is neither big nor small. There are five persons in it. I have my father, mother, brother, and sister. My father’s name is Ivan Petrovich. He is 42 years old. He is a stomatologist. He has a full-time job. My mother’s name is Olga Ivanivna. She is a skilled doctor. She has a good reputation in the hospital. My brother’s name is Oleg. He is 13 years old. He is doing very well at school. He studies French and German there. My elder sister Helen is 25 years old. She is a designer by profession. She is married. She has a husband and a son.

I don’t live with my family at this moment. I live in a students' hostel. Now my relatives live not far from Odesa. They have a flat of their own in a block of flats. I miss my parents because I love them very much.

My working day begins early because the classes start at half past 8. So, I get up at 7 о'clock. First of all I make my bed, do my morning exercises and go to the bathroom where I brush my teeth and wash. As I am a medical student I consider that physical exercises are “a good remedy” for the protection of my health against diseases. At about half past 7 I have breakfast, which usually consists of a cup of coffee or tea and a sandwich. During break­fast I listen to the news or music on the radio. I live not far from the academy. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there. I go on foot. My fellow-students who live rather far must take a bus, or trolley bus. City traffic is awful in the morning!

As a rule we have several practical classes and a lecture. We study many subjects, such as Anatomy, Histology, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, His­tory of Medicine, Latin, and English.

Our studies are rather difficult. The most difficult subject for me is Anatomy, but I work hard on it.

When the classes are over I go home (to the hostel). I have dinner and rest a little. Then I read textbooks and additional medical literature, make abstracts, and do some exercises. When I have spare time I watch TV, listen to the music or visit my friends or they come to visit me. I have a lot of friends and we often spend free time together, especially on Sundays.

At 11 o'clock I go to bed. As I work hard I do sleep well.

Ex. 29. Translate the text "I am a Medical Student" into Ukrainian.

Ex. 30. Answer the following questions:

1. How old are you? 2. What would you like to be? 3. Where are you from? 4. When and where were you born? 5. How many persons are there in your family? 6. What is your mother’s name? 7. What is your father’s name? 8. How old is your father? 9. What is your mother’s occupation? 10. What is your father doing for living? 11. Do you have brothers or sisters? 12. How old are your sisters and brothers? 13. How many children does your sister/brother have? 14. When does your working day begin? 15. What do you do in the morning? 16. When do you leave your home? 17. How many classes do you have every day? 18. What subjects do you study? 19. What do you do after classes? 20. When do you go to bed?

Ex. 31. Insert the missing words:

My work­ing day begins _ 7 о 'clock. I _ my bed and go to the _ where I brush my teeth and wash. At half past 7 I _ breakfast. Then I _ home and go to the Academy. We have several practical _ and a lecture every day. We study many subjects, such as _, Histology, Chemistry, _, Biology, _, Latin, and English. Our studies are _. When the classes are _ I go home. I _ text-books, make abstracts and do some _. When I have free _ I watch TV or listen _ the music. At 11 o'clock I _ to bed.

Ex. 32. Translate into English:

1. Прізвище цього лікаря – Сидоренко. Йому 35 років. Він – лікар обласної лікарні. 2. Ганна Павленко – професор. Їй близько 40 років. Вона – відомий терапевт. 3. Цей англієць – містер Браун. Він – досвідчений фахівець. 4. Олені 25 років. Вона заміжня. Олена – кваліфікований і енергійний фахівець. 5. Мій робочий день розпочинається о 6 ранку. 6. Я прокидаюся, умиваюся, снідаю та йду до академії. 7. Наші заняття розпочинаються о 8.30. 8. У мене щодня дві лекції і одне практичне заняття. 9. Ми вивчаємо анатомію, фізіологію, біологію, гістологію та інші предмети. 10. На лекціях я уважно слухаю лектора і конспектую новий матеріал. 11. Найскладніший предмет для мене – анатомія, але я багато над ним працюю. 12. Мені потрібні глибокі знання з багатьох спеціальних предметів. Це дуже важливо для моєї майбутньої роботи. 13. Після занять я йду додому та трохи відпочиваю. 14. Увечері я готуюся до практичних занять і читаю матеріал, необхідний для майбутньої лекції.

Ex. 33. Fill out the form:

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