The trunk contains thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities. The thoracic cavity is subdivided by the mediastinum. The diaphragm separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The pelvic cavity is surrounded by the pelvic bones. The trunk cavities are lined by serous membranes. The parietal portion of a serous membrane lines the walls of the cavity, and the visceral portion is in contact with internal organs. The serous membranes secrete fluid that fills the space between the visceral and parietal membranes. The serous membranes protect organs from friction. The pleural membranes surround the lungs, the pericardial membranes surround the heart, and the peritoneal membranes line the abdominal and pelvic cavities and surround their organs. Mesenteries are parts of the peritoneum that hold the abdominal organs in place and provide a passageway for blood vessels and nerves to the organs.
line [laIn] вистилати visceral['vIsqr(q)l] вісцеральний, внутрішній | parietal[pe'raIItl] паріетальний, пристінковий peritoneal ["perItqu'nI:ql] очеревинний |
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Body Directions
Ex. 20. Look throw the table "Directional Terms for Humans" and write down new words into your vocabulary.
Terms | Etymology | Definition |
Left | Toward the left side Toward the right side A structure higher than another (usually synonymous with cephalic) A structure lower than another (usually synonymous with caudal) Closer than another structure to the point of attachment to the trunk Farther than another structure to the point of attachment to the trunk Toward the middle or the midline of the body Away from the middle or midline of the body The front of the body (synonymous with ventral) The back of the body (synonymous with dorsal) Toward or on the surface | |
Right | ||
Superior | L, higher | |
Inferior | L., lower | |
Proximal | L. proximus, nearest | |
Distal | L. di- plus sto, to stand apart or to be distant | |
Medial | L. mediahs, middle | |
Lateral | L. latus, side | |
Anterior | L., before | |
Posterior | L. posterus, | |
following | ||
Superficial | L. superftcialis |
L – Latin
Ex. 21. Complete the following sentences with expressions given below:
When describing parts of the body, it is often important to refer to their relative positions. Proximal means _, whereas distal means _. These terms are commonly used in reference to structure in the limbs; each limb is attached at its proximal end of the body, and the other end, the distal end (the hand or foot), is some distance away. Proximal and distal may also be used in reference to tubular systems such as the kidney or the digestive tract. The _ end of the small intestine is attached to the stomach, and the _ end of the small intestine connects to the large intestine. Medial means _, and lateral means _. The nose is located in a medial position in the face, and the eyes are lateral to the nose. The terms superficial and deep refer to the structure _ and _. The skin is superficial to muscle and bone.
away from the midline; proximal; more toward the interior of the body; nearest; to be distant; close to the surface of the body; distal; toward the midline |
The trunk consists of the thoracic cavity, the abdominal cavity, and the pelvic cavity. The thoracic cavity contains the trachea, esophagus, heart and lungs. It is surrounded by the rib cage and is separated from the abdominal cavity by the muscular diaphragm. The abdominal cavity is bounded by the abdominal muscles. It contains the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys. The pelvic cavity is a small space enclosed by the pelvis and contains the urinary bladder, part of the large intestine, and internal reproductive organs.
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