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Describe a magazine that you like to read.

Читайте также:
  1. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.
  2. B) Describe the weather in your own country, its specific part or your own region. Use topical vocabulary (point 3).
  3. B. Describe the appearance and the character of your favourite sportsman.
  4. Can you describe how your house or apartment is decorated and layed out?
  5. Choose and describe control method for the field.
  6. Choose x-mas tree, describe it and explain why it was chosen.
  7. Circulation Magazine

Where You Live

Note: The questions below are about the city or place that you are living in now, regardless of whether it is your hometown or not.

· Where are you living at the moment? (= Where do you live?)

· Do you like living in _______ (your hometown, or where you are living now)?

· What are the good points and the bad points about living here/there?

· (Possibly) Is there anything you dislike about it?

· Can you suggest how it could be improved?

· Would you say it has good facilities?

· Is the public transport system in your hometown convenient to use?

· Would you say it's a good place for (families with) children to live?

· Do you have many neighbours?

· (Possibly) Do you know your neighbours very well?

· Will you continue to live there (in the future)?

· (Similar to above) Do you plan to continue living there?

3. Shoes

· (Possibly) Do you like shopping for shoes? (Why? / Why not?) *

· How often do you buy shoes?

· (The question above might be this) How long is it since you bought some shoes?

· What kinds of shoes you usually buy? (or, prefer to buy)

· Do you prefer comfortable shoes or good-looking shoes?

4. Colours

· Do you have a favourite colour? (Why is that your favourite colour?)

· Was that also your favourite colour when you were a child?

· Were colours important to you when you were a child?

· Did you wear bright coloured clothes when you were young?

· Do you prefer light colours or dark colours?

· (Slightly different to above) Do you prefer light colours or bright colours?

· What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?

· What colour car would you choose to buy?

5 Housework

· Do you like doing housework?

· How do you think housework could be made more interesting?

· Did your parents ask you (or, make you) do any housework when you were a child?

· Do you think children should do some housework?

· Which do you think is better for doing housework, a machine (or, a robot) or a person?

· (Possibly the question above is this) Which do you think can do housework better, a machine (or, a robot) or a person?

· In the future, do you think machines will replace humans for doing housework?

6. Teachers

· Do you (or, did you) have a favourite teacher?

· Why do you like him/her?

· (Possibly) How does (or did) this teacher help you?

· Do you think you could be a teacher?

· (Possibly the question above is this) Would you like to be a teacher?


· Do you often write things?

· Do you write everyday?

· What do you usually write?

· How many hours a day do you spend writing?

· Do you think writing is important?

· Do you like writing to people?

· Do you write letters very often?

· How often do you send e-mails?

· What are your main reasons for using e-mails?

· Do you like to send e-mails?

· Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer(, typewriter or word-processor)?

· (Similar to above) Do you prefer to write by hand or write using the computer?

· Do you prefer to write letters or emails?

· Nowadays, how do most people write things?

· What do you think are the benefits of writing letters?

· Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?

· When do children begin to write in your country?

· (Similar to above) When did you start to learn how to write?

· How did you learn to write?

· What did you write when you were in primary school? (If you are still a high schools student.)

· What did you write when you were in high school? (If you have finished high school.)

· What did you write when you were in university? (If you have graduated from university.)

· Would you like to write a book one day?


· What do you usually do with your friends?

· How long have you known your best friend?

· When will you see him/her next?

· What do you (and your best friend) usually do together?

· Which do you think is better, to have many friends or just a few close friends?

Natural Places

· (Possibly) Do you like visiting natural places? *

· (Possibly) What are some well-known natural attractions in your country?

· Have you ever gone camping?

· What would you say are the good points and the bad points about living in the countryside?

· Has the countryside in your country (or, around your city) changed much in recent years (or decades)?

· What future changes do you imagine might happen to the countryside?

· (Similar to above) How will the countryside look in the future?

· (Similar to above) What do you think the countryside will look like in the future?

· Do you like a natural environment?

· How do city kids in your country have contact with nature?

· Do you have any memories of nature from your childhood?


· Do you like (to learn about) history?

· What historical event do you find most interesting?

· (Similar to above) What historical event do you think was most important?

· Do you think history is important?

· Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?

· How (or, from where) do you get information about history?

· Do you think you (= one) can (really) learn history from films and/or TV programs?

· Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?

· (Similar to above) Do you think learning about history on the internet is good?

· (Similar to above) Do you think studying history on the internet is good?

· Can you name a person from history who you would like to learn more about?

· Why would you like to learn more about him/her?


· Are there many advertisements in your country

· Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

· What are the various places where we see advertisements?

· How do you feel about advertisements?

· (Similar to above) Do you like advertisements?

· (Similar to above) Do you think there are too many advertisements? (in society/on TV/in magazines and newspapers/on the street)

· What kind of advertisement do you like the most?

· (Similar to above) What kinds of advertisements do you find most interesting?

· (Similar to above) What type of advertisement do you prefer to use for getting information?

· Do advertisements (ever) influence your choice about what to buy?

· (Similar to above) Have you ever bought anything after seeing (or hearing) an advertisement?

· (Possibly) Have you ever bought anything that you have not seen advertised?

· Where can we (or, what are the various places where we can) see advertisements?

· Do you like advertisements on TV?

· Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?

· (Similar to above) What are the differences between advertisements on TV and those in magazines?

· (Similar to above) (In your opinion), which are more effective, TV ads or newspaper and magazine ads?

· What do you think is the purpose of advertisements (or, advertising)?

Public Holidays

· This meaning of "holiday" is 节日, similar to "festival".

(The other meaning is the same as, "vacation" or 假期. This is usually used in the plural form such as, "my summer holidays" = "my summer vacation". But this just means your "break from work or from school". If, during your "summer holidays" you go for a two-week trip to the seaside, that trip and that experience is usually spoken as "my summer holiday" not "my summer holidays". In other words, a special trip made for the purpose of relaxation or recreation is also called a "holiday".)

· What public holidays do you have in your country? *

· (Possibly) Do people in your country celebrate Christmas?


The following two questions might be part of this topic or they might have been erroneously reported using the word, "a holiday" when in fact the examiner used the word, "a weekend".

· Do you prefer doing things indoors or outdoors on a holiday?

· In your country, do old people usually do the same things as young people during a holiday?


o Do you like public holidays?

o Which public holidays do you like the most?

o (Similar to above) What's your favourite public holiday?

o What did you do during the last public holiday?

o What do other people in your country usually do on public holidays?

o What would you like to do during the next public holiday?

o Do you think public holidays are important?

o Do you think there should be more public holidays in your country?

o (Similar to above) Would you like to have more public holidays?

o What family holidays do you (or, does your family) usually celebrate?

13. Weather & Seasons

· What's the weather (or climate) like in your hometown?

· Would you say the weather in your hometown is generally good, or bad weather?

· How are the (four) seasons different in your hometown?

· Which season do you like the best (or, the most)?

· Would you prefer to live in a place with one season all year round, or four different seasons?

· Would you say there have been any changes in the weather (in your hometown) in the recent past?

· Does the weather have much impact on your life?

· (Similar to above) Does the weather have much impact on (daily) life in your country?

· Do you often talk about the weather with your friends?

· (Similar to above) Do you like to talk about the weather? (Why?/Why not?)

· What sort of climate do you prefer?

· Do you like extreme climate? (Why?/Why not?)


· Do you prefer to study/work in a quiet environment or in a place that has some noises (or sounds)?

· What do you do if there's too much noise (and you want to work / study)?

· When (or, at what times) do you find it easiest to concentrate? (Why?)

· How do you think a person could improve their ability to concentrate?

· Could you concentrate when you were a child?

· (Similar to above) Did you learn how to concentrate when you were a child?


· Do you prefer to study/work in a quiet environment or in a place that has some noises (or sounds)?

· What do you do if there's too much noise (and you want to work / study)?

· When (or, at what times) do you find it easiest to concentrate? (Why?)


· Do you like traveling by car?

· When was the last time you traveled by car?

· (Possibly) When was the last time you traveled by taxi?

· Do you prefer to travel by car or to use public transport?

· Do you think it would be good if everyone had their own car?

· Do you think it's important to have a driver's license?

Museums and Art Galleries

· Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?

· What did you learn from visiting these places?

· (Similar to above) What have you learned from visiting these places?

· (Possibly) Which did you (or do you) prefer to visit, museums or art galleries?

· Do you think schools should take their students to visit museums and art galleries?

Street Markets

· Do you like visiting street markets?

· Are street markets very common in your country (or, where you live)?

· What is usually sold in these street markets?

· Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market, or in normal shops and shopping malls?

· (Similar to above) What do you think are the differences between a street market and a supermarket?

· Would you visit a street market in a foreign country (if you were visiting that country)?

· (Similar to above but different) Would you like to visit a street market in a foreign country?

· In what ways do you think street markets in other countries are different to street markets in your country?

· (Similar to above) In what ways do you think street markets in other countries would be different to street markets in your country?


· Do you (ever) use a map?

· When do you use a map?

· (Similar to above) How often do you use a map?

· Who taught you how to use a map?

· (Similar to above) How did you learn to use (or read) a map?

· Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?

· (In your city) have you ever asked others for directions?

· (Possibly) Would you ever ask people for directions in your city?

· (Possibly) Do you prefer to use a map or ask people for directions?


· Do you like to receive gifts? (Why?/ Why not?)

· What kind of gifts do you like to receive? (Why?)

· What gifts did you receive in your childhood?

· (Similar to above, but different) Whatsorts of gifts did you like to receive when you were a child?

· Do you like giving gifts to people? (Why?/ Why not?)

· (Possibly) What gifts did you give to others in your childhood?

Days of the Week

· Do you do the same things every day of the week?

· Is there anything you would like to change about your weekly routine?

· How many days off do you have every week? *

· Do you usually have days off together or are they separated (by work/attendance at class)?

· What do you usually do on weekends?

· Which day would you say is your busiest day of the week?

· Which is your favourite day of the week?

· (Possibly) What would cause you to change your favourite day of the week?


· Do you like going to parks and/or public gardens? (Why?/ Why not?)

· Who do you usually go there with?

· When was the last time you went to a park?

· Do you think the parks and gardens where you live could be improved in any ways?

· Would you like to see (or, have) more parks and gardens in your hometown (or where you are living)?

· Do you prefer to relax with your friends in a park or an indoor place?

· (Possibly) Would you prefer to entertain guests (or visitors) in a park or an indoor place?


· What kind(s) of food do you like to eat?

· Did you also like to eat that when you were a child?

· (Similar to above) What food did you (like to) eat when you were a child?

· Would you give that food to your children if they asked for it?

· Do you prefer to eat at home or to eat out? *

· Do you know how to cook?

· When do you usually eat?


Make sure you know how to pronounce " photograph ", " photography ", " photographer " and " photographic ". The word stress (i.e., which syllable is stressed more) is different in some of these words.

· Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)

· Do you think it is better to take photos using a camera or a mobile phone?

· (Similar to above) Do you prefer to take photos using a camera or a mobile phone?

· What do you most like to take photos of?

· What do you do with your photos after you have taken them?

· Do you ever share your photos with other people on the internet?

· Would you like to attend a photography class?


· Do you like traveling?

· In which season do you prefer to travel?

· Would you say your country welcomes travelers (or, tourists)?

· (Possibly the question above is this) Would you say your country is a good place for travelers (or, tourists) to visit?

Your Leisure Time

Instead of the word, "relax", it is possible the examiner just uses words such as, "spend your leisure time".

· What do you do to relax?

· Do you do any healthy activities to help you relax?

· (Similar to above) Do you think sport (or, exercise) is a good way to relax?

· What did you do to relax when you were a child?


Part2 / Part3


Describe a magazine that you like to read.

You should say:

what magazine it is

how often you read it (or, when you read it)

what the magazine is about (or, what the articles in the magazine are about)

what kinds of people generally read this magazine or newspaper *

and explain why you like to read it.

Part 3


· What are some of the different types of magazine that are available in your country? *

· What types of magazines do people in your country (like to) read? FQ

· (Similar to above) What (types of) magazines are most popular in your country? FQ

· Are there any differences between the types of magazines that males and females like to read? FQ

· Do old people like to read the same types of magazines that young people do?

· Why do people read magazines?

· Can you suggest why some magazines are so interested in having articles about famous people?

· When do people usually read magazines?

· What do you think are the similarities and differences between magazines and newspapers? FQx2

· What do you think are the similarities and differences between books and magazines?

· What do you think are the similarities and differences between books and newspapers?

· What influence(s) do magazines have on people?

· What can we learn from reading a magazine, compared to what we can learn from a newspaper?

· What information can we get (or, what can we learn) from magazines?

· Is the information in magazines different to that in newspapers?

· Do you think everything you read in magazines is true?

· Do you think electronic magazines will replace paper ones in the future?

The Reading Habits of People in Your Country

· Is reading very important?

· (Similar to above) Is reading very important to you?

· Would you say that people in your country like reading?

· What kinds of things do people in your country like to read? FQ

· Do you think people's reading habits today are different to people's reading habits in the past (e.g., 30 yrs ago)? FQ

· Do you think people today are reading less than people did in the past? FQx2

· Why do some people like reading novels?

· What do you think are the differences between a book (a novel) and a film based on that book? FQ

· Why do you think some people don't like reading?

· How do you think people could be encouraged to read more?

· Are there any differences between the reading habits of old people and those of young people? FQx2

· Do young people and old(er) people like to read the same types of things? FQx2

· What do you think are the differences between reading for pleasure and reading for other purposes?

· Why do some people still read newspapers?

· How do you think people's reading habits might change in the future? FQ


· In what ways do you think e-books and paper books are similar and in what ways are they different?

Journalism / The Media

· Would you like to work as a reporter?

· (Similar to above) Do you think working as a reporter would be (or, is) a good job? FQ

· What does a reporter do in his or her job?

· Do you think it's a dangerous job?

· Do you think it would be (or, is) an interesting job?

· What qualities (including skills) do you think a good reporter (or, journalist) should have? FQx2

· Are there any differences between a TV reporter and a newspaper reporter?

· Is it important to you that journalists report the facts?

· Do you think that all reporters are objective (or, report/write objectively)?

· What would cause them not to be objective?


· Do you think there are differences between local (or, national) newspapers and international ones?

· What are the differences between traditional paper newspapers and electronic versions of those newspapers?

· What are the advantages of reading (& seeing) the news on the internet compared to reading it in newspapers and magazines?

Describe something you did to help another person (or other people) *

You should say:

what you did

when you did it

who you helped

and explain how you felt after (or, when) you gave this help.

Part 3

Helping in Everyday Life

· Do you think people today are more willing to help others than people in the past?

· Do you think more people in society today need help than in the past?

· Are there many lonely people (living in cities) who need some kind of help? (Why?)

· How do you suggest those people could be helped?

· In general, who do you think gives more help in a family (or marriage), the husband or the wife?

· If somebody gave you some help, how would you react to that person?

· What do you think are the drawbacks and possible benefits of being selfish?

· Do you think volunteer work is important in society?



· Do you think neighbors are important? FQ

· Do you think it's important to have good relationship with one’s neighbours?

· What benefits do people get from helping their neighbours?

· Do you think a person can learn anything from helping their neighbours?

· Do you think people's relationships with their neighbours are the same as they were in the past? FQ

· (Similar to above) Do you think people today communicate with their neighbours as much as they used to, in times past?

· Would you say these are changes are for the better or changes for the worse?

· How do (or, how can) neighbours help each other? FQ

· Which neighbours need help (more than others)?

· Why are some people reluctant to help their neighbours (or, help others)?

· Do you think many people living in cities feel lonely? FQ

· Do you think the size of the city makes a difference to how lonely someone is (or feels)?

· Do you think peoples' relationships with their neighbors are the same in the cities as they are in rural areas? FQ

· Do you think today's urban living environment encourages people to get to know their neighbours? FQ

· Who do you think is more likely to help their neighbours, people living in cities or people in living rural environments? FQ

· Why do people living in cities not communicate with their neighbours very often? FQ

· What are the benefits of belonging to a community?

· Why are online "virtual communities" becoming more popular nowadays?

· Around where you live (= in your neighborhood), are there any activities that groups of people can participate in?

· Do you think these local events are very beneficial to people

Helping in the Workplace

Note that some questions here are about employees giving help (to other employees and even to the employer) and other questions are about employers giving help to employees.

· Do you think colleagues need to help each other in the workplace?

· How do (or, how can) colleagues help each other at work? FQ

· Do you think teamwork is important in the workplace?

· Do you think a person should receive more pay if they help others at work (or should they do it for free)?

· How do (or, how can) an employee help their (his or her) employer?

· How do employers in your country help their employees?

· Do you think that employees are encouraged to work better (or work harder/ work more) when the employer helps them?

· What do you think is the role of (departmental) managers in a company (or the CEO)?

· What benefits do employees get in your country?

· Do you think employers should be obligated (by law) to provide benefits for their employees?

· In your country, in what ways are employers obligated (by law) to provide benefits for their employees?

· Do you think it benefits the employees if a company provides leisure facilities at the workplace?

Children Learning to Help

· Do you think children naturally want to help others, (or do they need to be taught this)? *

· Do you think it's important for parents to teach their children to help others? *

· How can parents teach their children to help others?

· (Similar to above) How can parents teach their children the value of helping others?

· Do you think engaging children in team (or group) activities helps them learn about helping others?

· Who do you think should be more responsible for teaching children about helping, the parents or the child's school teachers?

· In what ways do parents want their children to help them (around the home)?

· (Similar to above, but different) How can (or, how do) children help their parents at home?

· Do parents in your country expect their adult children to give them help?

· Do you think children should help with the housework at home? FQ

· In general, who do you think is more willing to give help (e.g., with the housework), boys or girls (males or females)? FQx2

· (Similar to above) In general, who do you think is more willing to help others, boys or girls (or, males or females)?

· Do you think children can learn about helping from other children?

International Help

· How can (or, how do) countries give help to other countries? FQ

· Do you think countries are obligated to share their research discoveries with other countries?

· Do you think countries should help one another in times of disasters?

· Do you think natural disasters are consequences of the nature or caused by human beings?

· Do you think international organizations should exist to provide help when a natural disaster strikes a country?

Describe a family celebration that you attended.

You should say:

where this celebration was held

why it was held

what you did at this celebration

and explain why you enjoyed this celebration.

Marriage & Weddings

· Are weddings considered very important in your country?

· Would you say marriage (or, weddings) today is (are) considered less important than it was in the past? FQ

· (Similar to above but a little different) Are weddings today considered less important, or more important than they were in the past? FQ

· (Similar to above) Are weddings today (in your country) the same as weddings have always been? FQx2

· Are weddings today more expensive (= dearer) than weddings in the past, or cheaper?

· Do you think people spend too much money on weddings? FQ

· (Similar to above) Do you think it's worthwhile to spend so much money on a wedding? FQ

· Where are weddings held? (= where are wedding ceremonies held)

· Where are wedding banquets held?

· Who usually pays for the costs of a wedding (a wedding celebration or banquet)?

· What preparations need to be done before a wedding takes place?

· In your culture, who does most of the preparation when a couple are going to get married? FQ

· (Similar to above) Who do you think should do the preparation work for a wedding?

· (Possibly) Who officiates (= carries out) weddings in your country?

· Do you think it's important to marry someone who has the same level of education as you do? FQ

· Can you suggest why more and more people are getting married today at a later age than they used to? FQx2

· (Similar to above) Can you suggest why more and more people are getting married today at a later age than they used to and delaying having children? FQx2

Other Celebrations Besides Weddings

Note: Be careful of saying "holidays" when you mean traditional festivals such as the Lunar New Year celebrations, or Christmas. In British English, "on holidays" or "during holidays" etc. most often means "during one's vacation (from school or work)", 假期. Although traditional festivals / celebrations, 节日, are usually also public holidays, I suggest using words such as "festival" or "celebration". This question is further complicated by the fact that English speakers tend to use the word "festival" to refer more to public festivals that are celebrated, for example, on the street or in public places, involving large crowds of people, not traditional celebrations that are held in the home..

· On what occasions do people in your country hold a celebration?

· What would you say are the most important family celebrations in your country?

· Besides weddings, on what other occasions do people in your country hold celebrations?

· Besides weddings, on what other occasions do people in your country hold family celebrations?

· Do you prefer celebrating with your family or with your friends?

· Do you think everybody enjoys attending family celebrations? FQ

· Are young people and old people equally enthusiastic about family celebrations?

· Do you think people like attending national celebrations (e.g. National Day)?

· What do you think are the differences between family celebrations and national (or public) celebrations? FQ

· Do people in your country generally prefer family celebrations to national celebrations, or vice versa?

· Do you think all public holidays are "celebrated"?

· Have their been any changes to the culture of your country resulting in celebrating something that was not traditionally celebrated in your culture? (changes in the past few decades)

Describe your first mobile phone (or communication device).

You should say:

when you got it (or, how old you were when you got it)

how you got it *

what you used it for *

and explain how the mobile phone changed your life.


· "Cell-phone" is more American usage while "mobile phone" is more common in British English. But either is OK.

Part 3

Mobile Phones in Your Country

· What do you think are the main differences between cell phones today and the first cell phones (in the 1990's)?

· Do you like having a mobile phone? FQ

· (Similar to above) Is your mobile phone important to you? FQ

· Are mobile phones very common in your country? FQ

· Are mobile phones very popular in your country? FQ

· Do all types of people use mobile phones or is it mostly a case of certain types of people (certain groups) using them?

· What do people use their mobile phone for? FQ

· Would you say cell-phones are useful when one is traveling?

· Do you think it is important for someone going on a business trip to use a mobile phone while on the trip?

· Do many old people use mobile phones? FQ

· (Similar to above) Who do you think uses mobile phones more, young people or old(er) people? FQx2

· Who changes their cell phones for newer models more often, young people or older people? (Why?)

· Do you think old people find it easy to use a cell-phone?

· Do old(er) and young people use mobile phones in the same way?

· Do you think there are any downsides (bad points) to using a cell-phone? FQ

· Do people use their cell-phones more for speaking or more for sending text messages? FQx2

· (Similar to above) What are the differences between sending text messages and making calls on a cell phone? FQx2

· (Similar to above) Would you say that text messaging is replacing making call calls?

· What are the shortcomings of using cell phones? FQ

· (Similar to above) Do you think that cell phones have any brought any negative influences to people (or, society)?

· Do you think there are times when it is acceptable (or, reasonable) to ask others to turn off their cell-phones?

· What can someone do if they lose their cell-phone?

· What problems can result if a person loses their cell-phone?

· What are the major differences between a fixed-line phone and a mobile phone?

· Do you think the use of cell phones will increase in the future?

· Do you think that you will be using a cell phone more in the future, or less?


· Why do we have smart phones (or, why do people use) smart phones when we already have mobile phones and the internet?

· Why do people (like to) use smart-phone apps? FQ

· Would you say cell phone apps are important?

· Which apps are most popular? FQ

Children and Mobile Phones

· At what age do people in your country usually get their first cell-phone? FQx2

· Why do you think kids aged about 11 or 12 need to (or, want to) have a cell phone?

· Which do you think is more suitable for young children to use, a mobile phone or a fixed-line phone at home?

· What do you think could be done to stop school students from using their cell-phone during class? FQ

Describe a foreign language you would like to learn (besides English).

You should say:

what language

how you would learn it

what difficulties you think you might (or would) have when learning this language.

and explain why you would like to learn this language.

Learning Another Language

· Do you think it's important to learn a foreign language? FQ

· What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of learning (or studying) a foreign language?

· Do you think everyone should learn a foreign language? FQ

· Would you agree that some people are better at learning a language than others?

· Do you think it's good that some school students are forced to study a foreign language (= it is compulsory for them to study a foreign language)?

· (Similar to above) Do you think it's necessary (or, important) for schools to teach foreign languages? FQ

· Do you think it's important to learn a foreign language in a formal classroom?

· What people need to learn a foreign language?

· What benefits do children (or, people) get from studying (learning) a foreign language?

· Do you think there are any possible downsides from studying a foreign language?

· What difficulties do people experience when they try to learn another language?

· Why do you think different people seem to have different capabilities for learning languages? FQ

· (Similar to above) Why do you think some people are better than others at learning languages? FQx2

· How do high school teachers in your country teach English?

· How do you think school teachers could make studying a foreign language more interesting? FQ

· How do you think school teachers could make studying a foreign language more effective? FQ

· What are the reasons why people learn a foreign language?

· What kinds of people are most likely to learn a foreign language?

· In your country, which are the most commonly studied foreign languages?

· How can people use the knowledge they have of a foreign language?

· On the question of learning a foreign language, do you think there are any differences between men and women?

· Who do you think finds it easier to learn a foreign language, men or women?

· How would you convince a person of the importance of learning your language?

· Do you think there is a strong relationship between language and culture?

· How important (or, how useful) is it to learn a language in a formal classroom?

International Communication

· How do people use social media (or, use the internet) to make contact with foreigners (who speak a foreign language)?

· What do you think are the similarities and differences between the way people of different languages communicate?

An International Language

· Do you think it would be good to have one main international language? FQ

· (Similar to above) Do you think it is important to have one main international language? FQ

· Which language would you say is the dominant language in the world today? FQ

· Which language do you think will be the dominant language in the future? FQ

· (Similar to above but different) Which language would you say is the most important language in the world today? FQ

· Some people say that all languages are important. Do you agree?

· Do you think English should be made the official international language? FQ

· In the future, what language do thing will be the most prevalent in the world?

· Do you think Chinese should be made an (or, the) international language?

Describe a school you have attended (in your childhood).

You should say:

where it was (or, what school it was)

what the classrooms were like (or, looked like)

what the teachers were like *

and explain how you felt about this school.

Part 3


· Which do you think is better, a big school or a small school?

· (Similar to above, but different) Which do you think is better, a big class or a small class?

· What age do you think is most suitable for children to start school?

· What do you think are the benefits of extra-curricula activities at school?

· Do you think it should be compulsory for all children to attend a school?

· Do you think it's better for high school-aged boys and girls to be educated together, or separately?

· (Similar to above) What are the pros and cons of single-sex high schools as compared to co-educational high schools?

· Do you think school students today are overburdened?

· Have there been any changes to the education system in your country in the recent past?


· Is teaching a very popular profession in your country?

· Would you like to work as a teacher?

· Why do some people choose to (or, want to) become teachers of children? FQ

· What kinds of people become (or, work as) school teachers?

· What do you think are some of the differences between high school teachers and primary school teachers? FQ

· Who do you you think is easier to teach, primary school students or high school students? FQ

· Why do you think some people prefer to teach adults (e.g., over 18 yrs old) rather than children?

· What qualities do you think a good (primary school) teacher should have? FQx2

· Were your teachers strict when you were a child?

· What are the differences between male and female teachers? FQ

· Who do you think is more suitable for working as a primary school teacher, men or women?

· Can you suggest why we see more female than male primary school teachers?

· Do you think teachers should allow their students to speak to each other during class?

· Do you think a "spoon-feeding" style of education is the best method?

· Should school students be encouraged to ask questions?


· Do you think kindergartens are important? *

· Would you like to teach little kids?

· Do you think teaching little kids is a difficult job?

· What qualities do you think good kindergarten teachers have?

Describe something you bought but don't often use. *

You should say:

when you bought it

where you bought it

what it is used for *

why you bought it

and explain why you don't often use it.

Part 3

Shopping & Consumerism

· Do you think many people are many things that they don't really need?

· What do you think has caused these people to love shopping so much?

· Do you think people (or, these "shopaholics") will change their attitudes in the future?

· How often do you go shopping (or, buy something)?

· Do people in your country like to go shopping?

· Do many people buy things in street markets?

· What do you think are the pros and cons of shopping in a large department store? FQ

· What factors do people consider before they decide to buy something?

· For you (or, for most people), which is more important when buying something, the price or the quality? FQ

· Do you think more expensive, brand-name clothes are always better quality than cheaper clothes?

· What are the differences (and similarities) between buying something in a shopping mall and buying something online?

· Why do some people prefers to buy things online? FQ

· (Similar to above) Do you prefer to buy things online or in the real world? FQ

· Do you think there are any problems associated with the quality of products when buying online?

· Do many people in your country buy fake (fake brand name) goods?

· Do you think it's safe to use credit cards?


· Do you often use products made from recyclable materials?

· What types of materials can be recycled?

· Do you thing recycling is important? (Why? / Why not?) FQ

· (Similar to above) In your country, is recycling considered to be important?

· (Similar to above) Why did people in your country start recycling?

· Do you think it's important to recycle things made of plastic?

· Have people's attitudes towards recycling changed in recent years?

· When did people in your country start recycling?

· Why do you think more people are promoting and practicing recycling nowadays?

· What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of recycling? FQ


· What do you think about advertisements?

· Are they effective?

· Are they useful (or beneficial) for people?

· Can you compare advertisements on TV and those in magazines?

· Do you think advertising methods always ethical?

· What do you think are the pros and cons of having government supervision of the advertising industry?

Describe an indoor game that you played when you were a child.

You should say:

what the game was

who you played it with *

how you played it *

and explain why you played that game.

Part 3

Games in General

· Do people of all ages play games, or is it only children?

· Which do you think are better, indoor or outdoor games? FQ

· (Similar to above) What are the differences between indoor and outdoor games? FQ

· What are the most popular indoor games in your country? FQ

· How do people learn to play games?

· Do you think it's hard to learn the rules of games?

Children's Games

"Games" here includes all games, not just indoor games unless the examiner specifies "indoor".

"Indoor games" does not mean "indoor sports".

· What games do children play today? FQx2

· Are those the same as the games kids used to play in the past? FQ

· Do you think it's good for children to play games? FQ

· What can they learn from games? FQx2

· (Similar to above) How do you think children can benefit from playing games? FQ

· Do you think children can learn new skills from games?

· Would you say children in your country prefer outdoor games, or indoor games? FQ

· Which do you think is more beneficial for children, indoor games or outdoor games? FQ

· How can (or how do) children benefit from outdoor games (or, outdoor activities)?

· How do children's (indoor) games and those of adults differ?

· What do you think would be some of the qualities of a good game for a 3-year-old child (or, 3-yr-old children)?

· Do you think it's necessary for children's games to be competitive? FQ

· How do competitive games at school affect children?

· How important would you say it is to develop a sense of competition in children?

· Do you think playing (some) games can help children develop their imagination?

· Do you think games can be useful when teaching children in the classroom?

· Do you think it's good for children to play competitive games (i.e., games with winners and losers)?

· Do you think electronic games are good for children?

· Some traditional games that are hundreds of years old are still popular with children today. Can you suggest why (or how) that happens?

Children's Play

These questions were reported only once, so they might be mistakes. "Play" and "play a game" are not exactly the same thing.

· Do you think it's good for children to play?

· What benefits do children get from playing?

· Do you think children's play is more for fun or for learning?

Recreational Facilities / Parks

· Do you think parks play an important role in the lives of people?

· Can you suggest how parks could be improved?

· Do you think your city should have more parks?


Describe a good law in your country.

You should say

what the law is

how you first learned about this law (or, how you know about this law)

who benefits from this law (or, who is affected by this law)

and explain why you think this is a good law. *

Part 3

The Law

· Do you think rules and laws are important? FQx2

· (Similar to above) Why do you think we need to have rules and laws? FQx2

· How do people benefit from having rules and laws?

· What types of work particularly involve the law?

· In relation to the law, what is the difference between the work of government officials and that of lawyers? (Difficult question)

· Do you think all laws are fair?

· Would you say that the behavior of people is restricted by the laws we have?

· Is that a good situation? *

· In your country, do people generally feel that they should obey the law? FQ

· (Similar to above) Are rules and laws strictly obeyed in your country? FQ

· Do you think it's OK to occasionally break the law, (in a small way)? FQ

· (Similar to above) In what circumstances do you think it would be acceptable to break the law? FQx2

· (Similar to above) Do you think we should obey all laws, all the time?

· (Similar to above) Can you suggest any situations when a person can be excused for not obeying a law? FQx2

· (Possibly) Can you suggest any occasions when a person cannot obey a law?

· (Possibly) Can you suggest any occasions when a person should not obey a law? *

Lawyers and the Police

Several of these questions are asking you to make comparisons between lawyers and the police.


· What are some of the situations when a person needs to use a lawyer?

· What qualities does one need in order to be a good lawyer? FQx2

· Do many people in your country want to be lawyers? FQx2

The Police

· What do you think is the purpose of having police?

· (Similar to above) What do you think are the duties / responsibilities of the police (Br. = policemen & policewomen, U.S. = police officers)?

· Are there different types of police?

· What do you think is the difference between a policeman directing traffic on a road and other policeman?

· Do you think the police should carry guns?

· Who do you think is more suitable for being a police officer, men or women?

· Who do you think is more suitable for being a lawyer, men or women?

· What is the difference between the work of the police and that of lawyers?

· Do many people in your country want to be police officers? FQx2

· (Similar to above) Do you think being a police officer would be a good job? FQ

· (Similar to above) Why do some people prefer to be police officers and some prefer to be lawyers? FQx2

· Which job do you think would be (or, is) more interesting, being a police officer or being a lawyer?

· Which do you (or do people) respect more, lawyers or the police?

· Who do you think provides more of a service (or better service) to society (or, the people), police or lawyers?

· Which would most parents prefer their children to marry, a police officer or a lawyer?

· Who do you think earns more money, lawyers or police officers?

· What qualities does one need in order to be a police officer? FQx2

· Do you think it's important for a police officer to be punctual (or, have good time management skills)?

· What sorts of training do you think trainee police officers receive?

International Law

· Do you think it's important to have international law? FQ

· Can you give any examples of international law?

· Who decides what the international laws should be?

· Do you think the United Nations should exist and, if so, what should it regulate?

· How can international law be enforced?

· Do you think there are any difficulties (or, problems) concerning the enforcement of international law?

· Do you think there should be an international police bureau (or organization)?

Describe something that you have shared with others (or another person) *

You should say:

what you shared

who you shared it with.

why you shared it

and explain how you felt about sharing it.

Part 3

Sharing in General

· Do you like sharing things with others?

· Can you suggest why some people don't like sharing?

· Besides the example that you just spoke about (in Part 2), what are some other examples of sharing in everyday life?

· Do people in your country (or, you) prefer to share public transport or do they (you) prefer to use private transport? FQx2

· How do (or can, or could) people share transportation? FQx2

· (A little different to above) How do you think more people could be encouraged to share public transport? FQx2

· Do you think sharing one's car with others is a good idea? (car pooling)

· Do many people in your country share their home with other or do they mostly live alone? *

· Why do you think people share some things with others? FQx2

· (Similar to above) What are the benefits of sharing? FQ

· Do you think rural people share more than city people?

· Do you think there are any advantages to sharing your home with other (non-family) people?

· When people share a house, do you think it's important to have some "house rules"? FQ

· (Possibly) Do you think there should be (or are) some general rules for people when they share things? *

· Do you think it's good to share personal information with others on the internet? FQ

· Do you think online privacy is important?

· Would you share your clothes with a friend if they were cold?

· Would you ever share your food with someone else?

· Do you think sharing food is important?

· Do people (in your country) share food during celebrations (or, festivals)? FQ

· How do people share information online?

· (Possibly) Can you think of any things that people don't usually share with others? *

Children and Sharing

· In general, are children willing to share things? FQ

· What are some examples of things that children share?

· Do you think there are any things that children should not be expected to share with others?

· What are some examples of things that children don't like to share?

· Do you think children like sharing their parents with their brothers and sisters?

· Do you think children need to be taught to share? FQ

· How do you think children could be taught to share? FQx2

International Sharing

· Do you think countries should share things? (If so, what?)


Describe a situation (or time) when you received some useful advice. *

You should say:

what the situation was

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