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Choose and describe control method for the field.

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The control of the field happens from the FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessels) through the subsea control module (SCM). The SCM is the main component of the Xmas tree, it is provide a safe and efficient operation of subsea tree valves, chokes and downhole valves. [7] [8]

Umbilicals: is a control cables, which transmits power, control and signal control to a well. Umbilicals is electrical supply cables for Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP)

The FPSO allows producing oil in more remote areas and in deep and ultra deep-water areas, this safes money and time. The FPSO has storage capacity for the treated crude oil produced. Offloading system helps to transfer the crude oil to tankers for shipment to refineries, this is more preferable than requiring a pipeline to transport oil to shore.


Figure 8: The Subsea Control Module (SCM) [8]


Dimension actuators for stopping production flow (assume the actuator shall stop the reservoir pressure).

Valve positively closed:


We assume piston diameter

We assume stem diameter


12. Dimension hydraulic control system (goal: calculate pressure requirement for the HPU).



First we will calculate the flow speed:

We need to find Reynold number, which will tell us what kind flow we have:

Than friction coefficient:

Pressure requirement for HPU:




[1] C.P. Sparks: ”Fundamentals of Marine Riser Mechanics” Pages 1-60; Pennwell publishing company; 2007

[2] Arnfinn Nergaard: ”Effective Force; Friction or Reality?” Pages 1-9; University of Stavanger. SPE 174785-MS

[3] Charles P. Sparks: ”The Influence of Tension, Pressure and Weight on Pipe and Riser Deformations and Stresses”, 1984

[4] NORSOK Standard - D010, Rev. 4, June 2013

[5] Colodette,G.,Pereira: ”Flow assurance and artificial lift innovations for Jubarte heavy oil in Brazil.” PETROBRAS. SPE-117174-PA. 2008

[6] K. H. Stingl: “Parque das Conchas – BC-10 – An Ultra-Deepwater heavy oil development offshore Brazil.” Shell Brazil E&P. OTC 20537

[7] Gilles Barnay / TotalFinaElf: ”Girassol: The Subsea Production System Presentation and Challenges” OTC 14170

[8] FMC Technologies: “Subsea Control Systems” Retrieved from

[9] International Standardization Organization (2010). Petroleum and natural gas industries — Design and operation of subsea production systems — Part 4: Subsea wellhead and tree equipment, (ISO 13628-4:2010).

[10] Olijnik, L, Vigesa S. et al. (1996). “ New design of a guidelineless horizontal tree for deepwater ESP wells. ” OTC 8062.


[1] Ivan Limanski

Master Student, UiS

Email: limanski@inbox.ru


Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 400 | Нарушение авторских прав

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