Читайте также:
Key words:
Phase, electronic devices, to process, to apply, mechanical skills, information-based, to carry out, high technology, labor force, available, evident, to affect.
Useful phrases:
To refer to sth, to center on sth, to rely on sth, at the same time, to become available for sb, to be at the heart of sth.
Answer the questions before reading:
Read the text and do the tasks below.
Many industrial societies have now entered a new phase of technological development. A generation ago, the sociologist Daniel Bell (1973) coined the term postindustrialism to refer to the production of information using computer technology. Production in industrial societies centers on factories and machinery generating material goods; postindustrial production relies on computers and other electronic devices that create, process, store, and apply information. Just as people in industrial societies learn mechanical skills, people in postindustrial societies such as ours develop information-based skills and carry out their work using computers and other forms of high-technology communication. Postindustrial society uses less and less of its labor force for production. At the same time, more jobs become available for clerical workers, teachers, writers, sales managers, and marketing representatives, all of whom process information. The information revolution, which is at the heart of postindustrial society, is most evident in rich nations, yet new information technology affects the whole world.
Find the English equivalents in the text:
Розвиток, покладатися, зосереджуватися на, застосовувати, виконувати, очевидний, обробляти, доступний, робоча сила, впливати, в самому серці.
Match the words and their synonyms:
Production, to rely on, to apply, to center on, evident, to affect, available, labor, information, device.
News, mechanism, obvious, accessible, work, to count on, to use, to influence, to base on, manufacture.
Explain with your own words:
At the heart of sth, evident, available, development, to rely on, to carry out, force, information, phase, device.
Translate from Ukrainian into English.
2. Деніел Белл пов’язує термін постіндустріалізм із здобуттям інформації використовуючи комп’ютерні технології.
3. Виробництво в постіндустріальних суспільствах покладається на використання комп’ютерів і інших електронних приладів.
4. Для виконання своєї роботи люди використовують можливості високих технологій.
5. Постіндустріальні суспільства все менше і менше використовують людей як робочу силу.
6. У той же час з’явилося більше вакансій для людей, які працюють з інформацією і обробляють її.
Answer the questions for self-control
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