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Ex 2. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  3. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  4. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  5. A) Order the words to make sentences.
  6. A) scan the texts and find the words concerning oil and gas sphere
  7. A- Correct the underlined words

1. Globalization is a process driven by …… and …… and aided by ……

2. Policy and technological developments of …… have increased ……, investment and migration.

3. Governments have negotiated …… in …… and have established international agreements …… trade.

4. A …… of globalization is an international industrial and financial …… international industrial and financial ……

5. Globalization is deeply ……, however.

6. The creation of an …… international free market …… multinational corporations …… local enterprises, local cultures and common people.

7. Interdependence of different countries’ economies and …… of national economies into …… have become a ……

8. One of the biggest drawbacks is that the growing …… also increases the …… of global economy to local and regional ……

Ex 3. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

взаимодействие между людьми, компаниями и правительствами; иметь влияние на экономическое развитие и процветание; современный процесс глобализации; вступить в качественно новую фазу экономических отношений; способствовать торговле товарами и услугами; пользуясь новыми возможностями; приносить пользу корпорациям за счет местных мероприятий; взаимозависимость экономик разных стран; препятствовать свободному движению капитала; уязвимость мировой экономики.

Ex 4. Match each term with the appropriate explanation.

interaction, globalization, cross-border, controversial, vulnerability, interdependence, integration

1. The combining under one management of two or more manufacturing concerns.

2. A process of forming a uniform business space, involving economic internationalization of goods, capital, labor force, information exchange of cultures, management skills, etc.

3. International, taking place among two or more countries or nations.

4. Being affected by negative circumstances.

5. Communication between or among parties.

6. Causing a lot of arguments or debates; disputable.

7. A situation when connections between people (or countries) are so close that processes taking place.

Ex 5.Answer the questions.

1. What lies behind globalization? What is its driving force?

2. Is globalization in its current form different from that of the past? What accounts for the differences?

3. Why is globalization such a controversial phenomenon?

4. What’s the greatest advantage of globalization? The biggest drawback?

Ex 6. Find in the text the words and expressions that characterize or mean:

1) a defining feature of globalization

2) the obvious advantages of globalization

3) the inevitable disadvantages of globalization

4) people’s hostility towards globalization

Ex 7. Comment on the following:

1. Globalization has effects on human physical well-being in societies around the world.

2. The world has entered a qualitatively new phase in its economic development.

3. Technology is one of the principal drivers of globalization

4. Globalization allows poor countries to raise their standards of living.

5. Resistance to globalization has taken shape both at a popular and a governmental level.


Ex 8. Increase your vocabulary.

A. Study the word combinations with the words “integration” and “interaction”. Use them in the sentences of your own.

- agro-industrial integration – агропромышленная интеграция

- progressive integration – постепенная интеграция

- economic integration – экономическая интеграция

- regional integration – региональная интеграция

- to effect integration –осуществлять интеграцию

- interaction between nations – взаимодействие между странами

- interaction of supply and demand –взаимодействие спроса и предложения

- investment interaction – инвестиционное взаимодействие

B. Translate into English.

1. Страны этого региона заинтересованы в тесном взаимодействии, так как им приходится решать сложные экономические и политические вопросы.

2. Взаимодействие между нашими двумя странами в области новых технологий позволило нам перейти на качественно новый уровень экономического развития.

3. Экономическая интеграция – одна из отличительных черт современной глобализации.

4. Постепенная интеграция во многих областях дает странам новые возможности развития бизнеса.

5. Многочисленные соглашения о трансграничной торговле, а также инвестиционное взаимодействие, позволят странам осуществлять региональную интеграцию.


Text B

Russia and Globalization

The future of Russia as a modern nation directly depends on its involvement in the globalization process. The greatest difficulty for Russia is in the information and communication aspect of globalization as its large territory makes the process of effective dissemination of information, including official orders from the center to the regions, a serious challenge. Consequently, most information becomes simply outdated by the time it reaches its addressees. Today, a country’s competitiveness depends on its capability to provide its citizens, especially the intellectual and political classes, with comprehensive local and international information.

In conditions of complete globalization, no single country can form or create all the external conditions that are favorable for it. On the contrary, it should be able to realistically assess its long-term needs, problems, prospects and search for development opportunities within the existing external circumstances. Russia occupies a very specific place in the global economy, participates along with the most advanced nations in an outer space exploration.

Russian culture continues to make a valuable contribution to the development of civilization; the huge potential and capability of its sciences are powerful forces of economic development. But at the same time, Russia is lopsidedly dependent on its natural resources and raw-commodity exports, lacks competitiveness in its domestic production, and has low living standards that exacerbate the country’s already catastrophic demographic trends in general and the quality of such parameter as human capital in particular.

Russia faces a series of extremely difficult dilemmas. Russia, by historical traditions and geography, but mainly because of its powerful nuclear potential, belongs to the class of superpower nations. The external attributes of this status is its membership of the UN Security Council, G8, G20, the Russia-EU summits, etc.

However, in terms of participation in the information revolution and internalization of production processes and capital, Russia lags far behind the leaders.

The pros and cons of globalization for Russia:

It is also necessary to adopt more steps at the micro-level as a basis for boosting globalization of processes. This is because globalization of international trade, especially if a country’s goods and services are very competitive, is, certainly, a positive trend. On the contrary, if such country does not produce competitive goods, then globalization of foreign trade activities becomes a threat not only to its economy, but also to its sovereignty as a whole. This problem is a vital one for today's Russia, especially in connection with its possible admission into the WTO.

Globalization is connected with transfer of new economic and technological processes across national borders as interdependence of different countries’ economies and expansion of national economies into multinational integrated structures become a daily routine. One of the greatest advantages of globalization is that it eliminates the barriers that hinder the free movement of capital, technologies, information, qualified labor forces and intellectual properties across national borders, while one of its biggest is that the growing interdependence also increases the vulnerability of global economy to local and regional instability.

Full integration into the system of global market economy is possible only in the event that a country’s economy satisfies certain conditions. First of all, it should be able to produce an amount of additional products that exceeds a certain minimum level.

Globalization was initiated and put into practice by some transnational business circles in Northern America, Europe and Japan and it, first and foremost, specifically meets the economic needs of these countries. The most effective application of globalization is being done by the United States that is actively tapping people, information, capital and other resources from across the globe for its economic prosperity. Russia’s goal is not to oppose the United States and other leading Western countries in their attempts to use globalization to maximally secure their national interests. Quite the contrary, Russia should focus on seeking a niche in the globalization processes that can help foster its long-term, stable development as a nation.

Vocabulary list

1. dissemination of information – распространение информации

2. comprehensive – всесторонний, исчерпывающий, комплексный

3. to make a contribution (to) – вносить вклад

4. to lag behind – отставать

5. to boost – резко усиливать(ся), увеличивать(ся)

6. to initiate – инициировать, начинать

7. to put into practice – осуществлять

8. to foster – поощрять, способствовать развитию


1. external conditions – внешние условия

2. to assess – оценивать

3. within the exiting external circumstances – зд. учитывая внешние факторы

4. first and foremost – на первом месте, в первую очередь

5. application of globalization – зд. использование преимуществ глобализации


Ex 1. Suggest the Russian equivalents:

involvement in the globalization process; a serious challenge; to provide citizens with comprehensive local and international information; to assess long-term needs; the huge potential and capability; to be dependent on nature resources; raw-commodity exports; to lack competitiveness in domestic production; to face a series of dilemmas; to faster long-term stable development.

Ex 2. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text.

1. A country’s competitiveness depends on its …… to provide its citizens with …… information.

2. A country should be able to realistically ……, problems, prospects and search for …… within the ……

3. In terms of participation on the …… and ……, Russia …… the leaders.

4. Fill …… into the system of …… is possible only in the event that a country’s economy …… certain conditions.

5. Russia should focus of …… in the …… that can help …… its ……, …… as a nation.

Ex 3.Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

эффективное распространение информации; трудная задача; исчерпывающая информация; создавать благоприятные внешние условия; возможности развития; наиболее развитые страны; вносить ценный вклад в развитие цивилизации; мощные силы; значительно отставать от лидеров; стать угрозой суверенитету; превысить определенный минимальный уровень; наиболее эффективное использование преимуществ глобализации; защищать национальные интересы; способствовать долгосрочному стабильному развитию.

Ex 4. Match each term with the appropriate explanation.

dissemination of information, transfer, external, internal

1. Shifting from one position to another.

2. Making the data about available for users and general public.

3. Located within

4. Located outside.

Ex 5. Answer the questions and do the assignments.

1. Why does the communication and information aspect of globalization pose the greatest difficulty for Russia?

2. What are the dilemmas faced by Russia?

3. Is it necessary for Russia to boost globalization processes?

Ex 6. Comment on the following:

1. “In conditions of complete globalization, no single country can form or create all the external conditions that are favourable for it.”

2. Russia occupies a very specific place in the global economy.

3. The most effective application of globalization is being done by the US.

Ex 7. Increase your vocabulary.

A. Study the word combinations with the words “internal” and “external”. Use them in the sentences of your own.

- internal resources – внутренние ресурсы

- internal potential – внутренний потенциал

- external factors – внешние факторы

- external influence – внешнее влияние

- externality – внешняя сторона, внешняя причина

- environmental externality – ущерб, причиненный в результате воздействия на окружающую среду

- negative/positive externality – отрицательный/положительный внешний эффект

B. Translate into English.

1. Чтобы достичь успеха, мы должны мобилизовать все свои внутренние ресурсы.

2. Существуют и внешние факторы, которые находятся вне нашего контроля.

3. Нельзя не учитывать отрицательный внешний эффект такой политики.

4. Только если компания будет использовать свой внутренний потенциал, ей удастся выстоять в конкурентной борьбе.

5. В условиях всесторонней глобализации ни одна страна не может создать для себя «благоприятные внешние условия».


Task I. Write a Summary and a Gist of Texts A and B.

Task II. Fill in the table about pros and cons of globalization.

Advantages of globalization Examples
Disadvantages of globalization Examples


Task I. Comment on the table from Task II (Writing). Do you think globalization has more positive sides than negative ones? Why? Bear out your statement.

Task II. Hold a discussion about globalization as a new phenomenon. What can it give (or has already given) to Russia? To your family?To you personally? Discuss the issue with the group.

Task III. Act as interpreter for Parts A and B.

1. Разрешите представить вам ведущего мирового специалиста по вопросам глобализации, профессора Гарвардского университета, доктора Бенджамина Портмана. Уважаемый профессор, сегодня предметом нашей дискуссии является такое популярное в наше время понятие как глобализация. Казалось бы, все мы знаем, что это такое. Однако, как ученые определяют понятие «глобализация»? 2. А сталкивалось ли человечество с проявлениями глобализации до начала 20 века? Или это явление характерно только для современной эпохи? 3. Таким образом, в основе глобализации лежит сотрудничество между различными странами, растущие объемы мировой торговли и инвестиций? А что же является «движущей силой» глобальных процессов? 4. До сих пор упоминались только положительные стороны глобализации. Несомненно, она имеет множество позитивных моментов, но в то же время является предметом многих дискуссий и споров. В чем причина? 5. Может ли страна каким-либо образом избежать глобализационных процессов или уклониться от них? 6. Конечно, глобализация – это неоднозначный процесс, имеющий свои плюсы и минусы. Но вне всякого сомнения, глобализация неизбежна, и мы должны понимать, что лежит в ее основе, и разбираться в ее проявлениях. Спасибо, уважаемый профессор, за интересную беседу. Надеемся встретиться с вами снова. First of all, I’d like to… Well, it goes without saying that…   Oh, that’s a good question! In this respect I can’t but mention…   You are quite right in saying …   There’s no denying the fact that…     As a matter of fact…     It is with pleasure that I…    

Part 2

Why learn languages?

Read the passage below and match each numbered paragraph with the appropriate heading.

A. To increase native language ability

B. To improve chances of entry into college or graduate school

C. To expand study abroad options

D. To increase global understanding

E. To make lifelong friends

F. To appreciate international literature, music, and film

g. To increase understanding of oneself and one's own culture

H. To improve employment potential

I. To sharpen cognitive and life skills

J. To make travel more feasible and enjoyable

Good reasons why you should be learning a foreign language

Everyone speaks English, right? Well, certainly not everyone speaks English. According to the CIA World Fact Book, only 5.6 % of the world's total population speaks English as a primary language. That number doubles when people who speak English as a second or third language are counted. By conservative estimates, that means that well over four-fifths of the world's population do not speak English.

It's true that English has become a global lingua franca over the past several decades. This fact, however, really should have little effect on your decision to learn only one foreign language. The attitude that English alone is enough in fact creates self-imposed limitations. To remain monolingual is to stunt your educational development, to restrict your communication and thinking abilities, and to deny yourself the ability to fully appreciate and understand the world in which you live. Learning another language opens up new opportunities and gives you perspectives that you might never have encountered otherwise. Personal, professional, social, and economic considerations all point to the advantages of learning foreign languages. Still not convinced? Here are 10 very good reasons why you should be learning a foreign language:

1. ______

"A different language is a different vision of life." - Federico Fellini, Italian film director

"No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive." - Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian nationalist and spiritual leader

Learning another language gives the learner the ability to step inside the mind and context of that other culture. Without the ability to communicate and understand a culture on its own terms, true access to that culture is barred. Why is this important? In a world where nations and peoples are ever more dependent upon on another to supply goods and services, solve political disputes, and ensure international security, understanding other cultures is paramount. Lack of intercultural sensitivity can lead to mistrust and misunderstandings, to an inability to cooperate, negotiate, and compromise, and perhaps even to military confrontation. Intercultural understanding begins with individuals who have language abilities and who can thereby provide one's own nation or community with an insider's view into foreign cultures, who can understand foreign news sources, and give insights into other perspectives on international situations and current events. For survival in the global community, every nation needs such individuals. A person competent in other languages can bridge the gap between cultures, contribute to international diplomacy, promote national security and world peace, and successfully engage in international trade.

As globalization and mobility and communications bring the world ever closer together, ever more urgent is the need for global citizens to be competent in other languages. The United States is the only industrialized country that routinely graduates students from high school who lack knowledge of a foreign language. Whereas 52.7% of Europeans are fluent in both their native tongue and at least one other language, only 9.3% of Americans are fluent in both their native tongue and another language. This statistic does not bode well for the future of America in a global society. The upward trend in language learning must accelerate if the U.S. is to continue to be a major participant on the international stage.


If businesses are to effectively compete in a global economy, they must learn to deal with other cultures on their own terms. Companies that plan to do business abroad therefore have a dire need for bilingual or multilingual employees. Businesses that intend to compete internationally need employees who can competently communicate in the locales where they do business. Employees who speak one language can communicate only with people who speak that same language.

Business is not the only area of employment where language competencies are needed, however. Multiple government agencies, the travel industry, engineering, communications, the field of education, international law, economics, public policy, publishing, advertising, entertainment, scientific research, and an broad array of service sectors all have needs for people with foreign language skills.

Whatever your career goals, knowing a language certainly won't hurt your employability. Chances are that knowing languages will open up employment opportunities that you would not have had otherwise. And you will be able to command a greater salary in the workplace. All else being equal, knowing languages gives you an edge over monolingual applicants competing for the same jobs.

3. ______

"Those who know nothing of foreign languages, knows nothing of their own." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Research shows that knowledge of other languages boosts students' understanding of languages in general and enables students to use their native language more effectively. This applies to specific language skills as well as overall linguistic abilities. Foreign language learners have stronger vocabulary skills in their mother language, a better understanding of the language, and improved literacy in general. Higher reading achievement in the native language as well as enhanced listening skills and memory have been shown to correlate with extended foreign language study.

4. ______

As learning a language involves a variety of learning skills, studying a foreign language can enhance one's ability to learn and function in several other areas. Children who have studied a language at the elementary level score higher on tests in reading, language arts, and math. People who have learned foreign languages show greater cognitive development in areas such as mental flexibility, creativity, and higher order thinking skills, such as problem-solving, conceptualizing, and reasoning.

In addition to cognitive benefits, the study of foreign languages leads to the acquisition of some important life skills. Because language learners learn to deal with unfamiliar cultural ideas, they are much better equipped to adapt and cope in a fast-changing world. They also learn to effectively handle new situations. In addition, the encounter with cultures different from one's own leads to tolerance of diverse lifestyles and customs. And it improves the learner's ability to understand and communicate with people from different walks of life.

5. ______

Today, most colleges and universities require a minimum of two years of high school foreign language instruction for admission. And once enrolled in an undergraduate program, students are likely to find that their college or university prescribes foreign language courses as requirement for the degree. The majority of universities rightly consider knowledge of a foreign language and culture part of what every educated person should know. Many majors in the arts and humanities, in natural sciences and behavioral and social sciences, and in professional fields, also require the study of one or more languages to ensure success in the given field.

For those planning to continue on to graduate study in most any field, knowledge of a second and sometimes even a third language is often a prerequisite for admission. From mathematics to anthropology, from biology to art history, you will find that many if not most graduate programs require some kind of foreign language knowledge of their applicants. In some programs, graduate students are required to gain a reading knowledge of other languages as a degree requirement, especially in doctoral programs.

Even when an undergraduate or graduate institution doesn't require foreign language study, it's often recommended by programs. Knowing a language can't hurt your application, and is highly likely to make you a more competitive candidate in the admissions process.

6. ______

"The many great gardens of the world, of literature and poetry, of painting and music, of religion and architecture, all make the point as clear as possible: The soul cannot thrive in the absence of a garden. If you don't want paradise, you are not human; and if you are not human, you don't have a soul." - Thomas Moore, Irish poet, satirist, and composer

Most of the world's literary and artistic works have been written in different languages. A translation of a text can never be fully true to the intent, beauty, style, and uniqueness of its original. A translation is always to a large degree subject to the interpretation of the translator, not least because some elements of languages simply don't have translations in other languages. Word plays, metaphors, innuendoes, cultural references and culturally loaded vocabulary words, and formulations unique to the original language often get lost in translation. To be able to fully appreciate literature, theater, music, and film in other languages, one must be able to access them in their original form.

7. ­­­______

"Here speeching American." - A sign in a Mallorcan shop entrance.

"Cold shredded children and sea blubber in spicy sauce." - From a menu in China

"Refund!" - On a "Caution! Wet floor!" sign in a McDonald's restaurant in Italy

Though it's possible to travel to foreign countries without speaking the native language, your experience will be largely shaped by your ability or inability to see beyond the surface of the culture. When you lack the ability to communicate in the native language, you can not fully participate in day-to-day life, understand the culture, or communicate with the people. The language barrier can be anywhere from frustrating to downright dangerous. When you know the language, you have the comfort of being able to successfully navigate all sorts of situations, like order meals in restaurants, ask for and understand directions, find accommodations and perhaps negotiate cheaper prices, and meet and talk with natives, to name only a few. In most countries, people will appreciate attempts to use their language. You will be able to communicate more completely and have a deeper, more satisfying travel experience.

8. ______

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -

I took the one less traveled by,

and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost, American poet

Unfortunately, students often shy away from studying in foreign countries for all the wrong reasons. They mistakenly believe that their grades will suffer, that their language proficiency isn't adequate, or that they won't be able to fit in or understand the culture.

Simply your willingness to learn a language can make you an apt candidate for many study abroad programs. Whatever program you choose, continued language study while in the foreign country is typical. The benefit is that students can leave the language classroom and immediately put into practice what they have learned in class. Because students can focus on their language development while learning about the culture, their daily experiences and courses complement one another, leading to comparable or even better grades than at the home institution, where students often take a myriad of courses that have little or no connection.

9. ______

"The individual's whole experience is built upon the plan of his language." - Henri Delacroix, French painter and filmmaker;

"As the traveler who has once been from home is wiser than he who has never left his own doorstep, so a knowledge of one other culture should sharpen our ability to scrutinize more steadily, to appreciate more lovingly, our own." - Margaret Mead, American anthropologist.

Knowing another language and culture affords you the unique opportunity of seeing yourself and your own culture from an outside perspective. There are aspects of your language, yourself, your life, and your own culture that you accept as absolute and universal or that you have never even considered until you encounter a culture and people who do things in a much different way than you're used to. Contact with other languages and cultures gives you the unique opportunity to step outside your familiar scope of existence and view your culture's customs, traditions, and norms as well as your own value system through the eyes of others. Conversely, a monolingual, monocultural view of the world severely limits your perspective. Intercultural experiences have a monumental influence on shaping your identity, heightening your self-awareness, and giving you a full appreciation of your life situation. These things can happen only with knowledge of cultures and languages other than your own.

10. _______

"The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway." - Henry Boye, author

Knowing other languages effectively increases the number of people on the globe with whom you can communicate. And people who speak other languages fully appreciate the effort and desire learners expend to get to know their culture and to communicate with them. Whether through meeting foreign exchange students on your campus or local immigrants in your community, whether getting to know natives or international students while studying abroad, or whether establishing a connection with a pen pal in another country, your ability to speak other languages and your interest in other cultures can connect you deeply with people around the globe.

Anyone who has told you that learning another language is impractical, unrewarding, or simply a waste of your precious time is doing you a great disservice. Take advantage and enhance your life... learn a language!

Ex 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Why, do you think, English has become “a global lingua franca”?

2. Do you agree that learning foreign languages will benefit you in future? Why?

3. Which of the 10 reasons mentioned in the text seems the most important to you? Bear out your statement.

4. Why are you personally learning foreign languages?

Ex 2. Work in pairs. Make up dialogues and discuss the importance of learning languages for your future life and career. Use the words and word combinations from the list below:

- to remain monolingual

- to restrict communication and thinking abilities

- to open up new opportunity

- personal, professional, social and economic consideration

- an insider’s view into foreign cultures

- to bridge the gap between cultures

- to have a dire need for

- mental flexibility and creativity

- problem-solving

- requirement for the degree

- a prerequisite for admission

- to be subject to the interpretation of the translator

- cultural references

- to participate in day-to-day life

- language proficiency

- to step outside one’s familiar scope of existence

- to shape one’s identity

- to connect somebody with somebody

Ex 3. Read an extracts from the speech of the German Ambassador in London. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations from the table.

decline, competent, skills, conclusions, face, employment, globalised, curriculum, major, value

Text A

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