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Summary 5-1
It’s time to start revising everything you learned last year.
Pronunciation | o | |
Words | w | |
Common Mistakes | w | |
Modal Verbs and Related Expressions | o | |
![]() | o | |
V2O trainer | w | |
One and Ones | w | |
Relative Clause | w | |
Adjective Order | w | |
Grammar Test: Tenses, Gerund /Infinitive, Conditionals, Articles | w | |
Listening Test | w |
Review the first page of “Words”, then check yourself (the key is at the bottom of the page)
Complete the sentences using the words from the first page of your list. Use the correct tense.
1. Globalization is a ph ______________ of the 21st century.
2. There is evidence for a strong causal _______ k between exposure to sun and skin cancer
3. As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to ex ______________.
4. When I came there I didn’t know anybody and couldn’t see any f ____________________ faces in the room.
5. Firefighters tried to ________________________ the flames.
6. We all had colds and couldn't stop sn______________ing and sneezing.
7. We are pr_____________y affected by what happens to us in childhood.
8. She failed her exams and was con__________________y unable to start her studies at college.
9. There were calls for m______________r changes to the welfare system.
10. So you made a mistake, but there's no need to d____________ on it.
11. Accommodation ra____________ from tourist class to luxury hotels.
12. It was o__________s to everyone that the child had been badly treated.
13. Butter soon goes _______________ in this heat.
14. The five o’clock train is always packed with c__________________.
15. Teenagers need love, encouragement and re _________________ from their parents.
16. The long delay had made me quite ap___________________ve.
17. The car is fully eq_________________d with all the latest gadgets.
18. Could you make it b ____________? I’ve got a meeting in ten minutes.
19. There are no sig_____________ differences between the two groups of students. They are very similar.
20. It is widely per_______________d as a women’s health problem, but it does also affect men.
21. I found an extremely th ________________ message on my answering machine. I’m scared.
22. She was overcome with g ______________ when her husband died.
Look at the list of “Common Mistakes” (1-3) and check yourself. Then do the exercise.
Decide whether the following sentences are right or wrong. If a sentence is wrong, correct it.
1. If you have a headache, try taking an aspirin.
2. I lost my watch on the beach and three of my friends tried finding it for me.
3. I'm afraid there is very little food in the house.
4. There was a lot of trouble at the football match because there were very little policemen there.
5. Now that we have a drinks machine the coffee lady will be out of work.
6. We had to carry our bags upstairs because the lift was out of work.
7. Our telephone is out of order, so you'll have to use the neighbour's.
8. Stuart told me that the Post Office in China was stolen last week.
9. The new bank in Geneva is impossible to rob.
10. Sometimes Miss Kavanagh's students were very difficult to control
11. The man at the US embassy checked our passports and gave us a visa.
12. Every time I arrive in England the customs men control my luggage.
13. Julie doesn't like washing up - she prefers to be the cooker.
14. After Joan has made a big meal John usually has to clean the cooker.
15. The trains in Greece never arrive in time.
16. The hotel bathroom flooded because Vicki didn't turn the taps off on time.
17. If the play starts on time we should be able to get out of the theatre in time to catch the last train home.
18. Harriet took a photograph of Robert throwing the doll at his little sister.
19. Karen was so angry with Keith that she threw her tennis racket to him.
Homework for the 21-st of September
ü Words Level 13
ü Common Mistakes
1. Масло скоро становится прогорклым в такую жару. 2. Всем было ясно, что с ребенком плохо обходились. 3. Мы все были простужены и не могли перестать шмыгать носом и чихать. 4. Пожарные пытались потушить пламя. 5. Я почувствовал себя настороженно, так как я не видел в комнате знакомых лиц. 6. Как только мы прибыли на остров, мы начали его изучать. 7. Тинейджерам требуется любовь и ободрение родителей. 8. Рак в основном воспринимают как проблему женского здоровья. 9. Между этими двумя группами студентов нет значительной разницы. 10. Я обнаружил сообщение с угрозами на своем автоответчике. 11. На день рождения мне подарили золотые часы в красивом футляре. 12. Она посмотрела на него с презрением и мерзко улыбнулась. 13. Ник сжал тюбик с зубной пастой. Сегодня особый случай и надо почистить зубы, подумал он.
1. Globalization is a phenomenon of the 21st century.
2. There is evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer
3. As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to explore.
4. When I came there I didn’t know anybody and couldn’t see any familiar faces in the room.
5. Firefighters tried to extinguish the flames.
6. We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.
7. We are profoundly affected by what happens to us in childhood.
8. She failed her exams and was consequently unable to start her studies at college.
9. There were calls for major changes to the welfare system.
10. So you made a mistake, but there's no need to dwell on it.
11. Accommodation ranges from tourist class to luxury hotels.
12. It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated.
13. Butter soon goes rancid in this heat.
14. The five o’clock train is always packed with commuters.
15. Teenagers need love, encouragement and reassurance from their parents.
16. The long delay had made me quite apprehensive.
17. The car is fully equipped with all the latest gadgets.
18. Could you make it brief? I’ve got a meeting in ten minutes.
19. There are no significant differences between the two groups of students.
20. It is widely perceived as a women’s health problem, but it does also affect men.
21. I found an extremely threatening message on my answering machine.
22. She was overcome with grief when her husband died.
1. If you have a headache, try taking an aspirin. Correct
2. I lost my watch on the beach and three of my friends tried finding it for me. Wrong – it’s not easy, so they tried to find it.
3. I'm afraid there is very little food in the house. Correct
4. There was a lot of trouble at the football match because there were very little policemen there. wrong – very few
5. Now that we have a drinks machine the coffee lady will be out of work. Correct
6. We had to carry our bags upstairs because the lift was out of work. Wrong – out of order
7. Our telephone is out of order, so you'll have to use the neighbour's. Correct
8. Stuart told me that the Post Office in Chin nor was stolen last week. wrong - robbed
9. The new bank in Geneva is impossible to rob. Correct
10. Sometimes Miss Kavanagh's students were very difficult to control Correct
11. The man at the US embassy checked our passports and gave us a visa. Correct
12. Every time I arrive in England the customs men control my luggage. Wrong - check
13. Julie doesn't like washing up - she prefers to be the cooker. Wrong - cook
14. After Joan has made a big meal John usually has to clean the cooker. Correct
15. The trains in Greece never arrive in time. Wrong – on time (at the scheduled time)
16. The hotel bathroom flooded because Vicki didn't turn the taps off on time. Wrong – in time (to prevent the flood)
17. If the play starts on time we should be able to get out of the theatre in time to catch the last train home. Correct
18. Harriet took a photograph of Robert throwing the doll at his little sister. Wrong – if Harriet wanted to take a photo, Robert must have been throwing the doll to his sister
19. Karen was so angry with Keith that she threw her tennis racket to him. Wrong – at him (because she was angry)
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