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Preparation tasks. Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  3. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  4. A Read the text again and choose the correct ending to each sentence.
  5. A Write the questions for the answers below.
  6. A) Answer the questions and then compare your answers with the information given below.
  7. A) Complete each gap with missing phrase from the box below

gallery twins artist aerosol paint castle graffiti




Modern graffiti began in big cities in the United States in the 1970s. In New York, young people wrote their names or "tags” in pen on walls around the city.

One of the first " taggers ” was a teenager called Demetrius. His tag was TAKI 183. He wrote his tag on walls and in stations in New York. Other teenagers saw Demetrius’s tag and started writing their tags too. Soon, there were tags on walls, buses and trains all over New York.

Then, some teenagers started writing their tags with aerosol paint. Their tags were bigger and more colourful. Aerosol paint graffiti became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s. It appeared on trains, buses and walls around the world.

In the 1990s and 2000s, a lot of graffiti artists started painting pictures. Some artists’ pictures were about politics. Other artists wanted to make cities beautiful and painted big, colorful pictures on city walls.


In some countries, writing or painting on walls is a crime. Sometimes, graffiti artists have problems with the police. In other countries, artists can draw and paint in certain places. For example, in Taiwan, there are "graffiti zones” where artists can paint on walls. In Sao Paulo in Brazil, street artists can paint pictures on walls and houses. Their pictures are colourful and beautiful. Some tourists visit Sao Paulo just to see the street art!

In Bristol in the UK, there is a street art festival in August every year. Artists paint all the buildings in a street. Lots of people come to watch the artists and take photos. You can see exhibitions of street art in some galleries too. There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries in Paris, London and Los Angeles.


Some street artists have become famous. Here are three stars of the street art world:

Os Gemeos are twin brothers from Sao Paulo in Brazil. They paint big, colourful pictures of people on buildings. In 2007, they painted a castle in Scotland!

Blek le Rat is from Paris. He is famous for painting pictures of homeless people in big cities.

Faith 47 is from Cape Town in South Africa. She paints big, colourful pictures of people and animals. She likes painting in different places and you can find her work on pavements, postboxes, buses and, of course, on walls!


Many street artists use the internet to look at photos of street art from around the world. They communicate with other artists on-line and share ideas. Some street artists are famous and you can see their pictures in galleries. We don’t know about the future of street art, but it is here to stay for sure!


Exercise 1. Check your understanding: matching. Write the place names in the box next to the correct sentence below.

Taiwan Cape Town Sao Paulo New York Scotland Bristol


1. Os Gemeos painted a castle here.__________________

2. Faith 47 comes from this South African city.__________________

3. There is a street art festival here every August._________________

4. Tourists visit this city to see the street art._____________________

5. In the 1970s, young people wrote “tags” on the city walls.__________________

6. Here, artists can paint and write in “graffiti zones”.________________________


Exercise 2. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. Demetrius’s tag was “TAKI 457”. True False

2. Demetrius wrote his tag in pen. True False

3. Aerosol paint graffiti became popular in the 1970s and 1980s. True False

4. Some galleries have exhibitions of street art. True False

5. Os Gemeos paint pictures of homeless people in big cities. True False

6. Faith 47 doesn’t paint on walls. True False


What do you think about graffiti? Is it really art? Is there much graffiti in your town or city? Do you think it makes your town or city look better or not? Should the police stop graffiti artists?



Зазвичай прислівника в англійській мові розташовуються після дієслів, але перед прикметниками, іншими прислівниками або дієприкметниками. Наприклад:

I slept well this night. – Я добре спав вночі.

The Spanish speak very fast. – Іспанці говорять дуже швидко.

This task was incredibly difficult. – Це завдання було надзвичайно складним.

This equipment is widely used. – Це обладнання використовують повсюдно.

Місце прислівників у англійському реченні залежить від слів, які оточують це прислівник, і від його класифікації:

ПРИСЛІВНИКИ СПОСОБУ ДІЇ розташовуються перед основним дієсловом, після допоміжного дієслова або в кінці речення.

He opened the door quietly / He quietly opened the door. – Він тихо відчинив двері.

She is greatly respected by other colleagues. – Її дуже поважають колеги

ПРИСЛІВНИКИ СТУПЕНЯ будуть стояти перед прикметником, прислівником або основним дієсловом, але після допоміжного дієслова. До таких прислівників відносяться слова – absolutely, completely, totally, very, quite, rather, etc.)

She is extremely beautiful. – Вона шалено красива.

He came back rather late. – Він повернувся досить пізно.

We almost finished this project. – Ми майже закінчили цей проект.

We didn't quite understand what you are talking. – Ми не зовсім зрозуміли, як ти себе повів.

ПРИСЛІВНИКИ ЧАСТОТИ прийнято ставити перед основним дієсловом, але після допоміжних, включаючи to be. Це такі прислівники, як завжди, often, usually, rarely, seldom.

I am always pleased to see you. – Я завжди рада тебе бачити.

Megan often asks questions. – Меган часто задає питання.

He has always been cruel to her. – Він завжди був жорстокий з нею.

Прислівник, що визначає все речення цілкомабо якщо ми прагнемо підкреслити значення прислівника, то прийнято ставити прислівник на початок або кінець речення.

Unfortunately I failed to cope with this work. – На жаль, я не впорався з цією роботою.

Tomorrow, I will be sixteen. – Завтра мені виповниться шістнадцять.

Slowly, she began lowering my self-esteem. – Вона повільно почала занижувати мою самооцінку.

Припустимо, у реченні два і більше прислівників. Як ми поступаємо в цьому випадку? Ми розставляємо і згідно з такою схемою: прислівник способу дії – прислівник місця – прислівник часу.

She read carefully in her bed all day long. – Весь день вона лежала в ліжку і уважно читала.


А якщо в реченні є один з дієслів руху (go, come, leave, etc.)?

У цьому випадку прислівники будемо розставляти так: прислівник місця – прислівник способу дії – прислівник часу.

I was going there quickly yesterday. – Я йшла швидко туди вчора.

PAINTING…………..………………….……………………………………………………………………LESSON 9-10

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 425 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Exercise 3. Match the numbers and letters. | Exercise 2. Read the dialogue. Find and translate new words. Make your own dialogue. | Exercise 4. Write your own questions. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings. | Exercise 4. Choose the correct word. Delete the wrong word in each of the pairs of italics. | Exercise 1. Defining Relative Pronouns. Combine the sentences using defining relative pronouns. When the relative pronoun is an object, it can be omitted. | Exercise 4. Put in everyone (1 word) or every one (2 words). |
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