Читайте также:
in most countries (not "in the most countries") - when meaning is " большинство ", " большая часть ". most people, most days I go for a jog.
But: " the most (beautiful)" - когда превосходная степень
art, the arts (as a subject)
the first, the second, the 47th
smth is one in which (not "the one")
the money
such a popular activity
a lifestyle
which room do you like most (not "the most", bc "the most often" - need adj or adv after it to be used with "the")
for the first two years
wo in NOT questions after what/when etc.
I don't have the slightest idea about what Ishould do next.
di`sadva`ntages - если 4 слога, то ударение часто ставится на 1й и 3й слог
there = their = ðˈeəː!
luxury, luxurious
ref'er, but r'eference
+ Learned
the heart of the matter - суть дела
vivid memory, vague memory - четкая память/воспоминание, размытое воспоминание
some of the details have faded away - забылось
смириться - to accept (the situation)
gratitude - благодарность
circumstances - обстоятельства
state-of-the-art technology
smth follows a similar pattern
the duty of everyone - обязанность каждого
unless you count smth - не считая. I don't have computer network at home unless you count the Internet
the prevalence of smth; to prevail - преобладать; prevailing - преобладающий
to compel = принуждать
cozy (restaurant / room) - уютный
reasonably, modestly, moderately - Умеренно
Я не уверен что проект будет успешным - I am not sure whether the project will be successful
every now and then = from time to time
immensely helpful – чрезвычайно полезный
persistence - упорство
Still a matter of heated debates, this question has supporters
since the dawn of time
diverse - varied or different. New York is a very culturally/ethnically diverse city.
уехать в команлировку (по работе) - go on a business trip
to be in charge of - возвглавлять
Such a bliss - блаженство
urban = city
get so fed up with smth - быть сытым по горло
Catch a cold - заболеть. простудиться
whatnot — всякая всячина. You can buy crisps and whatnot at the bar.
be eligible to do smth (to receive a pension, to vote, be eligible for a grant) - иметь право на
brevity — краткость
concise - краткий
to opt for - to make a choice, especially for one thing or possibility in preference to any others
Mike opted for early retirement.
to opt-out - выписаться
Learn - later
fallacy - 'fæl.ə.si - заблуждение an idea that a lot of people think is true but which is false
fall prey to a fallacy жертвой заблуждения
left a huge imprint in my heart - произвело впечатление, оставило след
Насколько это целесообразно для моей карьеры - How compatible is it with my career plan?
средства к существованию - (means of living?) "I have no income." is appropriate.
Нет, он не был доволен. Наоборот, он был зол. He was angry rather than pleased.
For now, I am interested in improving my writing skills only. (wo)
the ticket is valid until May 2014
rural population = country population- сельское население
native population = natives - коренное население
to justify - обосновывать, оправдывать, защищать (свою точку зрения), justification - обоснование (своей позиции)
give me a justified opinion - обоснованное мнение
unfounded accusations - необосновынные обвинения
an outbreak of smth - внезапное начало, массового явления, прорыв
error-prone = prone to errors - подверженный ошибкам, когда много ошибок
environment (n), environmental (adj)
preliminary (results, test, exam, trial)- предварительный
trial (period) - пробный
attend events, parties - посещать
мероприятия - events
явление - phenomenon
be truly enchanted /ɪnˈtʃɑːn.tɪd/ by smth - очарованный
are increasingly likely to
smth is the best route to smth. studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career - лучший способ
copyright -авторское право
косвенно (доказывает) - indirectly (proves)
In the last previous years
have the time/ the moments of your life - проживать лучшие моменты жизни
outdoor activity, leisure activity = recreational activity
recreation, recreational activity - отдых, развлечение. Emma's only form of recreation seems to be shopping. a recreation area/centre, recreation facilities (not recreational)
делать выводы - to draw conclusions
to condemn - осуждать. condemnation - осуждение
an aspiring actress/politician/writer, etc. - подающий надежды
уровень дохода = income level, people with high income
относительно - relatively, in relation to. less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population
government = political powers
politics - политика
представлять угрозу - to pose a threat = to constitute a menace [mˈenəs]
meld (cultures)
cold = chilly
to elude -ускользать; eluding (answer) - usg
elusive (bug)- неуловимый - usg
to flourish = to prosper = to thrive - процветать
newfangled - новомодный. I really don't understand these newfangled computer games that my children are always playing.
negligence - небрежность, халатность
gain/expand/pass on/transmit knowledge, skills, experience
smth is of much greater concern than smth
the majority of people
as commissioned
Gain qualifications
pursue a career
become socially acceptable
marriage partners
starting a family
should be seen as progress
equal opportunities
put under pressure
sacrifice their careers
assume childcare responsibilities
their particular circumstances and needs
wider changes in society
these developments are desirable
a future aim of mine
influenced by some of my own experiences, ideas and views
I might suddenly be inspired
a vague objective
time, commitment and passion
I’ve always wondered how
bringing a story to life
follow in the footsteps of my favourite authors
retain = save - сохранить. retain control of the company, retain his dignity
a hindrance = an impediment - помеха, препятствие
to impede = to hinder — препятствовать; impediments
to arouse emotions - вызывать эмоции
to intimidate - запугивать;
intimidating - пугающий
надоедать - to bother, to annoy
to counteract -противодействовать
seanonal changes / weather patterns - сезонные
! to learn
parental role - родь родителей
undergo (transition) - подвергаться, пройти. Cinema in Britain is undergoinga revival of popularity.
revival - возрождение
в свою очередь - in turn
you are more than welcometo come and stay at my place
I can’t find enough words to tell you how grateful I am for..
thank you for = i am very grateful for = I appreciate it a lot
outrageous - возмутительный
to interfere - вмешиваться
readily - c готовностью
content - довольный
be content with smth / to do smth - быть довольным (not -ed)
командировка - business trip
to enhance, be enhanced by- улучшенный, to improve the quality, amount or strength of something. enhancement — улучшение. These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation. It is an enhanced mode of communicating in real time.
humane - гуманный
capture an atmosphere. This photo captures the atmosphere perfectly!
нашей современности - of our time
mislead - вводить в заблуждение
imperceptible - неощутимый
necessities — предметы первой необходимости
suspend - приостановить; suspension — приостановка
premise — предположение. They research had started with the premise that all men are created equal.
versatile (thing, actor) — многофункциональный, многосторонний
self-deception - самообман
predicament - затруднительное положение. I'm in a bit of a [financial] predicament because …
figurative - образный
sustainable (crop, plan, person) - устойчивый, sustainability - устойчивость. promoting sustainable development in all countries.
[ un]prejudiced = [ un]biased /baɪ.əst/ towards - (не)предвзятый
a memorable experience- запоминающийся
влияние - influence
препятствовать - prevent
criterion, criteria [kraɪːtˈɪəːrɪəː] - критерий, критерии
aforementioned - вышеупомянутый
fleeting (moment) - мимолетный
to eradicate = to get rid of - искоренять, destroy smth bad. The government claims to be doing all it can to eradicate corruption.
n'egligible = petty - мелкий, незначительный. The difference between the two products is negligible.
authentic - подлинный, аутентичный
virtually - usg
be made of = be of … origin (происхождение)
indoor/outdoor sports/activities
refuse, decline - отказываться
scale - шкала. rate this on a scale of 1 to 10
indispensable - незаменимый
an insult -оскорбление
humiliation - унижение
a hindrance = an impediment - помеха
a novelty - новинка (на рынке f.e.)
to rejoice – ликовать
Pandemonium – столпотворение
anticipated – ожидаемый (concert is much anticipated -?)
fiddling - пустячный - usg
deterrent - сдерживающий usg
to resent - возмущаться
поддерживать - support
shrouded in mystery - окутан тайной
to nag - ворчать
cease to love - разлюбить
affordable accommodation/travel etc.
Довольный - pleased, satisfied
Picturesque landscape - живописный пейзаж
express emotions, arouse emotions
a pathetic excuse - отмаза
seek - to find or get something, especially something which is not a physical object. seek job/advice/
She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in history and culture.
granting smb permission to do smth - дать разрешение
talk someone into smth - уговорить, втянуть
ponder -размышлять, обдумывать, взвешивать
He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial. (поверхностный, легкомысленный)
upbeat - оптимистичный
He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial. (поверхностный, легкомысленный)
it is a picturesque shore close to the Bondi Beach.
it is time to broaden my horizons and move on.
succinctly - сжато, кратко
wait for ages = last an eternity - тянуться целую вечность
to speed up - ускорять
to reflect on something - самоанализ
After careful consideration,
for the sake of something - во имя чего-то
consistent - последовательный
simultaneously - одновременно
To wander around
прилив отлив
read out loud
384,399 - three hundred and eighty-four thousand, three hundred and ninety-nine
to intend - намереваться; intention - намерение; intentionally — преднамеренно
overdue- просроченный (food)
Interpersonal skills
To skim the cream off
Value added tax - НДС
be inclined to
смело смотреть в будущее
to donate = to fund - пожертвовать (на благотворительность)
strong-willed person - волевой человек
to touch base with your friends
desperately want smth
huddled up in the cramped apartments
means of transporation
to be valued over = to have more value
we must not overlook the fact
ever-changing world, ever-increasing
to fluctuate - колебаться. (в заданном промежутке)
cuts in funding would jeopardize the entire project
public opinion shifted when
Salaries very rarely keep up with the cost of living, (rise at the same speed as)
recreational activities - развлечения (на курорте)
have some unforgettable moments
Let’s make every moment starting count right now take for granted - считать само собой разумеющимся
allocate - распределять (ресурсы)
a breach of privacy
life stories
a rich variety of smth (media)
to express emotions
economy comes through a period of recession
first-hand information, knowledge - инфа из первых рук
созидательный процесс - constructive work
накопление сил - energy, forces saving / accumulation
dissuade - разубедить, opposite of peruade
to be acclaimed - всем понравилось
be (made) liable for smth - нести ответственность (legal responsibility)
when I look back on (my childhood, my life), I can say i have no regrets - лглядываясь назад
when I look back at my teenage years (I see …)
put an end to smth - положить конец
reduce poverty and disease on a wholesale basis
maintenance -обслуживание, уход. поддержка - usg, maintenance work?
with patience and persistent work one can overcome all obstacles
Through readiness and discipline we are masters of our fate
(for us) mere mortals - простые смертные
здравый смысл - common sense
противоречит здравому смыслу - contradicts common sense
to sightsee. when I'm sightseeing in a new place.
it is a physical activity
market/building collapsed
inequality - disparity
In 10 years I see myself …
know the basics
that would surely be a good thing
arrangement = a plan (of a future event), or = agreement (between people)
They'd made all the arrangements for the party.
We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook.
I'm sure we can come to an arrangement (= reach an agreement).
get = obtain information
in case of emergency.
A company representative
send (info) to (my email)
Having considered the pros and cons of …, it can be concluded that
… is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated debate
get interested in = develop an interest in sport
on a regular basis
is that of
I will call you back
scientific (научный) - same as historical
to deprive funds
technological advancements = advances = medical discoveries
increasing amount/volume of traffic
p'urchasing power
things that had comfronted me the most - memories, things that make me smile
With the advancement of technology today,
a vast development in
the latest technology
to illustrate, traditional games such as kites and tops have given way to the new, modern and sophisticated video games.
smth is being replaced by smth - change
the number of traditional performances organized such as the
Chinese Opera have also been decimated over the past few decades.
technological advancement has rapidly eroded traditional culture we inherited from our ancestors
In spite of raining I decided to go for a walk.
He doesn’t feel like shopping today
encourage, permit, suggest
The coach encouraged the athlete to keep on running
at last - наконец-то
I could not go on doing smth (living in a small apartment) - не мог этого больше терпеть, выносить
the police
(how long) the situation lasted - длилась
больше 30 лет - for over 30 years
(I’ll keep with me) at all times - все время
to divert smth from smth into smth else. to divert attention from important environmental issues into making profit. More funds/money/resources shouldbe diverted from roads into railways.
provide smb with smth= provide smth to smb
set = install = place (rpermanently) garbage containers
make an effort to keep this office tidier it would help.
make efforts to preserve the environment (not make efforts in preserving the env)
environment al issues
smth has boosted up the progress tremendously
With the presence/the appearance/the emergence (появление) of online shopping, smth became (much easirer)
an excuse Well, that's just an excuse
I'd like to see you next Friday (no prep)
at the crossing of A and B streets
tend to do smth, tend to be, tend to prefer
rumors — слухи
get rid of smth
ploy - хитрость
I want to have nothing in common with smth
soil - почва
glitch - глюк
restriction - ограничение
sorrow - печаль; sorrowful - печальный. sorrowful thought
heritage = legacy - наследство, наследие
relevant - релевантный
irrelevant - не имеющий отношения к делу
personality = личность
conviction - убеждение. convicted - убежденный
offend people - оскорблять людей
thirst - жажда
Smartphones Will Fuel Innovation In Africa
devastating -опустошительный, devastation - опустошение, разрушение
make the right choice, do the right thing
it is desirable for … - желательно
thingy — хреновина
insomnia /ɪnˈsɒm.ni.ə/ - бессонница. club named "Insomnia"
feel worthless - чувствовать никчемным
feel validated - что тебя ценят
supporting evidence
at the end - at the time when something ends.
in the end = finally
a sobering thought - отрезвляющая мысль
extensive - обширный
disabled - инвалид
infant - младенец
orphan - сирота
misfortune - несчастье, неудача
remember - remember everything else. f.e. a word, an expression, a piece of information
recall - remember the event, какое-то событие или "большой" образ (который можно описывать несколько минут)
dense - плотный
more than likely - наиболее вероятно
indisputably — бесспорно
whooping smth (inf) - ошеломительные (whooping number f.e.)
National holiday - доп выходной (как 8е марта. например, или январские каникулы)
an asset - smth valuable that you have (including knowledge and skills). Tim is a valuable assetto any team.
влияние - influence. have an influence on
tear - tore - torn - рвать, разрывать. torn apart - разорванный на части
be stressed out -оч нервничать
современник, современный - contemporary = modern
put emphasis on smth - we should put as much emphasis on preventing disease as we do on curing it.
worthless - бесполезное, valuable - полезное
compassion - сострадание
frustration - разочарование
outstanding - выдающийсяю an outstanding achievement
cargo = freight /freɪt/ - груз
противоречить - [ Recent evidence has tended to ] contradict established theories on this subject (no prep)
dignity - достоинство
a handful of smth - горсть
ultimately = all in all = finally = to conclude (use inside of paragpraph)
conscience [ˈkɒn.tʃə n t s] - совесть
conscious [kɒn. t ʃəs] - сознательный
consciousness - сознание (lose consciousness)
to help you with fundraising
влиятельный - influential, powerful
free of charge = free - бесплатно
hardly know each other
ancestors - предки
современники - contemporaries
embarrassing - когда чел смутился
have butterflies in your stomach - feel nervous before doing smth
beg for money/mercy - просить пощады = plead
fast-paced (life) - быстро развивающийся
to get away with smth - not to be caught, сходит с рук
say what's on your mind
Cultural diversity
fuss - суета
comprehend - понимать
crisis [kraɪsɪs], crises [kraɪsɪz] - кризис, кризисы
то, к чему все привыкли - smth everybody is used to
tempting - заманчивый, соблазнительный
artificially - искусственно
depicting - изображающий
obedient - послушный
sell smth in exchange for smth - обменивать на
thick / thin - толстый / тонкий
inconvenient - неудобный
ambassador - посол
foe - противник
robust — крепкий
intended — предназначать
embody — воплощать
affair — роман
faithful — верный
stay out of (trouble) - держись подальше от (неприятностей)
somewhat - отчасти, до некоторой степени (somewhat lacking in smth - немного не хватает чего-либо)
Sentence structures
the only thing I have left to do is
In the meantime, – тем временем
+ Repeat
образуют новую культуру - different things merge and form a new culture. образовывать - form
pretentious много о себе возомнивший
lay - класть
eloquent – красноречивый, eloquence - красноречие
harsh - суровый, harshly - сурово. harsh climate, harch conditions
self-pity - жалость к себе
амортизация - amortization
hard-wired = innate - врожденный. hard-wired ability, hard-wired into your brain
intuition - интуиция
ineffective - неэффективный
avid (smoker, gamer) — заядлый
I appreciate this, I appreciate your help, appreciate the food, appreciate the things you have (in life)
arrange a meeting - назначить встречу
arrangement — договорённость
rearrangement — перенос встречи
abruptly - резко, внезапно
be able to afford (a house)
key information = most important
conventional [methods of calculating smth] - общепринятый. conventional behaviour/ attitude /clothes / medicine/farming
have a meaningful conversation - очень содержательный и интересный
have a meaningless (conversation) - бессмысленный, having no value
mindless (actions, lyrics, work, violence, life) = pointless - stupid and meaninglessбессмысленный, foolish (behavior)
contradictions - противоречия
be / become commonplace -быть банальным
convey (emotions, knowledge, feelings, info) - передавать, транслировать. voice which can convey different emotions, message. to convey the idea - донести мысль
сожалеть - regret, be sorry
Be mistaken - ошибаться
в сравнении с - in comparison with
seek - to try to find or get something, especially something which is not a physical object. seek job/advice/
compassion = sympathy - сострадание
respectively - соотв-но. came first and third respectively
procrastinate - медлить, мешкать, медленно делать
lag behind, fall behind - отставать
exceed - превысить, exceeded - превысила
allege = claim - утвердждать; as alleged by smb — утверждаемый
allegedly - якобы,как утверждают
to surpass - превзойти, превысить, обогнать
escapism - эскапизм - when someone avoids an unpleasant or boring life, especially by thinking, reading, etc. about more exciting but impossible activities
(live in) imaginary (world) - воображаемый мир
in the short term, in the long term
but: short-term, long-term goals
Products ranging from tooth paste to missile nose cones - начиная с … и заканчивая (not"starting with … and ending with"
I listen to different music. From classical to rock
+ Phrases
+ Idioms
Couch potato - лентяй
to vegetate - жить как овощь
once and for all - раз и навсегда
put all eggs in one basket –класть яйца в одну корзину
peace of cake = very easy
castles in the air - daydreaming about success
catch one's eye - attract attention
A monkey in silk is a monkey no less = Don't judge a book by its cover - не суди по обложке
What a pity - какая жалость
does not matter - не имеет значения
to stay over (at your house) - остаться на ночь в доме, пожить в гостях
the carrot and stick approach — Метод кнута и пряника
haste makes waste = Rome wasn't built in a day - If something is done too quickly, it may be done carelessly and need to be redone.
A young idler, an old beggar. - не поработаешь не поешь
Actions speak louder than words. – Дела говорят лучше, чем слова.
As you sow, so shall you reap. – Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.
it takes one to know one - по себе людей не судят
You just have to grin and bear - терпеть стиснув зубы
Keep you eyes on the clouds but keep your feet firmly on the ground
To the best of my knowledge
care and diligence bring luck - терпение и труд все перетрут
in my first job, I always felt like a fish out of water because I didn’t know what I had to do.
Against all odds - несмотря на все трудности
The best things in life are free. You don't have to pay for what is important: happiness, friendship, good health.
The darkest hour is just before dawn. There is hope even in the worst of times
The first step is the hardest. The most difficult thing is to begin.
The more haste, the less speed. - поспешишь - людей насмешишь
The more you have, the more you want. People have a constant desire to possess more.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It's not enough to intend to do something, you must actually do it.
on the spur of the moment - without previous thought / plan под влиянием момента He bought this car on the spur of the moment, now he regrets it.
to live for the day -жить сегодняшним днём
Have the time of your life
pull oneself together - brace oneself, summon your strength cобраться с силами
put in a word for someone - say positive things about someone замолвить словечко I'd be very grateful if you could put in a word for me when you speak to him.
a slip of the tongue - a mistake обмолвка (ошибка) It was just a slip of the tongue!
take (it) for granted - accept as given принимать как должное
It's new to me - Первый раз слышу
Take into account - принимать во внимание
twinge of conscience - угрызения совести
it dawned me - меня озарило
sort smth out - разобраться
green with envy - позеленеть от зависти
His bark is worse than his bite -собака лает но не кусает
You shouldn't count your chickens before they were hatched
You shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill - не стоит делать слона из мухи
A bad workman always blame his tools
A bad workman quarrels with his tools - плохому танцору ноги мешают
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе.
A cat in gloves catches no mice. - Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда
A fly in the ointment. Муха в бальзаме. Ср. Ложка дегтя в бочке меда.
A great ship asks deep waters. Ср. Большому кораблю — большое плавание.
All that glitters is not gold. - Не все золото, что блестит.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner
, that's what they say - так говорят
it becomes second nature = становится второй натурой
there’s nothing wrong with smth (speaking etc.) - нет ничего плохого в том что
Through sheer force of will - Благодаря только силе воли
be about to do smth - be going to do it right now
you can't go back on stuff like that - ты не можешь отказаться от своих слов
we all are just pawns in game of life - мы всего лишь пешки в игре жизни
telling history of smth – убедительная история чего-ибо
golden mean, happy medium – золотая середина
such a bliss - блаженство, счастье, нега
just a drop in the ocean - капля в море
be on the go - быть на ногах. I've been on the go all day and I'm really tired.
to be left to oneself - быть предоставленым самому себе
(people from) all walks of life - from different classes and positions in life
a person from privileged background. The school has pupils from many different ethnic/cultural/religious backgrounds. They come from a privileged/wealthy background.
I cannot help but think = I have no alternative to doing smth
abide by the rules (od a place / institution) - to accept and follow the rules
for no apparent reason - без особой на то причины. He did it for no apparent reason
be pressed for time
in next to no time
be dying to know - очень хотеть узнать
be in jeopardy [dʒˈepədi] - в опасности, под угрозой отмены. After that scandal her career was in jeopardy
out of place - не к месту
and so on and so forth - и т.д. и т.п.
have a good grasp of (English) = a good understanding - have a good understanding of smth
not have a clue about smth - понятия не имею как это делается, не знаю
take smth (things/setbacks) in your stride - не бери в голову (всякие плохие вещи тебя не раздражают). opp is bad-tempered
put unpleasant thoughts behind you - забывать все плохое let bygones be bygones - забудь все плохое, оставь это в прошлом
I am in the middle of smth - busy doing smth
call you back - перезвонить
it is all for the best - это все к лушему
take a step - сделай шаг
The time is ripe, say experts, to start designing smarter urban environments, both new cities needed to sustain an ever-growing population - настало время
Some of these revolve around the idea that smarter equals greener - вращаются вокруг
do more harm than good
A matter of taste
Share the same taste
to seal the deal - заключить сделку
it is one of a kind feeling
Live your dream
smth is worthwhile - стоящий
(this is a) household name - имя нарицательное
to get back on track - вернуться на путь
What was the good of it all? - И что с того? И какой в этом толк?
Word of mouth
It was a golden opportunity
all in all - в целом
The end justifies the means. - цель оправдывает средства
go over the top - to do something that is more than what is considered normal or suitable
the joy of maturity
On the edge of the technology
smth go hand in hand with - что-то идет "рука об руку"
But on the bright side,
there is no point in telling Emma
Might be worth a try
keep up with the pace - поспевать за общей скоростью движения, за остальными
the promised land - Земля обетованная
The grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence) - хорошо там, где нас нет
saying - поговорка, пословица, крылатое выражение
in hindsight - задним числом, оборачиваясь назад - usg
It dawned me - меня озарило
one person's meat is another person's poison - что русскому хорошо, то немцу смерть
a godforsaken place/hole - богом забытая дыра
be at a loose end - to have nothing to do
+ repeat
Men make houses, women make homes
I am delighted you could
In contrast to smth, … In Thailand the food is very hot in contrast to England, where spices don't seem to be used so much
looking forward to your visit here next month
at that time - в то время
as technology advances
this could be said to some degree about
be short on time - опаздывать когда спешишь
on a daily basi s - ежедневно
It takes about … (3 years) to do smth
become attached to the (dog) - привязаться
to put off = postpone - откладывать.
Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today
put sth aside - ignore it temporarily so that it does not prevent you doing what you want to do. Let's put our differences aside and make a fresh start. Let's put this question aside
to call off - cancel
a fair society = a free community = a free country
to support (= to contribute to) smth through taxes - делать вклад, приносить пользу
Let's face the facts, Let's face it
on the tip of my tongue - I know it and will remember it very soon
be better off (in another environment)- In a better or more prosperous condition: we would be better off taking the train instead of driving; they're much better off than us
I had better do something (мне лучше заняться этим сейчас)
get into smth = get interested in
, let alone smth – не говоря уже о (пров зпт)
объясняем дорогу: turn to your right, follow the road for ten blocks... on your left you will see
Broaden your horizons
become faint in her memory -забыла
If it weren’t for you, …
Am I the obstacle to doing what they really want in life?
the wisest man out of all – из всех. the best of all
be the happiest of all, be the wisest of all (быть счастливей всех) - (NOT out of all)
but: ты понимаешь меня лучше всех - you understand me better than anyone
it is up to smb (individual citizens) to do smth
a necessary evil (in problems)
regardless of the consequences - несмотря на последствия
stick to your principles - придерживаться принципов
it takes ages for - оч долго
use our commonsence - исп-ть здравый смысл
whether we like it or not - нравится или нет
popped up in my head - всплыло в голове
+ other
put your two cents in - вставить свои 5 копеек
Empty vessels make the most noise. The least intelligent people are often the most talkative or noisy.
I read a book. It was all Greek to me - ничего не понял
prices are insane
terribly upset
Illusion of consumerism
human existence
give importance
a commercial product
If you do not mind me asking
In my heart I am a simple man
I am totally willing to admit that
sucking up to the boss - стараться понравиться, подлизываться
in the best case scenario - в лучшем случае
it has its limitations
smn takes a hit - подвержен опасности
to figure out ways to take care of themselves.
Every ass likes to hear himself bray. People like to listen to themselves talking.
He laughs best who laughs last.
Still waters run deep - Any (quiet) person can have much knowledge or wisdom.
keep one's eye on the ball
like a hot knife through butter - как нож сквозь масло
Indian summer - бабье лето
Better late than never. – Лучше поздно чем никогда.
he was jumping for joy - очень радовался
down in the dumps
Enough of it - Довольно об этом
I mean it! - Я серьёзно
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we would all have a wonderful Christmas - Если бы да кабы во рту выросли грибы.
When all the chips are down - when all the pressure is on and there is a risk that you could lose everything
go into details - вдаваться в детали
eat his words - взять слова обратно
say your say - высказать мнение
lay it on the line - говорить начистоту
one way or another - так или иначе
A friend to all is a friend to none.
You are the apple of my eye = I like you a lot
this is what drives me nutts = makes me crazy - это сводит меня с ума
have a million questions running through your mind right now.
to pursue a university degree
be better prepared for the job market
inequality - неравенство
the prospects of others = success - перспективы
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