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The knowledge of previous theme gives an opportunity to study social partner agreements and collective agreements that also set norms providing employment of the idle men.

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  6. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  7. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

Basic principles of public policy in the field of employment of population need to be examined as state guarantees of right to choose profession and type of activity, provided by the Law of Ukraine «On employment of population».

State guarantees for employable population require the proper attention and consideration and usage in practical labour activity. Among them are such:

‒ voluntarily of labour, choice or change of profession and type of activity;

‒ protecting from a groundless refuse in a hire for job and illegal removal, and also assistance in preservation of job;

‒ a free assistance in selection of suitable work and employment in accordance with calling, capabilities, professional preparation, education, taking into account public necessities, with all accessible means including a professional orientation and retraining;

‒ indemnification of material expenses caused by job placement to other locality;

‒ payment of discharge pay to employees who lost permanent work on enterprises, in establishments and organizations, in cases and on the terms prescribed by active legislation;

‒ free training of unemployed persons to new professions, retraining in educational establishments or in the system of state employment service with a payment of material help;

‒ payment to unemployed persons in accordance with established procedure dole (unemployment assistance), material aid to their family members;

‒ inclusion to the general pensionable service and to the uninterrupted service periods of retraining and training to new professions, periods of participating in the paid social works, periods of drawing allowance and material dole on unemployment;

‒ provision of employment in accordance with a specialization in for a period not less than three years to the young specialists – graduating students of state educational establishments, on enterprises, establishments, organizations that filed applications.

For the mastering of material of the first item of this theme will assist consideration of such concepts as reservation, quota of workplaces, reduction of quantity or state of workers, refuse in employment to citizens within the limits of the set armour and responsibility of employers.

Employment is the activity of citizens, related with the satisfaction of the personal and public needs, that brings them profit in money or other form, that is prescribed in the article 1 of The Law of Ukraine «On employment of population». This definition points on actual fulfilment of the right to work without any compulsion, as unemployment cannot be the ground for legal responsibility.

You should know what categories of physical bodies that live on the territory of the state on the legal grounds belong to employed population. Students should find out exactly different categories of employed population (employees, self-employed population etc.).

Employment means actual realization of right to work; citizens should realize their right to work by the different forms of employment. A term «employed» is considerably wider than term «employer», as the employment on the terms of labour agreement is only one of the forms of employment.

Next to the term «employed population» legislation defines a concept of unemployed person, and legal status of such persons. Legal status of unemployed person includes basic rights and duties and their guarantees. It is necessary to know what persons can be referred as unemployed:

‒ only capable of working by age and by the state of health persons, which do not have job and earnings, other legally provided profits;

‒ registered in state employment agency as persons, that look for a job;

‒ ready and able to enter upon suitable work.

At the same time current legislation of Ukraine classifies the categories of citizens, which cannot be recognized as unemployed persons:

‒ persons under the age of 16, with the except for those who worked and were dismissed in connection with changes in organization of production and labour, by reorganization, conversion and liquidation of enterprise, establishment and organization or reduction of personnel;

‒ persons which look for a job at first and does not have a profession (specialities), including graduating students of comprehensive schools in case of their refusal to undertake a vocational training or from the paid work, including temporal work, that does not require professional training;

‒ persons which gave up (withdrawal of offer) two suggestions of suitable work from the moment of registration of them at state employment service as persons which look for a job;

‒ persons which have a right on a pension in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

In case of absence of suitable work the decision about a granting to the citizens of status of unemployed persons should be accepted by state employment service after their personal statements from the eighth day after registration in the employment centre domiciliary as such, that look for a job.

Registration of citizens should be performed at the submission of passport and labour book, and in case of necessity – military service record card, document confirming education or documents that replace them.

It is necessary to memorize that the order of registration, re-registering and registering of citizens, who look for a job, and unemployed persons by the state employment service is regulated by the articles 28-30 of The Law of Ukraine «About employment of population» and it is provided by The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine («Regulations on the order of registration, re-registering and registering of citizens, which look for a job, and unemployed persons, payments of dole, and also terms of grant of material help in the period of professional preparation and retraining», approved by the decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from April, 27 in 1998 № 578).

For the persons registered in State employment service, during seven calendar days from the moment of registration should be selected.

Concept of «suitable work» for the different categories of persons, which apply to employment service of employment, is not uniquely defined. Its legislative settlement takes place in accordance to the article 7 of The Law of Ukraine «About employment of population».

It is necessary to take into account that the concept of job placement is narrower, than concept of employment. Job placement is preceded to employment and is a major guarantee of employment. It is necessary to distinguish job placement in the wide and narrow understanding.

Practical help in citizens’ job placement is given by the State employment service. Students should know the structure of SES, constituent elements of which are the State employment center; Republican (АKR) center of employment; regional, district, inter-district, municipal and district in cities centers of employment. Point your attention that except these organs SES includes also: centers of vocational orientation; educational establishments of professional training of unoccupied population; information-calculating centers; territorial and specialized bureaus of employment; centers of labour rehabilitation of population.

It is also necessary to consider an item about the peculiarities of separate categories of citizens employment. To find out the peculiarities of job placement of invalids, it is necessary to study the Law of Ukraine from March, 21, 1991 «About bases of social security of invalids in Ukraine», and also to learn the Regulation about the workplace of invalid and about the procedure of invalids’ job placement, approved by the decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 314from May, 3 1995.

Employment assistance for graduates of higher educational establishments is conducted in accordance with the Order of job placement of graduates of higher educational establishments, which training was performed in accordance with the government order. This order is approved by the decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 992from Augusts, 22, 1996. Also you should acquaint yourself with the Regulation on assistance in employment of graduates of state higher educational establishments and professional educational-educator establishments of Ukraine, approved by the order of Ministry of education of Ukraine №79 from March, 23, 1994.

Assistance in employment of the workers, dismissed from enterprises, establishments, organizations comes true in accordance with the article 49-2 CLL. Special guarantees for the employees which lost job in connection with changes in organization of production and labour, provided by article 26 of The Law of Ukraine «About employment of population».

Persons, who lost job in collective agricultural enterprises including dismissal in connection with changes in organization of production and labour, should show an official document about an exit from an agricultural enterprise, company.

It is also necessary to consider the peculiarities of job placement of some other categories of citizens (persons, discharged from prison, dismissed from military service or alternative service and some others).


Plan of the lecture:

1. Legal regulation of employment in Ukraine. State guarantees of one’s right to choose kind of employment in Ukraine.

2. The concept of employment (job placement) and its legal forms.

3. The State employment office, its rights and duties. Legal relations between bodies of the State employment office and enterprises (employers).


Tasks for self preparation:


Questions for preparation to the seminar:

1. Legal regulation of employment in Ukraine. State guarantees of one’s right to choose kind of employment in Ukraine.

2. The concept of employment (job placement) and its legal forms.

3. The State employment office, its rights and duties. Legal relations between bodies of the State employment office and enterprises (employers).

4. The concept of unemployed person and his legal status. Compensations in case of loss of a job (dismissal). The order of unemployment benefits payment.

5. Special guarantees for persons who lost job in connection with changes in organization of production and labour.


Tasks for independent work:

Basic level:

1. Compose the glossary of main legal terms to the topic relying on the list of terms below.

Main terms: Employment, job placement; state politics in the sphere of employment and job placement; State employments office; Social guarantees to the citizens in the sphere of a job placement; unemployed person; jobs quota; jobs reservation; suitable work.


2. Familiarize oneself with prescribed list of literature and summarize the information, write down the abstract from this topic to your notebook.


Questions for self preparation:

1. State employment service, its rights and duties.

2. Concept of unemployed person and his legal status.

3. Indemnifications at the loss of work. Conditions of payment of unemployment allowance.

4. Special guarantees to employees who lost work in relation with the changes in organization of production and labour.


High level:

1. To prepare report on one of prescribed topics and prepare to its defending.

Topics for reports:

1. Concept and forms of employment.

2. Legal organization of job placement.

3. State employment service, its right and duties.

4. Differentiation of the legal regulation of legislation is on labour and legislations about employment of population.

5. The problems of employment of youth.

6. Legal status of unemployed person.

7. Legal problems of labour-market in Ukraine.


Tests for self-check:

1. Unemployment benefit should be paid to a citizen who is finding job at first time during such period:

a) till 720 calendar days;

b) till 360 calendar days;

c) till 180 calendar days;

d) till 90 calendar days;

e) till 160 calendar days.

2. For what period unemployment benefit payment may be stopped in case if a citizen declines two propositions of suitable job:

a) till 6 moths;

b) till 9 moths;

c) till 1 moth;

d) till 1 year;

e) till 3 moths.

3. Сollective agreement spreads its action:

a) On all employees of organization.

b) Only on the organized labours.

c) On temporaries.

d) On persons which worked on an enterprise for a long time.




Normative acts:

1. Кодекс законів про працю України // Право України. – 1996. – № 2-3.

2. Про зайнятість населення: Закон України від 1 березня 1991 р. (із змін. і доповн.) // ВВР України. – 1991. – № 14.

3. Про загальнообов’язкове державне соціальне страхування на випадок безробіття: Закон України від 2 березня 2000 р. (із змін. і доповн.) // Офіційний вісник України. – 2000. – № 13. – Ст. 503.

4. Про основи соціальної захищеності інвалідів в Україні: Закон України від 21 березня 1998 р. (із змін. і доповн.) // ВВР України. – 1991. – № 21. – Ст. 252.

5. Основні напрямки розвитку трудового потенціалу в Україні на період до 2010 року: Схвалено Указом Президента України від 3 серпня 1999 р. // Офіційний вісник України. – 1999. – № 31.

6. Положення про державну службу зайнятості. Затверджено постановою Кабінету Міністрів УРСР від 24 червня 1991 р. (із змін. і доп.) // Людина і праця: Інформаційний бюлетень Міністерства праці та соціальної політики України. – 1998. – № 9.

7. Положення про порядок бронювання на підприємствах, в організаціях і установах робочих місць для працевлаштування громадян, які потребують соціального захисту. Затверджено постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 27 квітня 1998 р. № 578 // Людина і праця: Інформаційний бюлетень Міністерства праці та соціальної політики України. – 1998. – № 7.

8. Положення про порядок надання Фондом загальнообов’язкового державного і соціального страхування України на випадок безробіття послуг з професійної підготовки, перепідготовки або підвищення кваліфікації: Затв. наказом Міністерства праці та соціальної політики України та Міністерства освіти і науки України від 13 лютого 2001 р. № 53/59 // Праця і зарплата. – 2001. – № 19. – Травень.

9. Положення про порядок організації та проведення оплачуваних громадських робіт: Затв. Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 27 квітня 1998 р. № 578 // Інформаційний бюлетень Міністерства праці та соціальної політики України. – 1998. – № 7.

10. Положення про порядок реєстрації, перереєстрації і ведення обліку громадян, що шукають роботу, і безробітних, виплати допомоги по безробіттю, а також умови надання матеріальної допомоги в період професійної підготовки і перепідготовки: Затв. постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 27 квітня 1998 р. № 578 // Людина і праця: Інформаційний бюлетень Міністерства праці та соціальної політики України. – 1998. – № 6.

11. Порядок надання роботодавцю дотації на створення додаткових робочих місць для працевлаштування безробітних: Затв. Наказом Міністерства праці та соціальної політики України від 10 січня 2001 р. № 1 // Праця і зарплата. – 2001. – № 9. – Березень.

12. Порядок надання матеріальної допомоги по безробіттю, одноразової матеріальної допомоги безробітному та непрацездатним особам, які перебувають на його утриманні, допомоги на поховання у разі смерті безробітного або особи, яка перебувала на його утриманні: Затв. Наказом Міністерства праці та соціальної політики України від 20 листопада 2000 р. № 309.

13. Порядок працевлаштування випускників вищих навчальних закладів, підготовка яких здійснювалась за державним замовленням: Затв. Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 22 серпня 1996 р. № 992 // Урядовий кур’єр. – 1996. – 10 жовтня.

14. Типове положення про молодіжний центр праці: Затв. Постановою Кабінету Міністрів від 24 січня 2001 р. № 40 // Праця і зарплата. – 2001. – Січень (№ 4). – С. 3.

15. Ліцензійні умови провадження господарської діяльності з посередництва у працевлаштуванні на роботу за кордоном: Затв. наказом Державного комітету України з питань регуляторної політики № 155/534 від 19 грудня 2001 р.

16. Законодавство про зайнятість населення // Юридичний вісник України. – 1997. – 3 – 9 липня. – С. 9 – 14; 10 – 16 листопада. – С. 3-14.


17. Бойко М.Д. Трудове право України: Навч. посiбник / М.Д. Бойко. – К.: Атiка, 2007. – 312 с.

18. Болотiна Н.Б. Трудове право України + [Електрон. ресурс]: Пiдручник / Н.Б. Болотiна. – К.: Вiкар, 2003. – 725 с.

19. Болотіна Н.Б. Трудове право України: Підручник. – 5-те вид., перероб. і доп. – К.: Знання, 2008. – 860 с.

20. Трудове право України: Академiчний курс: Пiдручник / за ред. Н.М. Хуторян. – К.: А.С.К., 2004. – 608 с.

21. Трудове право України: Курс лекцій. / За ред. Л.П. Грузінової, В.Г. Короткіна. – К.: МАУП, 2003. – 254 с.


22. Дей М. Реалізація трудових прав працівниками-мігрантами в Україні: деякі проблеми // Право України. – 2006. – № 8. – С. 48-51.

23. Запара С. Шляхи забезпечення продуктивної зайнятості в Україні // Право України. – 2005. – № 11. – С. 72-75.

24. Злупко С.М., Радецький Й.М. Людський потенціал, зайнятість населення і соціальний захист населення: Навч. посіб. – Л.: Вид. центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2001. – 192 с.

25. Маркіна Т. Юридичні умови визнання громадян безробітними // Право України. – 2000. – № 6. – C. 21-30.

26. Пастухов В П. Правові проблеми ринку праці в Україні // Право України. – 1996 – № 5. – C. 44 – 49.

27. Пересушко В. Класифікація юридичних гарантій трудових прав громадян // Право України. – 2000. – № 2.- с. 49- 53.

28. Черешнюк В. Регулювання в праві Євросоюзу вільного руху робочої сили // Право України. – 2004. – № 12. – С. 112-114.

29. Юрчак Н. Регіональний аспект зайнятості та безробіття у соціологічному вимірі // Україна: аспекти праці. – 2001. – № 1.

Theme 6. The concept of employment agreement and the procedure of hiring. Peculiarities of conclusion of certain types of employment agreements


Methodical recommendations for independent work

A labour agreement should be examined in such three aspects:

1) as an agreement about employee’s labour;

2) as a legal fact which is one of main grounds of origin and is the form of existence of labour legal relationships in time;

3) as one of the central institutions of labour law, id est system of legal norms, which regulates a conclusion, alteration and termination of labour agreement.

Each of these aspects necessary to consider separately.

You should memorize the definition of labour agreement, which according to the article 21 of CLL is agreement between an employee and owner of enterprise, establishment, organization or by a body or physical person authorized by him, after which an employee is obligated to perform work, prescribed by the agreement, with the subjection of employee to the internal labour policy of employer, and owner of enterprise, establishment, organizations or body or physical person, authorized by him, is obligated to pay a salary and to provide the labour conditions, necessary for execution of work provided by the legislation on labour, by a collective agreement or agreement of parties.

It is necessary examine the features of employment agreement. This will allow to distinguish a labour agreement from similar agreements and legal relationships.

Examining parties to a labour agreement it is necessary to learn, that they are an employee and employer (an owner of enterprise, establishment, organizations or body or physical person authorized by him). To become the party to a labour agreement, a person must have a labour legal capacity and labour capability.

The conclusion of labour agreement should be recorded in employer’s order about worker’s employment. Note that it is not the same as writing form of labour agreement.

It is necessary to find out, what documents are needed for employment. Pay attention, that according to the article 25 CLL at the conclusion of labour agreement it is forbidden to require from persons information about their party or national affiliation, origins, registration and documents presentation of which is not prescribed by legislation.

Content of employment agreement is an aggregate of terms which are determine rights and duties of the parties. They can be divided into two types: direct terms (express conditions) that are specified by the agreement of parties, and derivative (secondary) terms that are prescribed by legislation about labour. Direct terms in turn, depending on declaration of will of parties can be divided on necessary (indispensable) conditions, without a reach of consensus with respect to such terms agreement in general will not be concluded, and optional (additional). You have consider the indispensable conditions of agreement such as: employment functions (speciality, qualification, position); place of employment; time to start the work; term labour agreement; remuneration of labour (salary).

To the additional terms belong such as setting up of trial engagement, combining of professions (positions); social and living conditions, commercial secret etc.

A labour agreement as a rule should be concluded in writing. Students should learn provisions of article 2 of CLL of Ukraine and to pay attention to cases when an observance of writing form is obligatory.

The procedure of registration of hire for job should be examine given that citizens are accepted on job on the term of labour agreement. Moment of conclusion of labour agreement and its registration does not synchronize. Labour relations can arise before issue of an order about a hire for job.

Students must find out the features of different types of labour agreement.

The variety of labour agreements requires their classification for understanding of essence and application practice. Labour agreements can be divided into groups by three basic features: by a form, terms and content. So labour agreement can be divided into verbal and writing. By the second sign labour agreements can be divided on: 1) concluded for an indefinite term; 2) concluded for a certain term; 3) concluded for a period of execution of certain work. The third feature allows classification of labour agreements by content: agreements by result of a competition; agreements with elective employees; holding two jobs, by combination and others like that.

The special attention should be paid to the special form of labour agreement – employment agreement. In accordance with part 3 of article 21 of CLL of Ukraine a contract is the special form of agreement, in which the term of its action, rights, duties and responsibility of parties (including material), conditions of the material support and organization of labour of employee, conditions of contract termination, including early termination, can be set by the agreement of the parties. An application sphere of contract is stipulated by a law.

Employment agreement differs from an ordinary labour agreement by wide range of terms that are can be contractually established. Contract allows to regulate in detail labour rights and duties of worker and employer. Contract is always concluded for a definite term. A contract should be concluded only in writing form.

Contractual form of labour agreement can be used to the employees only in the cases straight prescribed by law.

An employer can require from an employee which works on terms of labour agreement, to conclude a contract only in case, when he falls into the category of employees which according to laws in force should work on terms of contract (for example head of an enterprise). Violation of these requirements can be the ground for annul in accordance with article 9 CLL terms of labour by contract, which worsen position of employee comparatively with the legislation of Ukraine.

Legislation on labour provides a right to realize the capacities for productive labour by the conclusion of labour agreement with one or simultaneously with few enterprises (p. 2 art. 21 CLL). It is necessary to distinguish combining of professions (post) (also called multi-skilling) from secondary (outside) employment. In case of combining of professions (post) only one labour agreement is concluded.

The variety of conclusion of labour agreement is organized recruitment of workers. Persons who conclude such contract as a rule, placed for physical works. Therefore before the hire they should attend a medical inspection. Students must define the age-old criteria of workers who can be placed on job in order of the organized employment.

A labour agreement with young specialists should be concluded with the graduates of higher educational establishments, which has qualification of specialist with higher education of different educational-qualifying levels, on the ground of job placement referral. Such referrals are given to the graduates who studied for a state account and are obliged to work in the public sector of economy for a term not less than three years. Students must examine the Order of job placement of graduates of higher educational establishments, which training was performed in accordance with the government order. This order is approved by the decision of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 992from Augusts, 22, 1996.

Plan of the lecture:

1. The concept of a labour agreement. Parties to a labour agreement.

2. The content and form of a labour agreement. Conditions of a labour agreement.

3. The order of labour agreement concluding.

4. Types of labour agreements.

Tasks for self preparation:


Tasks for independent work:

Basic level:

1. Compose the glossary of main legal terms to the topic relying on the list of terms below.

Main terms: Employment agreement; contract; application for a job; employer; physical body; legal entity; work book; probationary period by employment; order; regulation; employee data card (#p2); employment agreements of limited duration; temporary employee; seasonable employee; employment agreements that are concluded at a time of organized hiring of labour; public works; an employment contract about holding of more than one office (professions); combining jobs; essential working conditions.


2. Familiarize oneself with prescribed list of literature and summarize the information, write down the abstract from this topic to your notebook.


Questions for self preparation:

1. Concept and significance of employment agreement. The difference between the employment agreement and similar civil contracts (contract of work and labour, contract for services, authorship agreement etc.).

2. Parties to an employment agreement. Content and form of employment agreement.

3. Types of employment agreement (by a period of validity, by content, by order of conclusion etc.).

4. General order of conclusion of employment agreement, its registration.


High level:

1. To prepare report on one of prescribed topics and prepare to its defending.

Topics for reports:

1. Employment agreement as basic form of realization of right to work.

2. Limitations in the course of hiring for job: legal grounds and terms.

3. Concept and sphere of condlusion of labour contract.

4. An employment agreement for holding of more than one office.

5. Peculiarities of entering into employment agreements with minors.


Tests for self-check:

1. Content of employement agreement is (are):

a) setting of a labour function;

b) mutual rights and duties of labour agreement parties;

c) setting of working place of employee and his wage;

d) duties of employee and enterprise owner (employer);

e) employee’s rights and duties.

2. What documents should citizen produce (show) to conclude an employement agreement:

a) passport, employment records book, reference from place of residence;

b) passport, reference from place of residence, reference about the absence of previous charge;

c) passport, employment records book, documents about education;

d) employment records book, document about education, reference about family structure;

e) certificate of health; reference about family structure; employment records book.

3. Maximum duration of a trial work period that is prescribed by law is:

a) 1 months;

b) 2 weeks;

c) 1 year;

d) 6 months;

e) 3 days.




Normative acts:

1. Конституція України: Прийнята на п’ятій сесії Верховної Ради України 28 червня 1996 року – К.: Вікар, 1997. – 64 с.

2. Законодавство України про працю: Нормативні акти / упорядник і науковий редактор В. Вакуленко – К., 1999. – Т. 1-3.

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