Читайте также:
Revision 1: Regular and irregular verbs
Important! Learn three forms of irregular verbs as be – was / were – been; begin – began – begun, etc.One of the best ways to learn them is to make up sentences as in the example:
Revision 2: Study the table of the English grammar tenses.
Simple Tense (простий час) | Continuous (тривалий) | Perfect (здійснений) | Perfect-Continuous | |
Present (теперішній) | +I like it. ? Do you like it? - I don’t like it. | +He is reading now. ? Is he reading? - He is not reading. | +I have just done it. ? Have you done it? -I haven’t done it. | + I have been waiting for you for an hour. ? Have you been waiting? - I haven’t been waiting. |
Past(минулий) | +I liked it. ? Did you like it? -I didn’t like. | +I was reading. ? Were you reading? - I wasn’t reading. |
Revision 3: Study the situations when the past simple tense is used.
An action that happened:
Important! As there are different tenses for present, past and future, TIME EXPRESSIONS help differentiate the tenses. Learn and use them in the right place.
Practice –Grammar in use
Task 1: Make up sentences in the past simple with each of the time expression.
Task 2: Translate into Ukrainian.
1. We didn’t see the film last week.
2. I didn’t work on Friday because I had a terrible headache.
3. He was absent yesterday.
4. His performance last Friday impressed the audience.
5. How did you spend your week-end?
6. Were you busy yesterday evening? I couldn’t find you anywhere.
7. I used to eat much junk food, now I don’t.
8. We used to play football every day when I was a teenager.
Task 3: Translate into English.
1. Де ви були вчора ввечері?
2. Вона не зрозуміла вас тоді.
3. Коли ви поступили в університет?
3. Вчора було холодно?
4. Вас не було вчора на роботі, ви були хворі?
5. Коли ви народилися?
Task 4: Read the verse for fun. How many tenses does it contain?
I have a dog,
I had a cat.
I’ve got a frog
Inside my hat.
Past Continuous
Revision 1: Study the table above and then grammar references.
Revision 2: Study the situations when the past continuous tense is used.
1. At nine o’clock yesterday morning I was watching a fantastic film: - a past action was in progress at a stated time.
2. I was watching TV when she called me: - one longer past action (past continuous) was interrupted by a shorter one (past simple.)
3. While (as, when) I was watching TV, my husband was cooking supper: - two or more simultaneous actions were happening at the same time.
4. Yesterday I woke up early. I looked through the window. The sun was shining. Children were playing in the yard. Birds were chirping. Suddenly somebody called me,.. - Background information (a scene) is given to create the atmosphere before telling a story which happened in the past.
Immediately – відразу
Used to - зазвичай, бувало
Alive – живий
Revise – повторювати
In progress – у розвитку
While – в той час як
Stated – призначений
Interrupt – перебивати
Simultaneous – одночасний
Background - фон
Practice – Grammar in use
Task 1: Make up sentences in the past continuous with each of the time expression.
Task 2: Translate a traveller’s tale into Ukrainian. Mind the situations where past continuous and past simple are used.
In the autumn of 1935, when I was a young man, I was travelling in India. One evening I was returning home. On my right there was a wide river; on my left, a thick dark forest. It was getting dark, and I was walking along a narrow path. Suddenly I saw two green eyes looking at me from among the trees. A man-eating tiger was getting ready to jump on me. What could I do? I looked to the right. In the river there was an immense crocodile waiting to welcome me with its mouth wide open. I was so frightened that I shut my eyes. I heard branches moving as the tiger jumped. I opened my eyes. The tiger jumped right over me and was now in the jaws of the crocodile.
Narrow path – вузька стежка
Immense – величезний
Frightened – наляканий
Branch – гілка
Jaw - щелепа
3. Conversational Topic
‘Educational Space’
Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 151 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Fill in the missing word | | | Pre-text work. Invitation to the conversation |