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Pronunciation of the name

Читайте также:
  1. Alphabet pronunciation
  2. American pronunciation models.
  3. Classification of pronunciation variants in English. British pronunciation models.
  4. Differences in vowel pronunciation
  5. Give a difinition of literary pronunciation and a standart of pronunciation.
  6. I. Learn the pronunciation of the words below. Translate them into Russian.
  7. I. Practise the pronunciation of the words below. Translate and learn them.

The company name is that of its eponymous founders, the French Alsatian Schlumberger brothers. It is pronounced [ʃlʌmbʊɹʒeɪ] in IPA notation (phonetic: " shlum-bur-ZJAY ").

(www. Wikipedia.ed)


Translate the following word groups into Russian.


Oil refinery, pipeline company, market value, production activity, oil and gas exploration, groundwater industry, software and information management, market leader, private sector energy corporation.

Give the synonyms to the following words.

the whole, to provide, to look for, to include, survey, manufacturer, corporation, estimation.

Classify the word into Business terms and Petroleum Engineering terms.

Crude oil, retail outlet, refinery, joint venture, market value, profit, pipelines, formation evaluation, share, artificial lift, headquarters, vendor, seismic acquisition, well completion, offshore location, consumer, raw natural gas, revenue.


Translate from Russian into English.

Сырая нефть, вся нефтяная промышленность,удобрения, нефтеперерабатывающий завод, точки розничной торговли, центральный офис, синтетический каучук, определение параметров пласта, принадлежащий государству, совместное предприятие, рыночная стоимость, наклонно-направленное бурение, сейсмическая обработка, филиал.

There are words of international meaning and their pronunciation is different. Find these words in the text and write them out.


12. Match the English terms in column “A” with their Russian equivalent in column “B”.


1.asset manager A.центральный офис
2. seismic processing B. нефтеперерабатывающий завод
3. to allocate budget C. нефтесервисы
4. open joint stock company D. показатели эффективности деятельности
5. refinery E. годовая прибыль
6. headquarters F. материально-техническое обеспечение
7. oilfield services G. руководитель актива
8. procurement H. распределять бюджетные средства
9. performance indicators I. обработка сейсмических данных
10. revenue J. открытое акционерное общество

Put the necessary preposition in each of the spaces.

1. The oil industry is often divided __________ three major sectors.

2. The downstream oil sector is a term commonly used to refer ________ the refining _________crude oil, and the selling and distribution of natural gas and products derived _________ crude oil.

3. The upstream sector includes the searching _________ potential underground or underwater oil and gas fields.

5. Midstream operations are usually simply included __________the downstream category.

6. The process of oil production, transportation, refinery and sale is managed _______oil companies.

7. These are deeply involved _______ the oil business providing services that help oil companies to carry ________ their operations.

8. The company's main business is the exploration _________and the production, processing, transportation and marketing of hydrocarbons.

9. Shell is incorporated in the UK with its corporate headquarters in The Hague, its tax residence is _______ the Netherlands, and its primary listings _______ the London Stock Exchange.

10. Shell's revenues _______ $318.8 billion _______2006 made it the second-largest corporation in the world ______ revenues behind only ExxonMobil.

11.Rosneft conducts oil and gas exploration and production activities _______ Sakhalin island, _____ Siberia, ________ the Timan-Pechora province, and ___southern Russia, including Chechnya.

12. Its plant _______ Tuapse, ________ the Black Sea, focuses __________ refining high-gravity oil from western Siberia.

13. According _________its website, it seems to be completely owned _______ the Russian Federation.


14. What do the following abbreviations stand for?



Read the following statements and decide if they are correct or not. Use (C) for correct sentences and (F) for false ones, give your correct variant.

1. The upstream oil sector touches consumers through thousands of products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, heating oil, asphalt, etc.

2. Service companies manage oil production, transportation, refinery and sale.

3. Shell’s head offices are located in The Hague and London (Shell Centre).

4. Shell is incorporated in the UK with its corporate headquarters in The Hague, its tax residence is in London (UK), and its primary listings on the London Stock Exchange.

5. Forbes Global 2000 in 2007 ranked Shell the eighth largest company in the world.

6. Shell has four core businesses: Exploration and Production, Refining and Marketing, Chemicals, and Trading/Shipping.

7. Rosneft conducts oil and gas exploration and production activities on Sakhalin island, in Siberia, and in southern Russia, including Chechnya.

8. Although Rosneft is an open joint stock company, it seems to be completely owned by a individual businessman.

9. Schlumberger Limited is the third world's largest oilfield services corporation operating in approximately 80 countries.

10. Schlumberger supplies a wide range of products and services from seismic acquisition to software and information management.


Listen to the tape and answer the questions given below.

1. Conoco Phillips as the third major oil company in the States is based on what?

A. market capitalization

B. oil and natural gas reserves

C. market capitalization and gas reserves

D. responsibility to deliver energy in a safe, environmentally and socially responsible manner


2. In what area is Conoco Phillips NOT technologically advanced?

A. in reservoir management and exploration

B. drilling and completion

C. 3-D Seismic technology

D. sulfur removal


3. How many people does Conoco Phillips employ?

A. in the region of 32,500 people

B. less than 32,500 people

C. more than 32,500 people

D. exactly 32,500 people


4. Which of the following is NOT one of the Company’s core businesses according to the text given?

A. Refining, Marketing, Supply and Transportation

B. Chemicals and Plastics

C. Finding Reserves

D. Natural Gas to Liquids

5. In how many countries does the Company search for hydrocarbons?

A. over two dozen countries

B. over one dozen countries

C. less than two dozen countries

D. less than one dozen countries


6. Where is the Company central office located?

A. Dallas, Texas

B. Houston, Texas

C. Anchorage, Alaska

D. Denver, Colorado


7. What is the Company’s stock exchange ticker?






8. Who is the most important person in the Company?

A. Ames J. Mulva

B. John A. Carrig

C. Mulva James

D. Robert Dudley




17. Domestic and foreign oil companies. Fill in the chart using information from additional resources: for example, www. Wikipedia.ed

Name Type Founded Headquarters Industry Products Description
Mobil Public 1999 1911 1911 1870 Irving, Texas, Oil and gas Fuels, Lubricants, Petrochemicals  

A. Listen to the text, remember the key words.

Most companies are made up of three groups of people: the shareholders (who provide the capital), the management and the workforce. The management structure of a typical company is shown in this organization chart.


At the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Directors, headed by the Chairperson or President. The board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. It will usually appoint a Managing director or Chief Executive Officer, who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. Senior managers or company officers head the various departments or functions within the company, which may include the following:


A Marketing E Finance

B Public Relations F Production

C Information Technology or IT G Research and Development or R and D

D Personnel or Human Resources

B. Listen to seven people talking about their work and decide which department each one works for.

1… 2. … 3. … 4. … 5. … 6. … 7. …

(Tullis G., Trappe T. New Insight into Business. Longman, 2005.)

Study the definitions in Appendix (pg. 83-84). Match departments and personnel with their definitions.

1. Accountant Dept. 11. Personnel Dept.
2. AGM 12. President (US)
3. Board of Directors 13. Production Dept.
4. Chairman 14. Purchasing Dept.
5. Director 15. Marketing Dept.
6. Executive Officer 16. R and D Dept.
7. Headquarters 17. Reception
8. Manager 18. Sales Department
9. Managing director 19. Shareholders
10. Organization chart 20. Vice President

A. Any of several executive officers, each responsible for a separate division.

B. A member of the board of directors.

C. Person who holds or owns shares in or a part of company or corporation.

D. Department responsible for finding and buying everything for a company.

E. A company’s principal or main office or centre of control.

F. Group of people chosen to establish policy for and control a company.

G. Department responsible for administrating a company’s financial affairs.

H. Department that puts goods on market including packaging, advertising, etc.

I. The place where visitors and clients report on arrival at a company.

J. A table or plan showing a company’s structure graphically.

K. Annual General Meeting of a company’s shareholders.

L. Department responsible for finding customers and making sales.

M. The highest executive officer of a company, head of the company.

N. Department responsible for Research and Development of (new) product.

O. Person who heads a Board of Directors, head of a company, chairperson.

P. Department responsible for physical creation of a product.

Q. Senior director after the chairman responsible for day-to-day direction.

R. Department responsible for recruitment and welfare of staff or employees.

S. Person managing the affairs of a corporation – chief executive officer.

T. Person responsible for day-to-day running of a department, executive officer.

20. How is an oil company organized?

A. Match the job title with the definition.

A. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 1. refers to a rank in senior management, usually reports directly to the president or CEO of the company, could be more than one in different areas (Upstream, Downstream, Oilfield services)
B. CFO (Chief Financial Officer) 2. a person in charge of the Board of Directors
C. CIO (Chief Information Officer) 3. a mid-level manager who has a specialized, but multidisciplined understanding of everything related to exploration and production, is responsible for tactical decisions within a subsidiary, reports to a managing director
D. Chairman of the Board of Directors 4. a job title for somebody who is a second in command after a General Director in an oil producing subsidiary
E. EVP (Executive Vice-President) 5. job title for the head of the information technology group within an organization
F. Development Director (DD) 6. is the highest-ranking corporate boss in charge of total management of a corporation, company, or organization
G. Asset Manager (AM) 7. a person who deals with all the governmental authorities regarding the licenses and permits, and also looks after the reservoir development
H. General Director (GD) 8. is responsible for financial planning and record-keeping, as well as financial reporting to higher management
I. Chief Engineer (CE) 9. a lower-level manager whose decisions are generally short-term, responsible for operational decisions related to an asset, in some companies reports to a Development Director
J. Chief Geologist (CG) 10. a person in charge of a legal entity or a subsidiary, reports to the headquarters, but usually is located in the region

B. Complete the diagram showing the company structure using the definitions in A.


C. Complete the sentences

1. The most important person in charge of an oil company is ………..

2. ……………. defines the strategy and set targets for the company.

3. More profitable is ………………………………………………….

4. An oil company consists of ……………………………………….

5. Chief engineer is more important than ……………. (chief geologist)

Read the text and discuss the after-text questions

An Example of a Difference between Russian and Western Operating Company Structure


The information about the companies that are mentioned above refers to the Central Headquarters of these companies. This could be described as the mother company. All of these companies have operating companies that are spread out regionally or internationally which report to the Central Headquarters, where financial and performance indicators are consolidated. An example of this is Royal Dutch Shell that has its Central Headquarters in The Hague in Holland. Royal Dutch Shell also has operating companies in Nigeria, Oman, Australia and many other countries around the world. Rosneft has headquarters in Moscow and operations in Sakhalin island, in Siberia and the Timan-Pechora province.


An Integrated Asset Based Organization that you would typically find in a western operating company is centered around Asset teams. These asset teams look after and are responsible for ALL activities relating to an asset (or a group of assets). In a way an Asset team can be seen as a micro company within the main company. To operate in this way the Asset team needs to contain an integrated team of specialists. The reason for working in this way is the idea in the west that integrated teams are more effective than the functional approach. The Asset based organization also allows management to allocate budget, set targets and manage improvements more effectively because each Asset Manager is responsible for his Asset. The disadvantage of an Asset based organization is that it is difficult to maintain the technical level of functional specialists.


Until twenty years ago Functional based organizations as seen in Russian operating companies were also typical in Western companies. In such organizations all specialists of one function work together in one room and support all of the operating companies assets. The advantage of this system is that by working closely together within the function, specialists maintain a high level of technical expertise. The disadvantage is that integrated team work is absent and responsibility for a single asset is held only at the General Director level (see pictures below) this system is that by working closely together within the function, specialists maintain a high level of technical expertise. The disadvantage is that integrated team work is absent and responsibility for a single asset is held only at the General Director level (see pictures below).

22. Answer the following questions:

1. What does an Asset Based Organization consist of?

2. What does a Functional Based Organization consist of?

3. What are advantages and disadvantages of an integrated asset based organization?

4. What are advantages and disadvantages of a functional based organization?

5. Give your own examples of organizations of both types.

6. Name the positions within an oil company that belong to a corporate level (the headquarters) and regional level?

23. ROLE PLAY: You are welcoming a visitor to your company.


a. Introduce yourself

b. Make a presentation of your company. Use the following plan.

A. Title page


B. Content


C. General Overview of the Company (industry, geographical location, number of employees, and etc)


D. Structure of the Company (general level – key people)


E. Performance Overview – Major achievements \ successes (2-3 slides)


F. Conclusion

3. Answer all necessary questions concerning your company


allocate budget (v.p.) распределять бюджетные средства
antifreeze антифриз
asphalt асфальт
asset актив
Asset Based Organisation (ABO)   организационная структура на базе активов
asset manager руководитель актива
butane бутан
capital construction капитальное строительство
CEO (Chief Executive Offiser) главный исполнительный директор
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) главный финансовый директор компании
Chairman of the Board of Directors председатель совета директоров
Chief Engineer главный инженер
Chief Geologist главный геолог
CIO (Chief Information Officer) руководитель информационной службы компании
commodities изделия, товары
consulting консалтинговые услуги
core business основной вид деятельности
crude oil сырая нефть
development director директор по управлению разработкой
diesel дизельное топливо
directional drilling наклонно-направленное бурение
ethane этан
EVP (Executive Vice-President) Исполнительный Вице-президент
fertilizers удобрения
financial indicators финансовые показатели
formation evaluation определение параметров пласта
functional approach функциональный подход
gasoline газолин
General Director генеральный директор
gross profit валовый доход,
groundwater грунтовые воды
headquarters/head office/central office центральный офис
heating oil печное топливо (топливо коммунально-бытового назначения)
high gravity высокий удельный вес
HR (Human Resources) отдел кадров
HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) охрана труда, окружающей среды и техника безопасности (ОТОСБ)
integrated интегрированный
jet fuel топливо для реактивных двигателей
lincenses лицензирование/лицензии
listings допуск ценной бумаги к официальной торговле на фондовой бирже
LSE (London Stock Exchange) Лондонская фондовая биржа
lubricants горюче-смазочные материалы (ГМС)
market value рыночная стоимость
MICEX (Moscow Interbank Currency Exange) Московская Межбанковская Валютная Биржа (MMBБ)
Midstream Мидстрим
natural gas природный газ
natural gas liquids (NLG) сжиженный газ
NYSE (New-York Stock Exchange) Нью-йоркская фондовая биржа
oil treatment подготовка нефти
oilfield services нефтесервисы
оpen joint stock company   открытое акционерное общество (ОАО)
operate (v) работать/вести рабочую деятельность
performance indicators показатели эффективности деятельности
pesticides пестициды
petrochemical нефтехимический
pharmaceuticals лекарственные препараты
plastics пластмассы
рrocessing переработка
procurement материально-техническое обеспечение (МТО)
profitable прибыльный, доходный
propane пропан
rank (v) ранжировать
refinery нефтеперерабатывающий завод
refining переработка
report to smb. (v.p.) докладывать; описывать
retail outlets предприятия розничной торговли
revenue годовая прибыль
RTS (Russian Trading System) Российская торговая система (РТС)
seismic acquisition сейсмические исследования
seismic processing обработка сейсмических данных
services director директор по управлению нефтесервисами
set targets (v.p.) устанавливать цели/плановые показатели
shipping перевозка
subsidiary дочернее предприятие
synthetic rubber синтетический каучук
tax residence место налогообложения
trading продажа
well stimulation интенсификация притока
well testing испытание скважины



Oil, natural gas and petroleum have been foremost on people’s minds for the past years. Nations and the world are run by oil. It fuels our cars, our homes and provides us with electricity. It is used in the making of plastics and cosmetics. Oil is also prevalent in our lives, but most people don’t know where the oil we use comes from.

Lead - in

Fill in the spidergram with the words associated with oil.


Explain your associations.

What does the word “petroleum” mean?

What do you think crude oil is?

What is natural gas?

What are hydrocarbons?

Terms and Vocabulary

сrude oil сырая нефть
mixture смесь
hydrocarbons углеводороды
separation разделение, разложение на части
refining очистка, перегонка (нефти)
volatile летучий, быстро испаряющийся
viscous густой, вязкий
residue остаток
reservoir rock порода - коллектор
source rock материнская порода
porous пористый
porosity пористость
permeable(impermeable) проницаемый
permeability проницаемость
cap rock   sulfur nitrogen oxygen feedstock split up (v) be arranged tarry alter (v) sink (v) decay fine-grained exert (v) trap property shale source rock accumulate (v) limestone sandstone     покрывающая порода, покрышка залежи сера азот кислород исходный сырое разделять систематизированный смолистый изменить погружаться сгнивший мелкозернистый оказывать давление ловушка свойство сланец нефтематеринская порода накапливать; накоплять известняк песчаник  

Read the words, remember the pronunciation.

[aı] modify, nitrogen, hydrocarbon, refining, microscopic

[e] residue, buried, dead, lenses, ethane

[eı] chain, available, able, locate, basin

[ə:] permeable, exert, refer, occur, preserve

[i:] methane, heat

[o:] source, porous, fault, salt, alter

[t∫ ] mixture, structure, manufacture, saturated

[ ∫ ] pressure, partially, depression, sufficiently, ocean

[k] chemical, unique


2.Read the texts, fulfill the exercises.

What is Crude Oil?


Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with minor proportions of other chemicals such as compounds of sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen. To use the different parts of the mixture they must be separated from each other. This separation is called refining.


Crude oils from different parts of the world, or even from different depths in the same oilfield, contain different mixtures of hydrocarbons and other compounds. This is why they vary from light colored volatile liquids to thick, dark oils - so viscous that they are difficult to pump from the ground.


What are Hydrocarbons?


Hydrocarbons vary in structure depending on the number of carbon atoms and the way in which the hydrogen atoms combine with them. Hydrocarbons can be arranged as straight chains, branched chains or closed rings. There are two main chemical families of hydrocarbons - the alkanes and the alkenes.


As the structure of hydrocarbons varies so much, thousands of synthetic products can be manufactured with many different properties. Hydrocarbons with small molecules make good fuels. Methane (CH4) has the smallest molecules, and is a gas, used for cooking and heating and generating electricity. Gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel and fuel oil are all liquid fuels.


Hydrocarbon molecules can be split up into smaller ones, or built up into bigger ones, or altered in shape, or modified by adding other atoms. This is why they are a very useful starting point (called a chemical feedstock) for making other materials. Even the thick black tarry residue left after distillation is useful. It is called bitumen, and is used in tarmac for road surfacing, and for roofing.

Forming Oil

Oil is formed from the remains of tiny plants and animals (plankton) that diedin ancient seas between 10 and 600 million years ago. After the organism died, they sank into the sand and mud at the bottom of the sea.


Over the years, the organisms decayed in the sedimentary layers. In these layers there was little or no oxygen present. So microorganisms broke the remains into carbon-rich compounds that formed organic layers. The organic material mixed with the sediments, forming fine-grained shale, or source rock. As new sedimentary layers were deposited, they exerted intense pressure and heat on the source rock. The heat and pressure distilled the organic material into crude oil and natural gas. The oil flowed from the source rock and accumulated in thicker, more porous limestone or sandstone, called reservoir rock. Movements in the Earth trapped the oil and natural gas in the reservoir rocks between layers of impermeable rock, or cap rock, such as granite or marble.


Close-up of reservoir rock (oil is in black)

(www. Wikipedia.ed)

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