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Oil companies

Читайте также:
  1. Companies Analysis
  2. Exercise 4. Study the report again (Exercise 3) and find two synonymic expressions meaning “joint leadership”. Make a list of the companies that plump for joint leadership.
  3. Have in place haben, verfugen uber: Manycompanies already
  4. How companies advertise
  5. Public limited companies.
  6. Read about these companies.


Часть I


(Part I)

учебно-методическое пособие

по дисциплине «Профессиональный английский язык»

для студентов IV –V курсов и магистрантов ИГНД


Издательство Томского политехнического университета

УДК 802.0: 801:3:622.323 (075.8)

ББК Ш143.21-923

Г 35



Л.М. Болсуновская, Р.Н. Абрамова, И.А. Матвеенко, Т.Ф. Долгая,

С.В. Хопкинсон, Т.В. Васильченко, А.С. Климентьева, Н.В. Сухорукова

Г35 Геология и нефтегазовое дело. Часть I. Профессиональный английский язык: учебно-методическое пособие /Л.М. Болсуновская, Р.Н. Абрамова, И.А. Матвеенко, Т.Ф. Долгая, С.В. Хопкинсон, Т.В. Васильченко, А.С. Климентьева, Н.В. Сухорукова. – Томск: Издательство Томского политехнического ун-та, 2008. – 91 с.

Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов IV-V курсов и магистрантов ИГНД, прослушавших курсы профессиональных дисциплин на русском языке и изучающих вопросы геологии и нефтегазового дела в рамках профессионального иностранного языка.

Цель пособия – подготовить студентов к профессиональному общению на английском языке в соответствии с рабочей программой дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык».

Пособие может использоваться как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов. Тексты составлены на основе аутентичной учебной и научной литературы.


УДК 802.0: 801:3:622.323 (075.8)

ББК Ш143.21-923


Рекомендовано к печати Редакционно-издательским советом

Томского политехнического университета



кандидат филологических наук,

доцент кафедры английской филологии ТГУ


О.В. Нагель

© Коллектив авторов, 2008

© Томский политехнический университет, 2008

© Оформление. Издательство Томского политехнического университета, 2008


Unit 1 Petroleum engineering  
Unit 2 Oil companies  
Unit 3 Oil formation  
Unit 4 HSE (Health, Safety, Environment)  


Geology & Petroleum Engineering (Part I and Part II), content-based instruction, is suitable for engineers and technicians who need English in developing academic content knowledge and foreign language proficiency. Content- based instruction (CBI) is by no means a new concept to language education. Since the 1960s, interest in teaching language for specific purposes has led educators to explore the inclusion of meaningful content in language classrooms abroad. Many foreign universities have increasingly focused on developing content proficiency in second-language learners (Eastern Michigan University, Georgetown University, Monterey Institute of International Studies, etc.). Key Russian education institutes have accumulated concrete experience in English language teaching method approaches for engineer-students, one of which is the Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). In the walls of this University the above-mentioned problem – language competence formation of future engineers- was discussed and a multi-level up-dated language-training program was designed

As it has been noted, CGI in Russian engineering education system still remains an unexplored research area. Tomsk Polytechnic University (namely, Geology & Petroleum Engineering Institute) has become a resource center in the field of developing new CBI courses. The results from this piloting course could serve as a model course for university engineering curriculum reform as a communicative aspect in the professional area of a future engineering specialist (in our case, Geology & Petroleum Engineering).

The Approach and Principles

Geology & Petroleum Engineering has been designedto meet the needs of both learners and teachers. Our course is based on such defining characteristics in CBI as:

Ø learners are exposed to language while learning about other content areas;

Ø content areas are relevant to the learner’s academic\ professional needs;

Ø language is contextualized through these relevant areas;

Ø support is provided for learner’s linguistic development;

Ø focus is placed on developing academic\ professional language proficiency;

Ø authentic materials are used to present content matter;

Ø use of authentic materials lends itself to the integration of skills, to increased motivation and to increased cognitive and linguistic complexity.

(Content, Tasks and Projects in the Language Classroom, Monterey Institute, 2004, pg. 28-29)

Several elements in particular have shaped this course approach:

1. no explicit grammar instruction- in our case, we considered the approach focus on formS. The grammatical forms themselves become the focus of the lesson, rather than the meaning being conveyed.

2. only authentic materials are used – this enables learners to interact with the language of native speakers, including grammatical features, discourse structures, sociolinguistic features and cultural referents. Selected materials are in various formats, but audio and visual materials are limited, so the course materials are mostly in written form;

3. material resources – Internet, articles from journals, books on a particular theme topic for native speakers of English, content-based ESL textbooks, encyclopedias;

4. reading and writing tasks – mostly done outside the classroom as assignments and then used for interaction activities in class.


Thus, this new CBI course in Geology & Petroleum Engineering is organized around a subject-matter core and is appropriate to the needs of specific groups of students. The main purpose is language proficiency development for 4th – 5th year students of Geology & Petroleum Engineering Institute. This is the first attempt to develop a technology of interaction between linguistic teachers and engineering departments. The integration between specialist studies / activities and the language is that factor which makes it possible to transfer from professional-orientated teaching to professional communicative teaching, adapting to the international requirements in engineering education and to meet the challenges of the international academic and professional workplaces


The Course

The main emphasis throughout Geology & Petroleum Engineering is on developing the following communicative language principles:

Ø student-centered classroom;

Ø focus on meaning and use rather than form and usage;

Ø extensive use of pair and group work;

Ø cooperative learning;

Ø integration of four language skills;

Ø teacher’s role as a facilitator.

(Content, Tasks and Projects in the Language Classroom, Monterey Institute, 2004, pg. 1-2)

This course is designed for those learners who have achieved pre-intermediate /intermediate level and can be used in the following way:

1. from start to finish, i.e. it takes about 76 hours (+ 72 hours of self-assessment) to complete this course.

2. as a dip-in resource, i.e. each unit and each section of this course is free-standing, so sections can be selected and used out of sequence according to the needs of particular students.

3. as a revision course, i.e. for those students who have already taken such a course, and want to add a new practical dimension to their professional English.


Course Components

As this innovative course Geology & Petroleum Engineering is an implementation of a content-based EFL curriculum, it includes the following components:

Course Book- Geology & Petroleum Engineering is the core book that students will need for class work. Special focus is placed on the development of learner autonomy, where three principles: individualization, interdependence and interaction are integrated. It has two parts:

Part I - Introduction which includes 4 common topics: Petroleum Engineering, Oil Companies, Petroleum Geology and HSE (Health, Safety and Environment);

Part II – includes 7 sustained content courses, organized around specific themes and topics. In these course materials conveyed content information is on such topics as Geophysics, Oil Exploration, Pipeline Engineering, Drilling, Ore Mining, Hydroecology and Geoecology. These courses are free-standing sections. There are Appendixes for additional information, which can be used for pairwork activities and self- assignments.

Guideline- Guide to Effective Technical Writing & Professional Communication is a course where academic subjects are taught in English. It is tailored to the specific needs of students in their technically oriented majors. It will aid those who plan to continue technical careers that require sufficient knowledge of technical writing and professional communication. A CD is available which includes presentations on all discussed topics.

Teacher’s Book – gives recommendations of advisory character. It offers keys for every unit in both parts and introduces a framework for structuring and shaping the whole course material and references for the teacher’s convenience.

Test Booklet – includes reviewsections for each part and unit. These tests take around an hour to complete and they revisit and consolidate key language from earlier studied sections and units.

Recordings – includes all listening material in Part I(Introduction), available in CD form.




This course would not have been possible without the knowledge we acquired during the past 10 years through consulting, teaching and conducting workshops at Tomsk Polytechnic University. Many people have contributed in a variety of ways in the preparation of this innovative course «Geology & Petroleum Engineering». We would like to thank the specialists of Geology & Petroleum Engineering Institute, TPU, all of whom brought their professionalism and expertise to guiding and shaping this course in its various stages. Our special thanks to Associate Professor of Tomsk State University Olga Nagel, our indefatigable reader and Associate Professor, Head of English Language Department, TPU N. Kachalov, our editor.

For providing a stimulating working environment, we would like to thank Director of Geology & Petroleum Engineering Institute, Professor E. Yazikov and Associate Professor V. Bernatonis.



Petroleum engineering refers to the subsurface engineering activities related to the production of hydrocarbons which can be either crude oil or natural gas.


Fill in the spidergram with the words associated with Petroleum engineering.

Petroleum engineering


Explain your associations.

Terms and Vocabulary

upstream pазведка и добыча / Блок Разведки и Добычи (м.б. Апстрим)
downstream переработка и сбыт / Блок Переработки и Сбыта (м.б. Даунстрим)
supply поставка, снабжение
well completion заканчивание скважины
depletion истощение
implement внедрять, вводить в действие
artificial lift механизированная добыча
downhole flow control регулирование дебита скважины
workover капитальный ремонт (КРП)
waterflooding заводнение
vendor поставщик
reserves экономические запасы
lease контракт на аренду нефтеносного участка
bit program программа использования буровых долотам
probability analysis анализ вероятности
enhanced oil recovery добыча нефти с искусственным поддержанием энергии пласта
(well) placement размещение
interface поверхность раздела (двух фаз или слоёв жидкости)
regulatory body регулирующий закон
hydrocarbon recovery добыча, отбор (нефти, газа из коллектора); отдача (коллектора)
surveillance осмотр; обследование; технический надзор; контроль
material balance (modeling) материальный баланс
inflow \ outflow приток \ выход
simulation modeling (имитационное) моделирование
offset начало
layout план \ схема
(hydrocarbon) release выделение
formation breakdown via toolbox layoff savvy разрыв пласта посредством чего-л. инструментарий приостановка сообразительность; смекалка
be involved in связанный, вовлеченный
refer to направлять; отсылать; обращаться
be hold to держаться, придерживаться
be compared to сравнивать; сопоставлять
be contended with утверждать; оспаривать
become commonplace in привычное дело
be concerned with имеющий отношение к чему-л., связанный с чем-л.
of particular interestto особый интерес
play a (central) role in играть, исполнять роль
specialize in специализироваться
in charge of (N) ответственный за
be measured in измеренный, замеренный
in conjunctionwith в соединении; в связи
cover a wide range of (охватывать) широкий диапазон


Read and remember the pronunciation.

[i:] complete, completion, deplete, depletion, increasingly, recent, scheme, machine, upstream, downstream, continuous

[e] bury, estimate, vendor

[o:] wellbore, forecast, audit, hydraulics, support

[ə:] survey, reserves, concerned, refer, subsurface, curve, thermodynamics

[ju:] consumer, computer, accurate, numerical, value

[ai] provide, supply, decline, design, divide, specify, high, type, optimize, maximize

[aiə] require, acquire, environment, via

[k] mechanics, chemistry, scheme, technique

Pay attention to the stress in the following words.


′reservoir tech′nique
proba′bility regu′latory
en′hanced sur′veillance
′drastically ′discipline


3. Read the text, fulfill the exercises

Petroleum engineering

Petroleum engineering is involved in the exploration and production activities of petroleum as an upstream end of the energy sector. Upstream refers to the process of finding and extracting oil, which is usually buried deep beneath the earth's surface, to provide a continuous supply to consumers " downstream". Petroleum engineering covers a wide range of topics, including economics, geology, geochemistry, geomechanics, geophysics, oil drilling, geopolitics, knowledge management, seismology, tectonics, thermodynamics, well logging, well completion, oil and gas production, reservoir development, and pipelines.

Petroleum engineering has become a technical profession that involves extracting oil in increasingly difficult situations as the "low hanging fruit" of the world's oil fields are found and depleted. Improvements in computer modeling, materials and the application of statistics, probability analysis, and new technologies like horizontal drilling and enhanced oil recovery, have drastically improved the toolbox of the petroleum engineer in recent decades.

As mistakes may be measured in millions of dollars, petroleum engineers are held to a high standard. Deepwater operations can be compared to space travel in terms of technical challenges. Arctic conditions and conditions of extreme heat have to be contended with High Temperature and High Pressure (HTHP) environments that have become increasingly commonplace in today's operations require the petroleum engineer to be savvy in topics as wide ranging as thermohydraulics, geomechanics, and intelligent systems.

Petroleum engineers must implement high technology plans with the use of manpower, highly coordinated and often in dangerous conditions. The drilling rig crew and machines they use becomes the remote partner of the petroleum engineer in implementing every drilling program. Petroleum engineers have historically been one of the highest paid engineering disciplines; this is offset by a tendency for mass layoffs when oil prices decline. According to a survey published in Dec 2006 the average income was $116,834.Petroleum engineers divide themselves into several types:

Reservoir engineering is a branch of petroleum engineering, typically concerned with maximizing the economic recovery of hydrocarbons from the subsurface.

Of particular interest to reservoir engineers is generating accurate reserves estimates for use in financial reporting to the SEC and other regulatory bodies. Other job responsibilities include numerical reservoir modeling, production forecasting, well testing, well drilling and workover planning, economic modeling, and PVT analysis of reservoir fluids.

Reservoir engineers also play a central role in field development planning, recommending appropriate and cost effective reservoir depletion schemes such as waterflooding or gas injection to maximize hydrocarbon recovery.

Reservoir engineers often specialize in two areas:

Drilling engineering is a subset of petroleum engineering, involved in the design and drilling of production and injection wells. The planning phases of drilling an oil well typically involve estimating the value of sought reserves, estimating the costs to access reserves, acquiring property by a mineral lease, a geologic survey, a wellbore plan, and a layout of the type of equipment depth of the well.

Drilling engineers are engineers in charge of the process of planning and drilling oil wells. Their responsibilities include:

It is their responsibility to ensure that the well is drilled in a safe, cost-effective, and effective manner.

(www. Wikipedia.ed)


4. Match the English terms in column “A” with their Russian equivalents in column “B”.


1.depleted А.буровая бригада
2.enhanced oil recovery B.заканчивание скважины
3.exploration C.каротаж
4.production D. добыча нефти усовершенствованным методом
5.drilling rig crew E. нагнетательная скважина
6.reservoir development F. добыча
7.well completion G. истощённый (о запасах)
8.well logging H.разработка пласта
9.injection well I.трубопровод
10.pipeline J.разведка

Study the words in the box. Give the dictionary definition. Find these words in the text and explain their meaning.

be contended to be held to be savvy in be concerned with be involved in in charge of be measured in in conjunction with

Find the synonyms to the following words.

To deal with, to put into operation, simulation, to improve, to exhaust, to finish, evaluating, observation, to be responsible for,

Find the antonyms to the following word in the text.


Outflow, above, downstream, to minimize, beginning

Decipher the following abbreviations used in the text.


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.

1. Easily accessible oil can be compared_____low hanging fruits. 2. Petroleum engineers are _____ charge of implementing high technology plans with the use of manpower. 3. Drilling engineering is concerned ____ designing and drilling oil wells. 4. The profession of petroleum engineering is involved______ exploration and extraction of oil. 5. Designing casing a string is performed in conjunction ______ drilling fluid plans. 6. Reservoir engineers optimize production of oil and gas ________proper well placement and enhanced oil recovery.

Give the English equivalents to the Russian words.

1. Petroleum engineers (придерживаются) to a high standard as mistakes may cost too much. 2. High Temperature and High Pressure conditions have become (обычное явление) in today’s oil recovery. 3. Petroleum engineering (охватывает широкий диапазон) of topics, including geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. 4. Generating accurate reserves estimates is (представлять особый интерес) to reservoir engineer. 5. Petroleum engineer should be (осведомлен, находчив) in topics as wide ranging as thermohydraulics and geomechanics. 6. The remote partner of the petroleum engineer is (буровая бригада) in implementing drilling program.


An English-English dictionary helps you to understand different terms. Look up the words in the box. Match the terms with the definitions.

petroleum engineer upstream reservoir oil well hydrocarbons crude oil downstream petroleum casing

1. Petroleum engineer A. Compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen. Petroleum consists of them.
2. Reservoir B. A fuel found in mineral deposits under the ground. It comes from the Greek words for “rock” and “oil”. Therefore, rock oil or oil found in rock.
3. Hydrocarbons C. Pipes run in a hole and cemented during drilling in order to consolidate well bore walls and prevent their collapse.
4. Downstream D. A professional trained in the drilling, completion and production of oil and gas. Types of petroleum engineers include drilling, completion and reservoir engineers.
5. Upstream E. A porous and permeable formation containing an individual and separate natural accumulation of producible hydrocarbons. It is confined by impermeable rock or water barriers and is characterized by a single natural pressure system.
6. Oil well F. Exploration, drilling and production operations for crude oil and natural gas.
7. Crude oil G. A well completed for the production of crude oil from at least one oil zone or reservoir.
8. Petroleum H. Transportation and pipe lining, refining and marketing operations for crude oil and natural gas.
9. Casing I. A mixture of hydrocarbons that existed in a liquid phase in natural phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid ay atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities.

Classify the responsibilities of a reservoir engineer and a drilling engineer into two groups.


Estimation of cost to access reserves, maximization of economic recovery of hydrocarbons from the subsurface, numerical reservoir modeling, geologic survey, well drilling and workover planning, estimation of the sought reserves value, development of contacts with vendor, PVT analysis, wellbore plan, production forecasting.



Complete the sentences, using the information from the text.

1. According to the survey published in December 2006 ………

2. Deepwater operations can be compared to …………………….

3. Such modern technologies as ……………… have improved the toolbox of the petroleum engineer.

4. Petroleum engineering covers a wide range of topics including …..

5. Petroleum engineers can be divided into several types: …………..

6. Two areas in which reservoir engineers usually specialize are ……


According to the text the operations are performed in the following order. Put the phrases in the logical order.

A geologic survey


Acquiring property by mineral lease


A layout of the type of equipment depth of the well


Estimating the value of reserves


A well bore plan


Estimating the cost of access reserves



State whether the sentences are true or false. If true, add the information on the statement. If false, correct the sentence.

1. Petroleum engineering covers a wide range of disciplines.

2. Operation in HTHP environment is a rare case for a petroleum engineer today.

3. Petroleum engineers are usually well paid.

4. Petroleum engineers deal with oil field close to the Earth’s surface.

5. Petroleum engineers are subdivided into two types.

6. Reservoir engineering is concerned with reservoir modelling.

7. Drilling engineers have to perform PVT analysis of the well.

16. 9

PART 1. Read the following information, then listen to the tape and match the dates with the stages of petroleum engineering development.


1. The 1910’s   A. It was recognized that the characteristics of the oil reservoir had to be taken into consideration.
2. The 1920’s   B. Consolidation and integration of four elements took place in petroleum engineering.
3. The 1930’s   C. Petroleum industry research developed. It was directed toward the principles, processes and methods for improvement of oil recovery.
4. The 1950’s   D. Petroleum engineering was recognized as a new field of practice
5. The 1990’s   E. Petroleum engineering centered on the drilling, completing and producing activities associated with individual wells.

PART 2. Listen to the second part of the text once more; give the examples on the methods of each element.

Elements Examples of methods
1. Extending the capabilities  
2. Development of methods for detailed study of subsurface formations and surroundings  
3. Recovering a greater portion of the oil within reservoir  
4. Development of technological management and its introduction into business decision making  

Answer the following questions.

1. What topics does PE cover?

2. Why has the toolbox of the petroleum engineer been drastically improved?

3. Can you say that petroleum engineers are held to a high standard?

4. What is vital for a petroleum engineer?

5. Why is petroleum engineers considered to be the highest paid disciplines?

6. What are the types of petroleum engineers?

7. What PE branches do you know?

8. What do reservoir engineers specialize in?

9. What fields are drilling engineers involved in?

10. What processes are drilling engineers responsible for?

Read the extracts from www.conocophollips.com. Report back to your group-mates. Answer any possible questions.

a. E&P in ConocoPhillips explores for, produces and markets crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGL) on a worldwide basis. It also mines deposits of oil sands in Canada to extract the bitumen and upgrade it into a synthetic crude oil. A continued strategy is the ongoing development of legacy assets — very large oil and gas developments that can provide strong financial returns over long periods of time.


b. Although the recent moderation in energy prices may suggest a shift in market circumstances, we believe the fundamental forces that have driven prices upward since 2001 have not changed. For the long term, global energy demand will persistently push the limits of available supply. At ConocoPhillips, their mission as one of the largest publicly held energy companies is to increase supplies to consumers through actions and investments that simultaneously build value for shareholders. During 2006, they made substantial progress in accomplishing that mission.


c. Access to resourceshas become an increasingly difficult task for publicly held companies. Direct foreign investment in exploration and production projects is prohibited in some of the most resource rich nations. Elsewhere, governments have limited the attractiveness of foreign investments through taxation, and other actions inhibit the economic incentive to participate. Furthermore, ongoing political instability in several producing nations has created excessive risks for new ventures. Despite the industry’s strong performance in environmental protection, high-potential areas in the United States have been placed off-limits to energy development.


d. A production engineer in different oil companies is usually responsible for: monitoring & interpreting existing well production; identifying and pursuing optimization opportunities from wellbore to sales point; working closely with field staff supporting their day-to-day operations as well as being involved in formal project work and well reviews; preparing economic evaluations for operating capital and significant expense production projects; assessing innovative optimization opportunities for implementation.


e. A drilling engineer in different oil companies usually provides drilling engineering support in preparation of well plans and execution of daily operations; ensures that wells are planned and executed in a safe, cost effective, and environmentally responsible manner while adhering to all company core values, corporate safety policies, and local regulations; has a right level of technical and operational experience in order to provide engineering support for all types of wells including exploration, development, HTHP (high temperature high pressure), and deepwater, utilizing all types of rigs.


f. A reservoir engineer job usually completes the following duties: provides appraisal, development and production optimization expertise; attends data rooms and perform high level studies in support of business development initiatives; conducts reservoir characterization and reservoir management studies; conducts exploration analysis using in-house probabilistic tools and methodologies; attends peer reviews and peer assists in support of exploration & development projects.

19. Work in pairs


You are going to explore a new oil field. Student A -a reservoir engineer and Student B - a drilling engineer. Discuss the distribution of your responsibilities and order of operation. Use as many expressions under study as possible.


1. The significance of petroleum engineering nowadays.

2. The reasons for high payment for petroleum engineering job.

3. The main types of petroleum engineers.

4. Reservoir engineers (their responsibilities, areas of specialization).

5. Drilling engineers (their responsibilities, areas of specialization).


Role Play

Imagine that one of you is a TV/Radio Presenter with an oil industry background and the rest are the representatives of an oil company and you are having 5 min talk show regarding the company you work for, your roles and responsibilities and current energy sector state.


22. Prepare a poster -presentation “My specialty, its perspectives and future”.




artificial lift механизированная добыча
bit programs. программа использования буровых долотам
blowout выброс
casing string обсадная колонна
cement plans план цементажа (цементирования)
cost effective reservoir depletion scheme Экономически-эффективная схема выработки месторождения
cost-effective экономически-эффективный
decline curve analysis анализ кривой падения добычи
deepwater operations производственные процессы на глубокой воде
depleted истощенный
directional plans схема направления бурения
downhole flow control регулирование дебита скважины
downstream переработка и сбыт / Блок Переработки и Сбыта (м.б. Даунстрим)
drilling engineer инженер по бурению
drilling fluid буровой раствор
drilling program программа бурения
drilling rig crew бригада буровиков
economic modeling экономическое моделирование
economic recovery экономически целесообразная добыча
enhanced oil recovery интенсифицированная добыча нефти
exploration разведка
field development planning схема разработки месторождения
field hand рабочий на промысле
formation breakdown разрыв пласта
gas injection закачка газа
geochemistry геохимия
geology геология
geomechanics механика горных пород
geophysics сейсмика
geopolitics геополитика
horizontal drilling горизонтальное бурение
in house не выходя за рамки организации
inflow / outflow analysis анализ притока / оттока жидкости
injection well / injector нагнетательная скважина
knowledge management система управления знаниями
material balance modeling моделирование материального баланса
mudlogger специалист по каротажу буровых растворов
numerical reservoir modeling числовое моделирование пласта
oil and gas production добыча нефти и газа
oil field нефтяное месторождение
optimize production оптимизировать добычу
perforation перфорация
petroleum engineering геология и нефтегазовое дело
pipeline трубопровод
producers / production well добывающая скважина
production добыча
production engineer / completion / subsurface engineer / surveillance инженер по добыче нефти и газа / инженер по эксплуатации (инженер- эксплуатационник)
production forecasting прогнозирование объемов добычи
production level уровень добычи
PVT analysis of reservoir fluids анализ PVT данных пластовой жидкости (флюида)
regulatory bodies контролирующие органы власти
reserves estimate оценка запасов
reservoir коллектор (продуктивный пласт)
reservoir development разработка месторождения
reservoir engineer инженер -разработчик
safe безопасный
sand control борьба с выносом песка
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам (США)
seismology сейсмическая разведка
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Общество инженеров-нефтяников (США)
sought reserves искомые запасы
subsurface недра
technical challenges технические сложности
tectonics тектоника (структурная геология)
thermodynamics термодинамика
upstream / Upstream pазведка и добыча / Блок Разведки и Добычи (м.б. Апстрим)
waterflooding заводнение
well completion заканчивание скважины
well drilling бурение скважины
well logging геофизические исследования скважин (каротаж скважины)
well placement система расположения скважин
well testing испытание скважины
wellbore plan дизайн скважины
workover planning планирование КРС (капитальный ремонт скважины)



Oil company is an industry that produces and delivers oil and oil products.


Name all the Western and Russian oil companies you know.

What company would you like to work in? Why?

What position would you like to occupy?


Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 197 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Дневник преддипломной практики студента| Read the texts about three different oil companies and fulfill the tasks.

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