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Active vocabulary. be situated – быть расположенным

Читайте также:
  1. A. Vocabulary
  2. Active Horsetail Splay Structure in the Cenozoic Magmatic arc of Iran
  3. Active isotope in it
  4. Active Participation of Women in the Labour Force
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary

be situated – быть расположенным

equal – равный

ethnic – этнический

ethnic and cultural traditions – этнические и культурные традиции

higher educational institution – высшее учебное заведение

hospitable – гостеприимный

industrious – трудолюбивый

inherit – наследовать

known worldwide – всемирно известный

majority – большинство

multinational – многонациональный

region – регион

religious beliefs – религиозные верования

reside – проживать

vocational technical school – техникум


I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II.Переведите текст с осетинского на английский язык.

Республикæ Цæгат Ирыстон-Алани у Уæрæсейы хуссайраг хайы рæсугъддæр бынæттæй иу. Йæ фæзуат у аст мин квадратон кило­метры. Ам цæрынц алыхуызон адæмыхæттыты минæвæрттæ: ирæттæ, уырыссæгтæ, гуырдзиæгтæ, сомихæгтæ, грекъæгтæ, азербайджанæгтææмææндæртæ. Респубникæйы бынæттон цæрджытæ сты ирæттæ - рагон скифты, сæрмæтты æмæ аланты байзæддæгтæ. Æппæт адæмтæ дæр цæрынц хæларæй.

III. Выпишите из текста «The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania» прилагательные в превосходной степени и переведите их на русский и осетинский языки, сравните способы образования степеней сравнения в английском и осетинском языках.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The three musicians play on…stage.

a. a newer

b. a new

c. the newest

2. They leave …way they can.

a. a quick

b. the quickest

c. a quicker

3. I’m not so …as a horse.

a. stronger

b. strong

c. the strongest

4. China has got …population in the world..

a. large

b. the largest

c. larger

5. Susan is …person in the whole band.

a. wonderful

b. more wonderful

c. the most wonderful

6. Happiness is …than money.

a. more important

b. important

c. the most important

7. Who is the…student in your group?

a. best

b. good

c. better

8. Who is the…in your family?

a. youngest

b. young

c. younger

It is the…mistake he had ever made.

a. bad

b. worst

c. worse

V. Дайте краткое описание Северной Осетии-Алании на осетинском и английском языках.

VI. Переведите следующие темы на английский язык и подготовьте краткие сообщения на эти темы.

1. Цæмæй хъæздыг у Ирыстон?

2. Цавæр сахартæ ма ис Цæгат Ирыстоны?


Unit IX

Ossetian National Symbols

The national flag is white, red and yellow. These colours symbolize moral purity (white), military valor (red), and abundance and plenty (yellow). The colours and the concepts they symbolize are connected with the social structure of ancient Ossetian (Scythian and Alanic) society and are a reflection of this structure. Its essence is the division of society into three social groups forming an organic whole: the military aristocracy, from which tribal leaders and military commanders originated; ministers and priests; and ordinary people, including herders and farmers. The coat of arms of ancient Ossetia is set in the center of the flag. The main component is a silhouette of mountains worked in dark blue; a snow leopard in a calm but alert pose is depicted against the background of the mountains. There are black spots on the leopard's body; the stomach is white without spots. The mountains on the coat of arms symbolize the Ossetian landscape. The leopard symbol can be understood from a short description of the animal. The leopard is a member of the cat family. It is 1.5 m long, with an elongated, flexible, muscular body. Its fur is thick and fluffy, yellow or red in color with black spots except the stomach which is white and without spots.

Active vocabulary

ancient – древний

coat of arms – герб

essence – сущность

military aristocracy – военная аристократия

ordinary people – простой народ

society – общество

symbol – символ

symbolize – символизировать


I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II. Переведите на русский и на английский языки гимн Осетии.


Республикæ Цæгат Ирыстон-Аланийы паддзахадон гимн


Зæрин хур йæ тынтæ нывæнды фæлмæн

Нæ фыдæлты рагон уæзæгыл рæдауæй…

Арвы бын калы, фæрдыгау, тæмæн

Ирыстон йæ адæмты фарнæй.

Заманты тарæй æрттивы, зынгау,

Дæ уидаг — нæ Ивгъуыд, нæ Абон, нæ Фидæн…

Барвæсс нæ куывдыл, Хуыцæутты Хуыцау!

Уастырджи, рафæлгæс, табу — Дæхицæн!


Кад æмæ радимæ фидæнмæ кæс!

Амондæй абузæд, ронгау, дæ цард!

Амонд, мысайнагау, фидæнма хæсс!

Дæ кæстæр дын басгуыхæд кард æмæ уарт!


Фæлтæрæй-фæлтæрмæ фæцæуæд дæ фарн!

Рын æмæ сонæй дæ хизæд хъысмæт!

Хистæры намыс, кæстæры æхсар!

Хурау дын царды цырагъдарæг уæнт!


Кад æмæ радимæ фидæнмæ кæс!

Фарнимæ абузæд, ронгау, дæ цард!

Амонд, мысайнагаy, адæмтæн хæсс!

Уастырджи, рафæлгæс! Табу — Дæхицæн!

III. Выпишите из текста слова, обозначающие цвет, переведите их на русский и осетинский язык. Составьте с ними 10 предложений на английском и на осетинском языках.

IV. Переведите текст с осетинского на английский язык.


Ирон адæммæ ис бирæ бæрæгбонтæ. Сæ сæйрагдæртæ сты: Ног аз, Джеоргуыба, Хетæджы бон. Ног аз бæрæг кæнынц 1-æм январы. Адæм заз бæлæстыл сауындзынц хъазæнтæ, фынгтыл æрæвæрынц хæрд æмæ нозт. Æхсæвы, 12 сахатыл, Хуыцаумæ скувынц Ног азæн, фæкурынц ног хæрзтæ. Адæм сæ кæрæдзийæн фæкæнынц бæрæгбоны арфæтæ. Бирæ адæм ма бæрæг казнынц Ногбон дæр, ома зæронд Ног аз. Уый вæййы 12-14 январы. Кæддæр ацы бæрæгбоны æфсинтæ фыхтой басылтææмæ сæ лæвæрдтой уазджытæн. Фæсивæд та æхсæвы цыдысты хæдзæрттæм, кафыдысты æмæ зарыдысты.

Ирыстоны ноябры 19-21-æм бонты райдайы Джеоргуыбайы бæрæгбон. Адæм æрбахонынц сæ хæлæртты, хæстæджыты, сыхæгты. Фæкувынц лæгты æмæ бæлциæтты дзуар Уастырджимæ, бафæдзæхсынц ыл сæ бинонты, уæлдайдæр та - фæсивæды. Ацы бæрæгбон райдайы хуыцаубоны æмæ ахæссы æнæхъæн къуыри.

Æппæт ирон адæмæн уарзон у Хетæджы бон дæр. Уый вæййы июлы. Алы хæдзæр дæр скувы æртæ чъирийы. Ирыстоны алы рæттæй адæм æрæмбырд вæййынц Хетæджы къохы кувæндонмæ. Дзуарæй фæкурынц амонд, æнæниздзинад, бæркад. Алырдыгæй фæхъуысы зард, фæндыры цагъд, хъæлдзæг ныхас. Ирон бæрæгбонтæ æххуыс сты адæмы 'хсæн хæлардзинад фидар кæнынæн.

IV. Дайте краткое описание осетинских национальных символов и осетинских национальных праздников на английском и осетинском языках.

V. Переведите предложения на английский (Simple, Continuous, Perfect Tense) и осетинский языки. Обратите внимание на особенности глагольных форм в английском, русском и осетинском языках.

Я учусь Мы учимся
Ты учишься Вы учитесь
Он учится Они учатся
VI. Переведите предложения на английский и осетинский языки. Обратите внимание на употребление предлогов.

1) Я иду к другу. 2) Я иду с другом. 3) Я иду от друга. 4) Я подарил книгу своему другу. 4) Я увидел друга на автобусной остановке. 5) Я хочу разговаривать по-осетински как мой друг. 6) Я взял у своего друга несколько книг. 7) Я написал стихотворение о своем друге.



Unit X

Ossetian Language

Ossetian is the spoken and literary language of the Ossetes, a people living in the central part of the Caucasus and constituting the basic population of the republic of North Ossetia–Alania, which belongs to the Russian Federation, and of the South Ossetia, which is independent. Ossetian belongs to the Northern subgroup of the Eastern-Iranian group of the Indo-European family of languages. Thus, it is genetically related to the other Eastern-Iranian languages. There are three main dialects of Ossetian, Iron, Digor and Tuallag. Iron is the most widely-spoken dialect and the basis for the written Ossetian. Another dialect, Jassic, used to be spoken in Hungary. Ossetian is an official language in North and South Ossetia. In the 18th century Ossetian was written in a version of the Arabic script. Then in 1844, a method of writing Ossetian with the Cyrillic alphabet was developed by an outstanding linguist Sjoegren. Between 1923 and 1937 a version of the Latin alphabet was used to write in the language, and since 1938 the Cyrillic alphabet has been used.

From deep Antiquity (since the 7th–8th centuries BC), the languages of the Iranian group were spread on a vast territory including present-day Iran (Persia), Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Ossetian is the sole survivor of the northeastern branch of the Iranian languages known as Scythian. The Scythian group included numerous tribes, known in ancient sources as the Scythians, Massagetae, Saka, Sarmatians, Alans and Roxolans. Ossetian is one of the main Iranian languages with a sizable community of speakers in the Caucasus. It has descended from Alanic, the language of the Alans, medieval tribes emerging from the earlier Sarmatians. It is believed to be the only surviving descendant of the Sarmatian language. Ossetian has a plural formed by the suffix - ta, a feature it shares with Yaghnobi, Sarmatian and the now-extinct Sogdian; this is taken as evidence of a formerly wide-ranging Iranian-language dialect continuum on the Central Asian steppe. The names of ancient Iranian tribes (as transmitted through Ancient Greek) in fact reflect this pluralization, e.g. Saromatae (Σαρομάται) and Masagetae (Μασαγέται).

Active vocabulary

antiquity – античность

belong to – принадлежать

dialect – диалект

distribute – распространять

feature – особенность, характерная черта

include – включать

independent – независимый

language – язык

family of languages – языковая семья

survive – выжить

surviving descendant – выживший потомок

thus – таким образом

vast – обширный


I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II. Выпишите из текста глаголы в страдательном залоге. Переведите их на русский и осетинский языки. Сравните способы образования страдательного залога в трех языках, укажите сходство и различия.

III. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Обратите внимание на вид, время и залог сказуемого. Какие глаголы соответствуют вспомогательному глаголу to be в осетинском языке, в каких случаях?

1. Чиныг фыст у.

2. Чиныг фыст уыдис.

3. Чиныг фыст уыдзæн.

4. Чиныг фыст цæуы.

5. Чиныг фыст цыди.

6. Чиныг фыст цæудзæн.

IV. Переведите текст на английский язык.


Осетинский язык – это лестница-чудесница, с помощью которой мы с кавказских вершин сквозь тысячелетия видим прародину современного индоевропейского мира – Арию, а с высоты скифских курганов можем взойти на Вавилонскую башню и заглянуть в египетские пирамиды.

Амурхан Торчинов

ancestral home – прародина

barrow – курган

(tower of) Babel – Вавилонская башня

V. Переведите высказывание на английский язык.

Ирон æвзаг у, хъуыдыйы æмæ æнкъарæнты тæккæ лыстæгдæр æмæ уæздандæр фæзилæнтæ равдисынмæ чи арæхсы, ахæм æнæаипп, рæвдз æмæ коммæгæс хотых.

Абайты Васо


VI. Переведите текст с осетинского на английский язык.

Зындгонд уырыссаг ахуыргонд Всеволод Федоры фырт Мил­лер бауарзта Ирыстон æмæ суанг йæ амæлæты онг иртæста ирон адæмы истори æмæ этнографи, дзургæ сфæлдыстад æмæ æвзаг.

Миллер куыста Мæскуыйы университеты æмæ уым рагон къух-фыстытай базыдта, скифты æмæ сæрмæтты байзæддæгтæ Кавказы хæхты кæй цæрынц, уый.

Миллер Ирыстоны уыдис цалдæр хатты æмæ уыцы балцыты фæстæ ныммыхуыр кодта бирæ наукон куыстытæ ирон дзургæ сфæлдыстадæй, æгъдæуттæ, æвзаг æмæ историйæ...


VII.Напишите сочинение на английском языке на тему «Ossetian Language: Past and Present».


Learning Foreign Languages

It is known that people have been learning foreign languages for thousands of years. In the 12-th century the French language was learnt in many countries of Europe. In the 16-th century Europe began to study the German language. Throughout the history of the mankind people needed some second language to understand each other.

Nowadays, the English language is the most widespread in the world. Nearly 400 million people speak English as a mother language. The English language has become a world language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. It is the language of computer technology. Half of the world scientific journals are in English. It is absolutely necessary for a good specialist in any country to be able at least to read English. If you know English, you can talk to people of any nationality, and can get necessary information anywhere in the world. Besides, the English language is the language of great literature. William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Show, they all wrote their books in English. A lot of modern literature and many new films in English come out every year. If you know English, you can understand them without translation. No wonder that most educated people speak English fluently. Today, one person in seven of the world's population either knows English or learns it. It is one of 7 international languages, one of 6 languages of the United Nations, common language of NATO, aviation language and the first language of international sport. English is an official language of UK, America, Canada, Australia and other English-speaking countries.

Active vocabulary

at least – по крайней мере

besides – кроме того

educated – образованный

English-speaking – англоязычный

fluently – бегло

French (language) – французский язык

German (language) – немецкий язык

half – половина

journal – журнал

mother language – родной язык

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) – НАТО (Североатлантический союз)

necessary – необходимый

no wonder – неудивительно

science – наука

scientific – научный

United Nations (UN) – ООН (Организация Объединенных Наций)


I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II. Прочтите текст и найдите ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What was the most popular language in the 12-th century in many countries of Europe?

2. What is the most widespread language in the world?

3. How many people speak English as a mother language?

4. What is the language of international sport?

5. What is the official language of Australia?

6. What other languages of the world do you know?


III. Назовите страну, о которой идет речь. На каком языке говорят в этой стране?

It is situated in Western Europe. It borders on France. The head of the country is the King. Picasso was born in this country.


IV. Отметьте предложение, которое не выражает отнесенность к будущему.

1. I intend to stay in Britain for a few days.

2. We are going to have a talk with her.

3. You'll be reading about two people.

4. They will buy a new car soon.

5. If he comes, ring me up.

6. I think we're flying over the ocean.

7. When are you flying to New York?

8. He will ring me up one of these days.

9. We have three examinations in spring.


V. Переведите текст с осетинского на английский язык.

Адæймаг XXI æнусы цавæр хъуамæ уа, ууыл ахъуыды кодтай?

Цæмæй хицæн кæндзæн, раздæр чи цард, уыцы адæмæй?

Дæ нацийы культурæйы хæдбындурдзинад бахъахъхъæныны сæраппонд дæхæдæг цæттæ дæ тæссаг хъуыддæгтæй йæ бахизынмæ?

Кæд - гъо, уæд дæ зæрдыл бадар:

Дæ зонд æнæрынцойæ наукæ æмæ зонындзинæдтæм араз, ууыл дæ къух ма сис дæ царды фæстаг бонтæм.

(Мамсыраты Таймураз «Дæ мæсыг самай»)


VI. Переведите текст с английский на русский и осетинский языки.

People can go on learning until they are eighty or ninety. There is really no age limit. I know a woman who is at least fifty and she is learning a foreign language. People are never too old to learn. It really is true that we can go on learning until the day we die.


Find questions for these answers:

1. Until they are eighty or ninety.

2. NO, there really isn’t.

3. At least fifty.

4. A foreign language.

5. No, they are never too old.

6. Yes, it really is true.



Ossetia: Modern


The Nature of Ossetia – magnificent and unique

The nature of Northern Ossetia is magnificent and unique. A splashing stream of Midagrabin Waterfall, dignified immovable flow of the “ice river”; a Karaughom glacier, mysterious «Grotto of the Black knight»... Ossetia is an open-air museum, filled with numerous historical- architectural exhibits like cave stockades, ruins of medieval guard walls and towers, temples, camps of prehistoric people discovered by archeologists and multiple traces of Coban culture. Several millenniums this place was a crossroad for many migrating nations, and each one has left its traces on this ancient land. Those who are fond of great outdoors will sure love North Ossetia. They will be able to find trails to any taste here. One could just range through the woods with a backpack on his shoulders, or climb the mountains, or explore dark and mysterious labyrinths of caves, or, if he's a risk lover, take kayak or canoe and go down the rivers Terek or Urukh. North Ossetia has unique natural and climatic environment. More than half of the territory of the Republic is occupied by high mountains, rich in deciduous and coniferous woods, as well as alpine pastures. The beauty of North Ossetian mountains attracts tourists from many countries, for they have the opportunity of hunting, mountain climbing, trekking and skiing.

Its mountains and plains boast more than 250 health-giving mineral and drinking water springs that produce over 15,000 cubic metres of liquid a day. Ossetia’s mineral waters have unique balneological properties owing to their unmatched chemical and gas content beneficial for the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the locomotive system, skin, and respiratory organs, and are effective against many diseases. The Alania National Park and the North Ossetian State Reserve are famous for their vast diversity of plants and animals. Hiking and mountain climbing camps are conveniently sited in the clean environment of the high mountains, which have enough snow to lure downhill skiers in all seasons.

Being rich in many mineral resources, North Ossetia has major deposits of lead, dolomite, natural gas, oil. The still unexploited estimated deposits of oil make some 35 000 000 tons. Very promising for their commercial exploitation in the future are Ossetian mineral and table waters with their unique curative properties and taste.

The republic is crossed by two major roads - the Georgian Military Road (a name it has kept since the mid-19th century during Russia’s penetration to the Caucasus) and the Trans-Caucasus Railroad, both heading toward the republics across the Caucasus Range. As a frontier area of the Russian Federation, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania can beneficially use its geographic situation by setting up a large international freight terminal and developing a network of motor roads and modern communications.


I. Read and translate the text.

II. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Mineral Waters

There are 250 springs of 10 types of _________ and mineral water, which highly effective tonic and __________ characteristics. In spite of their unique features and __________ composition, only a few of them have been commercially __________. In this respect North Ossetia-Alania is a unique area, having a great future __________ of it. North-Ossetian mineral waters can be rightfully named among the world’s _________. Their qualitative variety and ________ are amazing. This is a golden __________ for major western bottling _________ and importers.

(exploited, curative, table, chemical, ahead, opportunity, best, companies, taste).


III. Write a short essay on one of the following topics:

1. The flora & fauna of the republic.

2. The archeological and historical monuments of North Ossetia-Alania.

3. The development of the republic due to its magnificent nature and geographical location.


Unit II


Ossetia -Alania is one of the most industrially developed Republics of the former USSR, abounding in a variety of mineral resources. About 140 enterprises of the Republic are successfully engaged in the production of metal, glassware, building materials, electronic devices and components, electric bulbs, garments, food industry ingredients and foodstuffs, medical equipment, tools, gas stoves, liquor, polymer products, electrical equipment for vehicles, gasoline, and other products. North-Ossetian enterprises are engaged in the extraction and processing of zink, lead, dolomite, sulpheric acid, oil, gold, silver, cadmium, natural gas and other mineral resources.

Owing to its strategic geographic location, linking the southern regions of Russia with the Transcaucasian states, North Ossetia -Alania can benefit from the numerous opportunities afforded by this geographic position, making it the future center for commercial activity in a region.

The republic’s mountains are not for fun only. Apart from their recreational facilities that are expected to bring benefit in the next few years, they are important, in the long term, for the republic’s own economy and that of Russia as a whole. The border area outlined by the Caucasus Range is a focus of attraction for metal and construction industries because of its rich deposits of natural building materials (such as marble, granite, clay, sand, gravel, and dolomite) and complex ores containing chiefly zinc and lead. The area also holds a considerable promise of oil and water power. The republic’s future power generating capacities are also closely tied to deployment of small-size water power plants that are more profitable to operate and provide steady power supply in remote rural areas, campsites and health resorts. The republic gets its light from inside the mountains, they say. And right they are.

The Republic has abundant mineral resources and its numerous mountain rivers serve as an important source of electric power. The government is working on the project «Oil of Ossetia». Fulfillment of the project will allow the extraction of up to 98,000 tons of crude oil and 27,400,000 m3 of gas annually. Unexploited prospected deposits make up 35,000,000 tons of crude oil.

The dolomite deposit is one of the largest high quality deposits in the world. 93% of the total requirement for glass making, metallurgy and building industries in the CIS is covered by this deposit. Lead and zinc ores have been extracted in the mountains of North Ossetia for over 100 years.

There are 250 springs of 10 types of table and mineral water with highly effective tonic and curative characteristics. In spite of their unique features and chemical composition, only a few of them have been commercially exploited. More than 130 industrial enterprises of the Republic produce lead, zinc, dolomite, sulphuric acid, electric bulbs, glassware, refractory metals and polymer items. These products are exported to all states of the Commonwealth of Independent States and many countries of the world.

«Electrozinc» and «Pobedit», situated in Vladikavkaz, are among the largest non-ferrous metallurgy plants in Russia. Zinc and lead are the main products of «Electrozinc» plant. Other metals, such as cadmium, bismuth, silver, gold and indium are also extracted. «Pobedit» plant produces metallic tungsten, tungsten wire, metallic rhenium, metallic molybdenum and various hard alloys.

«Polymer» group of industrial and research enterprises is engaged in the development and production of materials and devices for electronics industry, using the most sophisticated technologies.

Beslan Maiz Plant is the largest producer of starch and molasses in the CIS. Starch, molasses, dextrin, glucose and corn oil are exported to all states and republics of the CIS and Russian Federation and many other countries of the world.

The Republic has an international airline of its own - «Alania Airlines».

The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania also boasts quite a developed agricultural sector, based primarily on meat and dairy cattle-raising and other kinds of animal husbandry (such as for example, sheep-breeding) which is determined by the land's having excellent natural conditions for the successful functioning of this branch of agriculture. Eight districts of the Republic are primarily engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and the processing of produce. Ossetia is a unique country for mountain sheep and goat breeding. There is an area of 100,000 hectares of ecologically clean alpine pastures. Farmers cultivate the best hybrid elite brands of corn seeds. Wheat, corn, barley, and other crops are grown by Ossetian farmers. The recent experiments have shown that there are perfect conditions in the Republic for such rare branches of agriculture as the cultivation of cotton and trout-breeding.

The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, a part of the Southern Federal Area, is an equal partner among the 89 members of the Russian Federation, which are united in a common economic community within the country’s borders.


I. Skim the text & dwell on the following items:

1. The natural resources of North-Ossetia – Alania.

2. The strategic geographical location of the republic.

3. The opportunities for commercial activity in Ossetia.

4. North-Ossetia’s agriculture.

5. The place of the republic among the members of the Russian Federation.


II. Read and translate the text in a written form.

III. Fill in the blanks, using words & expressions from the text.

1. The republic holds a considerable _________ of oil & water power.

2. The republic has abundant mineral _________.

3. The dolomite _________ is one of the largest in the world.

4. The _________ of its industry are exported to all states of the CIS and many countries of the world.

5. “Beslan Maiz Plant” is the largest _________ of starch and molasses in the CIS.

6. Eight districts of the Republic are primarily _________ in agriculture.

7. North-Ossetia – Alania is an equal _________ among the 89 members of the RF.


IV.Write an essay “My Vision of the Economic Development of the Republic”.




The Ossets are the descendants of the medieval Alania. The Alans - Ossets preserved the linguistic and ethnic treasure of their ancestors, their traditional ethnic culture. In the religious - cultural conception of the Alans - Ossets ancient common Indo - European ideas of the universe as a Sacred World Tree (World Mountain) prevailed.


At the top of the Tree is Father God - the divine solar rider, and there is Mother Goddess, who nourishes and warms up the roots of the tree - The Earth. The symbolism of these elements, their inner interconnection is revealed in the animalistic style, and, consequently, it formed the traditional Ossetic ornaments. On the other hand the Ossetic ornamental culture is the successor of the Koban Culture, which existed on the territory of North and South Ossetia three thousand years ago. This culture left marvelous bronze objects for us. The discovery of these bronze objects at the end of the nineteenth century was equal to the discovery of Troy.


The sacral symbolism of the Koban ornamental culture is similar to Indo - Iranian system of notifying the ancient Cosmos and in many ways has analogy with the Skythian and the traditional Ossetic visual plastic arts. Another question arises - what gave birth to this visual figurativeness, which preserved its structural principles without changing.

The answer is in the mentality of ancient peoples. The animalistic style not only decorated the space of the material culture of an ancient man, it also produced in itself the sacred texts of his universe, explaining and protecting with it its spiritual world. From generation to generation folk masters - carvers on stone and wood, blacksmiths, skillful seamstresses of thick felt, leather and gold thread transferred these patterns to the pieces of art as sacred symbols of the world. The last of these masters were folk sculptor Soslan Edziev and Aminat Chekhoeva, who left rich artistic inheritance


The art of the first professional Ossetian artists originated from these ethno - cultural roots and contributed to the European culture of the twentieth century. One of them is Makharbek Tuganov, the apprentice of the famous Munich teacher Anton Ashbe, the friend of Yevlensky and Kandinsky. He tried to defend the ideas of neo - primitivism and expressionism in the country of the social realism.

The Ossetian fine arts didn't lose connection with the traditional folk culture and it gives the unique environment for the original images nowadays. Modern art culture of Ossetia got back to its archaic token, naive form of the folk traditions, processing it into a new, modern visual style. Today alongside with the well - known trends in modern art, neo-primitivism, expressionism, romantic surrealism, new artistic trends and technologies, installations and performances appear. The artists of Ossetia try to speak to the world in the language clear for the modern art and they speak by means of the spiritual texts of their ethnic culture and it makes their art really valuable.

(From Valery Tsagarayev)


I. Read and translate the text.

II. Complete the following sentences.

1. The sacral symbolism of the Koban ornamental culture is similar to …

2. The art of the first professional Ossetian artists originated from…

3. The Ossetian fine arts didn’t lose connection with …

4. Modern art culture of Ossetia got back to …

5. The artists of Ossetia try to speak by means of …


III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and postverbal adverbs wherever necessary.

1. Today alongside___________ the well-known trends in modern art, new artistic trends appear.

2. The destiny of the Ossetian fine arts doesn’t differ much ________ the destiny of the Russian art.

3. ________ generation __________ generation folk masters transferred _______ the patterns to the pieces of art.

4. The symbolism of these elements is revealed __________ the animalistic style.

5. __________ the top of the Tree Father God is the divine solar rider.


IV. What do you know about the contemporary Ossetian visual arts? Summarize it in a short essay.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 184 | Нарушение авторских прав

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