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The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Читайте также:
  1. A Northland Miracle
  3. Chapter 8 ...in which Christopher Robin leads an expotition to the north pole
  4. Conversational Topic: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  5. Czech Republic


Unit I

My Family

I am Boris Ivanov. Boris is my name and Ivanov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I am a student at the University. My family is not large. We are four: my father, my mother, my younger brother and I. Our family lives in Vladikavkaz. We live in a three-room flat. My mother’s name is Olga. She is a teacher of music and plays piano well. She is about 40. She looks pretty well. My father is an engineer. He is 45 years old. He is a tall and well-built man with short black hair and grey eyes. My father is fond of tennis. My mother doesn’t go in for sports. My younger brother is ten. He is a pupil of the fifth form. He has brown eyes, short straight hair. He is tall and thin. We often go to the village where our grandparents live. I love my family.

Active vocabulary

family – семья

parents – родители

mother (mom, mum, mama, mamma, mummy, ma) - мать (мама)

father (dad, daddy, papa, pa) - отец (папа)

wife – жена

husband – муж

child, children - ребенок, дети

daughter – дочь

son – сын

sister – сестра

brother – брат

grandparents – бабушка и дедушка

I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II. Переведите следующие термины родства на осетинский язык.

family, parents, mother, father, sister, brother, relatives, granddaughter, grandson, grandparents, grandmother, grandfather, cousins, uncle, aunt, wife, husband, daughter, son, nephew, niece.


III. Переведите предложения на осетинский и английский языки по образцу:

Борис – студент. - Борис у студент.- Boris is a student.

1. Зарина – учительница.

2. Зарина и Борис – студенты.

3. Ты – студент.

4. Я – осетин.

5. Мой брат увлекается теннисом.

Обратите внимание на сходство и различия функции и формы глагола «быть» в английском и осетинском языках.


IV.Переведите диалог на осетинский и английский языки. Выучите диалог наизусть.

«Ты чей сын?» - «Я (есть) сын Ивановых».

«Где ты учишься?» - «Я учусь в университете».

«Где находится ваш дом» - «Наш дом находится в центре Владикавказа».

V. Переведите текст с осетинского на английский язык.

Нæ мыггаг у Кучитæй. Мах цæрæм Дзæуджыхъæуы. Нæ бинонтæ бирæ не сты: мæ мад, мæ фыд, мæ хо æмæ æз. Мæ фыд у инже­нер, кусы заводы, мæ мад та - дуканийы. Мæ хо ахуыр кæны Медицинон академийы. Мæ ном у Зæринæ. Цæуы мыл æвддæс азы æмæ ахуыр кæнын Цæгат Ирыстоны паддзахадон универси­теты филологон факультеты. Æз уарзын нæ бинонтæ.

VI. Напишите рассказ о вашей семье на осетинском и английском языках. Сделайте короткое сообщение в аудитории.

VII. Ответьте на следующие приветствия и переведите диалог на английский язык:

– Уæ бон хорз!
– Байрай!
– Дæ райсом хорз!
– Хæрзбонтæ кæнут!
– Де ‘зæртæ хорз!


VIII. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения.

1. Are these..... coats?




2. I like that camera. I am going to buy......




3. Wait a minute. I want to have a talk with......




4. They’ve got two children, but I don’t know..... names.




5. Mary and Jim visit..... parents very often.




6. They invited..... to their party. Did they invite you?




7. Hey Melissa, where are you going to spend your vacation..... year?





8. I have teddy-bears from all over the world...... one in my hands is from Australia.




9. Who were..... two women who left your house in the morning?





10. Periodic table of chemical elements divides them into several classes. Elements in..... classes have similar properties.




11. As long as you are live in..... house you must do as I say!





Сравните системы местоимений английского, русского и осетинского языков.



My Future Profession

Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or salesmen. Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. And the problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important and difficult matter because it determines our future life in many ways. It is one of the most important decisions for every person.

As for me, I decided to be a teacher, so I entered the North Ossetian State University the faculty of Ossetian Philology. Our University is situated in the centre of Vladikavkaz.

As for subjects – we have a lot of them. They are: Ossetian Philology and Literature, English, Russian, Pedagogic, History, Physical Education and others. I find my subjects very interesting because they help me to understand the way of teaching other people and to learn some more information.

I want to be a teacher because it is a chance to fulfill my dream of teaching children. I think I possess the qualities necessary for being a good teacher. I am hard-working, kind-hearted, and broadminded. It will be a very challenging work for me – I will have to use all my knowledge, skills and imagination to find the right approach to every single student and make the process of studying as creative and interesting, as possible. So, I think that I have made the right choice.


Active vocabulary

appear – появляться

approach – подход

as for me – что касается меня

as for subjects – что касается предметов

baker – пекарь

butcher – мясник

choose – выбирать

creative – творческий

decision – решение

difficult – трудный

dream – мечта

farmer – фермер, крестьянин

fulfill – выполнять

hard-working – трудолюбивый

important – важный

job – работа

imagination – воображение

knowledge – знание

Philology – филология

possess – обладать

salesman – торговец, продавец

skill – опыт, навык


I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What were the jobs centuries ago?

2. What university did you enter?

3. Where is your University situated?

4. What subjects do you have?

5. What do you want to be?


III. Выпишите из текста слова, обозначающие профессии. Переведите их на русский и осетинский языки. Составьте с ними собственные предложения на английском языке и переведите их на осетинский язык.

IV.Переведите текст на английский язык.

Нæ адæм сæрыстыр сты Абайты Васойы наукон куыстытæй дæр. Уый æрмæст ирон æвзаг нæ иртæста, фæлæ ма иттæг хорз зыдта бирæ æндæр адæмты æвзæгтæ, фольклор æмæ историйы фæрстытæ дæр. Васойы наукон куыстыты æхсæн сты ахæм чингуытæ: «Ирон æвзаг æмæ фольклор», «Уырыссаг-ирон дзырдуат» æмæ «Ирон æвзаджы историон-этимологион дзырдуат». Дунейы ахуыргæндтæ Дзырдуаты фондз томæй алкæцыйылдæр сæмбæлдысты тынг æхсызгонæй.


V. Переведите текст на русский язык.

The Days of the Week

It is interesting to know how the days of the week came to have such names. These names are very old: people chose them long, long ago in the days when they worshipped a different god each day.

Sunday was the Sun's day and the next day was the Moon's day, or Monday. Tuesday was called after Tieu [tju:], the god of war. Wednesday was Woden's day, the highest god of the Germanic peoples. Thor was the thunder god, his day was called Thor's day, or Thursday.

His wife insisted on having a special day of her own. Her name was Freya, so her day came to be called Friday. Saturn was the Roman god of the fields, his day was Saturn's day, or Saturday.

Назовите дни недели на осетинском языке, объясните их значение.

Напишите эссе о днях недели в осетинском языке и переведите его с осетинского на английский язык.

VI. Переведите оба текста (английский и осетинский) на русский язык. Сравните названия месяцев в английском, русском и английском языках. Найдите черты сходства и различия. Обобщите свои выводы в эссе (10 предложений) на английском языке.


The English names of the months are of Latin origin. The ruler of Rome, Julius Caesar, arranged the year in six months of 31 days and six of 30 days. The first month of the year in those days was March. December was the tenth, January the eleventh and February the twelfth. It was King Charles IX of France who, in January 1563, decided that the year should begin on January 1st. January was named after Janus, the god of Time and War, February after Februs, in honour of whom, in ancient Rome, a great festival "Februa" was celebrated. March was called after Mars, the god of War. April got its name from the Latin word aperire, which means to open. It is the month when the earth opens itself and nature returns to life. May was named after the goddess Maia, the daughter of Atlas and mother of Mercury. June takes its name from Juno, the wife of Jupiter. July was named after Julius Caesar. The month of August took its name from Augustus, the first Roman emperor. September, October, Novem­ber and December are the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months in the Jullian calendar and they were given their names by the number they represent.




Ирон æвзаджы афæдзы мæйты нæмттæ арæзт сты дыгай дзырдтæй. Зæгъæм, уалдзæджы мæйты нæмттæ хуыйнынц: тæргæйтты мæй (мартьи), хуымгæнæны мæй (апрель), зæрдæвæрæны мæй (май). Фыццаг мæй афтæ схуыдтой, боныхъæд раив-баив кæй фæкæны, тæргайгæнаг адæймагау, уымæ гæсгæ. Ацы мæй ирон адæммæ вæййы цалдæр бæрæгбоны. Се стырдæртæ сты Тутыры бæрæгбон æмæ Хорыбон. Уыдон баст сты зæххы æмæ фосдарыны куыстытимæ.

Уалдзæджы дыккаг мæй у хуымгæнæны мæй. Ацы мæйæн йæ ном - йæ уæ- лæ: зæхх бахуым кæнынц раст уыцы афон. Мæйы бонтæй иуы вæййы къуту- гæнæн - хоры, зæххы куысты бæрæгбон.

Адæм фæкувынц, цæмæй сæ къутутæ æдзухдæр дзаг уой хорæй. Хъыгагæн, абон рох кæнын райдыдтой ацы бæрæгбон. Фыццаг та-иу уыцы бон сылгоймæгтæ пецты фыхтой хыссæйæ конд чысыл къутутæ æмæ -иу лæппутæ ерыс кодтой уыдон сæ кæрæдзийæ рамбулынмæ.

Уалдзæджы æртыккаг мæй та у зæрдæвæрæны мæй. Уыцы бон ног зианджынтæ фæзилынц ингæнтæм, дидинджытæ дзы фæсадзынц, нæуу сыл февæрынц. Бæрæгбоны ном баст у нæууы дыгурон формаг зæлдæимæ, ома зæлдæ æвæрынæй рауадис Зæрдæвæрæн.

Уалдзыгон бæрæгбонтæ æвдисынц ирон адæмы æнгом бастдзинад æрдзимæ, зæххимæ.


VIII. Выберите правильный вариант вспомогательного глагола.

1. ____ schools conduct classes in these languages?



2. I like tomatoes, but ____ cucumbers.

doesn’t like

don’t like

3. What business ____ he ____?



4. What______ you _____ in winter?



5. What_____ you think of this dress?



6. What______Jane's sister look like?



7. Why_ we have a game together some time?



8. How__ they get to school?



9. How often______ he go running?




Unit III


Vladikavkaz is the capital of North Ossetia-Alania. It is situated on the Terek River at the northern foot of the Caucasus. It is the starting point of the Georgian Military Road as well as an industrial centre with many plants, food-processing factories, and industries producing chemicals, motors, tractor equipment, clothing, and textiles. More than one hundred nationalities live here, the Ossetians being in majority. Founded in 1784 as a fortress, it was long the military and political center of Russia in the Caucasus. It was made the capital of the Gorskaya (Mountain People's) ASSR in 1921, which in 1936 became the North Ossetian ASSR. It was renamed Ordzhonikidze in 1932, Dzaudzhikau in 1944, again Ordzhonikidze in 1954, and once again Vladikavkaz in 1990. The famous Kazbek Peak rises just above the city. The city is one of the largest industrial, economic and cultural centres of the Northern Caucasus.


Active vocabulary

capital – столица

the Caucasus – Кавказ

centre – центр

industrial, economic and cultural centre – промышленный, экономический и культурный центр

military and political center – военный и политический центр

city – город

to be founded – быть основанным

famous (for) – известный, знаменитый

fortress - крепость

the Georgian Military Road – Военно-Грузинская дорога

North Ossetia-Alania – Северная Осетия - Алания


I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II. Переведите текст с осетинского на английский язык.


Ирыстоны бирæ горæттæ ис: Дзæуджыхъæу, Алагир, Беслæн, Дигора, æрыдон, Мæздæг. Фæлæ сæ сæйрагдæр у Дзæуджыхъæу. Дзæуджыхъæу у Ирыстоны сæйраг горæт. Дзæуджыхъæуы цæры цыппар сæдæ мин адæймагæй фылдæр. Дзæуджыхъæуы ис бирæ заводтæ æмæ алыхуызон куыстуæттæ, скъолатæ æмæ театртæ, рынчындæттæ æмæ парктæ. Горæт дынджыр кæй у, уый тыххæй адæм сæ куыстмæ фæцæуынц транспортæй. Уынгты уайынц трамвайтæ æмæ троллейбустæ, автобустæ æмæ такситæ. Фæстаг рæстæджы Дзæуджыхъæу тынг райрæзт. Арæзт дзы æрцыди бирæ бæрзонд хæдзæрттæ.

Дзæуджыхъæуы цæры бирæ алыхуызон адæмыхæттытæ: ирæттæ, уырыссæгтæ, сомихæгтæ, грекъæгтæ, тæтæйрæгтæ æмæ æндæртæ. Уыдон ардæм æрбалыгъдысты алы рæттæй. Горæты цæрджытæн се ‘ппæтæн дæр Дзæуджыхъæу сси сæ уарзон иумæйаг хæдзар.

III.Дайте краткое описание Владикавказа на осетинском и английском языках, используя данные из текстов на английском и осетинском языках.

IV.Представьте, что вы сопровождаете группу иностранных туристов. Переведите приведенные ниже вопросы и ответьте на них на осетинском и английском языках.

1. Which sights and tourist attractions would you show them?

2. Which less known architectural monuments (historical buildings) and parks would you include in your tour?

3. Which old traditions and modern developments would you mention?

V. Переведите следующие существительные на русский и осетинский языки и образуйте множественное число этих существительных.

a man, a boy, a house, a child, a wife, a tree, a plant, a mountain, a foot, a factory, a city, a nationality, a fortress, a centre, a tomato

VI. Переведите диалог на английский язык:

A.Дæ бон хорз, Алан! B. Кæй бон у, уый хорзæх дæ уæд, Ирбег!
A. Куыд дæ? B. Бузныг, ницы мын у. Дæхæдæг куыд дæ?
A.Бузныг, мæнæн дæр ницы у. Дæ фæндаг кæдæм дарыс? B. Куыстмæ цæуын. Ды та кæдæм цæуыс  

VII. Составьте пять общих вопроса к тексту. Переведите их на осетинский язык.

Unit IV


Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre. It was founded 8 centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in the year of 1147. Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about nine hundred square kilometres. The population of the city is over 9 million.

Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is the Red Square. There are a lot of beautiful palaces, old mansions, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow. There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow is famous for its theatres. The best-known of them is the Bolshoi Opera House. Drama theatres and studios are also very popular.

Moscow is a city of students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions in it, including several universities.

Moscow is the seat of the Russian Parliament (the Duma) and the centre of political life of the country.

Active vocabulary

beautiful – красивый, прекрасный

cathedral – собор

church – церковь

higher educational institution – высшее учебное заведение

monument – памятник

museum – музей

palace – дворец

population – население

the Red Square – Красная площадь

theatre –театр

total area – общая площадь

I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II.Дайте краткое описание Москвы на осетинском и английском языках.

III.Переведите следующие словосочетания на осетинский и русский языки, заменяя цифры словами.

8 centuries, 9 million, 16 museums, 57 higher educational institutions, the year of 1147


IV.Найдите общеиндоевропейские корни английских, русских и осетинских числительных.

V.Переведите следующие выражения благодарности на английский язык.

Арфæ Благодарность
Бузныг! Спасибо!
Стыр бузныг! Большое спасибо!
Арфæ дын кæнын! Благодарю Вас!
Арфæгонд у! Благодарю!
Зæрдиаг бузныг дын! Сердечное Вам спасибо!
Тынг арфæйаг дæ дæн! Я Вам очень благодарен!

VI. Составьте пять специальных вопроса к тексту. Переведите их на осетинский язык.

VII. Выберите правильное вопросительное слово.

1._____ are you thinking about?





2._____ are you doing now?




3._____ do you think of this dress?




4._____ do they get to school?




5._____ does your father go on Mondays?




6._____ didn’t you come to the lecture yesterday?




7._____ do you think of me?



How long


8.______ are they talking about?




9.______ is your friend now?




10._____ house are they building now?





Unit V


London the capital of Great Britain is situated on the Thames River. It is the largest city in Europe with a population of eight and a quarter million. It is divided into four parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.

The City is the business and commercial heart of London. Many banks, offices and firms are concentrated there. The Tower and St. Paul's Cathedral are in the centre. The Tower is about 900 years old. Many years ago it was a royal residence, then a prison. Now it is a museum. St. Paul's Cathedral is very large and fine. It was completed in 1710. The famous English architect Christopher Wren planned and built St. Paul's Cathedral.

If the City is the business part of London, Westminster is the centre of administration. We can see the Houses of Parliament there. It is a beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Westminster Abbey is opposite the Houses of Parliament. Many great Englishmen were buried in the Westminster Abbey. To the west of Westminster Abbey you can see the Buckingham Palace. It is a royal residence.

Rich people live in the West End. The best and most expensive clubs, restaurants and theatres, beautiful houses and parks are there.

The East End is the district of plants, factories, slums and docks. London is unlike any other city in the world.


Active vocabulary

building – здание

business – дело, деловой

the City – Сити

commercial – торговый, коммерческий

district – район

house – дом

the Houses of Parliament – Парламент (здания парламента)

official residence — официальная резиденция

part – часть

royal – королевский

to be situated – быть расположенным

tower – башня

Westminster Abbey – Вестминстерское аббатство

I. Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием текста.

1. The text is about…

a) the history of London

b) the best known London Parks

c) the famous people of London


2. Westminster is…

a) very large and fine

b) the business and commercial heart of London

c) the centre of administration


II. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

III. Найдите в тексте по 5 словосочетаний с неопределенным и определенным артиклем. Объясните их употребление.

IV. Дайте краткое описание Лондона на осетинском и английском языках.

V. Переведите следующие выражения речевого этикета на английский язык:

Арфæйæн дзуапп Ответы на благодарность
Табуафси! Пожалуйста!
Арфæгонд у! Не за что!
Хатыр Извинение
Хатыр! Извини!
Бахатыр кæн! Извините!
Хатыр бакæ, дæ хорзæхæй! Простите, пожалуйста!
Хъыг дæм ма фæкæсæд! Не обессудьте!
Ма мæм фæхæрам у! Не обижайтесь на меня!
Ма мæм хъыг кæн! Не сердитесь на меня!
Хатырæн дзуапп Ответы на извинение
Табуафси! Пожалуйста!
Ницы кæны! Ничего!
Ууыл ма тыхс! Не переживайте об этом!

VI. Вставьте предлоги в пробелы в предложениях, переведите их на русский и осетинский языки, обращая внимание на перевод предлогов в каждом из языков.

1. There are some shoes... the floor.





2. He's going to telephone... five о 'clock.





3. This is a nice piece … jewelry.





4. Go … reading the story. I want to know its end.





5. Millions of people were killed... World War II.





6. Grace was a daughter … a school teacher.






Unit VI

Russian Federation

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about one seventh of the earth’s surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometers. The country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic.

There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery and vegetation can be found. We have steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the east.

There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. There are several mountain chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia.

There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe’s biggest river, the Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers – the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena – flow from the south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into the Pacific Ocean.

Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world’s deepest lake (1.600 meters) is the Lake Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can count the stones on the bottom.

Russia has one-sixth of the world’s forests. They are concentrated in the European north of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East.

On the vast territory of the country there are various types of climate, from arctic in the north to subtropical in the south. In the middle of the country the climate is temperate and continental.

Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources.

Russia is a parliamentary republic. The Head of State is the President. The legislative powers are exercised by the Duma.

The capital of Russia is Moscow. It is its largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center. It is one of the oldest Russian cities.


Active vocabulary

Europe – Европа

Asia – Азия


the Arctic – Северно-Ледовитый

the Pacific – Тихий

the Atlantic – Атлантический

the Indian – Индийский

steppe – степь

plain – равнина

forest – лес

highland – возвышенность

desert – пустыня

mountain – гора

mountain chains – горные цепи

the Urals – Урал

the Caucasus – Кавказ

the Altai – Алтай

to separate – разделять

lake – озеро


arctic – арктический

subtropical – субтропический

temperate – умеренный

continental – континентальный

parliamentary republic – парламентская республика

scientific – научный


I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II. Выберите правильное местоимение:

1. She wanted to tell me … interesting.

a) somebody

b) something

c) some

d) somewhere

2. I invited my friend to … place

a) me

b) his

c) my

d) mine


3. It’s easy, you can do it ….

a) you

b) your

c) yours

d) yourself

4. I think we have met her ….

a) somebody

b) something

c) some

d) somewhere

Переведите предложения на русский и осетинский языки. Обратите внимание на местоимения, имеющие общие индоевропейские корни.

III. Найдите и выпишите из текста прилагательные в превосходной степени и переведите их на русский и осетинский языки. Употребите следующие прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени, переведите прилагательные на русский и осетинский языки.

great, rich, clear, deep, small, much, old

IV. Дайте краткое описание Российской Федерации на осетинском и английском языках.

V. Выпишите из текста причастия настоящего (Participle I) и прошедшего (Participle II) времени. Переведите их на русский и осетинский языки. Найдите сходство и различия в способах образования и функциях в предложении.

Unit VII

Great Britain

1. General

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland. The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244 square kilometres. It is the 75th place among other countries in the world. The population is over 55 million. About 80% of the population is urban. The capital of the country is London.

2. Geographical position and physical features:

The surface of Great Britain varies greatly. The northern and western part of the country is mountains and is called the Highlands. All the rest (south, east and centre) is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous parts of the country.

3. Climate

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain.

The weather in GB is very changeable. A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening and the wrong side out. The English people say: «Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather.» The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long.

The best time of the year in GB is spring (of course, it rains in spring too). The two worst months in Britain are January and February. They are cold, damp and unpleasant. Summer months are rather cold and there can be a lot of rainy days.

4. National economy

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe.

5. Political system

The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of state. But in practice it is ruled by the elected government with a Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties.


Active vocabulary

сhangeable – переменчивый, изменчивый

consist of – состоять (из)

custom – обычай

the head of state – глава государства

highly developed country – высокоразвитое государство

the House of Commons – Палата общин

the House of Lords – Палата лордов

occupy the territory – занимать территорию

population – население

spring – весна

summer – лето

tradition – традиция

weather – погода

I. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский и осетинский языки.

II. Отметьте, какое из утверждений является верным:

1) a) The Queen is the leader of the ruling party.

b) Great Britain is a monarchy.

c) The Queen of Britain is elected every four years.

2) a) Prime Minister is the head of the Parliament.

b) There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Socialist parties.

c) The English Parliament consists of two houses.


III.Выберите правильную форму глагола. Переведите предложения на русский и осетинский языки.

1. They … their parents every weekend.

a) visit

b) visits

c) shall visit

2. We … them next weekend.

a) visited

b) visit

c) shall visit

3. Every evening at 9 o’clock he … his dog for a walk.

a) is taking

b) takes

c) will take


4. What … she doing now?

a) is

b) does

c) has

5. Look out of the window. It … hard.

a) rains

b) is raining

c) will rain

IV.Переведите на английский язык следующие фразы:

Æз бадын. Æз бадтæн.

Ды бадыс. Ды бадтæ.

Уый бады. Уый бадт(ис).

Мах бадæм. Мах бадтыстæм.

Сымах бадут. Сымах бадтыстут.

Уыдон бадынц. Уыдон бадтысты.

V. Переведите диалог на английский и осетинский языки. Выучите его наизусть.

А. Как живешь?

Б. Спасибо, я живу хорошо.

А. Где учишься?

Б. Я учусь в университете.

А. Как ты учишься?

Б. Я учусь хорошо.

VI. Дайте краткое описание Великобритании на осетинском и английском языках.


The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

North Ossetia-Alania is one of the sovereign republics of the Russian Federation. It is situated on the northern slopes of the central Caucasus between two of the highest mountain peaks in Europe, Elbrous (5613 m) and Kazbeck (5047 m).

The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is an equal partner among the 89 members of the Russian Federation. The republic has an area of 8,000 square kilometres, of which 48 per cent are mountains, and a population of about 715 000. the Republic is one of the most densely populated and multinational regions of the Russian Federation. A majority of the population constitute the Ossetians, although the ethnic composition of the population is very diverse at the present time some 100 nations are known to reside in the Republic. The capital of the Republic is the city of Vladikavkaz. The republic is crossed by two major roads the Georgian Military Motor Road and the Trans-Caucasus Road.

Since before recorded history, North Ossetia-Alania has been the crossroads of the main Caucasus routes and a bridge between Transcaucasus and Europe. Due to its strategic geographical position, North Ossetia-Alania has always been the subject of dispute for all the great empires. The Great Silk Route passed through the Alan kingdom, from which Ossetia inherited its ethnic and cultural traditions. During the times of II-I millennia BC one of the oldest cultures of the world the Coban culture was formed on the territory of modern Ossetia. ”The Narts” cultural literature, known worldwide, has been a witness to the culture and ways of life, social and economic structure, traditions, habits and religious beliefs of the Ossettes for thousands of years.

Being a constituent Republic of the Russian Federation, North Ossetia-Alania has a President and Parliament of its own.

North Ossetia is a highly developed industrial republic. A high concentration of labour and important industries such as non-ferrous metallurgy, electronics, chemical industries, machine building, starch and molasses production and food processing determine the significance of the Republic among the CIS countries and Russian Federation.

Higher education is provided by four state higher educational institutions, these are the North-Ossetian State University after K. Khetagurov, the North-Caucasian State Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Mountaineers' State Agrarian University, and the North-Ossetian State Medical Academy. Besides there are a number of private institutions of higher learning in the republic. Today there are more than 500 students per 10000 people in the Republic. At the same time, there are a number of international students studying in Ossetia-Alania.

Apart from the higher educational institutions, there exist a number of vocational technical schools in North Ossetia.

Ossetian, Russian and Digor theatres of drama, the Musical Theatre, the folk theatre ”Arvaidan”, the Equestrian Theatre ”Narts”, the only one of its kind, the State Folk Dance Ensemble ”Alan”, the Choreographic Ensemble ”Art” and the Symphonic Orchestra and choir and many other professional groups are very successful. There are many museums, cultural clubs, cinemas and public libraries in the republic.

The strategic geographic position, the highly developed industrial sector, the country's beautiful nature and the industry of its people favour well for the future of the land.

The Republic North Ossetia with its multi-ethnic, hospitable and industrious people, advanced industry and agriculture, vast scientific and cultural potential is rightfully recognized as one of the most developed republics of the Russian Federation.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 258 | Нарушение авторских прав

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