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IV. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Translate.

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  3. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  4. A Read the text again quickly and complete sentences 1-6.
  5. A) Complete each gap with missing phrase from the box below
  6. A) Complete each gap with missing phrase from the box below.
  7. A) Complete the conversation with a phrase from the box
■ indent ■spell checker ■ toolbar ■ word wrap ■ font ■ thesaurus ■ WYSIWYG ■ justification ■ mail merging


1. A … consist of three elements: typeface, type style and type size; for example Arial bold at 9 points. 2. When you get to the end of each line, the word processor starts a new line automatically. This feature is called …. 3. A … program can be used to rectify accidental spelling mistakes and typing errors. 4. Many word processors include a … so you can look for words with similar meanings. 5. The … contains a row of icons that perform particular actions when clicked. 6. An … is the distance between the beginning of a line and the left margin, or the end of a line and the right margin. 7. Indented text is usually narrower than the text without …. 8. … enables you to combine two files, one containing names and addresses and the other containing a standard letter. 9. … stands for ‘What you see is what you get’. It means that your printout will precisely match what you see on the screen.

V. Render the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Текстовые редакторы предназначены для работы с текстовыми файлами в интерактивном режиме. Они позволяют просматривать содержимое текстовых файлов и производить над ними различные действия — вставку, удаление и копирование текста, контекстный поиск и замену, сортировку строк, просмотр кодов символов и конвертацию кодировок, печать и т. п.

2. Условно выделяют два типа редакторов.

3. Первый тип ориентирован на работу с последовательностью символов в текстовых файлах.

4. Популярные текстовые редакторы первого типа:

• Notepad - входит в состав Microsoft Windows.

• GNU nano - свободный редактор для текстового режима.

• EditPlus - текстовый редактор для Windows, предназначенный для программирования и веб-разработки.

• Texter - текстовый редактор для Windows.

5. Второй тип текстовых редакторов имеет расширенные функции форматирования текста, внедрения в него графики и формул, таблиц и объектов.

6. Такие редакторы часто называют текстовыми процессорами и предназначены они для создания различного рода документов, от личных писем до официальных бумаг.

7. Текстовый процессор - одна из первых программ, устанавливаемых на жестком диске. Еще не забыты времена MS DOS и российского продукта Лексикон. Но времена меняются, графический интерфейс стал стандартом, и новые продукты прочно оккупировали наши системы. В первую очередь, MS Word. Слово "Word" стало практически нарицательным. "Сделайте документ в Word" - требует строгий начальник. В объявлениях о приеме на работу часто встречаются строки "Знание ПК: Windows, Word". Порой, начинает казаться, что MS Word - это единственная программа, в которой можно разрабатывать текстовые документы.

8. Популярные текстовые процессоры (текстовые редакторы второго типа):

• Microsoft Word; • WordPad - входит в состав MS Windows; • OpenOffice.org Writer;

• AbiWord; • Atlantis Word Processor.



I. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verbs (Active or Passive).

A. 1. We (to look) for this information in the Internet now. This information (to look) for by everybody now. 2. The seminar (to follow) a great number of lectures. A great number of lectures (to follow) by the seminar. 3. You can (to rely) on this scientist’s thesis. This scientist’s thesis can (to rely) upon. 4. Scientists (to look) for new ways for the improvement of integrated circuits technology now. New ways for the improvement of integrated circuit technology (to look) for by scientists now. 5. This scientist’s thesis often (to refer) to. I often (to refer) to this scientist’s thesis. 6. I (to do) a backup copy of these files already. A backup copy of these files (to do) already.

B. 1. Who (to design) a flatbed scanner? 2. Who a flatbed scanner (to design) by? 3. They (to tell) yesterday that the experiments with a new type of ergonomic keyboard (to finish). 4. When I (to come), they (to surf) the Net. 5. Dictionaries may not (to use) at the examination. 6. Barcode scanner (to use) in shops. 7. She (to tell) that the Trojan (to provide) a remote hacker with access to her computer. 8. The resolution of a scanner (to measure) in dpi or dots per inch. 9. We (to tell) to wait because the man (to interview) in the office. 10. After I (to click) the mouse button twice, the file (to open). 11. Before the transistor (to invent), its function (to perform) by vacuum tubes. 12. I (to tell) that a new type of spyware (to detect). 13. The photos (to retouch) by Helen yesterday. 14. Who this e-mail (to send) by? 15. When we (to come), we (to see) that she (to make) fun of. 16. If the weather (to be) fine tomorrow, the children (to take) to the country. 17. After he (to come), he (to tell) the truth about the problems with the computer. 18. The exams (to follow) by holidays. 19. How these calculations (to make)? 20. When this file (to download)? 21. After he (to spend) many hours surfing the Web, he (to have) a bad headache. 22. The results of data processing can (to rely) on. 23. This ergonomic keyboard much (to speak) about. 24. When John (to come), Ann (to prepare) audiovisual presentation on her laptop.

TEXT 4. Databases

With a database you can store, organize and retrieve a large collection of related information on computer. If you like, it is the electronic equivalent of an indexed filing cabinet. Let us look at some features and applications.

• Information is entered on a database via fields. Each field holds a separate piece of information, and the fields are collected together into records. For example, a record about an employee might consist of several fields which give their name, address, telephone number, age, salary and length of employment with the company. Records are grouped together into files which hold large amounts of information. Files can easily be updated: you can always change fields, add new records or delete old ones. With the right database software, you are able to keep track of stock, sales, market trends, orders, invoices and many more details that can make your company successful.

• Another feature of database programs is that you can automatically look up and find records containing particular information. You can also search on more than one field at a time. For example, if a managing director wanted to know all the customers that spend more than £7,000 per month, the program would search on the name field and the money field simultaneously.

A computer database is much faster to consult and update than a card index system. It occupies a lot less space, and records can be automatically sorted into numerical or alphabetical order using any field.

The best packages also include networking facilities which add a new dimension of productivity to businesses. For example, managers of different departments can have direct access to a common database, which represent an enormous advantage. Thanks to security devices, you can share part of your files on a network and control who sees the information. Most aspects of the program can be protected by user-defined passwords. For example, if you wanted to share an employee’s personal details, but not their commission, you could protect the commission field. In short, a database manager helps you control the data you have at home, in the library or in your business.

Study the following words and expressions:

1) to retrieve – находить, изымать, восстанавливать 2) related information – соответствующая информация 3) indexed – индексированный 4) filing cabinet – картотечный блок (базы данных) 5) piece of information – информационная составляющая, часть информации 6) to employ – нанимать на работу 7) employer - работодатель 8) employee – работник 9) employment - работа 10) salary – жалование, оклад, заработная плата (служащего) 11) to keep track of – вести учет, отслеживать 12) stock – ассортимент (товара)
13) invoice – смета, расчет, накладная, учет, счет-фактура 14) managing director – генеральный директор, директор-распорядитель 15) card index – картотека 16) dimension – размер, величина 17) productivity – производитель-ность, результативность 18) businesses – предприятия 19) user-defined – задаваемый пользователем, заданный пользователем, пользовательский 20) layout – размещение, компоновка 21) to share – коллективно (совместно) использовать 22) commission - комиссионное вознаграждение


I. Decide if the sentences are true or false.

1. Information is entered on a database via records. 2. Records are grouped together into files. 3. A card index system is much faster to consult and update than a computer database. 4. A great advantage for managers of different departments is that they have direct access to a common database. 5. Database program can be protected by related information. 6. If you want to share your personal commission, you can protect the commission field.


II. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Translate.

■passwords ■ field ■ layout ■ merging ■ record ■ sorted ■ updated ■ security devices ■ database

1. In order to personalize a standard letter you can use ‘mail …’ (a technique which consists of combining a database with a document made with a word processor). 2. Records can be automatically … into any order. 3. You can decide how many fields you want to have on a …. 4. Files can easily be … by adding new information or deleting the old one. 5. Most aspects of the program can be protected by user-defined …. 6. Thanks to …, you can share part of your files on a network and control who sees the information. 7. A … program can be used to store, organize and retrieve information of any kind. 8. The … of the records can be designed by the user. 9. Each piece of information is given in a separate ….

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a database? 2. How is information entered on a database? 3. What does each field hold? 4. What does ‘updating’ a file mean? 5. What are the advantages of a database program over a manual filing system? 6. How can access to a common database be protected?

IV. Render the following text from Russian into English:

При компьютерной обработке информации упорядоченные данные хранятся в базах данных - особых файлах, которые позволяют пользователю, как просматривать необходимую информацию, так и, по мере необходимости, манипулировать ею, например, добавлять, изменять, копировать, удалять, сортировать и т.д.

Пожалуй, одним из самых банальных (common) примеров баз данных может быть записная книжка с телефонами ваших знакомых. Наверное, у вас есть сейчас или когда-либо была эта полезная вещь. Этот список фамилий владельцев телефонов и их телефонных номеров, расположенных в вашей записной книжке в алфавитном порядке, представляет собой, вообще говоря, проиндексированную базу данных. Использование индекса - в данном случае фамилии (или имени) позволяет вам достаточно быстро отыскать требуемый номер телефона.


I. Open the brackets using the correct forms of the verbs (Conditional Sentences). Translate the sentences.

Model A: If I (to have) a printer, I (to print) out this report myself. - If I had a printer, I should print out this report myself.

1. If I (to know) the password, I (to give) it to you. 2. If we (to work) better, we (to sell) more goods. 3. If I (to know) English, I (to tell) you what the email says. 4. If I (to be) you, I (not to ask) him about his commission. 5. If we (to buy) a new computer, we (to decide) this problem much better. 6. If he (to have) a back-up copy of his report, he (not to be) so upset. 7. If he (to live) near his work, he (to be) never late. 8. If his English (to be) good, he (to read) English books in the original. 9. If we (to have) this new system, we (to contact) him right now. 10. If I (to want), I (can) do this work rather quickly.

Model B: If I (to take) a taxi yesterday, I (to be) there in time. - If I had taken a taxi yesterday, I should have been there in time.

1. If you (to call) my office last Monday, I (to tell) you where to find his address. 2. If we (to sign) this contract in January, we (to start) shipments in May. 3. If we (to reduce) our prices on that mobile phone, we (to sell) much more than we had planned. 4. If I (to get) to my office in time yesterday, I (to type) the letter myself. 5. If he (to surf) the Net days and nights, he (to develop) RSI long ago. 6. He (not to pass) the exam if he (not to work) hard. 7. If you (not to interfere), they (to forget) all about it in an hour. 8. If he (not to use) his mobile when driving, he (not to meet) with the accident.


II. Open the brackets using the correct forms of the verbs. Translate the sentences.

1. If we (to be) an international company, we (to send) emails to our offices all over the world. 2. She is upset. Her computer has been compromised. - If I (to be) her, I (to feel) the same. 3. It (to be) very nice, if it (to be) only possible. 4. If I (to be) you, I (to read) the computer manual in original. 5. If I (to know) more about computer viruses, I (to protect) my files by an antivirus program. 6. If they (to have) the right qualifications, they (to be) able to apply for better jobs. 7. The whole machine (to fall) to pieces if you (to remove) that screw. 8. The accident (not to happen) if you (to be) more attentive. 9. If you (to want) to share an employee’s personal details, but not their commission, you (can) protect the commission field.

TEXT 5. Types of Graphics Software

Computer graphics are pictures created, changed or processed by computers. There are two categories.

1. Bitmapped graphics represent images as bitmaps; they are stored as pixels and can become a bit distorted when they are manipulated. The density of dots, known as the resolution and expressed in dots per inch, determines how sharp the image is.

2. Vector graphics represent images as mathematical formulae, so they can be changed or scaled without losing quality. They are ideal for high-resolution output.

There are different types of graphics software.

• Image manipulation programs let you edit your favourite images. For example, you can scan a picture into your PC or transfer a photo from your camera and then add different effects, or filters.

Painting and drawing programs, also called illustration packages, offer facilities for freehand drawing, with a wide choice of pens and brushes, colours and patterns. One example is Windows Paint.

Business graphics programs, also called presentation software, let you create pie charts, bar charts and line graphs of all kinds for slide shows and reports. You can import data from a database or spreadsheet to generate the graphs. (Spreadsheets, or worksheets, are mathematical tables which show figures in rows and columns. A spreadsheet program helps you manage personal and business finances.)

Computer-aided design (CAD) is used by engineers and architects to design everything from cars and planes to buildings and furniture. First they make a wireframe, a drawing with edges and contour lines. Then if they want to colour the objects and add texture, they create a surface for the object; this is called ‘filling the surface’. Finally, the design is rendered to make the object look realistic. Rendering is a process that adds realism to graphics by using shading, light sources and reflections.

Desktop publishing (DTP) is based around a page layout program, which lets you import text from a word processor, clip-art (ready-made pictures) from graphics packages, and images from scanners or cameras, and arrange them all on a page. It is used to design and publish books, newspapers, posters, advertisements, etc.

Digital art, or computer art, is done with applets that use mathematical formulae to create beautiful bright shapes called fractals. A fractal is a geometric figure with special properties, e.g. the Koch snowflake or the Mandelbrot set. Fractals can also be used to model real objects like clouds, coastlines or landscapes.

Computer animation uses graphics program (e.g. digital cartooning systems) to create or edit moving pictures. Each image in a sequence of images is called a ‘frame’.

Geographic information systems (GIS) allow cartographers to create detailed maps.

Study the following words and expressions:

1) bitmapped graphics – растровая графика 2) bitmap – растр, побитовое отображение, растровое изображение 3) to distort – деформировать, иметь эффект деформации 4) density – плотность, интенсивность 5) to scale – масштабировать, изменять масштаб 6) facilities – средства 7) freehand – от руки, сделанный от руки 8) pie charts – круговая диаграмма, секторная диаграмма 9) bar chart – столбиковая диаграмма 10) slide show – слайдовая презентация 11) spreadsheet - динамическая таблица, программа табличных расчетов, электронная таблица 12) worksheet – рабочая таблица 13) computer-aided design (CAD) – автоматизированное проекти-рование, система автоматизи-рованного проектирования 14) row [rau] – ряд 15) wireframe – каркас, каркасное представление (пространственное модели)
16) contour ['kontuə] - контур, контурный 17) texture – текстура (изображения), детализация поверхности объекта 18) to render – выполнять, преобразовывать (для просмотра), воспроизводить 19) rendering – визуализация, представление, передача 20) shading – построение теней, затушевывание, ретушь 21) reflection – тень, пятно, отблеск, отсвет 22) desktop publishing – настольная издательская система, настольная типография 23) page layout program – программа компоновки страниц, электронная система вёрстки полос 24) poster – афиша, плакат 25) advertisement – реклама 26) clip-art – иллюстративная вставка, фрагмент изображения, графический элемент 27) digital art – компьютерная графика 28) applet – прикладная мини-программа 29) fractal – фрактал (лат. fractus — дроблёный, сломанный, разбитый) 30) Koch snowflake – снежинка Коха 31) Mandelbrot set – множество Мандельброта 32) geographic information system (CIS) – географическая информационная система, геоинформационная система (ГИС), система обработки географической информации


I. Decide which type of graphics software is best for these users.

1) a person who wants to edit photos at home; 2) an economist who wants to present statistics in a form that can be easily understood; 3) engineers who need to design the interior and exterior of a new airplane; 4) a company which needs to design and publish a magazine; 5) an artist who wants to produce illustrations and freehand drawings for a book; 6) an organization that needs to make maps and 3D virtual models of the surface of the Earth; 7) computer animators who make movies like Toy Story and Shrek; 8) a mathematician who wants to make fractal shapes of natural phenomena

II. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Translate.

■ presentation software ■ image manipulation ■ filters ■ bitmaps ■ page layout ■ rendering ■ fractals

1. … are stored as pixels and can become a bit distorted when they are manipulated. 2. In painting programs and image editors, … are special effects that can be applied to a picture, including drop shadows, textures, distortions, etc. 3. … let you create pie charts, bar charts and line graphs. 4. … adds textures to each surface and generates realistic reflections, shadows and highlights. 5. … are geometrical patterns that are repeated at a small scale to generate irregular shapes, some of which are similar to objects in nature. 6. … program lets you import text from a word processor, clip-art from graphics packages and images from scanners or cameras. 7. … programs let you edit your favourite images.

III. Render the following text from Russian into English:

Существует огромная область так называемой технической графики. Геодезисты и картографы, полиграфисты и астрономы, конструкторы и архитекторы, дизайнеры, модельеры, создатели рекламы, медики – это далеко не все, кому необходима возможность работы с изображением с помощью компьютера. Таково назначение программы "графический редактор". Использование этих программ открывает перед людьми новые профессиональные возможности. Изображение в компьютерной графике представляет собой множество точек различного цвета, которые образуют статическое или динамическое (изменяющееся, движущееся) изображение. Именно в связи с этой возможностью развивается новый вид искусства - компьютерная мультипликация (анимация). Основные функции программы графического редактора - обеспечение создания изображений, их редактирования, сохранения во внешней памяти (ВЗУ) и получения копий на бумаге, кинопленке и т.п. Среди пользователей IBM-совместимых компьютеров наибольшую известность получили такие графические редакторы как PaintBrush, CorelDraw и др.


I. Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive.

1. He seems (to read) a lot. 2. He seems (to read) now. 3. He seems (to read) all the books in the library already. 4. He seems (to read) since morning. 5. I want (to take) you to the conference. 6. I want (to take) to the conference by my friend. 7. She hoped (to help) by her friend. 8. She hoped (to help) her friend. 9. I hope (to see) you soon. 10. I am sorry (to break) your pen. 11. He expected (not to ask) by the teacher. 12. The children seem (to play) since morning. 13. I am glad (to do) all the homework yesterday. 14. She seems (to work) at this problem now.

II. Translate the following sentences with the infinitive as:

a) a subject: 1. To come in time is very important for me. 2. To clean the print-heads was necessary because there’s a problem with the print quality. 3. It was necessary to connect the printer to the computer via a USB cable. 4. To live is to struggle. 5. To tell the truth is my custom.

b) a part of a predicate: 1. When the ink runs out, you should change the cartridge. 2. Our task is to make a back-up copy of the report. 3. Before a new printer can be used, you should install the driver from a CD-ROM. 4. People may feel a loss of privacy because of unauthorized use of personal data or receiving unwanted electronic messages. 5. Their wish is to check the receiving e-mail carefully. 6. There are a number of health and safety problems that may result from continuous use of computers.

с) an adverbial modifier: 1. Computers were designed in order to perform thousands of computations per second. 2. To make computers more reliable transistors were used. 3. They were applied to reduce computational time. 4. To integrate large numbers of circuit elements into a small chip, transistors should be reduced in size. 5. In order to use integrated circuit technology new computers were built. 6. Analytical engine was invented to store data. 7. Input devices are used to enter data into primary storage. 8. A film scanner is used to scan film negatives or 35mm slides. 9. In order to stop the computer doing something, you can press escape key. 10. To select text, hold down the left button of the mouse and move the mouse pointer. 11. Computer animation uses graphics program to create or edit moving pictures.

TEXT 6. Multimedia

1. Multimedia System.

Multimedia refers to the technologies and applications that integrate different media: text, graphics, sound, video and animation. Its power resides in interactivity, hypertext and hypermedia. Multimedia software is usually interactive, so you can choose what you want to watch, listen to or write. Hypertext means that you can click on a word and jump to another screen with more information; hypermedia is similar, but works with sounds and images (e.g. the Web).

An IT student says: ‘I use multimedia for my extracurricular activities. I download music from the Net and burn music onto my CDs – I copy songs onto CDs. I talk with my friends on the Messenger. I also retouch digital pictures and edit video clips. To run multimedia software you need a fast CPU, expandable RAM and a large hard disk. But what marks a computer out as a multimedia PC is its audio and video capabilities: a sound card, a microphone, a decent pair of speakers, a high-quality monitor and a DVD writer; and its performance depends on all these components working in harmony.’

Recognizing file formats.

To identify the type of file, an extension is added to the filename when it is saved on disk.

• Common text extensions: .pdf (portable document format); .doc (MS Word document); .rtf (rich text format); .htm or .html (hypertext markup language for Web files)

• Video refers to recording, editing and displaying moving images. Common formats: .avi (audio video interleave); .mov (QuickTime movie); .mpg (mpeg – moving picture experts group)

• Graphics include charts, photos, drawings, etc.: .gif (graphics interchange format); .jpg (jpeg – joint photographic experts group); .tif (tagged image file).

• Animations are made up of a series of independent pictures put together in sequence to look like moving pictures. Common formats: .gif for animated gifs; .swf for Flash files.

• You can hear sound such as songs, movie soundtracks and speeches. Common audio formats: .wav (Windows wave audio format); .ra (RealAudio file); .mp3 (compressed music files).

• Files compressed with Winzip have a .zip extension. A popular format used to compress and distribute movies on DVDs or over the Net is DivX, a digital video codec (Compress, DECompress).

3. Applications:

• In public places (e.g. museums and stations), there are information kiosks that use multimedia.

• In education, it is used in presentations and computer-based training courses.

• On the Web, audio and video are integrated into web pages. For example, Real Player supports streaming, which lets you play sound (e.g. from radio stations) and video files as a continuous stream while they are downloading.

• In virtual reality, users interact with a simulated world: doctors train using virtual surgery; pilots use flight simulators to do their training; people visit virtual exhibitions, etc.

• You can play games on a computer or video games on a dedicated machine, called a video console, which you connect to a TV set. You can also play games on the Net; some websites have a multiplayer facility that enables lots of people to play the same game at the same time.

Study the following words and expressions:

1) to refer to – относиться к, ссылаться на 2) to integrate – интегрировать, объединять 3) extracurricular – внеклассный, факультативный 4) to burn music – записывать (sl. - «прожигать» CD или DVD) 5) capabilities – возможности, характеристики 6) decent – приличный, хороший, неплохой 7) to identify – определять, распознавать 8) extension – расширение (имени файла) 9) chart – карта, схема, таблица 10) in sequence - подряд, последовательно, одно за другим 11) to compress – сжимать, упаковывать 12) to distribute – распространять, распределять 13) streaming – воспроизведение потокового видео/аудио; потоковая передача 14) simulated – поддельный, фальшивый, искусственный 15) surgery – хирургия 16) exhibition – выставка 17) facility – приспособление, средство  


I. Look through the text above and find the following:

1) the type of the text that contains links to other texts; 2) the expression that means ‘to record music onto a CD’; 3) a system that combines hypertext and multimedia; 4) the most common extensions for graphic files; 5) the most common text formats; 6) three popular video formats; 7) three common file formats for storing audio data


II. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Translate.

■ streaming ■multimedia ■.mpeg ■ graphics ■ audio ■ DivX ■ extension ■ compress ■ animation ■ reality ■ video

1. A series of still images shown in sequence. 2. … files are processed by sound software. 3. In medicine, doctors use virtual … systems to simulate particular situations. 4. … is the suffix placed after a dot at the end of a filename. 5. … is a format used to compress and transmit movies over the Web. 6. People use special programs to … and decompress files so that they occupy less disk space. 7. … is a video format developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group. 8. … is a system of filming, processing and showing moving pictures. 9..gif stands for … interchange format. 10. The technique which allows you to play music and watch video before the entire file has downloaded. 11. … is the combination of moving and still images, sound, music and words.

III. Render the following text from Russian into English:

Впервые термин «мультимедиа» появился в 1965 году и активно использовался вплоть до конца семидесятых годов для описания экстравагантных для того времени театрализованных шоу, использующих разные виды и формы представления информации: слайды, кино, видео, аудио фрагменты, световые эффекты и живую музыку. В конце 70 и начале 80-х годов под мультимедиа понимали представления, основанные на статических или динамических изображениях от нескольких проекторов, сопровождавшихся звуком или живой музыкой.

В последнее время термин «мультимедиа» стал еще более многозначным. Мультимедийная вещательная компания SCALA дает следующее толкование современному понятию «мультимедиа»: «Некоторые из нас пользуются мультимедийными технологиями, включая кабельное телевидение. Термин «мультимедийные сети» используется для описания мощных, стоимостью во много миллионов долларов, систем управления содержанием, используемых большими корпорациями, для обслуживания видео баз данных, а также рекламных цифровых табло и экранов. Компьютерные программы для редактирования домашнего видео, некоторые из которых сейчас уже стоят менее 100 долларов, так же могут рассматриваться как мультимедийные технологии. К техническим средствам мультимедиа также можно отнести современные мобильные телефоны, посылающие фотографии с голосовыми подписями».

Термин «мультимедиа» все еще продолжает развиваться, и по мере возникновения и использования новых технологий будет включать в себя все новые понятия.


Translate the following sentences with the infinitive as:

a) an attributive: 1.the problem to be solved; the work to be finished; the cards to be punched; calculations to be performed; the laptop to be shown at the exhibition; the device to be provided with the necessary data; computers to be used for data processing; efforts to increase reliability; electronics to connect systems and subsystems; computers to perform thousands of calculations per second; circuits to use a large number of transistors; operations to be performed. 2. The problem to be solved is of great importance to the de­velopment of this branch of industry. 3. The first question to be discussed at the conference is about the computer ergonomics. 4. The best way to reduce musculoskeletal injuries is through computer ergonomics. 5. Robert Noyce was the first to introduce the idea of the integrated circuit. 6. Jobs insisted that the language to be used with the computers was “user-friendly”. 7. It is a chance not to be missed.

b) an object: 1. They hoped to purchase that hand-held scanner online. 2. The IT consultant was asked to install the up-to-date version of the antivirus program. 3. The students were told to record photos and video onto their hard disks. 4. He was asked to put the monitor to eye level or just below. 5. The manager asked to send the fax immediately.

c) a parenthesis: 1. To tell you the truth, our society has developed technological dependence. 2. To make a long story short, we are an international company and I send e-mails to our offices all over the world. 3. To begin with, this boy is the Internet addict. 4. To sum up, the cybercrime is creating serious problems for our computer-dependent society. 5. To say exact, the frequent use of mobile phones can become the cause of health problems.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 306 | Нарушение авторских прав

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