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TASK 18. Give your ideas to finish the following quotation.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A) Answer the following questions about yourself.
  3. A) Think of ONE noun to complete all of the following collocations
  4. ADAM SMITH: His Life, Ideas, and Accomplishments.
  5. Advertising: Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
  6. After finishing secondary school or college you can apply to a university, polytechnic, college of education or you can continue to study in a college of further education.
  7. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following

Businessmen and success

success успіх to possess мати, володіти
successful успішний to run a business управляти бізнесом
to be a success мати успіх traits of character риси характеру
to succeed досягати успіху to get profit отримувати прибуток
leader of the company директор компанії to take responsibilities нести відповідальність
to make (take) decision приймати рішення acquired features набуті риси
to improve вдосконалювати to take initiative брати на себе ініціативу
an entrepreneur [ontrəprə’nə:] підприємець to exercise the initiative проявляти ініціативу
a tycoon “акула бізнесу” to take risk ризикувати

Note! to reach – to attain – to achieve – to get to – to accomplish (досягати)

aim – goal– purpose– objective– target (мета)

Task 1. Discuss the following issues with the group.

1. What associations do you have with the word “businessman”? Is it a profession or a vocation?

2. What qualities should a person possess to be a successful businessman?

3. What traits of character can become pernicious (згубний, фатальний) for a businessman?

TASK 2. Read the following text. Do you think this list of character traits is complete? Add a few ideas of your own.


1. Be hardworking. There is no such thing as easy money. Success needs hard work. Successful people expect performance from others, but they expect extraordinary performance from themselves.

2. Be friendly. Have you noticed that most successful people are friendly and people oriented? They are polite, sociable and easy-going. They know lots of people, and they know lots of different kinds of people. They listen to friends, neighbors, co-workers and even competitors. They value people and they value relationships.

3. Be a lifelong learner. Successful people are incredibly curious and eager to learn. They study, ask questions and read – constantly. They learn from all areas of life, including from their mistakes. Successful people want to learn everything about everything.

4. Seek solutions in the face of problems. Problems are opportunities to do the impossible, not just complain.

5. Be creative. Successful people are extraordinarily creative. They go around asking, “Why not?” They see new combinations, new possibilities, new opportunities and challenges where others see problems or limitations. They wake up in the middle of the night yelling, “I’ve got it!” They ask for advice, try things out, consult experts and amateurs, always look for a better, faster, cheaper solution.

6. Look over the horizon to see the future. Successful people observe trends, notice changes, see shifts, and hear the nuances that others miss. They live in the present, with one eye on the future!

TASK 3. Read the list of the statements characterizing a successful businessman. Choose top 10 that correspond to your idea of an ideal businessman.


1. likes to take initiative; 16.is open to suggestions;
2. always finishes what s/he has started and never gives up; 17. sometimes uses ordinary things in new, original ways;
3. sometimes is said to be obstinate; 18. is sure in success;
4. is reserved; 19. is independent and very dynamic;
5. is willing to take responsibilities; 20. is able to find the way to settle problems;
6. admits defeats with dignity; 21. believes in what s/he is doing;
7. likes to be a master of the situation; 22. is optimistic;
8. is able to change and adapt to changing environment; 23. believes in capacities and talent of his workers;
9. always has new and fresh ideas; 24. is able to motivate others;
10. is curious; 25. is willing to lead others;
11. whatever happens can keep the situation under control; 26. is willing to recognize and reward contributions of others;
12. has got rich imagination; 27. is a fighter by nature;
13.is willing and eager to learn; 28. is informed about the latest trends and news;
14. is able to set clear goals; 29. is able to make decisions;
15. uses time effectively; 30. knows how to manage money.

TASK 4. Match the words with their meanings.

__1. creative a) puts a lot of effort into a job and does it well;
__2. persuasive b) is open and friendly;
__3. hard-working c) can produce new ideas;
__4. energetic d) doesn’t get tired easily;
__5. sociable e) can change people’s opinions;
__6. unreliable f) regularly checks the quality of his/her work;
__7. attentive to details g) shows his feelings easily;
__8. easygoing h) doesn’t do what he says he will;
__9. emotional i) doesn’t often ask for other people’s help or advice;
__10. generous j) waits calmly for things and doesn’t worry if things are not on time;
__11. independent k) likes giving things to other people;
__12. patient l) has high opinion of his own importance;
__13. proud m) enjoys being with other people;

TASK 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Нам потрібні креативні люди для цього проекту. 2. Він був дуже переконливий у своїй промові. 3. Міс Емерсон дуже енергійна жінка, і дуже працьовита. 4. І не сподівайся, що Мет не помітить цю помилку. Він дуже уважний до деталей. 5. Не бійся містера Пола. Він дуже легкий у спілкуванні. 6. Наш бос дуже емоційний: він голосно говорить і використовує багато жестів. 7. Наша секретарка дуже щедра. Вона завжди пригощає всіх пиріжками, цукерками чи фруктами. 8. Місіс Уоттон пишається досягненнями свого сина. Він головний виконавчий директор у великій міжнародній компанії. 9. Бен вже двічі підставляв мене у важливих справах. Він – ненадійна людина. 10. Важко бути терплячим за таких обставин. 11. Україна – незалежна держава.


TASK 6. Make the list of those traits of character (both positive and negative) that best describe you starting form each letter of your name.

Eg: R – reliable (+), rude (–)

I – intelligent (+), impolite (–)

T – talented (+), treacherous (–)

A – ambitious (+), angry (–)

TASK 7. Decide whether the following traits of character can be advantageous or disadvantageous for a businessman on his way up.

Intelligent, obstinate, cruel, aggressive, capable, ambitious, ill-mannered, quarrelsome, sly, extroverted, cooperative, independent, realistic, attentive, sincere, tactful, economical, thrifty, argumentative, introverted, cunning, dim, sociable, sensible, demanding, simple, smart, punctual, creative, active, constructive.

TASK 8. In each set of words cross out the odd one.

1. Quarrelsome, rude, polite, ill-mannered.

2. Gregarious, introverted, down-to-earth, unsociable.

3. Smart, clever, intelligent, dim.

4. Cunning, sly, thick, crafty.

5. Honest, cruel, reliable, sincere.

6. Patient, reserved, calm, energetic.

7. Enterprising, creative, imaginative, ignorant.

8. Economical, money spender, thrifty, knows how to manage money.

9. Dumb, motivated, organized, successful.

10. Demanding, loyal, ambitious, aggressive.

TASK 9. Write antonyms to the following words. Use prefixes un-, in-, im-, etc. where necessary.

1) active; 2) attentive; 3) broad-minded; 4) economical; 5) emotional; 6) extroverted; 7) hard-working; 8) ill-mannered; 9) intelligent; 10) nervous; 11) optimist; 12) patient; 13) polite; 14) punctual; 15) reliable; 16) responsible; 17) rude; 18) sincere; 19) sociable; 20) successful.

TASK 10. Write synonyms to the following words.

1) smart; 2) hard-working; 3) enterprising; 4) ill-mannered; 5) ambitious; 6) economical; 7) sly; 8) sociable; 9) polite; 10) thick.

TASK 11. Make verbs out of the following adjectives. Put both an adjective and the formed verb in the sentences of your own.

Eg. reliable – to rely. Pete is a reliable person. I can always rely on him in a difficult situation.

1) imaginative; 2) quarrelsome; 3) economical; 4) argumentative; 5) sociable; 6) demanding; 7) persuasive; 8) successful; 9) organized; 10) creative; 11) motivated.

TASK 12. Make nouns out of the following adjectives.

Eg. intelligent – intelligence

1) cruel; 2) capable; 3) independent; 4) realistic; 5) attentive; 6) sincere; 7) argumentative; 8) simple; 9) punctual; 10) creative; 11) active.


TASK 13. Insert the appropriate word in the sentences below.

emotional sociable lucky patient easy-going unpunctual

1. I don’t know how he can wait calmly for their reply. He must be very ______.

2. He reached success in a very short while. He must be very ______.

3. Betty has so many friends. She must be very ______ and ______.

4. Ben always speaks very loudly and uses a lot of gestures. He is said to be very ______.

5. Henry was supposed to arrive an hour ago. I’m sick and tired of his being so ______.

TASK 14. Finish the sentences with suitable words.

1. I can’t say I trust Billy. He set me up a few times. He is very u ________________ (10).

2. Greg always arrives in time. He is very p ________________ (8).

3. Brian spends 10-12 hours in his office. He works long hours and never complains. He is rather h _____________ (4-7).

4. Samantha likes to c _______________ (9) a lot. She constantly points out the faults of someone or something.

5. Ben never asks for other people’s help or advice. He is very i ________________ (11).

6. Nile is a very good shop-assistant. He can make people buy things they don’t need at all. He is very p ________________ (10).

7. Nancy uses gestures and mimics a lot. Besides she speaks very loudly. I must say, she is rather e _______ (9).

8. Debra always looks for better prices and cheaper goods not always of a good quality; that’s because she is very e ________________ (10).

9. Oh, I love Harrison, he is always inspired and in a good mood. He is the best company. It goes without saying Harry is very e ________________ (4-5).

10. I’ve been explaining Past Simple and Present Perfect to David for an hour or so, but he doesn’t see the difference. God, he is so t ________________ (5).

TASK 15. Make up your own businessman’s ABC consisting of the traits of character that best describe the person being a success in business.

Eg: A – ambitious; B – bright; C – creative, D – diplomatic; E – energetic…

TASK 16. Comment on the following quotations.

1. To success there is no elevator. One has to use the stairs.

2. Be nice to people on your way up because you may meet them on your way down.

3. Success begins with a state of mind. You must believe you’ll be successful in order to become a success.

TASK 17. Read the ABC to success. Tick those points you stick to in your every day life. Make up your own ABC to success or happiness that will work with you.


A = Avoid negative sources, people, places, things, and habits.

B = Believe in yourself.

C = Consider things from every angle.

D = Don’t give up and don’t give in.

E = Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

F = Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches.

G = Give more than you planned to.

H = Have courage to overcome the obstacles and move further.

I = Ignore those who try to discourage you.

J = Just do it!

K = Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier.

L = Love yourself first and most.

M = Meditate daily.

N = Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal.

O = Open your eyes and see things as they really are.

P = Practice makes perfect.

Q = Quitters never win and winners never quit.

R = Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.

S = Stop procrastinating.

T = Think rationally.

U = Upgrade yourself constantly.

V = Value life.

W = Work hard.

X = X-ray and carefully examine problems.

Y = You are unique of all God’s creations, nothing can replace YOU!

Z = Zestfully pursue success!


TASK 18. Give your ideas to finish the following quotation.

Success usually comes to those who …


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ЦыганкаД.Ткачева-спускается вниз в зал и поет (песня «Ну что сказать») ,а девочки танцуют вместе с бароном….| B. Complete these sentences using the prefixes over- or out-, and the correct form of the verbs above. Use each prefix and verb combination only once.

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