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Training exercises

Читайте также:
  3. Additional Language Exercises
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Additional Vocabulary Exercises
  6. B. Pre-reading Exercises
  7. Basic notions of a system, subsystem, complex, series, cycle, group of exercises

Ex.1. Say whether the verb “to be” is notional, modal or auxiliary. Explain your choice. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. There are more than 6500 periodicals, publishing advertisements.

2. This girl was to become his wife.

3. They have been wandering about the forest for an hour but couldn’t find this small wooden house.

4. Teenagers are fond of rock and metal.

5. Their request was to start it all over again.

6. It was like rain which started suddenly.

7. Be careful! You are going to fall.

8. Sophia is to go through it all over again.

9. He is not a liar. I don’t know why he has insisted on it.

10. He was to spend 5 years in prison.


Ex. 2. Put the correct form of the verb “to be” into the blanks. Translate the sentences into Russian. Say whether the verb is notional, auxiliary or modal.


1. They(to be) looking for a better position.

2. Tom’s idea (to be) to get there by air.

3. He couldn’t visit their party because he (to be) to meet his mother at the station.

4. Moviemaking (to be) an art.

5. Everybody knew he (to be) to become a doctor as his father.

6. I (not to be) going to stop, I’ll continue my research.

7. Paul (to be) to decide everything himself. There (to be) nobody to help him.

8. These (to be) jobs where you work with your hands.

9. He (to be) terrible at numbers and figures.

10. It all (to be) done before he came home.

11. They (to be) waiting for half an hour already but nobody has come yet.

12. I (to be) promoted next month. My boss promised.


Ex. 3. Translate the sentences into English using the correct form of the verb “to be”.


1. Товары были отгружены вовремя.

2. Он – человек, на которого можно положиться.

3. Ему предстояло стать квалифицированным адвокатом.

4. Мария должна скоро подойти, давайте подождем.

5. Он не был красавцем, но приятным его можно было назвать.

6. Мы уже 2 часа стараемся разгадать эту загадку, но пока все напрасно.

7. Эта продукция из Италии всегда хорошего качества.

8. Этот офис сейчас реконструируют, там будет располагаться мастерская по ремонту обуви.

9. Я буду завтра в это время занята: я буду просматривать исторические журналы.

10. Мне скоро предстоит поехать в командировку за границу.

The verb “to have”.

Revise the forms of the verb in The Present, Past and Future (Simple, Continuous and Perfect).

Present SimplePast SimpleFuture Simple

I, You, We, They have I, You, We, They, I, We shall have

He, She, It has He, She, It had You, He, She, It will have

Present ContinuousPast ContinuousFuture Continuous

I am having I, He, She, It was having I, We shall (will) be having

You are having You, We, He, You, She, He will She, It is having They were having be having


Present PerfectPast PerfectFuture Perfect

I, We, They, You have had I, He, We had had I, He, We will

She, he, it has had (shall) have had

The verb “to have” as a Notional, Auxiliary and Modal verb.

A. The verb “to have” as a notional verb is used in the meaning of «иметь, обладать чем-либо».

E.g. I have a dog.

Our University has many faculties.

My father had a dog when he was a child.


Note 1. You can say “I have” or “I have got”, “he has” or “he has (he’s) got”.

E.g. I have a headache or

I’ve got a headache.

I haven’t got a car, but I’ve got a motorbike.


Note 2. Negative and interrogative sentences are:

I haven’t got; Have you got…?

I don’t have; Dou you have…?

(Have you a car? – is very rarely used).


Note 3. Mind that the verb “to have” is not used in the continuous form in its notional meaning.

But is used in the continuous form in the expressions:

to have a good time

to have breakfast (dinner, supper, etc.)

to have a smoke

to have a rest, etc.


B. The verb “to have as an auxiliary verb is used to form the finite verb forms (Perfect and Perfect Continuous).” It indicates the character of the action and is not translated into Russian.

E.g. We have just finished the job and are ready to go out.

Мы только что закончили работу и готовы прогуляться.

They have been doing this boring job so long that they had got used to it.

Они делали эту скучную работу так долго, что уже к ней привыкли.

Note. To express a question you must put the first auxiliary before the subject; for a negative form place “not” after the auxiliary.


C. The verb “to have” as a modal verb is used in the meaning of “necessity” or “obligation”. In this case you have no other way out but fulfill this action. It is translated into Russian as «вынужден», «приходится», «необходимо», «должен».


E.g. You have to pass a test before you get a driving license.

Тебе необходимо сдать тест, чтобы получить водительское удостоверение.

We had to walk home last night there were no buses.

Нам пришлось вчера вечером идти пешком – не было автобусов.


Note. In questions and negatives we use the auxiliaries do/does, did.


E.g. What time do you have to go to the dentist tomorrow?

I’m not working tomorrow, so I don’t have to get up early.

Why did you have to leave the party early?



Training exercises


Ex.1. Say whether the verb “to have” is notional, auxiliary or modal. Translate the sentences into Russian.

2. Have you got an umbrella?

3. Can I have a newspaper? – Yes, I have finished with it.

4. I’m looking for Paula. Have you seen her?

5. In many countries men have to do military service.

6. Does Jill have to work on Sundays?

7. They don’t read much. They don’t have many books.

8. It’s a nice house but it hasn’t got a garden.

9. The shirts have been ironed.

10. They aren’t rich. They haven’t got much money.

11. I have been looking for my key everywhere but I can’t find it.

12. Why did they have to leave the party so early?

13. Sue is having a party tonight. She has invited a lot of people.


Ex.2. Put the correct form of the verb “to have” (positive or negative). Say whether the verb is notional, auxiliary or modal. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. They ______________ any children. They are unhappy about it.

2. I ________________ lost my passport. I can’t find it anywhere.

3. The bridge is closed at the moment. It _______________ been damaged recently and it _______________ been repaired yet.

4. It’s late. I ______________________ to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow.

5. Many houses ________________ been knocked down recently in our district.

6. I know this woman but I ___________________ forgotten her name.

7. “What’s wrong?” – “I ___________________ something in my eye.”

8. They like animals. They _________________ three dogs and two cats.

9. I ______________________ bought some new shoes. Do you want to see them?

10. Where are the chocolates? ________________________ you eaten them all?

11. You can’t park your car here for nothing. You ________________ to pay.

12. ___________ you ______________ any brothers or sisters?


Ex.3. Translate the sentences into English using the correct form of the verb “to have”.

1. Я плохо себя чувствую. У меня болит голова.

2. Мне приходиться проходить пешком (to travel) 10 миль в день.

3. Яну (Ian) не приходиться много работать. У него легкая работа.

4. Как долго ты уже пользуешься компьютером?

5. Я жду уже очень долго.

6. У меня есть фотоаппарат. Я могу вас сфотографировать.

7. Ты плохо выглядишь. У тебя болит голова?

8. Он наконец-то почистил свои ботинки.

9. Мне завтра придется работать дольше. У нас срочный заказ.

10. Ее не будет на работе. Ей нужно пойти к врачу.


English Noun


A noun is a part of speech which denotes an object (a thing or a living being). It can be countable or uncountable.


Countable nouns are things we can count. We can say “one apple”, “two apples”, etc. A countable noun can be singular (an apple) or plural (apples), You cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without the articles a/an, the or the pronouns my, his, some, etc.)


E.g. I want a banana.

There’s been an accident on the road.

You can use my computer.


Plural countable nouns can be used alone or with “the”, “some”, “any”, “many”, “few”.


E.g. I like bananas.

Accidents can be prevented.

We sang some songs at the party.

There were few people in the room.


Uncountable nouns denote the things we cannot count. They have only one form: sand, rice, water.

E.g. I eat rice every day.

There is no electricity in this village.


You can use uncountable nouns alone or with “the”, “my”, “some”, “any”, “much”, “little”, etc.


E.g. Can you hear music?

Did you buy any juice?

I have little work now.


Training exercises


Ex.1. Some of these sentences need a/an. Correct the sentences which are wrong. If the sentence is already correct, put 'right'.

1. Jim goes everywhere by bike. He hasn't got __ car. ...a car...

2. Ann was listening to music when I arrived....RIGHT…

3. We went to very nice restaurant last weekend.

4. I clean my teeth with toothpaste.

5. I use toothbrush to clean my teeth.

6. Can you tell me if there's bank near here?

7. My brother works for insurance company in London.

8. I don't like violence.

9. Can you smell paint?

10. We need petrol. I hope we come to petrol station soon.

11. I wonder if you can help me. I have problem.

12. John has got interview for job tomorrow.

13. Liz doesn't usually wear jewellery but yesterday she was wearing necklace...

14. I think volleyball is very good game.

Ex.2. Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Use a/an where necessary.


accident biscuit blood coat decision electricity key letter moment

music question sugar


1. It wasn't your fault. It was... an accident....

2. Listen! Can you hear... music?..

3. I couldn't get into the house because I didn't have _____________

4. It's very warm today. Why are you wearing ________________?

5. Do you take___________ in your coffee?

6. Are you hungry? Would you like ___________ with your coffee?

7. Our lives would be very difficult without _____________.

8. I didn't phone them. I wrote _________ instead.

9. The heart pumps _____________through the body.

10. Excuse me, but can I ask you _____________________?

11. I'm not ready yet. Can you wait _______________, please?

12. We can't delay much longer. We have to make _________soon.

Ex.3. Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Sometimes the word needs to be plural (s).


air country day friend meat language letter patience people

photograph queue space


1. I had my camera but I didn't take many... photographs....

2. There are seven ________ in a week.

3. A vegetarian is a person who doesn't eat ______________.

4. Outside the cinema there was ______ of people waiting to see the film.

5. I'm not very good at writing _____________.

6. Last night I went out with some ________________ of mine.

7. There were very few ________ in the shops today. They were almost empty.

8. I'm going out for a walk. I need some fresh __________________.

9. George always wants things quickly. He's got no _____________.

10. Do you speak any foreign _____________?

11. Jane travels a lot. She has been to many _____________.

12. Our flat is very small. We haven't got much ___________.

Note 1. Many nouns in English can be used both as countable and uncountable. It depends upon the context.


E.g. Did you hear a noise? (=a particular noise)

There is a hair in my soup. (=one single hair)

Enjoy your holiday. Have a good time!

Two coffee and an orange juice, please. (in a restaurant=two cups of coffee and a glass of orange juice).


Note 2. There are some nouns that are usually uncountable in English but countable in Russian.

accommodation advice baggage luggage behaviour bread chaos weather information luck work furniture news progress


Ex.4. Which of the underlined parts of these sentences is correct?


1. 'Did you hear noise / a noise just now?' 'No, I didn't hear anything.' ('a noise' is correct)

2. a If you want to know the news, you can read paper / a paper.

b I want to write some letters but I haven't got a paper / any paper to write on.

3. a I thought there was somebody in the house because there was light / a light on inside,

b Light / A light comes from the sun.

4. a I was in a hurry this morning. I didn't have time / a time for breakfast.

b Did you enjoy your holiday?' 'Yes, we had wonderful time / a wonderful time. '

5. Sue was very helpful. She gave us some very useful advice / advices.

6. We had very good weather / a very good weather while we were on holiday.

7. We were very unfortunate. We had bad luck / a bad luck.

8. It's very difficult to find a work / job at the moment.

9. Our travel / journey from London to Istanbul by train was very tiring.

10. When the fire alarm rang, there was total chaos / a total chaos.

11. I had to buy a / some bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches.

12. Bad news don't / doesn't make people happy.

13. Your hair is / Your hairs are too long. You should have it / them cut.

14. Nobody was hurt in the accident but the damage / the damages to the car was / were quite bad.

Ex.5. Complete the sentences using these words. Sometimes you need the plural (-s).


chair experience experience furniture hair information

job luggage permission progress work


1. I didn't have much... luggage... - just two small bags.

2. They'll tell you all you want to know. They'll give you plenty of ___.

3. There is room for everybody to sit down. There are plenty of ______.

4. We have no __________, not even a bed or a table.

5. 'What does Alan look like?' ' He's got a long beard and very short _.

6. Carla's English is better than it was. She's made _______________.

7. George is unemployed. He's looking for a ___________________.

8. George is unemployed. He's looking for _____________________.

9. If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for ____________.

10. I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got enough _____.

11. Rita has done many interesting things. She should write a book about her _______.

III. Introducing people

A. Formulae of introduction

- Let me introduce myself. My name is Michael.

- Nice to meet you, Michael. I’m Ann.


- And this is my friend, Paul.

- Nice to meet you, Paul too.


- Meet my parents Mr. and Mrs. Scout.

- Glad (happy, pleased) to meet you. My name is Martha.


- Excuse me, my name is Richard Stewart. I’m a journalist. I’d like to take an interview.

- It’s nice to meet you. How can I help you?


- Hello! Hi! (неофиц.)

- How do you do? - How do you do? (офиц.)


- You must be our new colleague? Hi!

- Hello! My name is Edward Green.


- How do you do? – How do you do?

- How are you? – Nice (well/not so well/so-so), thanks.


- Hello, Harry, it’s nice to meet you.

- Hi! Nice to meet you, too.




Use these expressions to thank one (1) or after one thanks you (2).

(1) (2)

Thank you. You are welcome.

Thank you very much. I’m glad that I could help you

It was very nice of you. Glad that I could help.

I appreciate your help. Don’t mention it.

I appreciate it. It was nothing.

Thanks, anyway. My pleasure.




Training exercises

1.) Introduce yourself to somebody in the street. - You want to know the time. Don’t forget to thank the people.

2.) Introduce yourself to somebody in the street. – You want to know the directions.

3.) Introduce yourself to somebody in the street. – You want to know where you can have a bite.

4.) Introduce your friend to your family.

5.) Introduce your new friend to your classmates.

6.) You are a bank chairman. Introduce a new colleague to your staff.

7.) Thank smb for doing smth special for you


Give 5 examples.



B. Watch the film “Family Album, USA” (Episode 1). Follow the guide to the film given in the manual “Traditions and Habits of American People”



Unit 2

Appearances and Traits of Character


I. Phonetic Training


1. Listen to the rhyme and repeat after the speaker:


There was a little girl Early to bed

Who ha d a little curl Early to rise

Right in the middle of her forehead. Makes a man

When she was good she was very, very good Healthy, wealthy

But when she was bad she was horrid. And wise.

2. Read the poem and learn it by heart:


The Month of the Year

By Sara Coleridge (1802-1852),

daughter of Samual Taylor Coleridge.

This is an account of the months of the year as see in England.

January bring the snow;

Makes the toes and finger glow.

February brings the rain,

Thaws the frozen ponds again.

March brings breezes loud and shrill,

Stirs the dancing daffodil.

April brings the primrose sweet,

Scatters daisies at your feet,

May brings flocks of pretty lambs

Skipping by their fleecy dams.

June brings tulips, lilies, roses,

Fills the children’s hands with posies.

Hot July brings cooling showers,

Strawberries and gilly-flowers,

August brings the sheaves of corn,

Then the Harvest home is borne.

Warm September brings the fruit,

Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

Fresh October brings the pheasant,

Dull November brings the blast,

Then to gather nuts is pleasant,

Then the leaves are falling fast.

Chill December brings the sleet,

Blazing fire and Christmas treat.


3. Listen to the songs, learn them by heart and sing.


Hickory, dickory dock, Deedle, deedle dumpling my son John.

A mouse ran up the clock, He went to bed with his stockings on,

The clock struck one, One shoe off and one shoe on,

The mouse ran down, Deedle, deedle dumpling my son John.

Hickory, dickory, dock.


A glass of milk Goosy, goosy, gander,

And a slice of bread White shall I wander.

And then good night Upstairs and downstairs

You must go to bed. And to my lady’s chamber.


II. Grammar Revision


The structure of the English Sentence


Для оформления мысли на любом языке мы должны установить связи между лексическими значениями отдельных слов. В разных языках эти связи устанавливаются разными способами и не соответствуют друг другу.

Другими словами, чтобы достичь понимания смысла предложения необходимо овладеть структурой изучаемого языка. При этом важно помнить, что при переводе с одного языка на другой мы переводим не отдельные слова, а смысл всего высказывания, который структурно может быть выражен совершенно иным способом.

Например, если мы можем сказать по-русски: «Пришел я вечером домой, а меня там ждет мой друг», то в переводе на английский язык в случае дословного перевода получается: “Came I in the evening home, and me there was waiting my friend”. Структурно оно совершенно неверно и безграмотно с точки зрения английского языка, так как английский язык имеет свою четкую грамматическую структуру, которая и определяет его лексический и логический смысл.

Структура английского предложения строго фиксирована. В повествовательном предложении подлежащее всегда предшествует сказуемому, наличие сказуемого – обязательно (исключая эмоциональные предложения разговорной речи, литературные произведения, где писатель «располагает, а читатель предполагает».)

Прежде, чем перейти непосредственно к структуре английского предложения, мы должны вспомнить грамматические термины, которые могут облегчить восприятие структуры.

В языке существуют такие грамматические категории, как части речи и члены предложения. Члены предложения всегда выражены какими-либо частями речи.


Части речи Члены предложения

(Parts of Speech) (The parts of the Sentences)

N. noun (существительное) Adj. adjective (прилагательное) V. verb (глагол) Adv. adverb (наречие) Pr. pronoun (местоимение) Art. article (артикль) Part. particle (частица) Conj. conjunction (союз) S subject (подлежащее) Pr predicate (сказуемое) O object (дополнение) DO direct object (прямое дополнение) IO indirect object (косвенное дополнение) Adv. adverbial modifier: (обстоятельство): - of place - места, - of time - времени, - of cause - причины, - of purpose - цели, - of manner - образа действия, - of comparison - сравнения, - of attending circumstances – сопутствующее обстоятельство, - parenthesis - вводная часть предложения.  


Структуру английского предложения можно выразить следующим образом:


Позиция в предложе-нии          
Член предложения Обст. (времени, места) Подлеж. Сказ. Дополн. Обстоя-тельство
        Прямое Косвен-ное  
Символи-ческое обозначение AdvM (time, place,etc.) S Pr O AdvM
        O(d) O(ind)  


Note 1. Обстоятельства места и времени могут занимать позицию перед подлежащим в том случае, когда говорящему нет необходимости делать логический акцент на времени и месте действия.

E.g. Yesterday we signed the profitable contract.

We signed the profitable contract yesterday.


Слово “Yesterday” выделяется логически во втором варианте, т.е. это новая информация, которую сообщает говорящий. В первом варианте слово “Yesterday” не представляет новой информации для участников разговора (эта тема уже задана предыдущим контекстом).


Note 2. При наличии двух или нескольких обстоятельств они располагаются в следующем порядке:


Подлежащее+ Сказуемое+ Дополнение Обстоятельство образа действия Обстоятельство места Обстоятельство времени
S+Pr.+O(ind) AdvM Manner AdvM Place AdvM Time
I met him by chance at the market two days ago

Note 3. Определение, выраженное прилагательным или причастием, становится перед определяемым существительным.

E.g. the delivered goods

a valuable product

a shining smile


Определение, выраженное существительным с предлогами of, from, инфинитивом с причастными оборотами, ставится после определяемого слова.

E.g. The goods to be delivered were stored in the warehouse.

The goods produced at the works are of high quality.

The goods of this company have good reputation.

The goods from Italy are in great demand in Russia.

Таким образом, для грамотного оформления высказывания необходимо строго соблюдать порядок слов в английском предложении.



Training exercises:


Ex 1.

А. Найдите в следующих предложениях главные и второстепенные члены, назовите их и обозначьте символами. Переведите предложения на русский язык, соблюдая логику высказывания.


AdvM S Pr Attr Obj Obj(ind)
Yesterday Вчера We мы Signed подписали a profitable выгодный сontract контракт with “IBM”. с «IBM».


S Pr Attr ? Pr
It was a valuable contract.


1. Abroad we have a lot of interesting appointments.

2. The minutes of the previous meeting have been circulating among the members of the Board.

3. We went through all the airport formalities in no time.

4. This company can be swallowed up by a larger company from the capital.

5. The general manager drew up a tentative program of his stay in Finland.

6. The tax revenue people sent us a letter a week ago.

7. Paul sounded very excited on the phone.

8. The idea was to go into exporting.

9. To set up your own business is not very simple in our country.

10. The profit margin must be built into the price of the product.


В. Скажите, какими частями речи могут быть выражены подлежащее и сказуемое.

Ex. 2. Составьте предложение из следующих членов, следуя символам, данным в скобках.

Were shipped (Pr), A week ago (AdvM time), the goods (S).

1. It (S), to go into exporting (O), is dangerous (Pr), now (AdvM time).

2. Must be introduced (Pr), at the plant (AdvM place). A new shift system (S), by the end of September (AdvM time).

3. Were against (Pr), the overtime work (O), the workers (S).

4. Had to withdraw (Pr), their (Attr), credits (O), the competitors (S), from the relatives (AdvM).

5. His (Attr), as ruined (Pr), plan (S), of going into exporting (Attr).

6. Decided (Pr), Tom (S), to raise (Obj), to help (Obj), his daughter (Obj), her child (Obj).

7. Was impossible (Pr), to get a stand (Obj), It (S), at the Trade Fair (AdvM).

8. After his course (AdvM), was full of life and energy (Pr), Paul (S), at the University (AdvM place).

9. From tax revenue people (Attr), informed (Pr), the letter (S), them (Obj), about there debts (Obj).


Ex. 3. Составьте предложения из данных слов. Следуйте правилу прямого порядка слов.

1. Have been learning, long, English, Mary and John.

2. Knows, the story of Robin Hood, child, every.

3. Near the lake, rented, the Browns, house, nice.

4. Will bring, the bellboy, your luggage, in a minute, to your room.

5. Is, a student, Martin, of political history.

6. Was delivered, the cargo, in time.

7. Wants, David, at the University, to study, after school, economics.

8. Is famous, Italy, for art treasures.

9. Sentimental love, the Englishmen, have, for their houses.

10. Received, the managers, many rewards of the Conference, for their work.


Ex. 4. Поставьте наречие в нужное место в предложении.


Note: место наречия в предложении:

Как правило, наречие always, probably, obviously, also, never, usually, definitely, all, both, occasionally, hardly, ever и др. ставятся в середине предложения:

1.) Если сказуемое состоит из одного слова, такое наречие ставится перед ним:

e.g. Tom always goes to work by car.

The tax revenue people usually check the accountants at the end of the fiscal year.


Если сказуемое представлено глаголом to be (am, is, are, were, was) в Present Simple, наречие ставится после сказуемого.

E.g. The traffic isn’t usually so heavy in this part of the city.


2.) Если сказуемое состоит из двух или более слов, то наречие ставится после первого слова (кроме модального глагола to have в утвердительной форме: I always have to phone. Note: I have always to phone him. But: I won’t probably have to phone him).

E.g. I can never remember his name.

Your car has probably been stolen.

1. Angela isn’t in the office at lunchtime (usually).

2. Angela doesn’t have her dinner at home (always).

3. John won’t overtime (usually).

4. We felt sick after the flight (all).

5. Sarah and Eve have applied for the job (both).

6. He has sandwiches for lunch (hardly ever).

7. I’m going to the party tonight (definitely).

8. Martin is learning French (also).

9. I’m tired at the time of the day (always).

10. He has gone home early (probably).


Ex. 5. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Обычно я обедаю дома.

2. Я иногда хожу в театр.

3. Все мы только вернулись из поездки по Англии.

4. Боб и Питер оба работают в отделе по маркетингу.

5. Им, вероятно, придется встретиться с генеральным директором.

6. Студенты нашей группы также изучают сейчас китайский.

7. Едва ли он обедает в столовой.

8. Мы, определенно, теряем время.

9. Нашим рабочим часто приходится работать сверхурочно.

10. Джон не может постоянно делать эту работу.



The plural of Nouns


The plural of Nouns is usually formed with – s:

a flower → flowers

a week → weeks

a nice place → nice places

this shop → these shops



-s, -sh, -ch, -x + es consonant + y → ies


bus → buses baby → babies

church → churches party → parties

box → boxes dictionary → dictionaries

dish → dishes

potato → potatoes vowel + y → ys

tomato → tomatoes day → days

bush → bushes monkey →monkeys

bench → benches boy → boys


-f, -fe → ves

shelf → shelves But: roofs

knife → knives handkerchiefs

wife → wives safes


These things are plural in English:

scissors pants

glasses tights

trousers pyjamas

jeans shorts


These things are only singular:

hair news

advice money

information vocation

progress Phonetics

knowledge Physics


Some nouns form plural differently:

man → men tooth → teeth

woman → women mouse → mice

child → children goose → geese

foot → feet deer → deer

sheep → sheep ox → oxen

person → people fish → fish


III. Appearances and Traits of Character.


Vocabulary 1

mother mother-in-law niece

father father-in-law nephew

sister sister-in-law cousin

brother brother-in-law parents

grandmother stepmother aunt

grandfather stepfather uncle

granddaughter stepdaughter husband

grandson stepson wife



Note 1. В английском языке отношение принадлежности лицу выражается при помощи, так называемого, притяжательного падежа (отвечает на вопрос чей? (whose?) и образуется при помощи апострофа “ ’ ” и окончания “ ’s ”.

E.g. Prime-minister’s residence;

my mother’s nephew.


У сложных существительных таких, как mother-in-law “’s” ставится перед первым существительным

E.g. My brother’s-in-law wife.

His mother’s-in-law niece.


Note 2. При образовании притяжательного падежа с существительными во множественном числе “s” не употребляется, ставится только апостроф:

e.g. My cousins’ father.

My sisters’ toys.

Notes: Притяжательный падеж не употребляется с неодушевленными существительными, за исключением некоторых существительных, обозначающих время, пространство и вес.

e.g. This bank’s profit.

Last year’s events.

This country’s population.

Two days’ leave.

This month’s events.

Training exercises:

Ex. 1. Fill in the right words.


Ties of Relationships

1. Your relatives on your wife’s side are: Your wife’s sister is your …, and her brother is your..., your parents will refer to your wife as their … while your brothers and sisters will refer to her as …. Your wife’s parents will speak of you as …. Your wife’s parents will speak of you as their ….

2. Your brother’s and sister’s sons and daughters are your … and ….

3. Your mother’s and father’s brothers and sisters are your…. The children of your uncles and aunts are your … and the children of your first cousins are your ….

4. Your mother’s and father’s parents are your … and the latter will refer to you as their ….


Ex. 2. Describe the relations of the members of your family. Use as many sentences as possible.

Model: My parents are husband and wife. My father’s and mother’s brothers are my uncles. Their children are my cousins, etc.

Vocabulary 2

~ beautiful (for men and women);

~ good-looking (for men and women);

~ handsome (for men);

~ pretty (for women);

~ smart;

~ elegant;

~ well-dressed;

~ scruffy;

~ (un)tidy-looking;

~ tall, medium-sized, short;

~ slim, thin (slim is more positive);

~ skinny (very negative);

~ over-weight, fat (impolite);

~ stocky (broad and solid);

~ well-built, muscular;

~ pale, sun burnt, long, oval, round, clean-shaved face;

~ fleshy, wrinkled, thin, chubby face;

~ black, fair, straight, wavy, curly, grey, white, blond, dark, ginger, red hair;

~ bald, auburn (red-brown) hair;

~ beard and moustache;

~ hairy hands and chest;

~ regular features;

~ charming, ironical, winning, enigmatic smile;

~ snub nose;

~ full, thin lips;

~ dimples, freckles;

~ bushy, penciled eyebrows;

~ even teeth;

~ blue, brown, green, hazel, dark grey eyes;

~ curving, straight, thick eyelashes;

~ tattoo;

~ a crew-cut.

Training exercises:

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

- How tall are you? (m, sm, feet) (дать соответствия)

- How would you describe your build?

- How much do you weight?

- What kind of hair have you got? What colour is it?

- Would you like to be different? If so what would you like?


Ex. 2. Choose the word which best complete the sentences:

- She sometimes wears her hair …

A. tied

B. loose

C. free

D. fringe

- He has a … complexion.

A. white

B. clear

C. spotted

D. brown

- He has a large … on his left cheek after the accident.

A. mark

B. cut

C. scar

D. wound

- Mark is already …, which isn’t surprising as his father lost his hair at an early age.

A. retired

B. bald

C. parting

D. red

- People with red hair often come out in … when they sunbathe.

A. stubbles

B. moles

C. freckles

D. blemishes

Ex. 3. Here are some advertisements for a marriage bureau. Look through these personal columns where people are seeking partners and match them.


  B – Black D – Divorced S – Single F – Female(=woman) W – White WW – Widowed A – Asian M – Male(=man)


Women Seeking Men Men Seeking Women
  1.1. BEAUTIFUL TO look at, even better to be with. Blonde beauty, 50-ish. Seeks romantic, caring Man under 55 for friendship. 2. 3.2. English rose, 24, seeks tall, dark and handsome SW/BM, 25-35, for sight-seeing, dining out, dancing. Needed for friendship. 4. 5.3. Catholic, political DWF, 46, tall, slim, long dark/green. Lives near ocean. Hikes, sails, enjoys music. Seeks same. 6. 7.4. WHEN A MAN loves a Woman, he would be: 38-45, attractive, honest, fond for this attractive WWWF, 42, blonde/green.     32, TALL, skin, highly intellectual Divorced Asian doctor seeks B/WF, 25-38, who could share love with him.   b. 36- YEAR-OLD, good looking SWM, balding, brown/brown, fit, energetic, loves film, nature.   c. YOUNG 55, SWM, handsome physically fit, huge heart, sensitive, many interests. Seeks slim, fit, pretty DWF, 50s, to share romance.   d. ARE YOU a pretty, long-hared brunette? Ever been in New Orleans or Texas? This attractive SNM, 49, would like to meet you.


Ex. 4. Read the dialogue, pay attention to the sounds and intonation. Make up your own dialogue in analogy, using as many words and expressions from the vocabulary list (People’s appearance) as possible.





Alice: Hallo, Mike, have you been waiting long? I’m so sorry I’m late.

Mike: Now that you are here it’s all right.

Alice: I say, Mike, I’ve just had a wire from Mary. She is coming by the 5.20 train. And I have a meeting at 5. Will you do me a favour and meet her at the station?

Mike: Certainly, but I’ve never seen her. How could I possibly recognize her?

Alice: Oh, it’s quite easy. She’s just like her mother.

Mike: Most helpful I’d say, but the trouble is I’ve never seen her mother either.

Alice: No, you haven’t. And I’m afraid I haven’t any photos of her.

Mike: At least try to describe her. What does she look like?

Alice: A tall slim girl of 18 with an oval face.

Mike: Complexion?

Alice: Rather pale.

Mike: Hair?

Alice: Fair and curly. Light grey eyes, a small snub nose, a big mouth with even teeth and pleasant smile.

Mike: I’m sure there’ll be at least a dozen girls like that at the station.

Alice: Oh, Mike, we’ve been discussing it for the better part of an hour and I see no end to it.

Mike: But how am I to recognize her in the crowd?

Alice: Oh, I forgot. There’s a dimple in her left cheek. She is so lovely, you’ll fall in love with her at first sight.

Mike: That’ll help me, to be sure. Go to your meeting. I promise to be on the platform at 5 sharp looking for a tall slim fair-haired lovely girl with a dimple in her cheek.


Vocabulary 3

~ sociable;

~ warm and friendly;

~ warm, kind, unkind;

~ nice, pleasant, unpleasant;

~ generous (happy to give/share);

~ optimistic;

~ cheerful (happy and smiling);

~ relaxed and easy-going;

~ strong;

~ sensitive, insensitive;

~ honest, dishonest;

~ cold and unfriendly;

~ horrible;

~ mean (never gives to others);

~ pessimistic;

~ miserable (always seems unhappy);

~ tense (nervous, worries a lot);

~ weak;

~ easy-going;

~ hard-working;

~ punctual;

~ reliable (unreliable);

~ bright, clever, stupid;

~ ambitious, lazy;

~ inquisitive;

~ flexible (inflexible);

~ self-confident;

~ reserved;

~ emotional;

~ initiative;

~ sensible (has a lot of common sense);

~ obstinate;

~ cruel;

~ trustworthy;

~ ill-mannered;

~ jealous;

~ envious.

Training exercises:


Ex. 1. Answer the questions:

a.) What traits of character do you appreciate (value) most?

b.) What person can you see as your spouse? Describe him or her.

c.) What kind of person are you?

d.) What kind of person are you? Your best friend (mother, father, brother, etc.)?

e.) What might a good businessman look like?

f.) What traits of character should a salesperson (a taxi driver, water, etc) possess?


Ex. 2. Describe anybody you like best.

Ex. 3. Describe a person you might hate.

Ex. 4. Read and translate the text.


The Brothers

(abridgedfrom "A Woman of Substance" by Barbara T.Bradford)

"Come along, boys, this is Emma Harte. Mrs Harte" She led them to Emma, her face radiant. "This is David," she said, introducing the taller boy, "and this is Victor." The Kallinski boys shook hands with Emma, extended their greetings, and thanked her for coming to their father's aid. They crossed the room to the sofa and sat down together.

David and Victor Kallinski were as different in every way as two brothers could be. David, who was the elder at nineteen, was tall like his mother and well built. He had been blessed with her lovely blue eyes, and his face, handsome and open, had a suggestion of her Slavic bone structure. He had the same of black wavy hair his father's had once been and he had also inherited the older man's outward-going manner. David was a mover, a doer, ambitious, clever and driven. If there was a faint hint of cynicism in his alert blue eyes it was somewhat counteracted by generosity of his wide mouth and his friendly demeanour. David was intelligent, intuitive, and excessively motivated towards one goal: success. He lived by one rule and one rule alone - the survival of the fittest. He not only intended to survive, but to survive in style and with wealth.

Victor, who was sixteen, was small, almost birdlike, and in this he resembled his father to some extent. He had his mother's straight shiny black hair, but otherwise he did not appear to physically favour either of them. His large eyes were soft and hazel in colour and his face was smooth and bland without any emphatic features, but he was pleasent-looking. His sober face mirrored his character, for Victor Kallinski was a gentle and reflective boy; and in one way his temperament was similar to his father's, he had a great forbearance and a deep understanding of human frailties, an understanding that was mature and remarkable in one so young. He was a thinker and a dreamer, and he had the soul of a poet. Victor was happiest when he was alone reading, or gazing at great paintings in the museum, or listening to the music of Mahler and Beethoven. He was reserved of nature to a point of shyness and not given to conversing easily with anyone, especially strangers. Victor was looking at Emma from under his long dark lashes, a quiet smile playing around his mouth, thinking what a compassionate girl she must be, and how her actions today only reinforced his inherent belief that essentially mankind was good. Like his father, Victor was utterly without bitterness.


Ex. 5. Watch the video film “Family Album, USA” (Episode 1-3). Follow the directions in the Appendix “Traditions and Habits of American People.” Describe the characters of the film. Use as many words as you can, from the lists, given above in this unit. Here is the text “Meet the Stewarts” to help you to describe the Stewarts family.


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Читайте в этой же книге: Tasks to the Text | Tasks to the Text | Present Perfect and Past Simple | B) Write your own application letter for a job. Here is an advertisement for you. | Degrees of comparison | A. Passive Voice. | Утвердительные предложения. | Note 3. Say and tell. |
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II.Grammar Revision| Meet the Stewarts

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