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Example 11.6: Finding an ARIMA reduced form for the ETS(A,A,A) model

Читайте также:
  1. A bad example
  2. A Few Sub-genres, Conventions, and Examples
  3. A Pulse generator coil wiring connector (arrowed) - J and К models
  4. A). Look at the calendar which shows his arrangements for the next few months and then make up sentences, as in the example.
  5. A. Write a recipe of your favourite dish. Use the examples below
  6. ABC-analyze example
  7. Acquaintance to computer model of decoder.


Direct application of (11.17) to the ETS(A,A,A) model in Sect. 3.4.3 yields


η (L) = (1 − L)2(1 − Lm)and θ (L) = L (1 − L)(1 − Lm) α

+ L (1 − Lm) β + Lm (1 − L)2 γ + (1 − L)2 (1 − Lm).


Inspection of the two polynomials reveals the presence of a common factor 1 − L in both polynomials, indicating that the state space model has been overdifferenced. Elimination of a unit root common to both sides yields the revised expression:

η (L) = (1 − L)(1 − Lm)

and θ (L) = (1 − L)(1 − Lm) + L (1 − Lm) α

+ (L + · · · + Lm) β + Lm (1 − L) γ.


This model contains (m + 1) moving average terms but only three parame-ters, so it differs from the usual seasonal ARIMA process. When β = 0, this model is close to the airline model (11.12), differing only by the factor αγ in the coefficient of Lm +1.


11.4 Stationarity and Invertibility


The conditions for stationarity and invertibility will now be considered. We seek conditions on the matrices in the state space models to indicate when their ARIMA reduced forms have each of these two properties. Recall that

a basic identity for the lag operator L and a matrix A is (I − AL) 1 =

j =0(AL) j.

We stated in Sect. 11.1.1 that an ARMA model of the form φ (L) zt =
θ (L) ε t, where zt = yt − µ, is stationary provided∑ i =1 i | < ∞. Initially,
we will assume that det(I − F L) = 0 has no unit roots. Then we can put the
transition equation (11.15) into the form  
xt = (I − F L) 1 t. (11.18)

j =0
Requiring the eigenvalues of F to lie within the unit circle guarantees that ∑ i =1 i | < ∞. Thus, the reduced form ARIMA model is stationary if the eigenvalues of F lie inside the unit circle.
We found in Sect. 3.3.2 that this same condition on the eigenvalues was a sufficient condition for stationarity of the linear innovations state space model. It is also a necessary condition for all of the models we are interested in.
Now we consider the case when F has unit eigenvalues. If the eigenval-ues of F do not exceed 1, then det(I − F L) = φ (L) δ (L), where δ (L) is a polynomial for which the roots are all of the unit eigenvalues of F, and so φ (L)is a polynomial that has no unit roots. Then, (11.17) can be written asthe integrated MA model
_Λ j Lj +1

172 11 Reduced Forms and Relationships with ARIMA Models


By substituting (11.18) into the measurement equation, we obtain


yt = [1+ w_ (I − F L) 1 gL ] ε t = ψ (L) ε t. (11.19)


Equation (11.19) is the MA form of the state space model, provided the inverse matrix (I − F) 1 exists. If we write F j = U Λ j V, where Λ is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues and (U, V) are the matrices of eigenvectors,





ψ (L) =1+ w_U V g.



wt = δ (L) yt =_ w_ adj( I () F L ) gL + δ (L)_ ε t = ψ (L) ε t.

φ L


The process {wt } will be stationary provided ∑ i =1 i | < ∞. That is, we have induced stationarity by differencing. If an eigenvalue of F exceeds 1, the process is not stationary and cannot be made stationary by applying difference operators.


Recall that an ARIMA model is invertible if ∑ i =1 i |< ∞. The AR reduced form of the innovations state space model can be found in a similar manner. In Sect. 3.3.1 we saw that the state vector xt may be written as xt = Dxt 1 + gyt, where D = F − gw_. Hence, another form for the transition equation is


xt = (I − DL) 1 gyt. (11.20)


Provided all the eigenvalues of D lie inside the unit circle, we may sub-stitute equation (11.20) into the measurement equation to obtain


yt = w_ (I − DL) 1 gyt 1+ ε t.


Thus, the AR form of the state space model is


_ _

1 − w_ (I − DL) 1 gL yt = π (L) yt = ε t.

11.5 ARIMA Models in Innovations State Space Form  


By employing the same argument that was used for the MA polynomial ψ (L)and the transition matrix F, we can see that requiring eigenvalues of D to lie inside the unit circle is equivalent to guaranteeing that the absolutevalue of the coefficients in the polynomial π (L) will converge to zero.


Comparing this with the results in Chap. 10, we see that stability of the linear innovations model implies invertibility of the reduced form ARIMA model.



11.5 ARIMA Models in Innovations State Space Form


In the previous section it was shown how to reduce a linear innovations state space model to an equivalent ARIMA model. It will now be shown that any ARIMA model can be reformulated as an innovations state space model. We start with the general ARIMA model

η (L) yt = θ (L) ε t, (11.21)


where the polynomials η (L) and θ (L) do not possess any common roots. The polynomial operator η (L) contains both the unit root operators and the autoregressive operators. Let k = max(r, s), where r and s are the degrees of the polynomials η (L) and θ (L), respectively. Then the two polynomials can be written as


k k
η (L) =1 ηi Li and θ (L) =1 θi Li.
i =1 i =1
It follows that (11.21) can be written as  
k k
yt =∑ ηi yt−i + ε t −θi ε t−i.
i =1 i =1


Let xj , t j be a partial sum that is calculated with information available at period t − j and defined by

xj, t−j =∑(ηi yt−i θi ε t−i). (11.22)
i = j  
Note that xj , t = 0 when j > k, and that  
yt = x 1, t− 1+ ε t. (11.23)
Combining (11.22) and (11.23), we obtain  



xj, t−j =( ηi x 1, t−i− 1+ ( ηi θi ) ε t−i ), i = j

174 11 Reduced Forms and Relationships with ARIMA Models


so that

xj, t−j = xj +1, t−j− 1+ ηj x 1, t−j− 1+ ( ηj θj ) ε t−j


xj, t = xj +1, t− 1+ ηi x 1, t− 1+ (ηj − θj) ε t.

In summary, the ARIMA model can be rewritten as


yt = x 1, t− 1+ ε t,

xi, t = ηi x 1, t− 1+ xi +1, t− 1+ (ηi − θi) ε t for i =1,..., k.


Thus, as shown in Pearlman (1980), the ARIMA process in (11.21) can be represented by the innovations linear state space model where

w =       η 1 Ik− 1   η 1 − θ 1      
. F =..   and g =   ..     .  
  .     .   . θk    
.   ηk     ηk      


Example 11.7: The innovations state space model for ARIMA(1,1,1)


Consider the following ARIMA model


(1 − L)(1 − φ 1 L) yt = (1 − θ 1 L) ε t.


The polynomial operators for this model are


η (L) =1 (1+ φ 1) L + φ 1 L 2     and θ (L) =1 − θ 1 L − 0 L 2.  
Thus, the innovations state space representation would be    
w =   F = 1 + φ 1     and g = 1 + φ 1 θ 1 .  
      −φ 1       −φ 1    

Although the result in Example 11.7 does indeed provide a state space representation for this ARIMA model, the form differs considerably from the models described in Chaps. 2 and 3, and the coefficients may be difficult to interpret. We therefore seek linear transformations of the state variables that deliver an appropriate form.

We start with the usual form of the linear innovations model yt =


w xt 1+ ε t and xt = F xt 1+ t and transform to yt = w 0 xt 1+ ε t and xt = F 0 xt 1+ g 0 ε t, where


w = J w 0, JF = F 0 J or F 0= JF J 1, g 0= Jg and xt = Jxt 1.


The reduced form is unchanged, so the question is whether a suitable matrix J exists. The answer is “sometimes” as the following examples illustrate.

11.5 ARIMA Models in Innovations State Space Form  



Example 11.8: A modified innovations state space model for ARIMA(1,1,1)


By analogy with the local linear trend model, an appropriate form for the

ARIMA(1,1,1) process would have w 0 = _ φ _ and F 0 = _0 φ _, which can
be achieved by setting J =   −φ 1 ; finally, the transformation yields
  _ φ 1 φ 2 _    


g 0 =     . We note in passing that the damped local trend model  
  − θφ 1  

given in Sect. 2.3.3 may be represented as an ARIMA(1,1,2) model, so the present process is a special case of that process.



The following example shows that such transformations may not always be feasible.



Example 11.9: Innovations state space models for ARIMA(2,0,2)


The ARIMA(2,0,2) model has the form yt = φ 1 yt 1 + φ 2 yt 2 + ε t − θ 1 ε t 1 − θ 2 ε t 2, where we ignore the constant term for convenience. If the roots of

φ (u) =0 are real, denote them by(a 1, a 2), where a 1+ a 2= φ 1/ φ 2and −a 1 a 2=1/ φ 2. Then it may be shown that the state space model can be

restructured to give the form:




x 1, t

x 2, t


= a 1 x


= a 1 x


= a 2 x


1, t− 1 + a 2 x 2, t− 1 + ε t,

1, t− 1 + a 2 x 2, t− 1 + g 1 ε t,

2, t− 1 + g 2 ε t,


where g 1 = 1 (θ 2/ φ 2) and g 2 = 1 − θ 1/ a 2 − θ 2 / a 22. There is clearly an ele-ment of choice as to which root to use in which equations, but this


indeterminacy does not affect the validity of the state space model. However, when the roots are complex, the representation changes. We


can proceed as follows. Denote the AR coefficients by φ 1 = 2 a and φ 2 = ac − a 2. When c ≥ 0 the roots are real, but when c < 0 the roots are complexand we arrive at a state space model of the form:




x 1, t

x 2, t



= ax 1, t− 1 + ax 2, t− 1 + ε t, (11.24a)
= ax 1, t− 1 + ax 2, t− 1 + g 1 ε t, (11.24b)
= cx 1, t− 1 + ax 2, t− 1 + g 2 ε t. (11.24c)


The reason for the different form is that the complex roots give rise to cyclical behavior in the forecast function, which cannot be modeled by the exponential smoothing models listed earlier.

176 11 Reduced Forms and Relationships with ARIMA Models


11.6 Cyclical Models


The focus of this book is upon the state space models that underlie expo-nential smoothing. Nevertheless, there are some series that display regular cyclical patterns, such as the famous Wolfer sunspot series (Anderson 1971). As just noted, suitable models for such processes involve complex roots in the reduced form, which cannot be obtained directly from the exponential smoothing formulation. Following Harvey (1989, pp. 38–40), we specify an innovations form of a stationary cyclical model in the following way, rather than using (11.24) above.




x 1, t

x 2, t



= µ + x 1, t− 1 + ε t, (11.25a)
= φx 1, t− 1 cos λ c + φx 2, t− 1 sin λ c + g 1 ε t, (11.25b)
= −φx 1, t− 1 sin λ c + φx 2, t− 1 cos λ c + g 2 ε t. (11.25c)


The parameter φ may be viewed as a damping factor, although all we require for stationarity is that |φ| < 1. The parameter λ c is measured in radians and denotes the cycle frequency. Alternatively, we can say that the time taken for the system to complete a cycle is 2π/ λ c. Leaving aside the start-up con-ditions, this model has a constant mean and four other parameters, as does the ARIMA(2, 0, 2) scheme. The reader is asked to verify that the state space version reduces to an ARIMA(2, 0, 2) model in Exercise 11.2.


By way of example, we consider the Wolfer sunspot data, which repre-sents annual sunspot counts for the period 1770–1889. Fitting model (11.25) yields the estimates:

φ =0.81, λ c=0.591, µ =46.0, g 1=2.09, and g 2=0.97.


The value of the frequency λ c corresponds to a cycle of 10.6 years, consistent with other analyses of these data.


In conclusion, we see that an ARIMA model can always be converted into a linear innovations state space model, but that the particular forms intro-duced in Chap. 3 do not encompass all possible parameter combinations that exist within the ARIMA class. As a practical matter, we can always identify a state space model that corresponds to a particular ARIMA model, but we may not be able to convert it into an exponential smoothing form.



11.7 Exercises


Exercise 11.1. Verify the invertibility conditions for the local linear trendmodel, given in Sect. 11.2.


Exercise 11.2. Verify that the state space model (11.25) reduces to an ARIMA(2, 0, 2) scheme with complex roots. Find the conditions for this model to reduce to an AR(2) scheme. Verify that the model is stationary provided


|φ| < 1.

11.7 Exercises  


Exercise 11.3. Show that the parameter spaces for the cyclical AR(2) modelgiven in (11.25) and the real roots AR(2) model defined in Example 11.9 are disjoint. Further, show that their union corresponds exactly to the entire parameter space for the AR(2) model.


Exercise 11.4. Apply the same reasoning as in Sect. 11.3 to obtain a reducedform for the model given in (9.2). To simplify the derivation, assume that (I − F) is invertible.


Exercise 11.5. Use the result in Exercise 11.4 to derive explicit results for thelocal level model with a single regressor variable, and show that the resulting form is the same as that given in Sect. 9.1.


Exercise 11.6. If a state space model has k transition equations, and the max-imum lag in equation i is mi, i = 1,..., k, show that the corresponding ARIMA(p, d, q) model has p + d ≤ M and q ≤ M, where M = m 1 + · · · + mk.


Linear Innovations State Space Models with Random Seed States


Exponential smoothing was used in Chap. 5 to generate the one-step-ahead prediction errors needed to evaluate the likelihood function when estimat-ing the parameters of an innovations state space model. It relied on a fixed seed state vector to initialize the associated recurrence relationships, some-thing that was rationalized by recourse to a finite start-up assumption. The focus is now changed to stochastic processes that can be taken to have begun prior to the period of the first observed time series value, and which, as a consequence, have a random seed state vector. The resulting theory of estimation and prediction is suitable for applications in economics and finance where observations rarely cover the entire history of the generating process.


The Kalman filter (Kalman 1960) can be used in place of exponential smoothing. Like exponential smoothing, it generates one-step-ahead predic-tion errors, but it works with random seed states. It is an enhanced version of exponential smoothing that is used to update the moments of states and asso-ciated quantities by conditioning on successive observations of a time series. It will be seen that it was devised for stationary time series and that it cannot be adapted for nonstationary time series without major modifications.


An alternative to the Kalman filter is an information filter, which also con-ditions on successive observations. However, instead of having a primary focus on the manipulation of moments of associated random quantities, it relies on linear stochastic equations. By using an information filter, the prob-lems encountered with the Kalman filter for nonstationary data conveniently disappear. An information filter can be applied to both stationary and non-stationary time series without modification. The version presented here is an adaptation of the Paige and Saunders (1977) information filter to the linear innovations state space model context.


Section 12.1 discusses the linear innovations state space model when the initial state vector x 0 is random. Section 12.2 is devoted to likelihood func-tions and their role in estimating the parameters of models of stationary and nonstationary time series. Section 12.3 outlines the information filter used to


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