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Score table С filled by instructor

Читайте также:
  1. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  2. An The reacting Unstable The Products of
  4. ARW2 Summary table of literature sources
  5. B) Complete the following table of statistics. Fill in the missing percentage using figures from the box.
  6. B. Fill in the table with the words formed form the word given (where possible).
  7. Be recovering, proves fatal. Notable phases of a remarkable career. 1 страница
  Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5
General points          
Extra points          
Maximum score          
Total score  



Section one. You have to complete all tasks in this section.

Task one. Place the listed events in chronological order in the table on page two. Supply the year of each event, its place and the corresponding century. С 20 points


The Declaration of Independence is signed
Peter the Great ascends to throne
The last of the Confederate states cedes from the Union
The British surrender after the Revolutionary war
The War for Independence begins
The first British colony is founded in America
Tataro-Mongol Yoke ends in Russia
The Civil War begins
Catherine II The Great ascends to throne
Slavery is abolished in the US
Emancipation reform in Russia
Columbus sails off to find a new trade route with India
Moscow is liberated from the Polish intervention
The War for Independence ends
Ben Franklin signs the Treaty of Paris
The Civil War ends
Harvard University is founded
Moscow State University is founded
Nicholas II ascends to throne
New Amsterdam (New York) is first settled
Saint Petersburg is founded

Table to be filled and expanded:

Century Year (in chronological order) Event Country


Task two. Define or describe each of the following terms, regions, people or events in under 140 characters . С 25 points

New England
Middle Atlantic
Southern colonies
New Orleans
New York
Ivy League
Indentured servant
Illegal immigrant
Private obligation
Industrial society
Federal Government
State Government
Independence Day
13th amendment
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Rudy Giuliani
George W. Bush

Task three. Answer the following questions about the states of America and provide references and links to prove your point. С 20 points

С Which states of the USA are the most tourist-oriented?

С Which states have the largest populations of Asians, Latinos and Blacks in the US?

С Over 50% of the Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in this state. Which state is it? Name 5 of those companies.

С Which state, in your opinion, has contributed most to AmericaХs music industry?

С Which states contribute most to American energy industry?

С Which state has the largest Amish population?

С Which state is home to AmericaХs oldest university? What is the capital and the population of the state?

С Which states used to belong to Russia, France and Spain before they joined the Union? When did they join the Union?

С Which state or states can you go to in order to legally cross into Canada? How long does it take (on average) to complete all inspections when crossing the US-Canada border if you are a US resident?

С Which state have the highest quality of life in the US?



Section two. You have to complete three tasks of the listed five. С 10 points per task, total 30 points.

1. Explain the difference between a farm, a plantation and a Kolkhoz.

2. Explain the difference between the agricultural, industrial and the post-industrial economies.

3. List the main reasons of the US Civil War.

4. Explain the economic and cultural prerequisites that allowed parts of the US to fully support slavery.

5. List the main reasons of the Revolutionary War.


Section three. Find and Read a speech ТI have a DreamУ by Martin Luther King Jr. and complete the following tasks. You have to complete two tasks out of the given three С 20 points

1. Write a brief outline (under 120 words) of the speech, listing its main ideas and sections.

2. Describe the key issues that drive the whole speech. What is the essence of KingХs Dream?

3. Explain the rhetoric devices used in the speech.


Section four. Write an essay between 200 and 400 words on one of the following subjects:

1. After decades of civil rights movement, anti-segregation measures and political correctness, is America still racist? Why / why not?

2. Who do you think is going to be the 45th president of the United States? Why?

3. Is there any difference between the Southern and the Northern mentality in todayХs US? What is it or why is there none?

4. What is the American mentality and what were the forces that shaped it throughout the history?

5. If you were to live and work in the US, which regions or states would be the most suitable and the least suitable for you? In your speculation, consider culture, climate, economy, business traditions and ecosystems, leading industries and demographics of the region. Mention both the most suitable and the least suitable states or regions.

Include links to sources you used to support your ideas.


Grading for this section:

Spelling and grammar: 0Й10
Structure: 0Й10
Selection of vocabulary
and phraseology 0Й5
Links: 0Й5
Originality: 0Й5
Relevance to the subject: 0Й5
Mastery of the subject 0Й10
General impression: 0Й10
Total: 0Й60



Section five. Complete the table С 25 points

State Founded Capital Main Industry Republican, Democratic or Swing State?
New Hampshire        
Rhode Island        
New York        
New Jersey        
West Virginia        
North Carolina        
South Carolina        



This is the end of the test.

Thank you for your work.

Please check your work for errors and links before submitting.

Have a great day.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 97 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Hungry Howie’s Pizza| TASK 5: Translate the chorus into your own language.

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