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Government structure of Kazakhstan

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Kazakhstan is an independent and sovereign state. It has its own national flag, state emblem, and anthem. Astana is the capital of the republic and an important political center. The President and the government live and work in it.
The main law of the state is the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was adopted in 1995. According to the Constitution Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of Government. The President is elected for a five-year term by universal, equal and direct voting. The first President of the Republic Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected in 1991. Later in 1995 his term was extended by national referendum until the year 2000.

The highest representative body is the parliament of the Republic. The parliament consists of two houses – the Senate and the Majilis acting on a permanent basis. Parliament’s upper house, the 47-seat Senate, has two members from Astana, two from Almaty, and two from each of Kazakhstan’s 14 oblasts (administrative regions). The president appoints the remaining fifteen members. Senators serve six-year terms. The members of the lower house of Parliament, the 107-seat Majilis, are elected to five-year terms. The voting age is 18.

The government is headed by the Prime Minister. He is often given responsibility over the economy. Currently Karim Masimov is the Prime Minister in Kazakhstan.
The judicial system of the Republic is executed by the Supreme Court and the local courts of the state. Control of Constitutional laws is implemented by the Constitutional Council, which consists of 7 members and is elected for period of 6 years.
Currently Nursultan Nazarbayev is head of state. He effectively controls all three branches of the government.

Task 1.6. Please read and say if these facts about Kazakhstan true or false:
1. The main law of the state is the Constitution.
2. Kazakhstan is a unitary state with the presidential form of government.

3. The President is elected for a four-year term by voting.
4. The parliament is the highest representative body in Kazakhstan.
5. The voting age is twenty.
6. The head of the government, the Prime Minister, is often given responsibility over the economy.
7. The constitutional Council is elected for a period of five years.


Task 1.7. Read and translate the text.

Washington D. С.

Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The population of the city is 900,000 people. Washington was named after the first US president George Washington. He selected the place for the capital. It was founded in 1790. Since 1800 Washington D. C. has been the federal capital. The French engineer, Pierre L'Enfant, designed the city. Washington D. C. isn't like other cities of the USA. It has long wide avenues, gardens, beautiful parks and no skyscrapers at all, because no other building must be taller then the Capitol.

The Capitol is the seat of the American Congress. The 535 members of the Congress meet here to discuss the nation's affairs. It is situated in the centre of the city. The Capitol has a big white dome standing on a circle of pillars. It is a huge building, full of paintings and statues.

The White House is the official residence of the US President. It was built in 1799. The US President works and lives there.

" Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre. There are many museums, theatres, research institutes, five universities, the National Academy of Science and the Library of Congress there.

The Library of Congress is situated not far from the Capitol. It is the largest library in the States. It contains more than 13 million books, more than 19 million manuscripts, including the personal papers of the US presidents.

There is one mi ore well-known building in Washington - Pentagon. It is the residence of the US Military department. It is situated in the suburbs to the south of the Potomac.

There are many monuments in the City. The most impressive and the best-known ones are the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial. Thousands of tourists visit Washington every4 day. Washington D. C. is the city where you think about the glorious history of the USA.


skyscraper — небоскреб

affair - дело

dome — купол

circle — круг

pillar — столб, колонна

huge — огромный

research — исследовательский

to contain — содержать

manuscript — рукопись

suburb — пригород

impressive - производящий

glorious — славный, знаменитый

Task 1.8. Answer the questions.

1. What is the capital of the USA?

2.Where is Washington situated?

3.What is the population of the city?

4.Who was Washington named after?

5.Who selected the place for the capital?


Task 1.9. Write 5 –6 questions on this text and be ready to discuss it.


The word “Almaty” in Kazakh people language means “grown with apple trees”. The first Kazakh scholar Chokan Valikhanov observed: “Almaty city was known for its trade and was a trading post on a high road.” Apples were no doubt one of the important commodities. Anyway, Alma-Ata city has been famous for them to this day.

Almaty was founded in 1854 when the Russians established the military fortification of Zailiyskoye (renamed Verny in 1855) on the site of ancient settlement of Almaty, which had been destroyed by Mongols in the 13th century.Almaty is now a major industrial center, with the food industry accounting for about one-third of its industrial output, and light industry one-fourth.

There are a number of institutions of higher education in Almaty city, including Kazakhstan State University (founded in 1934), and teacher-training, economics, polytechnic, agricultural, and medical institutes. Today Almaty city extends about 12.5 miles (20 km) in all directions from its center and is considered one of the most beautiful cities of Kazakhstan, with regular planning, wide, tree-lined streets, numerous parks and orchards, and a backdrop of mountains. Mount Kok-Tyubeh offers a picturesque panorama of Almaty. Far below the residential districts can be seen buried in verdure. At the foot of the mountain to the north stretches a plain, and to the south, just a stone’s throw away, so it seems, are snowcapped mountains rising as high as five kilometers.

The former Ascension Cathedral of Almaty city, built in 1907 and the second highest wooden building in the world, now houses a museum. Of the population of Almaty city, Russians make up about 60 percent, with the remainder made up chiefly of Kazakh (less than one-quarter), Ukrainian, Uighur, Tatar, and German minorities.

Almaty city is a major cultural center. Besides Abai Kazakh Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, which is the pride of national musical culture, Almaty has a drama theater named after Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961). Almaty city also has a Russian, an Uigur and several Korean theaters and a number of other troupes.

Today in Almaty city there are 16 higher education establishments, including a university, and dozens of general education and technical secondary schools and vocational schools.


Модуль 2. Environment and Society

Task 2.1. Read the text and answer the questions


Ecological Problems

Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.

Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises.

The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people after the Chernobyl tragedy in April 1986. About 18 percent of the territory of Byelarus were also polluted with radioactive substances. A great damage has been done to the agriculture, forests and people's health. The consequences of this explosion at the atomic power-station are tragic for the Ukrainian, Byelorussian and other nations.

Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.

Some progress has been already made in this direction. As many as 159 countries — members of the UNO — have set up environmental protection agencies. Numerous conferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions including the Aral Sea, the South Urals, Kuzbass, Donbass, Semipalatinsk and Chernobyl.

An international environmental research centre has been set up on Lake Baikal. The international organisation Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.

But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.

Task 2.2. Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1. How did people live for thousands of years?
2. What cities appear all over the world today?
3. What pollutes the air we breathe?
4. What is the result of the pollution the atmosphere?
5. Why is environmental protection of a universal concern?
6. What are the initial steps in this direction?

Task 2.3. Read the text and answer the questions

The Problem of Environmental Protection in Great Britain

Environmental protection is an international issue of great importance and Great Britain pays much attention to it. There are nearly 500 000 protected buildings and 7000 conservation areas of architecture of historical interest in Britain. The Government supports the work of the voluntary sector in preserving the national heritage.

Total emissions of smoke in the air have fallen by 85 per cent since 1960. Most petrol stations in Britain stock unleaded petrol. The Government is committed to the control of gases emission, which damage the ozone layer. They also contribute to the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming and a rise in sea levels. Britain stresses the need for studying the science of climate change.

Green belts are areas where land should be left open and free from urban sprawl. The Government attaches great importance to their protection. National parks cover 9 per cent of the total land area of England and Wales. The National Rivers Authority protects island waters in England and Wales. In Scotland the River purification authorities are responsible for water pollution control. Great Britain takes care of its environment for themselves and next generations.

Task 2.4. Read the text using the vocabulary.

Global warming and global changes

Today the world faces and unprecedented level of changes in the global environment. For the last several decades people’s activities around the globe have been undermining the fundamental life-support systems. Conservation of the global environment is a challenge of all people in all countries of the world.

Over the past 30 years the number of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, storms and heat waves has trebled world wide.

These dramatic changes have also caused the sea levels to rise, threatened wildlife, reduced the amount of safe drinking water and increased the spread of disease.

Global Warming is sometimes referred to as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth’s surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to become warmer. Each time we burn gasoline, oil, coal, or even natural gas, more carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is what is causing the temperature on the Earth to rise, and creating many problems that will begin to take place in the coming decades.

Today, however, major changes are taking place. People are conducting an unplanned global experiment by changing the face of the entire planet. We are destroying the ozone layer, which allows life to exist on the Earth’s surface. All of these activities are unfavorable changing the composition of the biosphere and the Earth’s heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stop destroying the forests, the world could become hotter than it has been in the past millions years. Average global temperatures have risen 1 degree over the last century. If the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to spill into the atmosphere, global temperatures could rise five to 10 degrees by the middle of the next century. Some areas, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, will dry out and a greater occurrence of forest fires will take place. At the present rate of destruction, most of the rain forests will be gone by the middle of the next century. This will allow man-made deserts to invade on once lush areas. Evaporation rates will also increase and water circulation patterns will change. Decreased rainfall in some areas will result in increased rainfall in others. In some regions, river flow will be reduced or stopped all together completely. Other areas will experience sudden downpours that create massive floods.

If the present arctic ice melting continues, the sea could rise as much as 2 meters by the middle of the next century. Large areas of coastal land would disappear. Plants and other wildlife habitats might not have enough time to adjust to the rapidly changing climate. The warming will rearrange entire biological communities and cause many species to become died out.

The greenhouse effect and global warming both correspond with each other. The greenhouse effect is recalled as incoming solar radiation that passes through the Earth’s atmosphere but prevents much of the outgoing infrared radiation from escaping into outer space.

Task 2.6. Read the text

Air pollution

Air pollution is one of the major problems of today. Millions of people all over the world live in areas in which the air is not safe to breathe. As for Russia, it is estimated that Altai is the region with the largest per cent of harmful substances in the air. In most cases air pollution is caused by people.

One of the main sources of this type of pollution is industry. Numerous factories and plants release into the atmosphere a lot of waste such as poisonous chemicals and, what is worse, particles of heavy metals. This process not only produces harmful effects on the atmosphere, but influences man’s health as well. People suffer from lung diseases more and more often or have headaches, breathing such polluted air.

Waste, created by people may occur in the form of gases or particles of solid and liquid matter which appear as a result of burning fossil fuels. Burning of garbage also contributes to the problem.

One more dramatic thing is an increasing number of cars and other means of transport as their fumes penetrate into the atmosphere and destroy the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun.

There is also a close connection between air and water pollution, the last one is called acid rain. It happens when sulphur and nitrogen compounds mix with moisture of the air and fall to Earth in rain or snow. After that acid water flows into rivers and lakes, which become so polluted that no fish or plants can survive.

Air is an integral part of the ecosystem which is absolutely essential for all the living beings to be alive, so it’s really important to make it clean and to take care of it.

Module 3. Innovations in technology and Science.

Task 3.1. Read the text and answer the questions.

The Future of the Internet

Everywhere we go, we hear about the Internet. It's on television, in magazines, newspapers, and in schools. One might think that this network of millions of computers around the globe is as fast and captivating as television, but with more and more users logging on everyday and staying on longer and longer, this «Information Superhighway» could be perhaps more correctly referred to as an expressway of big city centre at rush hour.

It is estimated that thirty five to forty million users currently are on the Internet. According to a recent statistics, an average Internet call lasts five times as longer as the average regular telephone call. 10 percent of the Internet calls last 6 hours or longer. This can cause an overload and, in turn, cause telephone network to fail.

The local network was designed for short calls which you make and then hang up, but Internet calls often occupy a line for hours. With so many users in the Internet and their number is growing by 200 percent annually, it certainly provides new challenges for the telephone companies. The Internet, up to the beginning of the 90s, was used only to read a different texts. Then in the early 90's, a way was made to see pictures and listen to a sound on the Internet. This breakthrough made the Internet to be most demanded means of communication, data saving and transporting.

However, today's net is much more than just pictures, text, and sound. The Internet is now filled with voice massages, video conferencing and video games. With voice massages, users can talk over the Internet for the price of the local phone call.

Nowadays we no longer have to own a computer to access the Internet. Now,-devices such as Web TV allow our television to browse the Web and use Electronic Mail. Cellular phones are now also dialing up the Internet to provide E-mail and answering machine services. The telephone network was not designed and built to handle these sorts of things. Many telephone companies are spending enormous amounts of money to upgrade the telephone lines.

K. Kao and G. Hockman were the first to come up with the idea of using fiber optic cables, as opposed to copper wire, to carry telephone signals. Fiber optics uses pulses of light to transmit binary code, such as that used in computers and other electronic devices. As a result the amount of bandwidth is incredibly raised. Another solution for the problem is fast modems which satisfy the need for speed.

By accessing the Net through the coaxial cable that provides television to our homes, the speed can be increased 1,000 fold. However, the cable system was built to only send information one way. In other words, they can send stuff to us, but we can't send anything back, if there is no modem available.

Yet another way is being introduced to access the Internet, and that is through the use of a satellite dish just like the TV dishes currently used to deliver television from satellites in space to your home. However, like cable connection, the information can only be sent one way.

Faster ways of connecting to the Internet may sound like a solution to the problem, but, just as new lanes on highways attract more cars, a faster Internet could attract many times more users, making it even slower than before.

To help solve the problem of Internet clogs, Internet providers are trying new ways of pricing for customers. So, in business time any connection to Net cost more than your connection in the night.

In conclusion, I should add that if we want to keep the Internet usable and fairly fast, we must not only improve the telephone lines and means of access, but also be reasonable in usage.

Task 3.2. Work in pairs and answer the questions.

l. How many users are currently in the Internet?
2. How long does an average Internet call last?
3. What can cause the overload of the telephone system?
4. What was the main purpose of the Internet up to the 90s?
5. Do we need to have a computer to get access to the Internet today?
6. Who was the first to come up with the idea of using fiber optic cables?
8. What is the alternative way to get access to the Internet today?

Task 3.3. Read the text and answer the questions

Microsoft Company

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the Company in 1975.

Microsoft is best-known American company involved in software production. Microsoft's wealth and power is growing up for years. It is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market value tops that of Ford, General Motors.

Some time ago, Microsoft dominated the PC market with its-MS-DOS operating system, the basic software that let the computer understand your commands and carry them out, appeared in the beginning of 80s. MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the worlds IBM and IBM-clone computers. Then, Microsoft has extended that presence with releasing of Windows, which is probably the most important and popular operating system in the World. And now it dominates the market.

Firstly, Microsoft released Windows '95 in 1995. It was a graphics interface environment that ran on top of MS-DOS and replaced DOS in future versions. Then, Microsoft released Windows '98, Windows NT, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of the world's software applications. Among them, there are three well-known Office Packs; they are also called Microsoft Office programs such as Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (word processing), Access (databases) and Outlook Express (e-mail)- There were releases in 1997, 2000, and 2002, when appeared Microsoft Office XP. Microsoft is also in the market of networking, multimedia and even books. And as an early supporter of the Macintosh computer, Microsoft virtually owns the Mac application market.

It has been calculated that Microsoft controls 80-85 % of the entire PC software industry. The company has hundreds of products and thousands of employees, making it one of the largest companies. Many of the company's shareholders are now millionaires and a few including Bill Gates and Paul Allen are billionaires. Microsoft is no doubt the fastest growing company in the PC software industry.


Task 3.4. Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1. Who founded the Company?
2. When was Microsoft founded?
3. What does the company produce?
4. What was the first Microsoft operating system that dominated the PC market?
5. How many Windows operating systems did Microsoft release?
6. Is it a rich company?
7. Does the Company dominate the PC market?

Task 3.5. Read the text and answer the questions

Albert Einstein

This German physicist is considered one of the world's greatest thinkers in history. Not only did he shape the way people think of time, space, matter, energy, and gravity but he also was a supporter of Zionism and peaceful living.

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany, and spent most of his youth living in Munich, where his family owned a small shop. He attended schooling in Munich, which he found unimaginative and dull. In addition to this, he taught himself Euclidean geometry at the age of 12.

Later his family was forced to move to Milan, Italy where he then decided to withdraw from school at the age of 15. Eventually, he realized that he had to finish secondary school. On the other hand, he still often skipped class to study physics on his own.

At age 22, he became a Swiss citizen and in 1903 married a woman, named Mileva Marec. In a few years, two sons were born but in 1919 he divorced as to marry his cousin.

On the other hand, he published five major research papers at the age of 26.

The first paper was on Brownian motion, which would get him his doctorate in 1905.

The second paper laid the base of the photon, or quantum theory of light. It said that light is made off separate packets of energy, titled quanta or photons. The paper remade the theory of light. Also explaining the emissions of electrons from some solid objects when they are struck by light. Televisions are practical applications of Einstein's discoveries.

The third paper, which he began as an essay at age 16, contained the «special theory of relativity». He showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, and the speed of light is constant and natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe.

The fourth was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity. This is where he presented his famous E = mc2, also known as the energy mass equivalence.

His fifth paper was his general theory of relativity. In which he proposed that gravity is not a force, a previously accepted theory but it's a curved field in the space-time continuum created in the presence of mass.

In 1921, Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics for the confirmation of his general theory of relativity although the other papers where still considered controversial.

In 1933, he moved to the USA where he became a citizen ir 1940. Einstein died in Princeton, NJ, on April 18,1955.


1. What is Albert Einstein famous for?
2. Why did Albert usually skip classes usually?
3. Why did Albert Einstein get doctorate in 1905?
4. Why was Einstein's second paper important?
5. What did the third paper contain?
6. What was presented in the fourth paper?
7. What theory did Einstein propose in his fifth paper?
8. What did Albert Einstein win the Nobel Prize for?

Task 3.6. Read the text and retell.

Kanysh Satpaev

Kanysh Satpaev was born on April 12, 1899 in Akkelinsk volost (small rural district, now it is Bayanaul district) Pavlodar region. Kanysh’s father, Imantay, was a biy, his grandfather was a kazhy. Biys and kazhys were the most respected and honoured people of the community. His mother, Salima, was of poor health and died when Kanysh was 2 years old. Imantay biy taught his son to love reading and music. Kanysh knew poems of Rumi, Khafiz, Djami, Navoyi by heart at an early age. He was a gifted boy and wherever he studied – at mulla, in local Kazakh-Russian school, in Russian-Kyrgyz college in Pavlodar city, in teachers’ college of Semipalatinsk he was an excellent student. At the age of 19 he taught at teachers courses and became people’s judge in his Bayanaul district. When he was 20 he entered Tomsk Technology Institute, majoring in Geology. He discovered copper deposits in Karsakbay and Zhezkazgan, deposits of coal in Ekibastuz. After that cities with large plants and groups of enterprises were built there. He compiled a map of Kazakhstan mineral deposits. He found the stone with inscriptions made by Emir Timur in Ulytau which is kept in the Hermitage now. He initiated the construction of Kazakh Academy of Sciences and laid the first brisk in the foundation of the Academy building. In 1946 he became its first president and academician. Worldwide known academician Kanysh Satpayev made such a valuable contribution to science that Planet-Asteroid between Mars and Jupiter (black-brown colour, diameter 11 km, No. 2402 on the Star Map) was named after him. The name of the great man was given to cities, streets, schools and universities. UNESCO to commemorate the centenary of the great Academician declared the year of 1999 “A Year of Satpayev”.

Task 3.7. Read the text and retell.

Bill Gates

William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft employs more than 39,000 people in 60 countries.

Born on October 28, 1955, Gates and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. Their late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent and chairwoman of United Way International.

At school Gates discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age 13.

In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer.

In his junior year, Gates left Harvard to devote his energies to Microsoft, a company he had begun in 1975 with his childhood friend Paul Allen.

Guided by a belief that the computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers. Gates' foresight and his vision for personal computing have been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry.

In 1999, Gates wrote "Business @ the Speed of Thought" a book that shows how computer technology can solve business problems in fundamentally new ways.

The book was published in 25 languages and is available in more than 60 countries. "Business @ the Speed of Thought" has received wide critical acclaim, and was listed on the best-seller lists of the "New York Times" "USA Today" the "Wall Street Journal and Amazon.com"

Gates has donated the proceeds of his book to non-profit organizations that support the use of technology in education and skills development.

In addition to his love of computers and software, Gates is interested in biotechnology. He is an investor in a number of biotechnology companies. Gates is an avid reader, and enjoys playing golf and bridge.



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  Life of Kazakhstan students abroad СР1 Реферат Необходимо внимательно прочитать предлагаемый материал, собрать дополнительную информацию и оформить её в виде реферата Осн.3(214-217)
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  The leading universities of Kazakhstan СР2 Инсценирование диалога Студенты выступают в роли представителей ведущих вузов Доп.15
  The academic mobility СР3 Написать реферат   Подготовить устное сообщение, вести дискуссию Доп.25
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  The Kazakh national art СР2 Подготовить письменное сообщение Подготовить информацию по заданной теме и представить в виде презентации Доп.10(71-85)
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  №   Задания Форма проведения Методические рекомендации Рек.лит
  Political structure of Kazakhstan СР1 Подготовить презентацию Презентация Осн.38-40  
  Customs and traditions of Kazakhstan СР2 Подготовить презентацию   Подготовить сообщение об одном из традиций казахского народа Доп.2(25-28)
  Customs and traditions of Great Britain and USA СР3 Подготовить презентацию   Подготовить сообщение об одном из традиций Доп.(55-58)
  State symbols of Kazakhstan СР1 Подготовить коллаж Найти информацию по теме Осн.5(12-19)
  State symbols of Great Britain and USA СР2 Подготовить устное сообщение Использовать лексику по теме Осн5(14-18)
  Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan СР3   Подготовить презентацию Найти информацию по теме Доп.5
  Ecology and health of people СР1 Подготовить устное сообщение, Подготовить вопросы к ведению дискуссии Осн.2(221-223)
  Baykonur СР2 Написать реферат Необходимо внимательно прочитать предлагаемый материал, собрать дополнительную информацию и оформить её в виде реферата Доп.15(77-80)
  Radiation СР3 Чтение текста с обсуждением Подготовить устное сообщение Осн.4(231-234)
  Opportunities of Internet in Education and Science СР1 Написать эссе по заданной теме Составить терминологический словарь на двух языках Осн.6(115-125)
  Famous scientists of Kazakhstan СР2 Подготовить устное сообщение Презентация Доп.15
  Internet СР3 Написать и защитить в группе реферат на тему   Подготовить устное сообщение Осн.6(90-95)
  Apple Corporation СР1 Написать реферат   Найти материалы в Интернет ресурсах Доп.15
  Innovations in the field of technical sciences СР2 Подготовить устное сообщение Подготовиться к дискуссии на заданную тему и выразить свое видение данной проблемы Осн.3(160-168)
  The role of nanotechnology in human life СР3 Подготовить доклад Подготовиться к устному выступлению Доп.15


Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 160 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Краткое описание дисциплины | Exercise 1.2. Study the Family Tree. Say whether the following statements are true ( T ) or false ( F ). | Task 1. 5. Compare family types mentioned in the text. | Task 3.2. Read the selection again. Identify the key-words and write them out. | Task 3.8. Decide if the following is true (T) or false (F). | Vocabulary notes |
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Task 1.5. Read and discuss the text| Интерлюдия 4.

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