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Нижний Новгород 2005

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  5. Нижний Новгород
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Государственное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования


Учебные материалы по теме «ТЕЛЕФОН»

Для студентов II курса отделения английского языка переводческого факультета

Нижний Новгород 2005

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ГОУ НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова. Специальность: Перевод и переводоведение - 022900. Дисциплина: Практический курс I иностранного языка (английский).


УДК 802. 071. 13


Учебные материалы по теме «Телефон» для студентов II курса отделения английского языка переводческого факультета. – Нижний Новгород: НГЛУ им. Н.А. Добролюбова, 2005. - 59 с.


Настоящие учебные материалы предназначены для организации работы студентов II курса над темой «Телефон».



Составители: Э.Г. Курятникова канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры английского языка переводческого факультета

П.Ю. Степанянц, старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка переводческого факультета


Рецензент: А.В.Ульянов, старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка и перевода переводческого факультета


© Издательство ГОУ НГЛУ им. Н.А Добролюбова, 2005


Text 1. The Telephone  
Comprehension Practice  
Vocabulary Practice  
Text 2. Mobile Telephones  
Making Telephone Calls  
3.1.Getting Through  
3.2.Wrong Number  
3.3.Asking about Flight Prices  
3.4.Asking about tickets  
3.5.Ordering a Taxi  
3.6.Avoiding Misunderstanding  
3.7.Cancelling a Hotel Booking  
3.8.Changing an Appointment  
3.9.Arranging a Job Interview  
4.1.Making Telephone Calls from a Hotel  
4.2.An Embarrassing Situation  
Vocabulary Notes  
Guided Conversation  
4.3.How to Use a Public Telephone  
Comprehension Practice  
4.4.Ordering Tickets over the Telephone  
Vocabulary Notes  
Guided Conversation  
It’s Interesting to Know  
5.1.On Not Answering the Telephone  
5.2.An Untimely Call  
Guided Conversation  
Comprehension Practice  
5.4. Renting a House  
Vocabulary Notes  
Comprehension Practice  
5.5. Second-Hand Noise  
Comprehension Practice  



1. telephone -means, system of transmitting the human voice to a distance by electric current; apparatus (with receiver and mouthpiece) for this.

At present he is not on the phone.

2. telephone directory, n – list of names (and usu.addresses) in ABC order.

If you don’t remember his phone number, you can always look it up (consult) in the telephone directory.

3. telephone exchange, n – control office where connexions are made.

Could you inform the exchange that our telephone is out of order?

4. telephone operator, n – person who operates or works the telephone.

There is no automatic connexion, dial the operator.

5. switchboard, n -apparatus with numerous switches for making connexions by telephone – коммутатор

The switchboard is an essential part of the telephone exchange.

6. telephone call, n - message, summons.

I’ll give you a call.

7. call - box, n -small cabin (in Gr. Britain more usu. called a telephone kiosk) with a public telephone.

If you are not on the phone you can make your call from a public call-box.

8. housing, n - protective covering of the machine (telephone apparatus), корпус.

The housing of the telephone is attached to the connecting box by means of a telephone cable.

9. dial, n - the wheel on a telephone with numbered holes for the fingers, which is moved round when one makes a telephone call.

dial, v -make a telephone call. Ex. How do I dial Paris?

10. cradle, n - the place the telephone receiver rests, receiver-rest.

Put down the receiver on the cradle.

11. telephone receiver, n – the part of a telephone that is held to one’s ear. Ex. The telephone receiver is out of order.

12. mouthpiece, n - the part of a telephone that is held near the mouth;

ear-piece, n -the part of a telephone that is held near the ear.

The telephone receiver consists of two parts – the mouthpiece and the ear-piece.

13. get through (to sb.), v – reach someone by telephone.

I could not get through to his office, the line was always engaged.

14. hang up, v - finish a telephone conversation by putting the receiver back; syn. ring off.

I was so angry I hung up on her (while she was talking).

15. buzz, n- humming sound as that of bees (fig.), make the right buzz – about a telephone, when one hears the dialing tone.

The telephone makes the right buzz when you pick up the receiver but then it starts buzzing again.

16. hold on, v -wait (on the telephone).

Could you hold on? I’ll just see if he is in.

17. pip, n - a short high-sounding note as used in the operation of telephones.

18. number engaged signal – signal showing that the number you want is busy.

19. be dead(fig.) - about the telephone not working.

The telephone has gone dead.

20. for nothing, pron. - for no money.

You can call to you office from the public call-box for nothing.

21. go right, v - start working properly, correctly (about machines).

22. of one’s own accord -without being asked; willingly.

Sometimes our telephone goes right of its own accord.

23. get sb. on the phone -get through to sb.

I called him several times but I couldn’t get him on the phone.

24. be cut off, v - be disconnected.

We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation.

25. purring noise -(about the telephone) – make a low continuous sound, syn. dialling tone.

I hear that purring noise again. I seem to be cut off.

26. report (a fault), v - make a complain about sth.

If you are going out report the fault from a public call-box.


Telephone can be used as a noun or a verb, and so can the short form ‘phone’. If you want to telephone your mother (or call her, or ring her, give her a ring, give her a call), you dial her phone number, which can be found (looked up) in the directory. If it is a long-distance call, you may have to ask the operator to connect you. The phone will ring, and if your mother is at home she will answer it by picking up the receiver, if she is busy she may ask you to call back later; if she doesn’t want to speak to you, she may hang up (replace the receiver, ring off); or if she is already on the phone when you call her, her number is engaged (busy AmE). A telephone in a public place is a phone box or call box.

27. reverse (transfer) charge call – a call which is paid by the person you telephone; collect call (AmE.).

I’d like to make a reverse charge call.

28. coin-operated telephone - public telephone which accepts coins to connect you.

This telephone accepts coins only.

29. phone card-operated telephone – a telephone which accepts special green cards to connect you. Ex. This telephone accepts only cards.

30. emergency calls (Fire, Police, Ambulance) – calls made when a sudden happening requires quick action.

You can make an emergency call for nothing from any public box.

31. mobile phone – a telephone that you can carry with you and use in any place.

32. cellphone = cellular phone – a telephone that you can carry with you, that works from a system that uses a network of radio stations to pass on signals.

33. calltime – the amount of time that is available for the user on a mobile phone to make calls.

You get 20 minutes free calltime a day, but only after 7 p.m.

34. handset – the part of a mobile phone that you hold in your hand.

35. handsfree – mobile phone equipment that allows you to speak to someone without having to hold the phone either by having an earpiece or by having speakers in a car.

36. ringtone – the sound made by a telephone, especially a mobile phone, when someone is calling it.

Select a personal ringtone for you mobile from over 700 great tunes, including pop, rock, TV and movies.

37. sim card – a plastic card in a mobile phone that stores your personal information and allows you to use the phone.

38. SMS – short messaging system – a feature on a mobile phone that allows a user to send or receive written messages.

39. speed dial – a special feature on a telephone that lets you dial someone’s telephone number very quickly by pressing just one button.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 68 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Announcing Identity | Asking About Flight Prices | Arranging a Job Interview |
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IV. Rendez-vous| Comprehension Practice

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